View Full Version : Char Idea

2019-11-29, 11:44 PM
So here is the idea and I know I will catch some hell for this but the idea I think could be very sound in getting my group up in levels as we are going up in levels slow than snails are racing.

So the idea is to become the ultimate animal killer and have our DM send us after the biggest baddest animals that might in the area.

So my idea is this, Mongrelfolk Martial Wizard 3
Stats: Str 17 Dex 18 Con 20 Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 10
this is after all racial stats.
Flaws: noncombatant, weak will
Level 1 Point Blank Shot. Flaw Feat: able learner , Flaw Feat Skill focus Darkstalker. Bonus feat Improved initiative Level 3 Weapon focus Ray
Familier: Hummingbird: +4 to initiative.
Initiative: +12
Ranged touch attack: BAB 1 Mod 4 weapon focus 1 (within 30 '1) Total +6 (+7 within 30')
Spells: Level 0 x x x x
Level 1 Mage Armour reduce person
Level 2 Ray of stupidity 1D4+1(+1 within 30') for 3 Int damage minimum. Subject to no saves, and can Crit.
Skills: ( Will just list the ones that will be used)
Listen: ranks 3 mod 3 racial 1 +7 Hide Ranks 3 mod 4 racial 4 skill bonus 1 +12 (+16 with reduced person)

Just looking to see if this is a little to munchkin and if there is any way to make it better and maybe less munchkin.

2019-11-30, 12:36 AM
Well any DM worth their salt will send the local Druids after you, for starters.

Maat Mons
2019-11-30, 05:10 AM
I'm not really a fan of specializing in certain types of enemies. It can work out well, but only if the DM is gearing the campaign heavily towards enemies of that type.

Since this plan would require the DM to cooperate by giving you the enemies you want, you should probably run it past him. Actually, while you're talking with your DM, maybe start by saying that you feel levels are coming very slowly. If he's amiable to the idea of helping your characters level up faster, you might not even need this build.

What happens if you the animals you're hunting travel in packs? You can one-shot one per round, but some of them will still get attacks off.

2019-11-30, 09:48 AM
Level 2 Ray of stupidity 1D4+1(+1 within 30') for 3 Int damage minimum. Subject to no saves, and can Crit.

You can crit, but you don't get the +1 from Point Blank Shot.

From Complete Arcane p.73:

Spells that deal only ability damage, bestow penalties on ability scores, or deal energy drain gain a +1 bonus on their attack rolls but get no bonus on damage.

2019-12-01, 11:02 PM
able learner requires you to be a human or doppleganger fyi.

2019-12-01, 11:23 PM
I thought mongrel counted as human for this that and the other.

2019-12-02, 02:54 AM
they get bonus's on saves vs things that targets or ignores specific races, and there's this:

Emulate Race (Ex): Because of their radically mixed heritage, mongrelfolk can use magic items that only function for a user of a certain race.

but they don't qualify as human for feats

2019-12-02, 12:36 PM
Must be thinking a different race. Maybe neanderthal?

2019-12-02, 03:07 PM
Must be thinking a different race. Maybe neanderthal?

that could be it, they're just a human variant afterall

2019-12-02, 03:12 PM
This is a totally reasonable build. Essentially, you're a ray specialist who has chosen ray of stupidity to deal with low-Intelligence targets. You can easily choose other spells, such as scorching ray, to deal with other targets, and you'll have a very nice overall build. I would, however, swap your Strength and Intelligence. When you hit level 4, you'll be able to use your ability increase to hit 18 Intelligence, which will be a nice boost to your save DCs.

2019-12-09, 06:55 AM
able learner requires you to be a human or doppleganger fyi.

Mongralfolk have the sub race of human so they count as a human. Read the book and not just the feat.

2019-12-09, 06:58 AM
Must be thinking a different race. Maybe neanderthal?

You are correct on both mongrels haves a subrace of human which lets them qualify for human feats just like the Illumian qualify for human feats because they are a subrace of humans.

2019-12-09, 07:09 AM
This is a totally reasonable build. Essentially, you're a ray specialist who has chosen ray of stupidity to deal with low-Intelligence targets. You can easily choose other spells, such as scorching ray, to deal with other targets, and you'll have a very nice overall build. I would, however, swap your Strength and Intelligence. When you hit level 4, you'll be able to use your ability increase to hit 18 Intelligence, which will be a nice boost to your save DCs.

Thanks but the Int was an 18 Mongralfolk have a -2 to Int so making it 17 would lower it to 15. As much as I like this build my DM I am sure is trying to kill it. As I KOd 2 elephants and since the party did not kill them he gave us only 600 Xp each. When it should have been 2400 xp each for defeating 2 CR7s at level 3. So once I go up a level thinking of branching to Druid or cleric. If I go Druid I will be taking the unarmoured/no wild shape ACF. I know he is going to think this is grossly OP because of the ranger and monk stuff you get. But it plays so well into what I'am looking for this char as I'am looking at going into Geomancer./ maybe Arcan Heirophant.

Maat Mons
2019-12-09, 04:44 PM
If your DM is refusing to give you full XP unless the enemy dies, you can just Coup de Grace it once it's helpless. Animals don't have souls, and you'll get leather and meat, which are useful and delicious, respectively. For the mammoths, you would have gotten ivory too.

I wouldn't mutilclass between different spellcasting base classes if I were you. Taking a 4th level of Wizard puts you just 1 level away from getting Shivering Touch, which your ultra-stealthy hummingbird can deliver to targets for you.

2019-12-09, 06:53 PM
If your DM is refusing to give you full XP unless the enemy dies, you can just Coup de Grace it once it's helpless. Animals don't have souls, and you'll get leather and meat, which are useful and delicious, respectively. For the mammoths, you would have gotten ivory too.

I wouldn't mutilclass between different spellcasting base classes if I were you. Taking a 4th level of Wizard puts you just 1 level away from getting Shivering Touch, which your ultra-stealthy hummingbird can deliver to targets for you.

The humming bird has the same stats as a thrush and they are not stealthy at all

Maat Mons
2019-12-09, 07:45 PM
As a Diminutive creature, a thrush enjoys a +12 size bonus on hide checks. A familiar uses its master's skill ranks, in this case 3. And it gets +2 from Dexterity.

That's a healthy +17 on hide checks.

2019-12-10, 12:25 AM
As a Diminutive creature, a thrush enjoys a +12 size bonus on hide checks. A familiar uses its master's skill ranks, in this case 3. And it gets +2 from Dexterity.

That's a healthy +17 on hide checks.

Cool missed that thanks

2019-12-10, 12:28 AM
If your DM is refusing to give you full XP unless the enemy dies, you can just Coup de Grace it once it's helpless. Animals don't have souls, and you'll get leather and meat, which are useful and delicious, respectively. For the mammoths, you would have gotten ivory too.

I wouldn't mutilclass between different spellcasting base classes if I were you. Taking a 4th level of Wizard puts you just 1 level away from getting Shivering Touch, which your ultra-stealthy hummingbird can deliver to targets for you.

That spell is brutal: has it been errataed ?