View Full Version : Council of Thieves [Bastards of Erebus] (IC-Interactive)

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2019-11-29, 04:19 PM
This is page is the general RP page for our Council of Thieves campaign.

This is the link for the IC thread: Council of Thieves [Bastards of Erebus] (IC) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?603745-Council-of-Thieves-Bastards-of-Erebus-(IC)).
This is the link for OOC thread: Council of Thieves [Bastards of Erebus] (OOC) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?603729-Council-of-Thieves-Bastards-of-Erebus-(OOC)).

So, here is where the RP magic lives when it doesn't drive the story. Now, obviously anything which is time-sensitive or needs to be discussed IC lives there because it is absolutely intrinsic to the forward motion of the plot itself. Here is where the characters (not the players) chat to each other about ... whatever. Side comments in the middle of things still are IC. NPCs are also people that might chat to one, many, or all of you; but the last is likely only when doing general discussion, not setting up the plot.
NOTE: The "IC" verisimilitude is to be kept. This is not "off the record" RP ... what happens here, even if not a prime mover for the story, still becomes part of canon and what has been discussed among characters. Again, "off camera" is not "off record."

My normal rule of Spoilers is particularly necessary, as there might be several conversations going at once, some of which might not affect your PC and this helps compartmentalize those discussions.
Please use this Spoiler format to identify participants in a conversation.
Yup, it's really that simple.
So, as an example, Delta wants to say something to Paxre, and this thread is used because it might not have anything to do with the real plot (but still might become important later). It is also to denote retcons (within reason). So, let's say meemaas' character Delta wants to ask Paxre something. In a post, meemaas woud write this.
"Paxre, there is a strange effect that occurs when I am near you, and doubled ... tripled in intensity once the link was established," said Delta. "I will admit that it is dark and discomfiting."
Then, PSinger might respond in a post:
"Is there question in there somewhere?" Paxre asked with no sense of sarcasm at all, which is quite against what one would expect for irony, and likely confused as insult by most, anyway.
Of course, since specific persons are talking to another (in a one-on-one), narration isn't even necessary if you don't have anything special to mention/ RP about intonation or conversation-actions, and you can just "talk in character" with the proper color. Still, the grammarian in me asks that just as with IC you respect the power of punctuation ... particularly quotation marks ... and remember speech color. You may need to embolden speech if it is hard to read against the olive field of spoilers.

2019-11-29, 11:52 PM
"The Victory Theatre presents: Blacksmiths & Rats!"

Third rat, mute understudy to the second rat. And this inglorious role as a half-naked "giant rat" meant to prey on children (in the worst way you can imagine, and with the wrong side of naked). This was pretty much the worst the slum theatre could offer a free halfling. The other four halflings in the play were all slaves (including the Rat King). Aldo was slowly realizing that he would never make a name for himself as long as his fellow halflings didn't had "noble patronage" that ensured that the noble house was advertised along with their slave-actors.

And now, because the slaves had to return home at a proper hour, Aldo was left cleaning the dressing room. The life of an apprentice actor in most theatres. But most theatres of quality had several human apprentices to share the load. In this production? The hero, the heroine, and the heroine's daft father were (once) name actors, and the producer's own son and daughter played the children. (Of course, they wore different costumes to seem like different children.)

No, Aldo was lone in the company dressing room among the smell of sweat an greasepaint and wilted flowers and oft-smuggled old gin. He had finished putting away the threadbare and perspiration-rotted costumes, contemplating his dedication to his art. He didn't even realize he was just sitting in a chair, maybe even close to a moment of feeling more raw and vulnerable than any part he might ever be allowed to play.

"If poor Silva could see you now. He would probably build a class around it for his students," comes the voice of a woman behind him. When Aldo turns to find who had broken his reverie (but also kept him from an unmannerly outpouring), he sees a woman there. She Janiven is an attractive woman who downplays her beauty by wearing rough clothing and armor and adopting a generally stern and no-nonsense attitude. "He would entitle it: 'Why One Should Not Pursue a Career in the Theatre.' It could be better, though, you know. You don't think anyone has noticed you, but I have. You could make a better Westcrown, if you listen to my offer. My name is Janiven, can I take a few minutes of your time? I will help you put things away, if that helps."

2019-11-30, 01:01 AM
Aldo took a split-second to compose himself. He was an actor, dammit; even if things were crap, at least he could act like he had his life together. "I admit, this is not the finest production in Cheliax. Still, you have my interest. Janiven, you said? Give me a hand putting this all away and I'm yours for the next 10 minutes"

2019-11-30, 01:20 AM
Janiven has a general sense of where things go in a dressing room, but obviously is not familiar with this dressing room, and mentions "it has been so many years," but with her instincts and Aldo's help, she does well to cut down Aldo's remaining time in the theater as she speaks.

"I represent a swiftly growing group of citizens who want to make Westcrown a safe space to live - a goal that is somewhat at odds with the way that House Thrune has been governing the city from afar. To be clear, the group’s goal is not to cause open rebellion or civil unrest — we are all children of Westcrown, after all, and a street war would only damage that which we hope to protect. Instead, free-thinkers like myself and our leader, Arael, hope to organize a sort of 'citizen’s watch' that will take steps to protect the people of Westcrown and, some day, return the city to the splendor and glory it possessed before Aroden’s death and the rise of the House of Thrune.

"Although our group’s goals are idealistic, they’re also the types of ideas that threaten the power of some members of the current Chelish government. As a result, we hope to keep the true nature of our organization a secret from the government while building a strong relationship with the city’s people, so that when the time comes to publicly declare ourselves, we’ll have the support of the city’s citizens—something that surely the House of Thrune must respect. Arael has given me the honor of organizing this first meeting while he organizes a few links to sympathetic groups elsewhere in the city, particularly with many artists, halflings, and the many disenfranchised members of the middle class.

"I know you are wondering what might be in it for you, but getting laws passed to help protect those who work in the Rego Corda as they transit to and from their homes in other regi is paramount, as well as cleaning up some of the rampant crime in the Corda and having the citizen's watch closely monitor attacks by the shadow beasts that plague us.

"Would you agree to a meeting? I see that you have a morning show tomorrow - well, later today, now - and it would be for an early dinner in the late afternoon. I mean, what actor says 'no' to free food, at least, right?"

2019-11-30, 01:42 AM
Aldo did his best to hide his disappointment. He'd been hoping for a new gig; somewhere where he could use actually his talents and not be the understudy to an extra. But this? Politics was always tricky, but especially here in Cheliax, as it likely played a part in getting Uncle Silva killed. But on the other hand, if he didn't go, then he was stuck here. With no lines, and a hideous outfit, stuck in a role with no future. The more he thought of it, the more this seemed like a good idea. I mean, if nothing else, this would be a chance to network, maybe meet someone who could lead him towards a new gig. And even if it didn't, it was free food. Couldn't afford to pass that up.

"Alright, Janiven, you've got a deal. I will come to this meeting, if for no other reason to get a chance to enjoy your company once more"he said, bowing slightly.

2019-11-30, 01:48 AM
If Aldo betrayed his disappointment, she didn't seem to notice. She smiles warmly and says, "It's a date, then. Meet me at Vizio's Tavern later this afternoon around 4 o'clock, at which point I promise to give you some more information."

She bows, and leaves Aldo to his final task of sweeping the stage and setting up the ghost light.

Does Aldo do anything (noteworthy and important, not mundane) before this dinner, or go right there?

2019-11-30, 01:52 AM
Other than take a bath and dress up nice, with the Sleeves and a bit of jewelry, not really.

2019-11-30, 03:16 AM
Tia had gone to one of the smaller booksellers in town to find some information about her father, mainly because the small vendors often had very useful information in the unlikeliest of sources, whereas libraries in Cheliax - especially ones constantly updated for "corrections" - often were rather staid.

True, the name of the library - "Desire Library" - seemed like a poor thread to pull in her investigation, but that is where her latest lead brought her. Unfortunately, Tia often found herself reading more than researching, and it didn't help that today's distraction had her completely enraptured. Cosmology being her scholastic specialty, it is no wonder that she gravitated to a book entitled Humans of the Stars. She was aware of enclaves in worlds beyond her own, but those worlds were also in planes beyond her own as well. The very concept of humans among the stars was fascinating, but she was dismayed to learn that it was actually a trashy romance novel about a star-crossed couple, a ranger of Desna and a priest of Groetus. Tia was furious that she had been duped by the title.

She was furious when she recognied it for what it was on the third page. Inconsolable by the third chapter. About to throw the book by the seventh chapter. But by the twelfth chapter, she argued (unsuccessfully) with Signora Grana for a few extra minutes before she closed for the evening.

The next day, well beyond the lure of the book and ready to begin research a little longer, Tia began to meet with more failure at this vendor, and thought about leaving, but there it was again. In fact, she wasn't even sure that Humans of the Stars was sitting on the table by the chair she sat in, but there it was. Curious to a fault, she checked out the book for anything "out of the ordinary." It wasn't her fault that her fingers naturally flipped to the middle of chapter twelve where she was so rudely interrupted yesterday. And so, it went .....

She had hoped that she didn't let out a whimpering "No, Gratiano!" during a dire event, but when it turned out that the entire trashy novel was actually a Chelaxian morality work against the hotheaded passions of "followers of chaos," Tia felt utterly betrayed. The only thing worth a thing about the book was ...

.... and at that, Tia's attention was fixed on a note that had been lightly gummed to the back.

"Signorina Hendros,

"Like me a few years ago, you have been betrayed by a system that insinuates itself into all levels of culture. I have been made aware of you and your search, and how that search has been stymied by the corruption that changes the truth to suit those in power. If you would like to meet with potentially like-minded citizens to discuss the legal options in reach of a burgeoning group of concerned citizens of Westcrown, come to Vizio's Tavern today for an early dinner (around 4 o'clock).

"No ill will exists if you don't show, though so as to not cause any undue complications for yourself or us, please destroy this note regardless."

"Wishing to see you today,

Tia, what do you do?

2019-11-30, 08:44 AM
Tia looks grimmly at the note. When had it been attached, how did the sender know she would be back for it. Who is this Janiven? Questions raced through her mind as she quietly removed the note, folding it carefully before looking at a few other books on the nearby shelves, making an attempt to not stand out. After another hour of searching the shelves, she steps out, to the apparent joy of the vendor in question. Seeing as it was still early in the day, she stops for a small snack before heading towards the Tavern noted. Once within sight of it, she dips into an alley and takes out her daggers, concealing each one within her clothing, in the hopes of being prepared for everything.

Once she's content with her concealment, she heads into the Tavern, feeling ready for anything.

2019-12-01, 05:26 PM
Poor Folco had just purchased some supplies for his satchel, and was desperate to get away from Alcini Vitaron. The older man, the proprieter of "Alcini's Apothecary," was droning on with his jingoistic blather. "Before the Age of Lost Omens, Westcrown dubbed itself 'the shining light of Aroden’s civilization.' Now, others taunt us and say, 'You can find anything, civilized or not, in Westcrown—except for Aroden.' Ignore outsiders—we know the truth. We did not fail Aroden—he failed us, though we Wiscrani held the faith! We embraced that adversity and replaced his betrayal with strength and order. The Hellknights paved our way and House Thrune walked it to greatness. I don’t blame them at all for moving the capital—this place only reminds you of past failures. Besides, better for a Wiscrani to make a living without so many priests or imperials around, and easier for those of us who deserve it to ascend to higher stations without them in our way."

However much Folco might have wanted to argue, and he definitely felt his heritage's hot blood rising at the various seeded implications in Alcini's blather, still it would be suicide to argue. A 'tiefling' like himself didn't need to make himself stand out (at least not on his own terms) by decrying a sentiment like Elder Vitaron's. That's the sort of anti-patriotic sentiment that can get a person a visit from a member of the Order of the Rack. Eh, even then, Folco might feel world-weary of these theo-political diatribes, but one thing was certain .... Alcini was the best supplied apothecary for someone of his Folco's needs. Not needing poisons, and not having enough for potions or quality elixirs, the amateur alchemist nodded politely, even condescendingly smiling right back at Vitaron's face while being seen as sincere. Most apothecaries served the public at large, but Alcini cornered the market on selling to other knowledgeable alchemists such as Folco.

As Folco heads outside, his satchel renewed - with kelpie hair, bunyip fang, demon's bark, powdered wolpertinger antler, and bugbear heartsblood - Folco realized that there was a price to be paid for quality. Today, that price was paid with time and a headache. Here in the Rego Sacero ("Priest Sector"), the late morning sun beautifully backlit the 90-foot-tall statue Aroden ("The Arodennama"). Seeing the light play behind the statue while his own perception enjoyed the spots that inevitably come from sun glare in the foreground, Folco became aware of a scent. There were many scents in the metropolis of Westcrown, even in the nicer part of town as here, but this one was a heady citrus mixed with some flowers (sadly, he wasn't quite as well read on floral scents, so couldn't identify it), a perfume he recognized as Flying Avens, a common one for women of the upper lower-class to the lower middle-class. That scent, it seems, was accompanied by a voice. A woman's voice, but not affective or soft. In fact, there was a rough quality to it - not husky, but strong and vibrant. "It's one of the more over-the-top treasures of Westcrown, but it does highlight the fact that ours is a city worth fighting for, isn't it?"

Folco slowly turns for effect, seemingly a maneuver of controlled attention, but calculated for his eyes to recover from the sun glare, and he sees this woman ....

Folco realizes that she is speaking directly to him. She has a bow strung with a solid pull at her back, something that only a very powerful warrior could easily pull. She has a slightly-curved short sword in a wooden, decorated scabbard. Though Folco knows little of the people's of other continents (at least those not connected to the Inner Sea), he recognizes that the shape of the scabbard suggests that the weapon orginated in far eastern lands, and is known as a wakizashi. The elves of Avistan, usually special assassins among their people, call it an azaer. The majority of Avistani elves, and their allies to whom they have taught that skill. Of course, the most common crossover between a Varisan woman (such as you identify her lineage) and elven killers would be holy warriors of Desna, the goddess of stars and travel. That doesn't mean that this woman is one of those killers, or even a follower of Desna, but the odds increase as such. Underneath her bodice you see a masterwork chain shirt (all of her equipment that you see so far, btw, is masterwork).

As far as the woman herself, she appears to be of Varisian lineage, but her bearing and manner show that she definitely - despite wearing rough-and-tumble clothing (tight, but not revealing like the artist's work, above) - is that she likely grew up in the upper tier of society. Very likely, she grew up in the lower middle-class herself, but was in a family that worked for nobility. She is 5' 8", 135 lbs., has dark brown hair, green eyes, and is in her mid-twenties.

"Signore Cassani, do you have a minute? My name is Janiven. I would like to give you an invitation to dinner, if you'll listen to my pitch. I can only tell you so much because business is tight this morning."

2019-12-01, 06:40 PM
Folco flashes a bright and well practiced smile. "You're awfully well... prepared for dinner." He pauses a moment, his stance shifting from tense surprise to casual indifference, albeit with a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "I suppose I can spare a moment. Whats the occasion, Ms. Janiven?"

2019-12-01, 07:26 PM
"I represent a swiftly growing group of citizens who want to make Westcrown a safe space to live - a goal that is somewhat at odds with the way that House Thrune has been governing the city from afar. To be clear, the group’s goal is not to cause open rebellion or civil unrest — we are all children of Westcrown, after all, and a street war would only damage that which we hope to protect. Instead, free-thinkers like myself and our leader, Arael, hope to organize a sort of 'citizen’s watch' that will take steps to protect the people of Westcrown and, some day, return the city to the splendor and glory it possessed before Aroden’s death and the rise of the House of Thrune.

"Although our group’s goals are idealistic, they’re also the types of ideas that threaten the power of some members of the current Chelish government. As a result, we hope to keep the true nature of our organization a secret from the government while building a strong relationship with the city’s people, so that when the time comes to publicly declare ourselves, we’ll have the support of the city’s citizens—something that surely the House of Thrune must respect. Arael has given me the honor of organizing this first meeting while he organizes a few links to sympathetic groups elsewhere in the city, particularly with many artists, halflings, and the many disenfranchised members of the middle class.

"I know you are wondering what might be in it for you, but getting laws passed to help mitigate non-human discrimination is one of our many desires.

"Would you agree to a meeting to learn more? If so, I invite you to Vizio's Tavern today at 4 o'clock for a repast with other folks. There, I and our leader Araen can tell you more."

She looks up to the sun. "Unfortunately, I have been going to various sections of town looking at possible recruits, and I have another stop to make, so I must leave you here. Hopefully, you will take me up on my offer."

She gives Folco an appropriate bow for his higher social standing, and then departs.

Any parting comment, or just a polite return of a nod and a benign pleasantry?

2019-12-01, 08:59 PM
Folco gives her a curt nod. "Seems you have some high hopes for this great city. I'll see you there. If only for curiosity's sake than anything else." He'll watch her leave, chewing the offer over. This is exactly the kind of opportunity he came back for, but it could very easilly be a trap.

2019-12-06, 12:00 AM
As they moved forward, Aldo approached Gabrielle. "As lovely as your current ensemble is, it might be for the best is you to wear something a tad less revealing." He then pulled off his sleeves, (tucking the jewelry into the sleeves of his Entertainer's outfit) and passed them to her. "I will of course need them back as soon as we can appropriate something more suitable, but in the mean time you need not leave yourself so exposed."

2019-12-06, 07:37 AM
Although Gabrielle appears to be in her mid twenties, the offered gift brings a wide smile to her face and she literally hops up and down with the joy of a much younger girl. Her “bounce” is all full grown woman, however.
“Oh Thank you, you lovely man. How do they work?”

2019-12-06, 02:27 PM
Noting the reaction, he explains. "Simply pull the sleeves on while thinking of an outfit. It's notable that it doesn't do any accessories, just the cloth the outfit would be made of. So no trying to make something gem-encrusted and if your outfit needs any jewelry then you'll have to provide it yourself. Oh, and if you want to change outfits, you'll need to take the sleeves off and put them on again, you can't just have them change while you're wearing them."

2019-12-06, 06:17 PM
Grinning, Gabrielle dons the offered sleeves and concentrates on appropriate attire for the situation. A pair of hip hugging khaki shorts appear with large front thigh pockets. The shorts are followed by a loose linen buttoned shirt that is tied up under her bosom, baring her toned midriff.
“There, how’s that? I wish I had a matching hat and scarf!”

2019-12-06, 09:13 PM
Aldo sighed. "Sure, it's cute, but maybe you should cover more than 25% of your skin if you're going to be crawling in a sewer, don't you think?"

2019-12-06, 09:22 PM
Meijen casts a spell on Gabrielle, and she no longer has any dirt or detritius on her. Meijen does that for everyone. "That's just an illustration. It is better to just deal with the muck as you are dealing with it, and then seek cleansing at the end."

Folco recognizes that the little bit of magic that Meijen used is--

"Preshti-, preshtum-, preshti-ditty-nation!" slurs the drunk in the back. "My father could do that ... before he died." And then the drunk starts to sob softly as Janiven helps him along.

2019-12-14, 01:45 PM
Worn out by the tough battle, and knowing her comrades are worse off than she is, Tia speaks up to the rest of the party. Morosino. Point out the direction. I'm going to take point from here on out. You can tell me where we need to turn before we get to them, and I'll keep an eye out for any other attacks like that. We're not getting ambushed like that again." She finishes speaking, and then clasps her hands together, the shadowy aura around her intensifying and siphoning off, until a person forms out of it directly next to her. Looking at this...thing, you can tell it looks just like Tia, except that the creature appears to be made entirely of shadows or darkness. It's hard to tell exactly what. Tia gestures to her doppelganger. "I can see everything this girl sees, so I'll stay with you guys while she scouts ahead." With that, she nods, and her doppelganger starts off in the direction Morosino points.

2019-12-14, 01:59 PM
Aldo lets one of his mind blades dissipate as to use the the other to gesture with. "Okay, wait. How are you doing that? I get the mind blade" he gestures with the remaining blade, "but where did the doppelganger come from?"

2019-12-14, 02:05 PM
"Mind Blade? What are you talking about? I utilize Akashic Magic. I draw upon the primal forces of magic itself and invest it with my own life force to create these. Specifically, my source comes from the Plane of Shadow, and I can siphon off its protection to create my best friend Via...Octavia, but Via for short. She's me, but also not. It's hard to explain and it might just go over your head if I went into further detail." Tia smiles at Via, and it's clear that Via smiled back.

2019-12-14, 02:35 PM
"Akasha? What are you talking about? I use psionics, the power of the mind. This knife" he says, gesturing to the spectral knife in his hand "exists because I have caused it to be via sheer force of will. The second it leaves my hand, though..." he throws it upwards. The blue energy quickly lost its shape, dissipating soon thereafter. "My blade has many forms" he says, summoning a one handed and two handed version in rapid succession before letting them fade, "but let's just say that if it could summon another me, I wouldn't need to go out at night."

2019-12-14, 02:43 PM
"Well, I don't know about Psionics, but if what you're saying is true, I'm sure our abilities have different capabilities. I cannot change my weapon on the fly. With enough time I can, but to do so would be to give up my Scythe and instead bring a completely different weapon or tool into being. And even then, I have to invest my own life Essence into it to increase its power. Octavia is merely another extension of my personal power. Also a great listener."

2019-12-14, 03:54 PM
"I'd imagine, though I doubt I'd prefer her company over your own." The unspoken possibility of both laid in the air, but Aldo let it be. "In the mean time, we'd best be going. As much as I've enjoyed this song and dance, I think the time has come to let you lead." The then bows slightly and extends his hand in an 'after you' gesture.

2019-12-14, 05:08 PM
"Thanks for pulling me out of the fire. I must admit, sometimes I can get a bit over-enthusiastic." He pauses a moment, thinking. "Are you doing alright? You've been in two rough fights, and it's occurred to me that we might not be equipped with the appropriate healing measures."

2019-12-14, 09:01 PM
"Technically, she can talk too. Technically." Tia smiles as she hurries off, ending this conversation before Aldo can question her further.

"I'm doing fine. A bit scraped up, but I didn't take several bad hits like you two did. Plus I still have the potions Janiven gave us. But I think I'm going to let Via rush in first next time. She's a lot more durable than I am."

2019-12-16, 12:08 AM
As Tia goes to catch some sleep, desperate to heal, the drunk man notices her and goes up to her once she's in her bedroll. He is still drunk, but time and his own recent ordeals have helped to sober him just a little. Not enough for good conversation, but enough to focus on the following.

"Ajibachana, your wound cries out for a spirit's caress. May I heal you, assuming you are like most of your kin in suffering from the sins of your father?"

2019-12-16, 02:06 AM
As soon as he can get Janiven free, he approaches her, his tone deceptively conversational "I know why you did it, but you shouldn't have named me. You forced my hand and I hate it. However, right now the only way out is through, so looks like you got me on your happy little team. But know this: we are not cool. You've gotten off to a really bad start to this working relationship. Here's hoping the rest of it isn't as unpleasant."

2019-12-16, 02:14 AM
Janiven listens and allows a pause after Aldo has spoken. "You are right. This is not a professional spy operation. Not a hardened cartel of criminals. I was flustered at hearing that Arael was taken and I spoke wrongly. Please forgive me. That said .... if I said 'Mr. Coldvale,' you would be done for and your life over. But 'Aldo?' Yes, you have to be on your guard from my flub, but I would say there are a few score men in this town with that name, so with care, your life can resume as before. That is if they even heard the name in the first place. They weren't really listening intently."

2019-12-16, 02:25 AM
Aldo sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Yeah, I guess. It's just that I know I could have talked my way out of it. I didn't know anything that they clearly didn't, and I could have been helpful without giving your operation away, as I do want to help Westcrown. And now I've been dragged too deep into it fir that to be an option. Not without dooming Westcrown to a irrelevancy and disrepair for the next decade plus, and you guys in particular." He sighs again, disapproval making way for begrudging acceptance. "Look, I still don't think we'll ever be bosom buddies, but I guess things could be worse and we've got to make the best of a bad situation. Here's hoping things are smoother from here on out."

2019-12-16, 02:28 AM
"Good enough for me," says Janiven, who spits in her hand, and holds it out to Aldo to shake.

2019-12-16, 02:49 AM
Aldo had always thought the spitting handshake was gross, but he'd accept it in the manner it was given. Rather than be as uncouth as to spit, however, he opted to lick his hand before shaking it. He instantly realized why people preferred to spit, as his hand hand an aftertaste of grime he'd had gotten on it in the trip here. Still, much like the whole mess he was in, he went through with it anyway.

2019-12-16, 06:02 AM
Here is Gabriella’s true form. The image isn’t perfect as her fur is black with silver tail and ear tips and silver fur “socks” on her feet.

2019-12-16, 04:01 PM
"It has been quite some time since someone openly recognized me for what I am. You are welcome to heal me. I do suffer from the weakness of my fathers kind, but I've been exposed since youth to the magic to heal the living that it does not hurt either. It's still uncomfortable, though."

2019-12-16, 07:04 PM
The drunkard nods and says, "I do that, too. It depends on which family member I ask to aid me. But comfort it is."

The drunkard goes into a very brief trance. "Baylock, my brother, I need your anger, your hatred. I need that jealousy you feel, and to give it as a gift rather than a curse for this lady." He then goes into a trance, and in casting a spell, the verbal component of the spell seems to switch mid-stream from his still-extant slur to that of a sly man, all while performing strange hand symbols and tugging on a symbol of Pharasma that is not normally visible. He touches Tia and gives her 3 healing (via negative energy), having used an inflict light wounds spell (at least, Tia is sure that is what it was).

Not particularly proud of that channeling, he shrugs with bleary eyes and says, "Baylock doesn't know you, so he might have been too shy to show you his full potential."

He then spends 10 minutes actually doing normal first aid to Tia's back (if she relaxes clothes enough to bare the back for him). He probably doesn't do a great job, as he fights sleep himself, but he finishes.

He staggers back to his feet. "The best I can do. I drink heavily when I remember my lost love. See me in the morning when I am sober, and I will clean the wound on your back."

2019-12-16, 07:15 PM
"The aid is very much appreciated. I believed you to be a moron who had no common sense, so it is nice to see that you are better than that." Tia gives the man a warm smile, probably the most sincere smile she has shown to anyone since this started. "Now get your sleep."

2019-12-16, 07:21 PM
Practically sleeping on his feet, he answers, "No, you called it right the first time," before heading off.

2019-12-16, 07:28 PM
Tia shakes her head as he walks away. Once he's out of earshot, she speaks quietly, "No, you've just got some weight upon your heart."

2019-12-16, 09:38 PM
hesitantly she asks, “Can you do that cleaning trick? I seem to have gotten blood on my dress.”

2019-12-16, 10:28 PM
Prior to bedtime,Gabriella approaches the elf somewhat hesitantly.
“Excuse me. If it isn’t too much trouble, could you do that trick again that cleans? I seem to have gotten a good deal of my own blood on my dress.”

2019-12-16, 11:17 PM
At some point in the near future, Aldo is approached by a halfling female. She seems in awe of Aldo. She seems to be faring better than most slips, as she does not seem to be a slave. Yet, she only seems to be a step up, as if she is a trusted house servant that is free. "Mr. Coldvale? Are you any relation to the late actor Silva Coldvale?"
At some point in the near future, Folco is approached by a elderly Taldan man (mid-50s). "Signore Cassani? I'm sorry to bother you, but I am curious, are you often mistaken for a tiefling? Ifrit, isn't it?"
"It only gets the 'surface stink' and grime out," Meijen smiles, "so I don't want to mislead you into thinking that you will be smelling like a lily. But it will help. The spell is one of the first I mastered, so I wouldn't have to deal with the full weight of displeasing cleaning duties. If you are ever curious in the future, it is called prestidigitation, Signorigna Gabriella."

He casts the spell, which is loads better for Gabriella, especially her sensitive fox-nose. As if answering a question never asked. "Oh, it was your clothes that gave it away. I admit, I am stumped. Please forgive me honest curiosity, but I am not familiar with the many races of humanoids here. But, I have never even seen your liked. What race are you? Are you an awakened fox that is given humaniform? There are many awakened animals where I am from, but not those that walk and talk like humanoids, at least none like yourself."
Some time the next day or later, Morosino approaches Gabriella. Unlike the other adult and older persons in the hideout (though some barely qualify as such), Morosino is a street urchin who has been "adopted" as a messenger and scout by Janiven. He has classic, youthful Chelish features with his dark hair, pale blue eyes and pale skin, but with a splash of freckles along the upper part of his cheeks and along his nose. He had a surprising courage when it was needed in the sewers, but now he seems quite nervous.

"'Scusi, miss. You remember me? Morosino? I helped you through the sewers. Ummm, are you a loo-sion-ist?"
Tia will be approached by the man who was drunk during yesterday's adventures. Sober, he cuts a fine, if tragic figure. Not particularly tall (5' 9") and of lean build (150 lbs.), he has a vitality that you figure puts him in his mid-20s, and yet his black hair includes a shock of white swept back from the front left. He is not handsome, but there is an endearing ruggedness to him.

"I talked to Janiven to try to figure out .... what .... happened ... yesterday. I was just at Vizio's Tavern yesterday because I hadn't tried it yet. Bad luck. Now it seems that I find myself in a 'rebel camp' or something like that. I'm not even from Westcrown, let alone Cheliax, so I am definitely out of sorts. I want to apologize if I did or said anything that might have been inappropriate. I seem to have some vague recollection that I cast magic on you here last night? Is that right?"

2019-12-16, 11:23 PM
Aldo smiled at the young woman. "Why, yes. He was my uncle in fact. But I fear you have me at an advantage, as you know my name, but I know not yours."

2019-12-16, 11:34 PM
"Oh, I am so sorry, I figured you would have noticed it in the Spoilerheader wouldn't have time for a lowly house servant. My name is Fiosa, good sir, and I had the good fortune of having gone with my former master to a few of his shows when I was a younger sprout. Oh, forgive my saying so, but it was a terrible way for your uncle to go, if even have the accountin's are worth saying, and not at all worth sayin' for decency!

"It does my heart good to see that his nephew has his taste in clothing, but has managed to say 'no' to the lure of living as an artist and a vagabond, if you forgive my sayin' so. And even better that a Coldvale would have such stake in the community to risk everything to be here. There are a couple of us halflings here, and you elevate us all, if you don't mind my forwardness."

2019-12-17, 12:06 AM
Aldo briefly considered telling her the truth; that the clothes were an illusion and he was an understudy for a rat back home, but that's not what she (and apparently the rest of the small folk here) needed. "Fiosa, my dear, it warms my heart to hear you say that. It's true that my uncle met his end in a less than ideal situation, but he died as he lived; a lover of fine drink and people.

Now as for your your second part, I do admit I've dabbled in the theater, but a a hobby more than anything else. The life of an actor can be an especially hard one, from what I've seen and it takes a brave or desperate soul to embrace it. But more to the point, yes, Westcrown is where my roots are. It's where I grew up. And it's been left in a sorry state since the House of Thrune has taken hold. If nothing else, I want my home to be a place you can go out at night, catch a show and enjoy yourself without living in fear of the beasts that walk the street and the government who seem ill-equipped to handle the mess. Together, I think we can achieve that." He then flashed a smile, "and now that I'm here, the company isn't too bad, either."

2019-12-17, 12:09 AM
"What do you think of 'Knights of Westcrown?' for a possible name?" Fiosa asks him.

2019-12-17, 12:26 AM
Aldo tilts his head. "It has promise. I am slightly worried that the Hellknights might see it as copying them, though."

2019-12-17, 12:31 AM
"Isn't imitation a form of flattery?" asks Fiosa. "Besides, knights are champions of a cause, and ours would be Westcrown, wouldn't it? What do you think Hellknights champion?"

2019-12-17, 12:44 AM
"Well, with a name like Hellknights, it's not hard to figure that out." He chuckled. "Actually, I think you've won me over. Count me in on that name."

2019-12-17, 02:32 PM
Fiosa looks inordinately pleased with herself. "Now, if only we can win over our fellow halflings and present a unified front," she says.

2019-12-17, 02:45 PM
Aldo chuckled. "Well, I'll see what I can do about that. In the mean time, is there anything else you need? I'm sure there's something I help you with." His voice becoming ever-so-slightly more seductive with the last sentence.

2019-12-17, 02:49 PM
Fiosa is oblivious to Aldo's flirting (or deflects it brilliantly, it's hard to tell), "No, sir. Thanks enough for your time, sir."

She then points out the other two halflings, who are as far from each other as possible, in case he wants to introduce himself. One is a blond halfling male playing a flute by himself, with a few people around him. The other is a dark-haired halfling male who is surrounded by several of the [Knights of Westcrown], seemingly quite the bon vivant.

2019-12-17, 03:26 PM
Aldo thanks Fiosa once again before judging his options. He decides to speak to the flute player first, heading over to listen. As soon as he finishes his set, he respectfully claps. "Wonderful set, good man. I'm new here, and I figured I'd best introduce myself, at least to the rest of my folk here. My name is Aldo Coldvale," he says cheerfully, offering his hand to the fellow.

2019-12-17, 03:47 PM
"Thanks, Aldo!" says the halfling cheerily as he hops off the stack of stones he was sitting on, and takes Aldo's hand in his. "Names Lem, friend. Wow, Aldo Coldvale. Yeah, I heard of you, friend. I heard of your uncle, too. I haven't seen any of your shows, but I have heard your name thrown around as a halfling actor to watch for, and lookin' at you, I can see it. I bet you could have a career if you wanted, but it'd probably be tough. Ol' Silva was still on good terms with the Coldvale family what freed your gramps, so they helped get his foot in the door. But without the Coldvales around anymore - probably why you're here - all the nobles with our people in their service bribe the houses to sponsor their .... slip (and here he literally spits the word to the ground) ... so they can say our kin's creativity comes from their gracious training. That's why my name is Lem. Just Lem. But, hey, you bank that name if you can. We're all pulling for you!"

This Lem has a mop of blond hair that has only a vague sense of a part at the middle, and thick, straw-colored muttonchops. He stands at your same height, and has as strong a group as you seem to have, but might have two pounds on you as he is a little thicker around the midriff. His limpid blue eyes at once dance joyfully and are piercing. And those piercing eyes narrow almost conspiratorially. "So, what's your vote for a name for our tiny troupe of troubled troubadours?"

2019-12-17, 04:06 PM
Aldo shook Lem's hand. "I admit, it's tough without someone pulling the strings for you. I hope that one day we can live in a world where merit and not politics determine success, but if such a world is to exist, it's up to us to make it." He then sighs before addressing his query. "Well, Fiosa has suggested 'Knights of Westcrown', which is certainly evocative, but I worry that the Hellknights might not take kindly to it. Why? Do you have a better suggestion?"

2019-12-17, 04:16 PM
"Not that, that's for sure!" says Lem laughing. "Yeah, Fiosa has Iomedae on the brain, so she conjures pictures and thoughts that speak to valor and chivalry. Listen, who cares what the Hellknights, think, right? We aren't changing their hearts and minds. The problem is that everyone else is probably going to have a problem with that name. What are 'knights?' Not what 'could they be?' but 'what are they,' at least to a commoner's mind? Shelyn's glaive! People don't like Hellknights. Oh, they might be thankful for their services ... or not. And what was the civil war fought by? Scores and scores of so-called 'knights' of the old houses of Cheliax. To a normal person, nothing good comes from someone calling themselves a 'knight' ... nothing but violence that swallows and tears apart everything and everyone around them. It's also a bunch of self-aggrandizing frippery, if you ask me, which you did.

"Some of the other names thrown about are almost as incendiary. No, friend, I am with Janiven on this one. 'Children of Westcrown' means those who have grown in and among Westcrown .... even if that isn't true for all of us here ... and like a child, we depend on that parent. A symbiosis. And nobody is threatened by a child."

2019-12-17, 04:21 PM
Tia smiles in a very friendly manner at the man. "You said nothing inappropriate to me. Unlike that Halfling, who was completely sober when he did so. If anything, you were fairly well-spoken when we spoke at that time. And yes, you did cast magic on me. Healing, to be precise, and more notably, with magic that made me feel comfortable, as opposed to the magic that ordinary folk are comfortable with. It was quite sweet of you, to be honest." She sits down on a bench and pats next to her, inviting him to sit next to her while they speak. "Now that you're sober, it is a good time for introductions. My name is Tia Hendros, and you are?"

2019-12-17, 04:25 PM
Aldo brought his hand to his chin. "Hmm. That's a good point. The problem I see is that child might imply that we're weak rather than benign. Still, it's food for thought. So what's your story? I mean, it's clear that you've got no particular love for the aristocracy, but how'd you get pulled into all this?"

2019-12-17, 04:37 PM
He blushes as she praises him, and he ends up sitting next to Tia. "My name is Erasmus. I had a family name, but it was stripped from me by the last living member of my family. Now, I am possessed by the rest of my family - many of whom I (and they) believe he had a hand in helping to their graves. Anyway, my second sister - Veldira, who choked on her porridge at the Pharasmin cathedral where she served - she was the one who made sure I had a solid grounding in recognizing the Lords of Night. And their scions, such as yourself. And it was my uncle who made sure I was well-read enough in knowing the various cultures and ethnicities of Man so that I recognized the blend of Vudran with Chelaxian, and the former understanding how you differed from all of the normal dhampir of my homeland. Which makes me curious. Such an odd mix. Where are you from?"


"But we are weak, aren't we? Too weak to garner imperial notice beyond the local Order of the Rack, I hope. And we don't want to appear to come from a position of strength ... not yet. And children are members of a family. All the other family names are more problematic in various ways, usually sexist. I mean, if you can think of something cleverer, let Janiven know .... or even Arael, if he ever returns to us, but I fear for him.

"Your family were freed. Mine, wasn't. I am not actually from Westcrown. I passed through a dozen houses before I escaped. Tried to bring others with me, but those halflings were too entrenched in the slave-mindset, they tried put out the fire I started. I actually made it out of Cheliax for awhile, until I found out where my mother was. I tried to free her, but she was on her deathbed. Found my brother, too, but I worry for the path he is taking. So, here I am for now. I figure, instead of running to greener pastures, why not bring joy and purpose to those who need it, not those who already have it?"

2019-12-17, 04:59 PM
Aldo nodded. "I see where you're coming from. I'll think about it." He goes to shake his hand one last time. "Well, it's been a pleasure to meet you. but I'd better get to meeting the rest of the gang." He then gestures to the other halfling across the room. "Anything I should know before talking to the last one?"

2019-12-17, 05:06 PM
"Sure," says Lem. "Don't. At least, not if you don't like mind games."

2019-12-17, 05:18 PM
Aldo smirks "I'm not entirely unfamiliar with them myself. Still, it'd be rude to not make the effort. I'll keep my guard up, at least." He then excused himself and approached the final halfling he'd tasked himself with talking to.

"Hello" Aldo said, outstretching his hand. "I'm new here and thought I ought to make the rounds. I'm Aldo Coldvale"

2019-12-17, 05:27 PM
"Oh, I'm sorry," says the dark-haired halfling. "But I am psychically sensitive, and I don't like physical contact. But it is a pleasure to meet you, Aldo Coldvale. My name is Meligaster, welcome to the convention."

2019-12-17, 06:12 PM
"Psychic, eh? I've got a bit of power like that." He then summons his mind blade, though in its fancier two handed form and pointed towards the ground to stay non-threatening. He leans against it, gesturing with his neck. "So what's your story?"

2019-12-17, 06:40 PM
Folco smiles warmly at the old man and sets aside whatever he was working on. "Hah, you are correct. I suppose I would consider myself a fake Tiefling by trade. Helps me blend in." He offers a hand to the old man. "I don't believe we've met."

2019-12-17, 08:06 PM
“Thank you sir! Much appreciated. You will have to teach me that spell. Very useful for a girl on her own in the city.” She turns to leave with a swish of her tail and a pronounced hip rolling strut. She smiles over shoulder.
“ Not a fox awakened or otherwise.There isn’t anyone like me Honey!”

2019-12-17, 08:12 PM
In fully dressed human Gabriella guise.
“Nope, not an illusionist kiddo! Thanks for the assistance in the sewers. You were very brave.”
she gives him a big smooch on the cheek.

2019-12-17, 09:07 PM
He seems neither impressed by the display, nor disdainful. "Oh, me? Nothing worth a story of its own. Halfling slave. Slave no longer. But I look forward. I don't dwell on the past. So, what do you think of the 'Guardians of Cheliax?' Good, strong, neutral. Because that's what you're really doing, isn't it? Not just getting a feel for people, but polling for names?"

"Pragmatic. I like it," he says, shaking Folco's hand. "My name is Ezren. I'm a sage by trade ... occult traditionalist, historian, naturalist, and cosmologist. You can blame me for putting forth a name like the 'Scions of Aroden.' It's the historian in me, but it used to be the soul of this city, and this empire."
As she walks away, Meijen gulps hard, trying to maintain his composure. :smallredface:
Maybe she can talk to Morosino later, but Morosino blushes a crimson with a big, dumb smile, and goes running off.
At some point, Gabriella will see a foreign man with brown skin that looks to be of the lower middle-class, so a commoner that is not poorly off. He will introduce himself. He is confident, but soft-spoken. "Greetings, miss. I just wanted to say hello and pay my respects. I heard of your bravery in the sewer. Name's Sclavo."

2019-12-17, 09:27 PM
Aldo shrugs noncommittally. "Can't I do both? The problem I see with your suggestion is the possible scope it implies. Making things better here in Westcrown, up to possibly making it its own small fiefdom? Difficult, but possible, at least theoretically. Taking out entire House of Thrune and taking back Cheliax from the crooked nobles and demons? Not so much."

2019-12-17, 09:29 PM
Meligaster shrugs almost exactly as Aldo. "And what would you recommend?"

2019-12-17, 09:35 PM
Aldo scoffed. "I've been here less than a day. Why should I have any clue as to call this group? It's not like I've had a whole lot of time to workshop a name." He shrugs again, "Though for what it's worth, I do like Guardians as the noun. Maybe just the Guardians of Westcrown?" Shrugging a final time, he concludes with "Keeps our scope local; too many people in service to Cheliax care nothing of Westcrown, which is why we're in the mess we are today."

2019-12-17, 09:38 PM
"Might be a worthy compromise," says Meligaster, seeming to honestly think about it.

Anything else with/from him for now?

2019-12-17, 09:43 PM
"Well, with that business done, what do you do for fun? You don't talk about your past, so it can't be reminiscing, and you don't like to be touched, which takes out at least a dozen fun activities I can think of. What do you do when not 'on the job'?"

2019-12-17, 09:49 PM
Meligaster shrugs, a perfect mirror-form of the last shrug. "I am never 'on the job,' because I no longer have a job. Therefore, one could wonder if I am always on the job? As a former administrator of a house in Egorian, I was skilled in running the house staff. Honestly, that was my fun, strange as it may seem. Otherwise, I like to play cards. I'm no card sharp, but I enjoy them."

2019-12-17, 09:52 PM
Gabriella holds out he hand.
“Gabriella. Charmed.”
She smiles and bats her eye lashes.

2019-12-17, 09:55 PM
Aldo nods. "Well, I'll have to challenge you to a game sometime. Now, if you excuse me, I'd best get talking to Janiven and figure out what I can do to help." And with that, he turns to leave.

2019-12-17, 09:59 PM
Sclavo takes her hand and kisses it, though the fur tickles his hands some. "I come from a continent away, but I've never seen your like. Who are your people?"

2019-12-17, 10:17 PM
Aldo approaches Folco, haven woken a bit earlier and already being done with his morning preparations. "Need a sparring partner?"

2019-12-17, 10:24 PM
“My people are private and secretive by nature and necessity. We are few and scattered to the winds ..(she makes a graceful movement with her hands and arms emulating a strong breeze).
“We are the pranksters and tragic lost lovers that tear at the heart...”
(she tears at her breast with a look of anguish at love lost. Her voice is raised and the temp and volume of her speech reaches a crescendo)
“We are the heaving bosom and the sigh of pleasure; we are the gentle caress and the ragged passionate kiss...we are Kitsune!”
*bows for effect *

2019-12-17, 10:59 PM
Sclavo blinks, but he is interested to learn more. Gabriella will find in small talk that he has long worked as a scribe for one of Westcrown's courts. He longs for a day when the laws of Cheliax can be reformed, and sees this group as a tool that, eventually, can be used to do just that.

After a bit of chat, he asks, "So, what do you think should be the name of our group? I was thinking 'The Scions of Aroden' myself. Something that connects us to the Westcrown of old in its glory."

2019-12-17, 11:01 PM
"By all means." He lets out out a huff. He'd been watching the wall, sword drawn, a look of concentration on his face. "Ive been dueling the dead long enough... I dont think I got to see what you can do." He settles back into a relaxed posture, and turns to Aldo. "Shall I see if they've got foils?"

"And it's important to remember what once was, doing what we're doing." He looks wistful a moment, lost in thought. "... Ah, well. anyway. I'm a bit of a scholar myself... Alchemy, history, philosophy... though I've been held up in my studies as of late."

2019-12-17, 11:16 PM
Aldo smiles "Sounds like a plan. I prefer dagger work, myself, but I can handle a rapier foil well enough."

2019-12-17, 11:38 PM
After a bit of rummaging, Folco comes up with a pair of battered fencing foils, tossing one to Aldo. "Perhaps we can swap after a bit. Live blade training is a dangerous prospect in strange company... no offense, of course." He settles into a loose, relaxed stance, his eyes shining with an inner fire as he stares through Aldo.

2019-12-17, 11:42 PM
Folco will run rings around Ezren, of course, except where Folco might not share the same knowledge. But, he will find that the old man's mind is still quite sharp and being one of the most intellectually receptive people he has met in a very long time, it is a nice change of pace. He might find a bit of a kindred spirit in this Ezren, whose age has not dimmed the fires of his curiosity. He is fascinated by alchemy, just another science to him, of course. But he has always wanted to put his intellect to task by studying wizardry itself. He just never had the chance all these decades.

Ezren will share with Folco that he is not from Westcrown, or even Cheliax. Rather, he is a native of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World, so he has a breathtakingly cosmopolitan view of how people of all walks of society can work together, though it does seem there is a tragedy behind him of which he doesn't speak. Old men are like that, they tend to hold onto their pain. It either gives them focus or drives them under, and it is hard to see which way it is with Ezren. He is the only man here of advanced years (relative to his race, of course), so it is strange to see such a man dare to test his body's vitality with what might be a younger man's game.
There is a brown-skinned foreigner, one Aldo recognizes as a man of Garundi ethnicity (so, from a different continent). He doesn't come up to you (or the others), but rather tends to keep to himself. Do you approach him?

2019-12-17, 11:47 PM
Aldo saunters over. "Hello. Forgive me for intruding, but I'm new here and I figured I'd better try to introduce myself to everyone. I'm Aldo. Aldo Coldvale" He the stretches out his hand for a hand shake.

2019-12-17, 11:57 PM
"Larko," he says, looking at Aldo's little hand before he takes it in his own large, rough, calloused hands. From his bearing and dress, Aldo easily pegs him as a dock worker. Releasing, the grip, he just looks at Aldo, waiting for .... whatever brought Aldo over to him.

2019-12-18, 12:03 AM
Aldo paused for a few seconds. He was really expecting more to work with. Undaunted, he continues. "Well, as I said, I'm new here and I figured I should try and get to know everyone. So what's your story? Why have you joined this ragtag bunch?"

2019-12-18, 12:09 AM
Larko looks at Aldo with distrust and looks him up and down. "We all got reasons," he says as a challenge, "I'm a dock worker. If you haven't been to the docks, then I can't explain it."

2019-12-18, 12:17 AM
Since Aldo hadn't been to the docks it is apparent that it can't be explained to him. Regardless, it's clear that he's gotten all he can form this guy at the current time. He nods sagely "I see. If you'll excuse me, I should probably get back to making the rounds."

2019-12-18, 03:16 AM
An incredibly beautiful woman who is dressed surprisingly plainly will come to introduce herself to Aldo at some point. Aldo has never seen her kind before. Aldo thinks she is human, but she possesses features he is not familiar with. A sort of moon-shaped face and eyes shaped something like almonds. "Hello, Mr. Coldvale," she says with excellent manners and a sort of formalized bow. "My name is Amaya. I am a glassblower here in Westcrown. I wanted to welcome you to our number. I know we are small in number .... now, at least .... but I hope that your background in the arts will help elevate our culture. In our group, and in Westcrown. By the way, what are your thoughts on what we should call ourselves?"

2019-12-18, 03:44 AM
Aldo similarly genuflects. "Miss Amaya, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. It's good to see that that there's still a sense of camaraderie in this town." He pauses for a moment before continuing "Forgive me if this is too forward, but I don't think I've met one of your kind; what are you?"

2019-12-18, 01:00 PM
"It's true," Amaya says with a long, understandable nod, "we are a rare breed. I am a glassblower."

2019-12-18, 01:04 PM
Aldo chuckled. "And as an actor, I thought I was the one full of hot air." The humor passed he continued. "As for the name, the one I've been kicking around is 'Guardians of Westcrown', but I've not got it set in stone. Why? Do you have a suggestion?"

2019-12-18, 01:13 PM
"I'm not a 'guardian' of anything. That's a nice mix of others I've heard. But I am more of a 'Child of Westcrown' than any kind of guardian."

2019-12-18, 01:29 PM
Aldo shrugged. "Like I said, it's not set in stone. So, what's your story? How'd you get wrapped up in all this?"

2019-12-18, 01:45 PM
"I have distant kin living in Magnimar and Sandpoint," she answers wistfully, "and someday I would like to join them there. But travel is so expensive, and so dangerous. Being a glassblower, I am a trained artisan, but the taxes and guild tributes, not to mention the 'loyalty markup' on prices for people who are not Chelaxian .... I will never get a chance. I admit, I also think this might be a better social venue than what I have currently. My best friends and close family are all different types of sand.

"So, what about costume? Not a lot of people are really discussing it, but I know Janiven asked us to think about it."

2019-12-18, 02:28 PM
"Well, the face clearly needs to be covered fully, but the armband is a bit weak. A sash is a more visual element, draws the eye better, though red is a really good choice..."

2019-12-18, 02:43 PM
"Sashes are pretty, yeah," says Amaya. "It's just that it is so much more material than what you need for an armband. Also, many people might wear a sash, and red is pretty popular. But an armband is pretty striking. It isn't covered by a shirt or overcoat, or anything really, and just isn't normally worn. People wear sashes as a fashion statement. People wear armbands as a different kind of statement."

2019-12-18, 02:51 PM
"But being hidden by a overcoat is part of the reason it's so powerful. We're going to be more or less incognito for this endeavor, so the ability to blend in and only advertise our presence when we want to be seen is very powerful." Besides, you're going to notice a sash. regardless of the angle. An armband has plenty of angles where you don't see it."

2019-12-18, 03:03 PM
She shrugs in her plain outfit. "As you can see, perhaps I am not the best person to ask about sartorial statements."

2019-12-18, 03:15 PM
Live blades it is! Folco squares off with Aldo, stance loose and relaxed, blade point up. "Whenever you are ready."

2019-12-18, 03:34 PM
"Perhaps not. I think you current ensemble is doing a fine enough job as is, though I'm sure I could find something that'd look great on you."
Aldo smiled, putting his hands palms out in front of each other. By the time he had drawn them to his sides, each hand now held a faintly glowing dagger. Bringing them up in a fighting stance, he gestured with the closer one. "Whenever you're ready."

2019-12-18, 04:04 PM
"No, I wear what I do by choice," she says, "but if there is ever a special occasion, I will call upon your vestiary advice."

Beyond small talk, it appears this thread has petered out for now.
Care of course must be taken, but the two of you will work up a sweat to take a measure of each other. It will be assumed that no consumable abilities will be used for your combat training, with the exception of panache used that is regained through clever swordwork.
Aldo: Folco is an equal skill in overall combat experience, it seems. Neither one of you are very strong, though that dearth is more pronounced on the larger tiefling. However, he is also surprisingly faster than yourself, and has a singular focus with his preferred weapon. Your defenses are almost a match as well, but with your better armor and two-weapon defense, you are able to just outpace him in defense. His size alone makes it hard to attempt any tricky maneuvers, so even a combat steal for comic effect falls on its face. Where you really own him, however, is simply forgoing two-weapon combat (a less-than optimal choice against his agility), and feinting him to come in for a totally unexpected strike. His ability to parry and riposte is damning, but again, feinting him keeps him from knowing to expect with a parry.
Folco: Equal skill in overall combat experience; you are a fencer, and he a stage combatant. You have the speed advantage on him, but he negates that with his size. If you take the long road and fight defensively, this is the manner in which you can slowly outpace him with superior defense. Every now and then he tries to be clever and "attack" you but really try to take something off of your person. It is a nice attempt, but he is too small and weak to really make that work for him. He possesses a lot of damn clever bladework that really dizzies you, and you can't parry a blade you can't see or expect. He seems to be the master of the feint, and having done mostly shadow fencing on your own, he has uncovered a glaring weakness: you don't know how to actually deal with reading an opponent.

2019-12-18, 04:13 PM
One thing you noted about the fight is that Aldo was very quick on his feet. Every time he managed to land a strike (and more annoyingly, when you misjudged his position), he was able to quickly sidestep out of the way, or to your side. In the relatively open space you were sparring in it was mostly just annoying, but if there was difficult terrain around or if he was fighting multiple enemies, then it could prove interesting.

2019-12-18, 05:12 PM
"My mother raised me in the capital, Egorian. She doesn't speak much of my father, so what I know about that is limited. In fact, it was only when she passed that I was able to find his name. I hope one day to find him. Understand where I come from and such. It seems like your family was quite well-learned, and while you may have suffered such at the hands of that man, joining this movement may be a good move for you. Little seems to happen just by chance, I feel, and your presence here has already proven to be a positive experience, after all."

2019-12-18, 05:20 PM
"We shall see," says Erasmus. "So, how do you feel about a name for this group? I was thinking, the 'Doom of the Damned,' but that might be a little too subtle for the common folk to understand."

2019-12-18, 05:25 PM
Tia giggles a little. "I feel like that name wouldn't inspire confidence in the people. I'm still partial to Children of Westcrown, but I'm not exactly good at naming things."

2019-12-18, 07:03 PM
Erasmus nods a couple times, even in a humorous, self-deprecating way. "I do admit that I am a bit more saturnine, but when you are possessed by what amounts to a small hamlet, what can you do? Children of Westcrown .... that could do it. Children are hope. What about the costume? Dark hood and red armband? Unlike those who pretend to be what I am really, I was never much for flash and flair, but I am not quite as well-read on how to influence the masses with motifs."

2019-12-18, 07:11 PM
"The hoods, I was to understand, were to keep us protected from retribution outside of our work. So as to not attract untoward attention and to hide our faces while dealing with the enemy, as it were. Since I personally dress like this anyways..." She pulls her shirt up to her nose to sniff it, then makes a slightly exaggerated retch. "Ewww. Sorry, off the subject. Since I dress like this anyways, I see the value in it. The red armband makes sense from a logical perspective. Even if we never declare our affiliation to the public, the public will start to recognize that the folks with the red armbands are continually taking steps in their favor, and recognize us as a group just by association. Of course, as soon as they catch on, others probably will too, but there's little I can think of to address that. Short of magic, that is." She thinks thoughtfully about that sentence.

2019-12-18, 07:27 PM
Erasmus smiled. "You know, you should see that elf about your clothes. Not perfect, and you and your clothes would still need washing, but that prestidigitation can do wonders."

2019-12-18, 07:30 PM
"So that elf knows magic? Maybe he can help then. Granted, you seem to know a bit about magic too, so maybe you might know something. Do you think it would be possible to create some kind of crest or something with magic that couldn't be copied?"

2019-12-18, 07:33 PM
"I'm sure this must be," says Erasmus. "Why don't you go ask him?"

2019-12-18, 07:36 PM
"Thanks for the advice. I'll talk to you another time, I promise." She smiles cheerfully and starts up away from the man, waving softly as she leaves him behind.

Tia approaches Meijin, obviously in a better mood than when they had met the night before. She stops in front of him and addresses him. "Do you have time to talk? I'd like to discuss something with you"

2019-12-18, 08:22 PM
Tia looks up at the elf who stands a full 18' taller than herself. He looks down at her with his gem-like, orange eyes. "Tia, it is. How may I be of service?"

2019-12-18, 11:28 PM
“How about the “Harlots of Hell’s harbor?” Has a nice ring to it. And a lot of H’s”
“...no. Wait, I’ve got it! -the suicidal socialist club!”

2019-12-19, 10:22 AM
Sclavo gives polite laughter, which comes out like nervous laughter (because it is), and otherwise does his best to extricate himself from continued conversation with the crazy fox-lady. But just as she is shocked to find a rather decent-looking fellow leave her enchanting company ...
... a dark-haired halfling comes to greet her in his place. The halfling has intense, blue eyes and is surprisingly handsome for his race. He wears once fine clothing that has seen better days. "I don't know what you are, but 'Enthralling' would be as good a title as any, I believe. Meligaster is my name. I've asked around, and they say you're name is Gabriella, is that right? It is such a pleasure to meet you!"An incredibly muscular man with a slight limp approaches Folco at some point. "Hey, I saw you and that old dude talking for awhile. Man, the things the come out of his mouth are crazy. But I don't doubt he knows things. Which got me thinkin'. You and he talked awhile, so maybe you know things, too. You ever hear of Thuvia?"
"Excuse me, Mr. Coldvale," asks the oldest man in the rebel encampment. "My name is Ezren. I'm a sage .... occult researcher, historian, naturalist, cosmologist ... and I have to tell you in all of my days I have never seen someone spontaneous generate mystical weaponry like yourself. Do you mind if I interview you?"
Meanwhile, convos continue with Aldo+Folco and Tia+Meijen ...

2019-12-19, 03:59 PM
Aldo smiles. "Sure. Well, first things first, I should let you know that it's not a spell. It's not even magic, strictly speaking. My weapon", He summons a one-handed mind blade for emphasis, "is psionic in nature, meaning it's done through the power of the mind."

2019-12-19, 06:24 PM
Ezren nods his head with fascination. "I see. Now, I have - rarely - hard that term: psionics. What is psionics? Is it related to psychic magic, simply another term? I don't think so, since I understand Vudran yogis use mind-over-matter abilities from pure willpower, whereas, if I'm not mistaken, psychic magic while likewise being internal, utilizes sometimes similar powers that come from the crossroads of intellectual will, spiritual force, and emotional intensity."

2019-12-19, 06:34 PM
Tia looks up at the elf who stands a full 18' taller than herself. He looks down at her with his gem-like, orange eyes. "Tia, it is. How may I be of service?"

Tia shrinks back just a moment, realizing just how short she is when compared to this man. After a moment though, she regains her composure and starts speaking. "First, Erasmus told me that you might be able to help me with the smell of my clothes. He mentioned Prestidigitation specifically. Do you think you could help me with that? Second, since you seem to know a thing or two about magic, I wanted to ask you about something in regards to the proposed uniforms. Do you know if it is possible to create a design, probably with magic, that would not be able to be copied by others?"

2019-12-19, 06:48 PM
Aldo shrugged confusedly. "Maybe? I'll be honest, I've never even heard of this 'psychic magic' before. All I know is that psionics aren't technically magic because the technical aspects of it are different."

2019-12-19, 07:07 PM
Tia gets as far as saying "Do you think you could...." and Meijen casts prestidigation on her.

He listens to the rest. "I'm sorry, but I have a personal sigil that I can place on something. Called an arcane mark, but it is personal. I can make it visible or invisible, it lasts a month, but it really is only for my personal sigil. I can't alter it. Why do you ask?"
Ezren takes that in. "That's too bad. I am actually quite well read on the occult traditions, including psychic magic, but I trust that it is different if you say so. I have tried to interview Meligaster, but he is very secretive about his 'psychically sensitive' skill, though I am inclined to think he is actually a charlatan.

"Okay, so let's put it this way. What does psionics mean to you? Were you trained? or, did you develop this ability as a type of, how shall I say .... 'psionic sorcerer?'"

2019-12-19, 07:12 PM
"Thanks for that. I was thinking that the red armbands that have been discussed can be as much a detriment as a benefit to our cause. While they serve to identify us, someone will get the idea to copy it themselves in a means to discredit our group. So I was thinking we need to add a special design to it. Something that couldn't be copied without killing one of us and taking our armband. I wouldn't want to ask to use yours though."

2019-12-19, 07:22 PM
Meijen shrugs. "Sorry, I can't think of anything."
Meanwhile, convos continue with Aldo+Folco, Aldo+Ezren, and Folco+Ermolos ...

2019-12-19, 07:25 PM
"Thank you for your help." Tia gives a little curtsy, and then moves off to find somewhere to think on her own.

2019-12-19, 07:26 PM
"From what I understand, anyone can learn to tap into psionic power with enough training, but some have a natural knack. I am in the first category, though. I was taught how to use it, as in many ways, it's the perfect weapon for stealth and espionage. Once the deed is done, there's no weapon to trace the wound back to, and the blade itself doesn't trip most detection spells.

But to me, psionics are the ultimate expression of personal mystic power. You aren't borrowing power from a god or whatnot like clerics do, you aren't tapping into 'the forces of the universe' or whatever it is that wizards do, and you don't need to have special parentage like a sorcerer. Anyone can, with the proper dedication and drive, tap into this power. No one hands you this power and it's yours and yours alone." He shrugs. "At least, that's how I feel about it."

2019-12-19, 07:39 PM
It looks like Meijen might have conversed more, but he seems to sense Tia's desire to be alone and lets her go.Ezren nods and says, "I believe many psychics make the same boast. Well, I think it would take some research on my part on both subjects to get a better sense of things. Where, or with whom, did you study?"

2019-12-19, 07:49 PM
"Apprenticeship." Aldo said, though it didn't take much to see that he wasn't telling the whole story. "Basically, as a youth, I stuck my nose into somewhere I really ought not to and got rescued by another practitioner. He offered to train me, though it took another instance of him saving me from myself for me to listen."

2019-12-19, 07:53 PM
"Mmmmn, not much. Never been there. Though I HAVE heard of a certain local Elixer that I'd love to get my hands on..." He muses for a moment, keyed up to talk way too much about not much at all. "Why do you ask?"

"I fear a true fight between us could last hours! Those little blades of yours are damned obnoxious." Folco will let out a companionable laugh, a bit short of breath. "Don't suppose you could share your technique?"

2019-12-19, 07:59 PM
"My pop was a well-known adventurer. Years ago, he went missing with his company in a place called Thuvia. I joined this group ... don't know what to think about a name, though ... because I thought I might learn to fight. Maybe one day earn enough coin to go to Thuvia to see if I could find out what happened to him."
"Vague enough for me to get the hint," says Ezren, "and we have only just met. Hopefully, in time, I can earn the rest of the story. So let's leave that for now....

"I hear you are an up-and-coming actor. You already have mystical skill. Are you a bard, or just someone who has an artistic outlet as a performer?"
Also, Gabby I forgot ... Meligaster opened a convo with you.

2019-12-19, 08:17 PM
Aldo too was slightly out of breath. "Some of it, sure. The footwork requires maintaining psionic focus, though, which would take a lot of study to unlock. The misdirection, though? That I can help you with."
Aldo rolled his eyes. "Don't even get me started with bards. Every single bard I've ever met that focuses on acting is a self-centered @$$hole who thinks their magic makes them better actors. It doesn't, it just means you're using magic to trick the audience into thinking you're skilled. It's like a necromancer doing hand puppets for his undead and making them clap afterwards, the talent there is in the spell casting, not the acting. It's cheating, plain and simple."

2019-12-19, 08:20 PM
Ezren can't help chuckle. "Oh, I understand there have been some powerful bards before, but never as powerful as a wizard or cleric ... a real spellcaster. I like the take on how from an artistic standpoint it is cheating. But how about from the perspective that usage of magic itself is Art, and they have somehow tapped into some semblance of real Art through that?"

2019-12-19, 08:28 PM
Aldo raised an eyebrow "Are you sure you're not a bard? Because that's the kind of pretentious nonsense they love to go on about. Art, at least performance art, is all about how it makes you feel. Regardless of who you are and where you are in life, a good piece of art should resonate with something in you. And while we grow and change over the years, our appreciation of a work can change as well, and that's perfectly fine. It's when the performance goes from transcendental to merely okay because the actor accidentally stepped into a anti-magic field that shows the artifice of their 'art'."

2019-12-19, 08:42 PM
"So you view your ability to craft raw matter - not the martial art used with it - as a pragmatic manipulation of internal intellect to create a useful tool? You don't have a sense of it as an art?"

2019-12-19, 08:53 PM
"No, because it's all function. And while a well-crafted blade might be considered a work of art, the mind blade's too ephemeral; the blade lasts until I stop concentrating on it or about 2 seconds after I stop touching it. It's like trying to sculpt smoke. You can literally look away for a second and it'd be gone. And before you compare that to a performance art, those take a lot of set-up and can require getting into the right head space for it. I can't just do snippets from a half-dozen plays back and forth and convey it with the emotion that an actual performance of it would. It just means I memorized some words in the right order, and that's not acting."

2019-12-19, 09:02 PM
Ezren will ask more questions about psionics in general (that are a function of pure lore), but is respectful of any boundaries Aldo has (as he showed before).

Once that part of the interview has wound own, he will put his writing implements away. "So, what is your take on a name for our plucky band?"

2019-12-19, 09:06 PM
"Well, the one I've been kicking around is 'Guardians of Westcrown', but I'm not fully committed to it. And your preference?"

2019-12-19, 09:11 PM
"I prefer to record history," he smiles.

2019-12-19, 10:41 PM
Gabriella gives the stranger a warm smile and looks him up and down through half lidded eyes.
”At your service...”

2019-12-20, 09:27 AM
"So, how much would I have to earn...?" says Meligaster, letting Gabriella finish the rest of the sentence.

2019-12-20, 01:13 PM
“A mere pittance but I am worth every [local currency].”

2019-12-20, 05:21 PM
[DM: Ah, okay, in "Gabby-human form," and no longer fox-lady. I had assumed you were still fox-lady with everyone thus far.]
"Well, be sure to let me know. Meanwhile, I will try to scrape together a pittance," Meligaster smiles and lets Gabriella be.

2019-12-20, 05:52 PM
Aldo approaches Gabriella. "Okay, now we have some time to talk, I want to know. Are you always hustling? 'Cause you have been doing your best to remind everyone that your embrace is up for sale all the time."

2019-12-20, 07:19 PM
While on the ride out to the mission, Tia brings her horse up next to Erasmus to speak to him while they ride. "Meijin was sort of able to help me with that question. He mentioned a spell called Arcane Mark, and how it can create a sigil, but it is his own personal sigil. Something uniquely his, so obviously not something we would want visible. But after what you said back there, I thought it would be prudent to ask. Do you think one of your family members can call upon that spell? I would expect it to be their own design, or maybe, if it is channeled through you, something unique to you."

2019-12-20, 08:50 PM
"No, sorry," admits Erasmus, "We talked briefly about his magic, and he mentioned arcane mark, but I obviously simplified what I heard.

"As far as 'my' magic, it really is a limited set, honestly. I'm what is called a medium, or in some circles, an occult medium. My spellcasting is limited, usually aren't 'my' spells to begin with, but tends to be a function of which of my late family members have vied for dominance when I conduct a seance each day. I have a little more control over the spirits I bind my soul to that day, though, because that is more of a bartering function. But, no, I don't have anything that will create a unique mark that isn't a personal sigil."

2019-12-21, 05:26 AM
Gabriella looks at the halfling and a brief flash of anger lites her blue eyes before her normal sultry smoulder returns.
“Must be loosing my touch, I haven’t made a cent since I have been here!”

2019-12-21, 05:44 AM
Aldo rolled his eyes. "Well, duh. We're not exactly at the opera house; who here can afford you?" He paused, a thought crossing his mind. "I mean, I maybe could if I can get back to my house, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that your company is clearly a luxury item and these folks are hiding out next to the sewer. Why did you think they'd have the ready cash to hire you?"

2019-12-21, 05:54 AM
Gabriella sighs wistfully and looks off at nothing.
“A girl can dream...”

2019-12-21, 07:45 AM
"It was worth a shot. I had thought of you since you mentioned you aren't from around here to begin with, and with you being stripped of your family status, maybe your personal sigil would be unrecognizable as connected to you...I wonder if Mejin can teach me how to cast that spell..." Tia trails off in her thought, but continues to stay next to Erasmus as she does.

2019-12-21, 10:56 AM
"Are you a spellcaster?" asks Erasmus.

2019-12-21, 11:34 AM
"No, I mean, I can call upon a spell, but I'm told that it's a byproduct of my heritage. The only magic I have learned to control under my own power is the Akashic Magic from the plane of shadow. I guess that's a stupid idea.."

2019-12-21, 06:58 PM
Aldo shrugs. "Well, you definitely have people interested in your service. All you can do is wait for a better mark to come along, or for those interested to gather the funds for it." He paused, his "Out of curiosity, how much do you charge, anyway?"
Using the downtime rules, Profession (courtesan) provides Labor (insert pregnancy joke here) as opposed to Influence/Goods/Magic, so each point I'd have to purchase costs 20 gp and you earn it by rolling the appropriate skill and dividing by 10, so near as I can figure, your services should cost 2 gp x you Profession (courtesan) check per day, which is actually much higher than the normal 5 cp-10 gp it'd cost from an NPC.

2019-12-21, 11:02 PM
Gabby gives a dismissive wave of her hand. “I don’t handle the money so I cannot say and anyway you will have to come see me at the Ol’ Lute Inn. I will have something special planned for you.
I cannot truly perform in such “conditions” but it never hurts to *spin and bounce* advertise!”
She ends with a little pirouette and hop, arms raised.

2019-12-22, 02:32 AM
Aldo pinches the bridge of his nose "Okay, stop and think about that for a moment. Imagine I was an alchemist and wanted to sell my concoctions, but I didn't have prices on any of the vials. How would a potential customer buy anything? Especially since there's apparently no haggling involved either."

He sighed and let that settle for a second or three "I'm sure that you're worth every copper pinch that the Inn would charge, but until things clear up enough for you to return to your work there, you're gonna either have to take an indefinite hiatus or go into business for yourself and adjust for the current conditions." He shrugged "Or don't; I'm not your boss. Just don't get dejected when no one rents out a room to share with you when they have no idea what'll cost them." He smiles once more, ending with "Though, for what it's worth I do look forward to taking you up on that offer"

2019-12-22, 08:00 AM
“I appreciate the advice. I am sure things will settle down eventually. I’ll be fine.
So, how do you feel about leather...?”

2019-12-22, 11:56 AM
"Depends on who's wearing it. Supple, yet firm. Flexible in all the right ways, but hard where you need it to be. And, of course, incredibly sexy when done right."

Aldo smirked "And the leather's fine, too."

2019-12-24, 11:42 PM
The following are open convo threads, not counting that between Aldo and Gabby (above), reprinted from the last page ...
"My pop was a well-known adventurer. Years ago, he went missing with his company in a place called Thuvia. I joined this group ... don't know what to think about a name, though ... because I thought I might learn to fight. Maybe one day earn enough coin to go to Thuvia to see if I could find out what happened to him."
Aldo too was slightly out of breath. "Some of it, sure. The footwork requires maintaining psionic focus, though, which would take a lot of study to unlock. The misdirection, though? That I can help you with."

[SPOIL=Tia >>> Erasmus]"No, I mean, I can call upon a spell, but I'm told that it's a byproduct of my heritage. The only magic I have learned to control under my own power is the Akashic Magic from the plane of shadow. I guess that's a stupid idea.."
"I'm not following," says Erasmus. "Where's the 'stupid idea' of which you speak?"

2019-12-25, 12:41 PM
Gabby smiles down at the halfling with a predatory (I dare say Vulpine) gleam in her eyes.
“Oh yes! Our encounter will be memorable, indeed.”
With that remark, she saunters away.

2019-12-25, 10:43 PM
"That'd be lovely. I must admit that this whole situation has me a bit... off balance. It's all too sudden." He considers his blade for a moment... "Bah, another round?"

"Well, you've found no shortage of competent blades to learn from... though I can't speak as to the quality of the pay. Out of curiosity, what's your father's name?"

2019-12-25, 11:13 PM
Aldo smiled. "While not my favorite way to work up a sweat, I'm up for another round." He breathed a bit heavier than he had a few minutes ago, but he still had energy in the tank. He then brought his mind blades into position. "I'm ready when you are, though pretty soon we're gonna have to get something to drink."

2019-12-26, 01:43 PM
"Jervis," says Ermolos with a combination of pride and fond memory, "his name was Jervis the Champion."
There is a woman Gabriella has not met, a Varisian with white hair and multiple tattoos. Other people tend to give her a wide berth, though she is quite attractive (if you could clean the ink off her face). Do you introduce yourself or stay clear?

2019-12-26, 03:37 PM
“Hello There! I am Gabriella. Nice to meet you. Nice ink!”

2019-12-26, 04:38 PM
"Just the thought of using an Arcane Mark to identify our group."

2019-12-26, 05:07 PM
"Hello," she answers. "My name is Seoni. It's a pleasure, Gabriella." She stands up, using her staff to aid her, even though she is young. She gives a half-nod/half-bow to Gabriella. She smiles wanly, not broadly, but gestures to her face. "They are the special marks of my people. I'm a Varisian, if you couldn't tell."

She stands there, looking at Gabriella, not sure if Gabriella had more to add, but not adding more than what was just given. She seems to have an incredible strength of self, but that does not equate to being necessarily personable, and she even seems a little shy. Not unsure, mind you, but introverted. To that end, to someone far less sure of themselves as yourself (you, being a paragon of Charisma), it would actually be unnerving.He nods a few times, "As ... as you've said. But that will never happen, I'm pretty sure. An arcane mark, though applied for the world to see, is a pretty personal think. You're not going to find a wizard or sorcerer willing to 'give up' their personal sigil for a group just so you can have no-need-to-embroider markings for an armband." He gives a wide shrug. "Of course, you are welcome to try, but don't expect results."

2019-12-26, 08:14 PM
"If there was a way to make one just for the group...Really, the only reason I'm fixated on that in the first place is that it seems like it's impossible for someone to magically forge someone elses Arcane Mark. I'll have to find a better idea for this."

2019-12-27, 01:27 AM
“Seoni, what do you think of this collection of freedom fighters? The stakes are high and I don’t know you and the others. What can you tell me of our leader?”

2019-12-29, 03:24 PM
This conversation has pretty much ended as Tia is hyperfocused. And Erasmus .... isn't.
"We aren't freedom fighters," says Seoni with a confused expression. "At least, not most of us."

"Arael? Not many have the skill to swim the Rifardona to Gemcrown Bay and back. He did it. That's not just physical prowess swimming, but mental fortitude. It's that focus and temperance that is most endearing."

2019-12-29, 08:10 PM
“What about you? Why are you doing this, if its not too personal?”

2019-12-30, 12:36 AM
"I saw you when you first came here," says Seoni matter-of-factly, with no hint of conspiratoriality. "You see with an outsider's eye, but have an insider's mind. And yet, we Varisians are more outsider than yourself. It's true I am a real outsider, coming from Varisia itself. But look at my people here that are long settled. Look at Janiven. Gifted second-in-command, but by dint of her blood alone she would always be second-guessed. That needs to change. And it doesn't require a revolution, just a change in perspective."

She looks to Gabby. "And you? Why are you keen to join this 'concerned citizens' action group?'"
Ermolos senses that the two of you are at an impasse. "Anyway, welcome," he gives a hard clap to Folco's back, a clap hard enough to possibly accidentally re-arrange internal organs. "I'm glad you're here. It's good to have some reputation from your kind."

This convo is at an end, unless you re-initiate.

Aldo will see a Chelish woman he hasn't met yet. She doesn't seem shy, but she doesn't seem outgoing, either. She is dressed in clothing equating to the upper middle class. Do you introduce yourself?
This convo is closed for now.
"I am new here, and I understand reputation is important here," Meijen will say at some point. "But for we who are artists, reputation is important everywhere at some point, isn't it? Even if we try to service our art and not our ego. So, please forgive me, but I understand you are something of ... artistic royalty ... or at least so I'm told? We were introduced weakly at the tavern when the Hellknights came, so allow me to individually welcome you to my acquaintanceship. I am Meijen Gim, Shelynite Sword-Dancer and Divine Guardian. Aldo Coldvale, actor, and nephew-scion of one I am told was a great actor, it is a pleasure."

With this, he holds out his hand and gives a cross between a back-leg curtsey/plie and a bow .... something that in addition to looking interesting at least, manages to have him bow to Aldo with deference, but without bowing 'from above' so as to have that intrinsic superiority that most Big Folk have were they to bow to a halfling (and also can be terrifying in its own way), and his hand is at full extension from his arm, to further mitigate a sense of height. And considering he is one of the tallest in the camp, that is saying something.
Tia, you will see a Chelish woman doing an odd thing. Well, it isn't odd for someone like you, but for an obvious commoner from the lower classes to be meditating, that is odd! She is a thin and wiry Chelish woman.

Do you introduce herself at some point (then, or later)?

2019-12-30, 03:57 AM
Aldo shakes the outstretched hand for a few seconds, before releasing it and placing his own hand to his chest and bowing ever so slightly as well. "Thank you, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. It's nice to meet other artistic types, though I fell that 'royalty' is a bit of a stretch. It's true that my late uncle was a well renowned actor and that I am now more or less following his footsteps, but I want to be known for my own merit rather than just being by uncle's nephew.

Still, it's nice to get to know you. I admit, I'm not the most learned man; what is a Shelynite Sword-Dancer? It sounds fascinating."

2019-12-30, 03:56 PM
Meijen gets a wry smile, "A worshipper of Shelyn .... who dances .... with a sword." :smallbiggrin:

He gives a good laugh for himself. "Even in my home, the Eternal Maiden is not unknown. If anyone has a sense of what I am or where I am from, they always assume I must venerate one of the Elder, but ... haha ... no, no I don't. But I am a practitioner of a particular type of martial art who finds a parallel in dance and combat. Of particular note is the up-ending of an adversary's expectations, so footwork, bladework, body positioning, and combat distance are all deceptive.

"And what of you? I saw .... everybody saw ... that fascinating sparring session you had with the tiefling Folco. What is that sword construct that you made? I absolutely recognize Tia's magic as akashic in nature, specifically the Reaper's Scythe, part of what is known as the Boatsman's Ensemble, and I recognize her training as an 'eclipse.' But you, Aldo, your style, magic, and training are an enigma."

2019-12-30, 04:46 PM
Aldo rolled his eyes at the first bit. "I mean, I could practically hear the capital letters on that, so forgive me for assuming"

Joining in on the chuckle, he smiles, waiting for him to finish. "Let me help you unravel that mystery just a touch. This blade" he says, summoning his mind blade, though only in its light form and only as a one of. "is summoned via the power of the mind. It exists because I am willing it into existence. I can keep it up more or less indefinitely, but as soon as I stop" he then drops the mind blade, it rapidly dissipating after it leaves his hand "it goes back into the nothingness whence it came." He then smirks cockily. "I must say, your style sounds intriguing because it's not too dissimilar than my own. Care to try me? I'm sure there's much we can learn from each other."

2019-12-30, 07:38 PM
Tia will sit across from the woman, choosing to join her in meditation rather than interrupt it, waiting for the opportunity to speak.

2019-12-30, 08:42 PM
"Absolutely," he nods eagerly. "Your small size and speed alone outpace me - which means I challenge I can learn from - though I think we might be well-matched otherwise."The woman meditates for an hour more (and you aren't sure how long she was meditating before you happened to notice her. A few times in her sophomoric meditation she notices you, but that only spurs her to "try harder" to not acknowledge you. She is obviously given to her meditation, but not necessarily good at it as she allows things to catch her attention and she fidgets. Still, some unknown drive does get her to meditate without a teacher.

"Name's Mathalen," she says with the pithy dialect of a lower commoner. "You seem better'n' me at meditating. I thought you came to make fun, but you might have helped me a little. Tia, was it?"

2019-12-30, 09:29 PM
Aldo smiled. "Oh, I'm sure there's all sorts of knowledge to be had between us." He then ignited both mind blades and got into his stance. "Shall we do this now, or will you make me wait?"

2019-12-31, 12:19 PM
Tia smiles at the woman once she introduces herself. "Tia Hendros, to be specific. It's nice to meet you Mathalen. I meditate daily to focus my magic to begin with, so I find meditation to be very calming whenever I take the time to do so."

2019-12-31, 02:01 PM
From pure battle experience and insight, you seem to be evenly matched. Both of you have significant fencer-like training, albeit in wildly different styles, coupled with grounded intuition, drilled movements, and battle experience.

Aldo and Meijen are matched in reflexes, but he is vastly stronger than the halfling. Still, Aldo's speed actually suits him better to a stinging attack. Meijen, on the other hand, fights with his dexterity even with that curved sword that is two-Aldos tall, but depends on physical power for follow-through. Aldo might have just barely an edge there, but the size of the elf's weapon alone still gives him offensive advantage. Meanwhile, Aldo's small size gives him the ability on offensive striking.

Where things get a little wonky is in defense. The combination of comparable sizes, armor, and matched agility means that the two of you share a similar defense. But where Aldo's two-weapon defense gives him a little boost, Meijen's ability to use his surroundings in defense is doubly effective. In effect, it is downright infuriating. He is a dancer, yes, but he is not an actual acrobat. It is just that his martial style seems perfectly suited for the urban sprawl. He will swing around a column, use the uneven terrain of the old cathedral surprisingly, and otherwise is perfectly at home fighting in this ruin. The end result is that you are effectively equal in a slugfest, and even his crushing power in a single attack is comparable to your smaller, lightning-fast strikes.

Now, if either of you try anything tricky? He owns you. In fact, he opens himself up to a counter, but usually is successful against Aldo at pretty much anything he tries. Size and strength matter, regardless of speed. On the other hand, Aldo has little chance of effecting his own skilled maneuver.

But, we finally come to your deceptive combat abilities. He wasn't kidding. His dance style really can be quite hard to track, and you have an even chance of seeing or missing a deceptive strike. On the other hand, he still doesn't hold a candle to you. Smaller limbs mean smaller, harder-to-discern movements. He seems at or near your competence in seeing a false attack, but your superiority there is what gives you the edge in this style of fighting.
"Would you be willing to teach me?"

2019-12-31, 03:57 PM
After the sparring session, Aldo gets a drink for the water barrels. "Ah. That was an experience. So, what's your deal? Other than the whole fighting style and I assume focus with Sheyln, where are you from? What do you do for fun?"

2019-12-31, 06:27 PM
Meijen, who has a strong and indeterminate accent by the way (sorry if that wasn't ever clear), seems distracted from the first question ... and didn't pay attention to the rest. "I am sorry. I must have exhausted my knowledge of idiomatic phrases. I don't understand ..... my deal?"

2019-12-31, 06:32 PM
Aldo waved his hand as if to push Meijen's confusion aside. "What's your story; how'd you get involved in our merry band of rebels?" ​

2019-12-31, 06:35 PM
"Janiven invited me personally," says Meijen. "She came to the Temple of Shelyn to see someone else, but I was there .... and different enough to merit her attentions in conversation. After five minutes, she invited me. What about you? What is your story?"

2019-12-31, 07:05 PM
Aldo smiled. "Ah, well, that's quite the tale. Janiven came to me after my latest performance and talked to me about her plans to help our sadly disregarded district. She invited us to dinner to discuss what can be done to help. It was then when the Hellknights attacked and forced us to seek refuge in these tunnels."

He then smirked, adding "But you didn't answer my second question. What do you do for fun? When not practicing your swordplay or venerating Sheylyn, what do you do with your time?"

2019-12-31, 07:16 PM
Posting so they're not forgotten with the new page ...

"I saw you when you first came here," says Seoni matter-of-factly, with no hint of conspiratoriality. "You see with an outsider's eye, but have an insider's mind. And yet, we Varisians are more outsider than yourself. It's true I am a real outsider, coming from Varisia itself. But look at my people here that are long settled. Look at Janiven. Gifted second-in-command, but by dint of her blood alone she would always be second-guessed. That needs to change. And it doesn't require a revolution, just a change in perspective."

She looks to Gabby. "And you? Why are you keen to join this 'concerned citizens' action group?'"
Aldo will see a Chelish woman he hasn't met yet. She doesn't seem shy, but she doesn't seem outgoing, either. She is dressed in clothing equating to the upper middle class. Do you introduce yourself?
"Would you be willing to teach me?"
"Dancing is my life, but before I left to enter the northern forests, I had begun to take an interest in horticulture."

2019-12-31, 07:27 PM
Aldo smiled once more. "Perhaps we can dance without the blades sometime."

2019-12-31, 07:35 PM
"It would be a strange dance," he says. "A social duet wouldn't work, but if it were an artistic work, I could choreograph something for a performance."

2019-12-31, 08:14 PM
"Perhaps later" Aldo said, not wanting to lean too hard. "Now, if you excuse me, I should get back to my vocal work."

2019-12-31, 08:16 PM
"Can't really say I'd be the best teacher, but I'd gladly meditate with you every morning."

2019-12-31, 09:57 PM
"Thank you, Ms. Tia," she says. "So," she continues sheepishly, "what do you think our group's name should be?"
Aldo, there are two beefy guys you haven't introduced yourself to before. One is Chelish, and one seems to be Vudrani. The first seems to be some type of smith, but the latter is gutter-level low class. Do you approach, or leave them be for now?

2019-12-31, 10:09 PM
Aldo approached the large Chilaxian man. "Hello. I'm still kinda new, and I wanted to introduce myself." Aldo stretched his hand forward. "I'm Aldo Coldvale."

2019-12-31, 10:17 PM
The smith gives a nearly crushing grip. Try as he might, Aldo (un)consciously rubs out the soreness in his hand for the next minute or so while he talks. "Name's Ermolos, blacksmith. And that's my buddy, Rizzardo .... um?"

"Gentleman of leisure," Rizzardo says in a dialect that says he is definitely not a Westcrown native (and probably not even from Cheliax). "Lookin' at his clothes, Erm, this little one's a real leisurely type."

They both have a good laugh over that.

2019-12-31, 10:30 PM
Aldo makes a show of acknowledging the point. "While I wouldn't go that far, I do admit that I haven't done any heavy lifting like yourselves. So what brings you here? Why join this ragtag bunch?"

2020-01-01, 10:25 AM
“I have lived here my whole life and I have first hand experience with this regime and their methods for keeping the general population in line! No amount of peaceful “good works” will change anything. In fact, things are liable to get worse for everyone thanks to our efforts.
The rulers of this city see any opposition to their control as a threat and their response will be increasing levels of violence until we are hunted day and night. I am young but I know how these people think and you are naive to think that we can improve things around here without spilling blood!”
[/COLOR]Gabriella finishes with a gleam in her eye her chest thrust out.

2020-01-01, 06:55 PM
"I'm not too picky. I think Children of Westcrown is an acceptable and servicable name, especially for what we are looking to do. But then, I'm not exactly that imaginative. I named my imaginary friend Via, if that tells you anything."

2020-01-01, 10:46 PM
"Hey, little man," says Ermolos, trying to be endearing but ending up being condescending in that ignorant Big Folk way, "I've seen you making the rounds, asking lots of questions. Maybe you're a spy, y'know? But better you learn at a proper rate than the writer for that city rag that is up in everyone's business."

"Don't get us wrong," says Rizzardo. "We heard you fought some terrifying dead things in the sewers or something like that. But you gotta slow your roll on asking people about their bowls, man. Gets folks nervous. It's all good gettin' to know our peeps, but there's gettin' to know folks, and grillin' em."
"The Lady of Graves will take her due when it is time to give it," she answers. "Maybe you're right. But I want to try a peaceful way first. I respect your view, though, and I understand your frustration. Maybe I will be alive when you prove me wrong.""Your ..... imaginary friend?"

2020-01-01, 11:37 PM
Aldo sighed. "I suppose you're right. I'm just trying to be sociable; I'm an actor, you see, and so much of getting ahead in acting is who you know, so getting to know everyone is kind of second nature.

Still, in a precarious situation like this, the fear of double agents is probably wise one. I'll try to restrain my congeniality until we have a more stable situation."

2020-01-02, 11:41 AM
Rizzardo looks confused before breaking into a mild mirth. "Actor? Is that a guy that does skits? That's like, rich people stuff, ain't it?"

Ermolos adds, "Ha! Yeah. Not that opera stuff, but usually high up enough. But I seen a couple low-end shows? Pantos and stuff. It's okay, cause it's like the puppet shows, but real people do the stuff on a big stage? I hear the fancy stuff is just a bunch o' people walking around, talking."

"Hold the stylus!" exclaims Rizzardo. "You mean .... rich people pay to see people walking around a big old stage, just talking? They're not even singing?"

Ermolos shakes his head. "Just talking. Not evening singing like them operas."

"S***," Rizzardo laughs, "and that's good money?"

They both look to Aldo with Rizzardo's question.

2020-01-02, 12:11 PM
Aldo chuckles. "Fellas, there's way more to it that just that. That's like saying a blacksmith 'just hits a chunk of metal with a hammer'. Yes, non-opera theater can roughly be described that way, but it's not just something you can improvise. We're telling a story, with all of it planned ahead of time. And just as a blacksmith makes the metal into a plow or a dagger, we the job we actors are doing is trying to make you be entertained and to feel. To give you a hero for you to cheer and a villain you hate. To make you feel joy for their success and sorrow for their tragedies. It's an ephemeral art form; because like life, to truly appreciate it, you have to experience it for yourself."

Aldo chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, Kind of got carried away there. But to answer the question, yes and no. The higher end stuff can pay amazingly, but getting there without a patron to open doors for you can be quite difficult. On the lower end, it's common that they actors have second jobs as the first isn't enough to pay rent and food. The this unfortunately can lead to the loop of not having the time practice their art, which leads to them not improving very much, which leads to not getting any higher in the business, so much that many of the more upper-end folks just assume that everyone at the bottom is horrible, which hurts the actually talented folks without a patron."

"So I guess the answer is 'If you can get to the top, yes. Otherwise it can be iffy.'"

2020-01-02, 12:20 PM
"Yeeeahhhhhh, but look at the way he's dressed, Erm!" says Rizzardo. "He's faaannnncy."

Ermolos gives a wide, sweeping bow, but when he does so, Aldo is perceptive enough that he has a slight limp. "My Lord."

"Oooh! Oooh! The Little Lord!"

They both have quite a hoot over that one.

"Hey, hey, show us some acting!" presses Rizzardo.

"Yeah," says Ermolos, "do some acting for us."

2020-01-02, 05:05 PM
Aldo sighed. "I can, but acting is like sex; it's better if another person or two is doing it with you." He then goes into the latter half of Geoffrey monologue from Vivini's Fool of Absolom. In it, Geoffrey finds evidence that his wife Alluna is cheating on him. This makes him go on a small diatribe about the sanctity of marriage, only for him to decide to visit his mistress to make himself feel better.

2020-01-02, 05:45 PM
Ermolos and Rizzardo are completely mesmerized. They went in thinking to heckle Aldo, but were totally moved, so when the surprise ending comes with the comedic bite, they end up howling and clapping more than they thought they would.

"Damn! That s*** was tight!" says Rizzardo.

"Three cheers for Little Lord Aldo!"

"Hup-hup, Huzzah! Hup-hup, Huzzah! Hup-hup, Huzzah!"

2020-01-02, 05:58 PM
Aldo graciously takes a bow. "Thank you, thank you. And that, good sirs. is why it can be such a lucrative profession, if you have the chops to pull it off. Give me a cast of skilled actors, a well-run backstage crew, and a great script to perform, and it can be even better. The trick, of course, is finding such a production. Too often, getting the role is a matter of who you know rather than how skilled you are, though, as many of the patrons are unwilling to take the risk of an unknown actor. That's why it's kind of second nature for an actor to try and make contacts with the people around them."

2020-01-02, 06:16 PM
Tia conjures up Via next to her. Octavia, to be precise. She was my friend as a kid, and later on, became real."

2020-01-02, 07:18 PM
Ermolos and Rizzardo both rule that "The Little Lord" is hereby and forthwith considered, "alright."

Unless you handle questioning a little more delicately, do you just continue with small talk and the like until the convo peters out?
Mathalen jumps with a start and actually runs away from Tia, calling on the gods to protect her.

It is likely she no longer wants to learn meditation from you. Convo is over.

2020-01-04, 08:27 PM
All convos are at a close except for Seoni/Gabby, and Folco needs to decide if he is going to introduce himself to the Chelish woman.

2020-01-05, 12:17 AM
“It’s not my opinion; it is the way of things. Your pacifists methods will hurt more people than you help. When the mailed fist of the Hell knights inevitably seeks to crush this movement, you will realize the truth of things.
But hold onto your belief that a peaceful solution exists, you never know ...”
with that Gabby smiles sadly before putting a consoling hand on Seoni’s shoulder and then taking her leave.

Seeking to entertain and distract the group from worry over Arael’s abduction, Gabriella will find a blanket to make into a sort of toga to give her a outfit with a more conservative look.
She will chose a common opera with a pair of star crossed lovers and a tragic ending but great songs. She will sing both parts.
She will ask around to see if she finds anyone interested in seeing her perform before she begins.
Perform: sing
disguise to sing the male part?

2020-01-05, 12:37 PM
Aldo smiles. "I'd love to hear your performance. I could probably finagle a performance if you need a partner, but I doubt it'd hold a candle to yours."

2020-01-09, 11:39 PM
Sometime after the raid, Aldo approached Arael. "Well, now we have recuperated from yesterday's activities, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Aldo Coldvale." He offered his outstretched hand to the elvish gentleman. "Thanks for the after-action patch-up. It's not every day you get to walk away from taking a ballista bolt at point blank range!"
After the hullabaloo of the successful rescue mission, Aldo waits until he has an opportunity to talk to the young tiefling woman. "You know, I never got the opportunity to thank you. You didn't have to give me that potion back there. Heck, it would have been incredibly easy to leave me there to bleed out." He sighed, doing his best to express his consternation. "Look, I know we haven't gotten off to the smoothest start, but we will likely be working together for the immediate future. Are we okay? Is there anything you need from me?"

2020-01-10, 05:04 PM
Tia looks down at the short man as she listens. "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I willingly allowed a comrade to die. You may have gotten on my nerves, but that's not a reason to let someone die. Just don't make dirtnaps like that a regular occurrence." She sits down and invites Aldo to sit with her. "Besides, I'm sure you aren't heartless. You would have probably done the same for me."

2020-01-10, 05:59 PM
Aldo smiles. "Definitely" he says as he takes a seat. "It's not as if I could carry you back. So now that we're all in one pace and going to be working together in the near future, what's your story? How'd Janiven talk you into this little shindig?" He paused slightly, before adding, "I could go first if you'd prefer."

2020-01-11, 02:05 PM
"There isn't much to tell. I've never known my father, but a lead on him brought me here. I believe that if I keep on with this group, I'll be able to dig deep into the cities underground. I don't mind doing good for the city while I'm at it. What about you?"

2020-01-11, 04:55 PM
Aldo nodded. "I had something similar happen when my uncle died. I was sure that there was no way it happened the way they said it did, so I as a foolish youth tried to find out the truth." He shook his head wistfully. "But that's all in the past. As far as joining this endeavor, Janiven caught me after one of my most recent performances and invited me. I came to see what I could do to help Westcrown, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also looking to see if I could make any contacts with the other guests"

2020-01-12, 01:14 PM
Arael takes Aldo's hand, clasping it with his other. "I don't think I remember seeing you during my resc-- oh, wait. Yes, but I only saw a small figure running to the treeline with the others and the horses at battle's end. Well, it's nice to have a face instead of a hood, but that seems like it will be a necessary precaution for future endeavors. From the story I heard, three of you took a ballista bolt, but point blank range is your boast, and well-earned it is. You faced down a siege engine like a living tower shield. 'Towering Aldo' .... I think that's what I'll call you. An Iomedaen paladin couldn't have done better.

"Before you rescued me, I am told that Janiven asked you to give your recommendation for our group's name. What is your vote?"
Folco ended up not conversing with the Chelish woman after all, as the call for the rescue had come at that time.

The night Folco returned from the rescue, he slept miserably. It seems he had ... digestive troubles. He made several trips to the privvy.

The following morning, members of the band - those he knows and those he hasn't met greet him severally .... "Hey, Match? Feeling better?" "Seems like you had a bad night, Match," and "Damn, Match, that was fierce!"
In the morning .... and before Gabby decides to "take a walk" ... Janiven will approach Gabriella. "I wanted to thank you personally for your part in yesterday's raid-and-rescue. I know it wasn't glorious - watching horses - but if things went badly, it was important someone was there to make sure the horses didn't wander off.

"The story is going to spread, will the Order of the Rack or no. Yesterday, I asked you each to give a vote for a name for the group. What is yours?"

2020-01-12, 02:03 PM
Aldo smirked. "I can work with that, though now I am somewhat hoping we end up recruiting a huge half-giant also named Aldo he can be Tiny Aldo and we can be perfectly mismatched." He chuckled before getting back to business. "As for a name, my suggestion is for 'Guardians of Westcrown'. It sends a message about who we are and more importantly, who we aren't. We're guardians because we are trying to keep this city safe, and make it better if we can. And we're not talking about Cheliax as a whole, due to both not wanting to paint too big a target on ourselves, and frankly too many people claiming to serve Cheliax have abandoned and neglected this city."

2020-01-12, 02:27 PM
Arael writes something down, ostensibly the name just given.

"So, Aldo, what can you tell me about what you can do? I've heard something about creating magic swords, though details are a little fuzzy."

2020-01-12, 08:07 PM
"Oh, that. Well, I suppose the best explanation is a demonstration." He then ignites his mind blade, in the small one handed form. "Through the use of my force of will, I have forced this blade into existence. So long as I hold it and concentrate, I can keep it indefinitely. Once it leaves my hand, though..." He lets the words hang for a half second as he lobbed it behind him in a long enough arc as to cause it to dissipate before landing. He then ignites the two handed version. "I can summon this at any time and as soon as I find it inconvenient, it simply evaporates without a trace." He pauses for a moment, thinking about what he just said. "I mean, maybe if you were to to try and detect magic on the wound within seconds of injury, you might detect a very faint residual reading, but otherwise it's untraceable as the weapon only exists for that brief period."

2020-01-13, 07:06 PM
"Fascinating," Arael admits. "I can tell what you do is not arcane. It doesn't strike me as psychic. What type of energy is that? How do you .... 'power' ... that? Is that the right word? What essence forms it?"

2020-01-13, 07:20 PM
Aldo nodded. "I had something similar happen when my uncle died. I was sure that there was no way it happened the way they said it did, so I as a foolish youth tried to find out the truth." He shook his head wistfully. "But that's all in the past. As far as joining this endeavor, Janiven caught me after one of my most recent performances and invited me. I came to see what I could do to help Westcrown, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also looking to see if I could make any contacts with the other guests"

"It helps in my case that I have a very long time with which to do so. Unless my father has died, he will live forever, and I know I have a very long lifespan of my own. We'll certainly have a lot to do here." Tia smiles a little, looking off into the distance. "It's not like I have found my real purpose in life. Frankly, up to this point, I've been pretty much coasting through life."

2020-01-13, 10:21 PM
Suprised by the praise and recognition, Gabby smiles demurely.
“I thank you for your kind words. I have always worked solo, so being part of a group is a new experience for me. It will take some getting used to .
I want to do more and so I need to go home and pick up some equipment. You know I can change appearance but perhaps not the full extent of my abilities. I can take the appearance of any human woman I see. I will be careful and none shall follow me back.
As to our name, the children of West Crown is passable but the immature nature of the title rubs me a bit.
I have always had an affinity for darkness and shadow so my suggestions tend to be more of a “dark” nature. I suggest “Shadows of Aroden?”

2020-01-13, 11:03 PM
Aldo looked slightly frustrated. "I keep hearing that word. What is psychic magic? Because other than sounding similar to what I use, I have no idea."
Aldo tilted his head. "Seriously, you never heard of my uncle or the rather infamous way he died?" Upon hearing a negative, he responds with "Huh. Sorry, I'm just so accustomed to people finding out I'm his nephew and expect me to be like him. Though now I think of it, also deciding to also go into acting obviously didn't help."

2020-01-14, 05:44 AM
“Aren’t you precious! We can play together later.”

2020-01-14, 07:51 PM
"Since he was rather infamous, I'm sure you wouldn't mind telling me about it. I tend not to pay attention to the arts, so I may have heard and just never processed it."

2020-01-14, 08:39 PM
"As you wish. I'll add it to the list of the many things I look forward to doing with you."
"Well, if you insist." Aldo said, feigning being reticent to tell the tale. "Well, my uncle, the late Silva Coldvale, was an actor of great renown. I won't bore you with the breath of his repertoire, but suffice to say, he was well known in the theater. In addition to his skill on the stage, he was also known for being a smooth talker and bon vivant. A lover of wine and women if there ever was one. I couldn't have been older that 13 or 14 when he died, though the events surrounding it had become infamous. See, he got caught in bed with his director's brand new wife. And his son."

2020-01-18, 10:14 AM
Gabby appears lost in thought as she ponders their future encounter and the potentially pleasurable positions they could perform. After a few moments she grins at Aldo and saunters away.

2020-01-18, 05:28 PM
"It's funny you ask," says Arael with a wry chuckle. "I studied deeply into psychic magic when I was younger. Oh, I don't have any skill like that myself, but strange things happened when I was younger. Usually, it involved either when I was near water, or had no water at all near me. I thought maybe I was a sorcerer with an aquatic bloodline or something like that. It turns out, while both brands of my magic are divine, I was just 'being shown' my affinity for water from water spirits that would later be my allies.

"But focusing on your question. I thought the strange things that affected me as a child were strictly from within. So, I studied a broad range of subjects. The one that captured my fancy - but not my talents - was the realm of 'psychic magic.' From what I understand, psychics - a broad category of those that use psychic magic, not just the specialists in that realm who have co-opted that term - draw on their tremendous wells of inner mental power to manipulate the world around them, applying psychic magic as a broad, flexible range of spells. Their inherent and unfettered powers often cause them to be confused for sorcerers.

"The most common place one can find psychics is Vudra, but also Jalmeray, and many of the schools they have opened around the Inner Sea.

"The thing is, while I studied a lot about psychic traditions, I only have a scholar's view. If you want the nuances of one who actually uses psychic magic, I would recommend you talk with Erasmus. The way I understand it, he is .... possessed? ... by deceased members of his family. They somehow give him extra-sensory powers and abilities, not the least of which is the ability to heal or harm with a touch."

2020-01-19, 03:16 AM
Aldo thinks about what he heard, putting his hand on his chin. "Well, that's not what I really do. Psionics is the power of the mind; there's nothing about spirits or any such stuff. And as I understand it, the mechanics of the it works different; rather than fixed levels like spells have, powers can be augmented to become more powerful, so a spell that, I don't know, summons a monster or what-not can just have more power put into it rather than each strata needing its own version." He shrugs "At least, that's as far as I know; other than the blade, I'm not very skilled at it."

2020-01-20, 05:32 PM
Tia laughs a little. "He sounds like a pretty bad person, if he was caught doing something like that. Hope you didn't catch those tendencies from him."

2020-01-20, 06:32 PM
Aldo raised an eyebrow. "Bad that he did it or bad he got caught?" He chuckled "Enjoying physical pleasure isn't some great horror, Tia. If his bedmates had been the leading lady and the costume designer rather than the director's relations, it'd be laughed off as a drunken rendezvous. It was his poor judgement on partners and his hubris in thinking he could get away with it that got him killed. Though as a youth, I refused to believe it. I was sure that someone had set him up."

2020-01-23, 04:22 PM
"His choice really, but if I'm being honest. Sleeping with people just because you can isn't exactly the best choice of action. I mean, I know he was well past his prime at that point, based on your story, but that doesn't excuse the poor decision making process behind that." She sighs a little, looking up away from Aldo. "I know, I know, I'm being close minded about it. To each their own and all that. So, knowing what you do now, do you still believe your grandfather was set up?"

2020-01-23, 07:14 PM
"Uncle" Aldo corrected absentmindedly. "And while I personally posit that it's fine as long as neither party has an existing relationship and precautions are made, I respect your opinion. As far as for what happened to it, like most things in life, it's more complicated than it appeared at first.

"See, I decided to go investigating to find out the truth, sticking my nose in where it didn't belong. I pissed off the wrong people and nearly got myself killed in the process. More than once, actually. Lucky, I was taken in by someone who could show me the ropes of sneaking and I was able to uncover the truth. Yes, my uncle had been involved in espionage as an informant and yes, he had made a few powerful enemies, but no, it wasn't a cover; he really had been caught in flagrant delicto. Whether or not his enemies tipped off the director is impossible to say, but sometimes things are exactly as they appear."

2020-01-27, 05:07 PM
"Well, I am sorry to hear that. Have you ever had to deal with his enemies coming after you?"

2020-01-27, 09:14 PM
"Not really. I mean, there was a good half a year I was investigating that no doubt did little to endear me to them, but once I found out what happened, I kind of just left that whole scene. I went into acting and I've been doing my best to get ahead in it since. I mean, it's possible that they might have pulled strings to keep roles away, but I doubt they'd be that petty." He shrugged. "If it wasn't for getting involved in this whole mess, I probably would have keep plugging away at my acting career and never summoned my blade again outside of stopping a would-be mugger or whatnot."(Unless there's anything else Tia would want to bring up, the conversation can peter off at this point)

2020-03-20, 02:12 PM
"I am a poor scholar, indeed, to not know of such things," says Arael, "but you have already impressed me with your academic breadth. When we have time, I would like to discuss more. Oh, and we definitely will be having combat training that Janiven will likely run, so I will get to observe your skills in action."

This should close out this discussion (for now), unless you have something else to discuss.

2020-03-20, 06:09 PM
It had been a frustrating few days after freeing Arael. Even though he hated it, losing the gig stung. Especially since he wasn't the only actor in that production that had been delayed by the incident. Inna Waterglow, the lead actress had been detained by the Helknights as a witness, but was ultimately let go after it was determined that she didn't know anything of note and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Regardless, since she was one of the leads and he wasn't playing a named character, he was more expendable. Of course, the fact that Inna was (according to the rumor mill) sleeping with the director might have played a part (which wouldn't have been an option for him, even if the director hadn't been depressingly straight; he didn't want to follow his uncle's footsteps too closely) but the point was that he was between gigs for a bit.

And in the hullabaloo, he had almost forgotten that his father's birthday was coming up. Thankfully, he'd remembered before heading back and asked Fiosa and Meijin for help. It was clear that Fiosa would enjoy helping in the kitchen, and Meijin could deal with both lifting things as well as helping handle the entertainment, being a valuable second opinion on it if nothing else. The prior of which he was using him for now.

"Thanks again for the help" Aldo said as they walked back from the butchers. "It'd be a major pain at my size to move that meat, so the help is appreciated."

2020-03-20, 07:14 PM
With a sheepish smile, he admits in that strange dialect that defies Aldo's knowledge of the elven tongue, "To be honest, I agree with the overall precepts of the Children," he is careful to not add the normal ending there in case anyone on the streets was listening, "and I think Arael is a right solid man. But to be honest, outside of yourself, the others of the - how shall I say it so as not to be unfair or dismissive - exceptionally well trained? Yes, I feel that two of them are loose wands of lightning, and the other two ... nice people, but even I can't help admit that I am still made uncomfortable by their presence. Hopefully, with shared experience and camaraderie that will abate in time."

He changes to a more sprightly posture as he adds, "But, I have never met halflings before you. I had seen them, but I wasn't sure what they - you - are. So, this will be an eye-opener and an education regarding this part of your world."

At the end, as if remembering something, he becomes he stops this uncommon openness and is quiet.

2020-03-20, 07:46 PM
Aldo sidestepped the lull in conversation. "I understand. Starting a new acting troupe can be tricky, especially when dealing with friends of a friend like we did. Still, I'm sure after we get done feeling each other out, we'll be ready to take the stage." Letting that cover lie for a second, he continues on the second topic. "As far as halflings as concerned, we're generally a cheerful bunch if the situation allows. Though that's only in a broad sense; individuals will vary, just like any other race."

Simple message=Refer to the Children of Westcrown as an acting troupe and not a rebel faction while in public. DC 15 Bluff and I have +14 to Bluff, so I literally can't fail it.

2020-03-20, 07:58 PM
Meijen quickly nods and smiles and agrees, "Yes, the troupe."
Actually, as good as he might surprisingly be at being glib, perhaps it is his understanding of people that makes him less understanding of his halfling counterpart right now, but Aldo gets the sense that Meijen's discomfort had nothing to do with discussion of the .... troupe.

2020-03-20, 08:06 PM
Aldo sighed. If it wasn't the 'troupe', then that left one thing. "Okay, lemme have it. If we're going to be working together, best we get this out ahead of time. I assure you, regardless of what you think, I've been asked and/or accused of worse. I won't be offended.Let's just clear the air before it grows too bad. What are you curious about but are afraid to ask me?"

2020-03-20, 09:14 PM
Meijen seems confused. "There's nothing I can think of - no awkward questions - that I have thought of that stirs my imagination. I tend to be more docile in outlook than I have seen from others here."

2020-03-20, 09:24 PM
"Then what's bothering you?" Aldo seemed both sympathetic and confused. "If it's not something with me or with the troupe, why hold your tongue?"

2020-03-20, 09:28 PM
"Because, my dear actor," he says with a growing smile, "you are free with your tongue, as one would expect of an actor. I use my body to betray myself, and my tongue to rein it back in again. Besides, it works better if I am your straight role to your comic one."

2020-03-20, 09:37 PM
Aldo shrugged. "Fair enough. I won't interfere with your method acting." As for the second part of his statement, Aldo puts on an air of sagacity. "You don't understand. Comedy and drama are two halves of the same coin. While people can lean towards on or the other, understanding both is part of my holistic approach. You should switch it up form time to time so you have a more complete skill set. I can be serious when the time requires. You should try and have a laugh and be less of a straight man." He then smirked. "Who knows? You might find you enjoy it."

2020-03-21, 09:19 AM
“Tia? Do you mind a visit to my apartment ? I need to clean up and change. You can stay outside if you’re concerned about meeting my mom. She is overly protective and may ask you pointed questions.”
​she shrugs sheepishly.

2020-03-21, 08:40 PM
He looks at Aldo with a raised eyebrow. "Who waid I was a straight man?"

2020-03-21, 09:00 PM
"You, about 10 seconds ago." Aldo said bluntly. He raises his hands in a dismissing gesture. "The point is that variety is the spice of life, and going out of your comfort zone every now and then is a good thing." As they turn the corner, they see his folks' house down the road. "Perhaps when we have less ears around, you'll be able to loosen your tongue and ask what you want to know."

2020-03-21, 10:45 PM
"Hm," Meijen muses. "Perhaps I am having trouble with this Taldan tongue, but that is not what I said ... you changed things, unless the words are the same - same-onymous? That's the term? And yes, perhaps, but I think we are here now."

And Meijen points to the butcher's sign as you have reached your destination.

2020-03-21, 11:09 PM
Aldo shrugs. "Sorry, I forgot Taldane wasn't your native tongue." He switches languages before continuing "[[I could continue in Elven if it's easier for you.]]" He then enters the butcher's shop, switching back to Taldane to address the clerk. "Good morrow. I'm here to pick up an order for the Coldvales."

2020-03-22, 06:41 AM
“Tia? Do you mind a visit to my apartment ? I need to clean up and change. You can stay outside if you’re concerned about meeting my mom. She is overly protective and may ask you pointed questions.”
​she shrugs sheepishly.

"I don't mind. I don't exactly have anything important to do."

2020-03-22, 04:05 PM
Both of the above convos are being cut short as you are now heading to IC ....

2020-03-28, 08:33 AM
After returning upstairs to her mother’s apartment, Kavina introduces Folco to her mother as Tia’s friend and asks if he can join them for dinner.

2020-03-31, 11:27 PM
Now that things are no longer "temporally limiting," this conversation returns to the ICI...

Folco swallows hard. It seems Kavin has some effect on him. "In the same way people study legends and myths. See, I didn't know you were actually real. Your people, I mean. The reason I was drawn to the, um so-called 'myths' of the kitsune? I am a student of people, and am quite a fan of disguises, accents, impersonations, and the like. The stories of your people place the kitsune at the top of those that can do the very things I weakly aspire to. And none so much as the legendary formless masters."

2020-04-10, 04:47 PM
Aldo attends Fiosa's investiture, waiting until the ceremony is complete. As soon as she has a moment to talk, Aldo will approach her. "Congratulations, your holiness. I always thought that white and yellow looked good on you."