View Full Version : Mandalorian Onslaught: Besh

2019-11-30, 09:39 AM
Vanquo, Mining Outpost 379
Outer Refugee Camp

Not so long ago, this outpost would have been deafened by the grinding of massive drills. Now it's mostly silent.

Outpost 379 was one of hundreds operated across Vanquo by Veyl Industrial Extraction (VIE), hungrily ripping ore from the earth in order to feed the great Lhosan Industries factories on Taris. It was the fear of losing those factories, and the resource worlds that supply them, that drove Lhosan to petition the Republic to admit and defend Taris from the onrushing Mandalorians. With their deep pockets to grease the wheels of the Senate, they soon got the protective corridor they wanted.

But placing a Republic fleet around Vanquo meant that the planet looked safe, and that had consequences that Lhosan and VIE had not anticipated. Tens of thousands of refugees, perhaps by now hundreds of thousands, descended on the planet, desperate to reach the Republic's protection. Once they arrived, most with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, they found the Republic unprepared to support them. Only one aid station was established to serve a planet's worth of desperate people.

That aid station is on the far side of Vanquo from Mining Outpost 379, and the refugees who landed here have been forced to fend for themselves. The skeleton staff of organic mining operators, terrified and resentful VIE employees with no idea how to deal with the flood of refugees, have barricaded themselves in the security room, taking the entirety of the outpost's stocks of food and medical supplies behind its magna-locked doors. Now the starving and injured grow more desperate by the day.

The lone bunkhouse for organic employees was far too small for the crowd of refugees, so now the narrow streets of the outpost, winding between stripped supply warehouses and mineshaft entrances, are choked with improvised tents. Someone found rain tarps for VIE equipment and hung them from lines of synthrope, which is enough to keep most of the huddled crowds dry, if not warm. A few mynocks, imported accidentally on mining shuttles and hunted by the refugees, turn slowly on spits.

The bunkhouse has been converted into a makeshift medbay, and the groans of the sick and injured drift over the camp, mingling with the hum of the few working fusion lamps and the subdued sounds of hungry children halfheartedly playing. Small parties of refugees armed with fusion cutters, sharpened sticks, and other improvised weapons occasionally delve into the mining tunnels, looking for mynocks and edible fungi. The people here are doing what they can, but they can't go on like this.

2019-11-30, 11:16 AM
Caera Rellisk was sitting in what passed for a cantina on this miserable rock. One hand was clutching onto the whiskey she was currently nursing. Some brand of a Corellian style knock-off, Whyren’s Reserve it was most certainly not. Her other hand was tracing symbols on the table, a nervous gesture. Her head went back to a week ago, when her friends, if you could call people that just abandoned a young woman on a backwater mining rock friends, left on their ship without her. What’s worse, they took everything she had with them. Clothes, cards, backup blaster. And her clothes. All she had left was the outfit she had been wearing when she had been playing a friendly game of sabacc that was interrupted by a call over her comlink.

They sounded so apologetic. ”We didn’t know you weren’t here, Cae.” “Why didn’t you tell anyone, Cae?” “We’ve already broke orbit, and can’t risk running the blockade again.”


It wasn’t even a blockade. Not really. They could have come back for her. Maybe she should have slept with Verlan? Bet he’d have come back for his girl if she’d been receptive to his advances.

Would he though?

There has to be a way off this planet. Doesn’t there?

Cae sighed and knocked back the whiskey, then motioned for another.

2019-11-30, 04:43 PM
Yet again Z1X has survived the death of another owner, this time due to the crash landing of their ship. Z1X slowly plods into the compound covered in filth and low on power. Finding a new owner is always such a pain, they are so short lived and never listen to advice such as "This ship is in bad shape and it won't make it to the sky."

Z1X heads into a place where the people gather and consume alcohol in search of a power socket.

2019-11-30, 11:03 PM
Abeddo limps down the pathways between the ruined tents filled with refugees "Ugh...Pain in teh back! Cots are not a replacement for a bed. Or a Bunk. Think There was a rock in it." The Duros mercenary had just done a quick job for a trader down on his luck. All he had to do was put on a helmet and stand straight with his scattergun. Look a tad intimidating....trader never mentioned that he'd have to stand like that for 11 hours. That with a bad night of sleep? No wonder he had a pain in the back

Abeddo needs some pain relief. Thus, he'll be going to the greatest pharmacy in the galaxy. The Bar.

2019-12-01, 09:22 PM
What passed for a cantina in Mining Outpost 379 was a collection of crates under a tarp. At least it was mostly dry. Mostly.

The barkeep, an aging Ishi Tib with skin slowly turning an unhealthy pallid color, poured drinks for the motley few that had credits to spend; rumor had it that he knew a few smugglers he could bargain with to keep the booze flowing and turn a little profit. But whatever connections he had didn't seem to have come through recently. The old man turned over each of his bottles in turn, tapping them to see how much was left. It wasn't much. Caera seemed to have gotten the last of the whiskey.

As he puttered about, probably to find something to water down the last of the alcohol with so he could stretch it out as long as possible, a new face entered the cantina. Tall, thin, and regal, with graying hair and faded facial marks, the Mirialan woman was well-known around the camp. Several refugees stood as she walked in, nodding respectfully. This was Kusya, the closest thing the Outpost 379 crowd had to a leader. She rationed supplies, set guards, and generally kept things running as best she could.

Her deep amber eyes swiftly settled on the few sitting in the bar who stood out: the ones with weapons. With a casual wave of her hand, she beckoned each one over, setting a few simple cups in front of her and pouring from a hip flask into each. An incentive to listen. To Z1X, who couldn't enjoy a malted beverage, she offered an apologetic smile and shrug. "You look a little different from the usual floatsam we get in here," she began, her voice low but confident. "Like you could handle yourselves."

She pushed the cups across the crate she was using as a table. "Maybe you can help us, and I can help you. You don't seem like the types who'd like to stay on Vanquo."

2019-12-02, 12:03 AM
Unsure if anybody here understands binary Z1X attempts to use the faulty vocabulator to say "I may be of some assistance. What services do you require?" Instead what comes out is "I might help others. Is it what service do you need?"

To the bartender "Power?"

2019-12-02, 01:38 AM
Caera saw the gesture, and thought about ignoring it. For all of about a second. It wasn’t wise to ignore when someone was offering a drink. That much she learned from her former captain.

Cae walks over to Kusya, and sets her empty glass on the table as she sits by raising her leg over and around the back of the chair as she sits down. She does this as the droid speaks, and the odd way the words come out makes her look over at the droid.

Problem in the subroutines, friend?

Thats right, folks. Caera just used the Riker maneuver to sit down.

2019-12-02, 03:37 AM
As they start conversing, a skinny, blindfolded humanoid, wrapped up tightly in a cloak, wanders over. "If getting off this planet is an option, I'd love to hear it. We never meant to come here in the first place." She sits down next to Caera. "Don't consider myself much of a fighter, but I might be able to handle myself well enough for whatever you need doing to get us off this damn rock."

2019-12-02, 08:05 PM
The only thing better then a paycheck at this point is getting off this rock. He unstraps his jetpack, putting it to the side of his chair as he puts his scattergun over his lap. The young human putting her leg in an odd position makes the Duros squint his eyes in...confusion. He shakes his head. A droid, a blind person, a kid...and him. This job might be hard

"Seems like a fair trade. Cant be too picky with who you take jobs from now a days so shoot. Explain away."

2019-12-03, 09:50 AM
Kusya smiled thinly, nodding at each new voice in turn. "Not literal power," she told Z1X, "but power for organics. We need food and medical supplies."

Reaching into her ragged leatheris jacket, the Mirialan woman drew out a battered holoprojector and set it down on the crate in the middle of the group. "When we started showing up in numbers, the local miners panicked. They were sure we would eat all of their rations, so they barricaded themselves inside the outpost and sealed the doors. We hunted local wildlife until there wasn't much left, and now we're running out of everything, with no solution in sight. Until a few days ago, when someone else's rough luck became our opportunity." She flicked the holoprojector on, and the ghostly blue image of a freighter streaks across Vanquo's simulated sky, one engine trailing thick smoke. Then it drops like a rock.

"That's the Hopeful Heart," Kusya continued. "The captain was ferrying refugees out of Mandalorian territory, and must've taken a hit in the pursuit. It looks like everyone on board was killed in the crash." Kusya's face looked torn between sympathetic grief and pragmatic determination. With so many refugees under her care already, and countless more arriving across Vanquo every day, everyone was sacrificing some amount of empathy on the altar of simple personal survival. "Their cargo bays, though, are intact. There could be enough food in there to keep us going for weeks, and all sorts of medicine. And there could also be something there that might more directly interest you."

The aging woman gestured toward the north edge of the camp. "The outpost has a shuttle, designed to evacuate employees. But it's grounded thanks to poor maintenance; it needs new power converters before it can fly. You could find those power converters on the Hopeful Heart, and that could be your ticket off-planet." She paused, and it was clear what was coming next: the catch. "The problem is this: someone else got there first. It's a group of bandits and desperadoes, and they're trying to charge prices no one can pay for access to the supplies. They're profiting off of our misery. I want them dead, and if you want the parts you need to get off this planet, so do you."

Kusya stopped talking with that simple, blunt declaration, looking around the little circle for everyone's reaction.

2019-12-03, 05:16 PM
There seem to be a lot of ifs and maybes attached to this. Cae starts.

That said, there also isn’t much else going on around here, either. If there really are bandits extorting the people for food, then they should be put down. I’m in, assuming there won’t be a reprisal for killing these bandits.

2019-12-03, 05:21 PM
Aiden had been hard up for cash, even if he wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do with it. It would be nice to get a ship, and having credits on hand was always a good idea. And the troublesome times did not help with this. Outpost 379 was just an stop in the planet hopping he had been doing. Naturally he was trying to figure out where to go from here, given the lack of funds to be made here. The young man had no obvious weapon on him, so he didn't come to the beckoning woman at first. However he over heard the prospect of work and made himself to the 'table'. "Pardon my intrusion, but perhaps I can be of some help as well." He waits for permission before taking a seat... or at least getting closer if there are no places to sit left.

2019-12-03, 05:32 PM
Lyrais sighs, and starts speaking, reluctance clear in her tone. "I would prefer to avoid loss of life is possible, but if these individuals are exploiting the vulnerability of others, they need to be stopped, regardless of what we can gain from it." Her voice takes on a firmer tone for the next part. "However, I hope we can all agree to offer them all a chance to stand down before resorting to lethal force, and hopefully try to avoid killing those who are reluctant. It may be possible that some of them have been forcibly conscripted by this band of, uh, bandits." Without turning her head to face him, she then addresses Aiden. "Oh do sit down already, you're doing nobody any favours looming over us like that."

2019-12-03, 10:59 PM
Abeedo pulls out a slug from his belt, putting it into his scattergun and pumping it "Woof, shame to be the guys in the shuttle. But if it means getting us some food and a way ouy, I have no trouble killin a few bandits." He says with a toothy smile, almost contrasting completely with the more peaceful members of this motley crew

He looks to the new commer, waving them over "No no, go ahead the more people willing to watch my back the better"

2019-12-04, 12:10 AM
At least if Z1X uses really short sentences with simple words the vocabulator cannot mess it up as much.

At Caera "Vocabulator bad."

Points at recharge socket on its chassis "Need power."

In binary: <I am wondering if perhaps one of you understands binary so that we may converse in a more civilized manner. Killing is against my programming, but I will assist however I can.>

2019-12-04, 02:03 AM
Yeah, I understand you. And I get that you can’t kill. I’m sure we can find a way to use your skills. What should we call you, anyway?

2019-12-04, 02:05 PM
Kusya welcomed Aiden with a nod. "More is safer. I can't tell you this will be easy."

To Cae's point, Kusya nodded. "The bandits aren't part of any organized crime syndicate. They're just opportunists. No one will miss them." She shrugged at Lyrais. "If you think you can convince them to give up what we need, that's fine. But I'll warn you, they're some nasty sleemos. They've killed two of us already." To Z1X, she nodded again. "There should be plenty of power you can charge from at the Hopeful Heart, if you can get to it."

With everyone seemingly onboard with the plan, Kusya passed the holoprojector across the table to Caera, who had spoken first. "There's a map in there that'll get you to the Heart. It's a few hours' walk from here. I'd offer you swoops if we had any, but we don't. Oh, and watch out for the Butcher Bugs. If they smell blood out there in the forest, they'll swarm you." With that, she left the group to make any preparations or plans they needed before heading out.

It would be a long walk over rough ground in the cold, but it might be their ticket off Vanquo.

2019-12-04, 06:02 PM
Caera takes the projector and pockets it. She then takes the drink, downs it in one go, and looks to the others.

Anyone need anything before we go?

2019-12-05, 01:23 AM
<I am KD85-CG46-IT29-CZ1X however I have been designated as Z1X or Zix by previous owners in order to expedite social interactions. Aside from running a bit low in power I am adequately prepared for this endeavor.>

Going forward any text I put in these <> is said in Binary.

2019-12-05, 03:29 AM
Well, alright. You mind if I call you Zix, then? To... expedite social interaction? And do you have the power to make the journey or do you need a recharge before we leave?

2019-12-06, 12:53 AM
<Zix is acceptable.>

Z1X performs some calculations.

<I currently estimate 23.2 hours of remaining operating time, depending on activity levels. It should be adequate for the task.>

2019-12-06, 11:04 PM
Abeedo checks his slugs and his scattergun. He pauses "Nothing comes to mind. Anyone got a speeder to get us there?"

2019-12-07, 09:29 AM
No one, unfortunately, had a speeder. It was going to be a slog on foot.

Gathering their weapons and supplies, the small group formed up at the edge of the mining outpost. Although its durasteel perimeter fence had begun to feel oppressive over the past few days, squeezing too many people into its tight confines, leaving its protection felt deeply uncertain. The wilderness of Vanquo loomed beyond, stark and harsh and beautiful. Nameless peaks, jagged and studded with tall evergreens, rose in every direction. Only the holomap kept the group on course.

The party descended along rough trails of gravel, covered in a thin layer of snow that crunched beneath their steps. It was loose and slippery, and everyone nearly lost their footing several times - except Z1X, who had the benefit of four feet to stabilize itself. Three hours of rough going, first downhill, then uphill, then down again, left the organics' legs burning with exertion. But finally, as they rounded the next bend, the party saw several trails of smoke curling up through the trees.

In the valley beyond, their destination lay sprawled before them. The Hopeful Heart was an ugly wreck, twisted and broken. Its crash landing had sheared dozens of trees in half, leaving two hundred meters of ruined forest behind its final resting place. The ship itself lay on a bed of splintered wood. It had shattered into two sections, forward and rear. Between them, like entrails spilling out, was the desperado camp Kusya had described, a rugged collection of tents and cooking fires.

Even from this distance, it was clear that there was activity in the camp. A sentry was standing atop each section of the ship, and would easily spot anyone who got any closer. At least five or six more people were milling around the central camp, perhaps cooking over the fires. Everyone was armed. Sure enough, the Heart's cargo bays looked to be intact, studded along the rear section of the vessel. Whoever controlled them had access to a rich haul indeed.

2019-12-08, 12:46 AM
Z1X examines the situation.
<Perhaps a distraction of some kind is in order.>

2019-12-08, 12:46 AM
Abeedo kneels down behind a tree, eying the wreck from there position. He gasps for some breath, tired after walking for so long "Right, any one have some binoculars? Maybe get a scan of ther ecamp. After that, we can move in a bit more safely. Im thinking you guys go in for a frontal assault, and I use my Jetpack to maneuver around them and flush them out of cover.

2019-12-09, 02:48 AM
A distraction, huh? Well, I could always dirty myself up, get some scuffs on the face, and run around to the other side of the camp, and get their attention...

2019-12-09, 02:55 PM
"I'm up for heading the frontal assault. Hold up about that distraction though." Aiden says, scanning the camp. He's hoping to find something explosive or flammable. "I may be able to figure something out."

2019-12-09, 11:14 PM
<I am not a tactical droid but a frontal assault is inadvisable.>

*Processing sounds*

<Perhaps we could lure some of them away in order to divide their numbers.>

2019-12-10, 11:19 AM
Lyrais sighs, but nods her assent. "Given their number, it sounds advisable, I imagine there's a good chance anyone approaching would be blasted to bits, with that many of them together. If we're going to offer them the chance to surrender, we at least have to separate them first. If you divide them," She gestures towards Aiden and Abeedo. "The rest of us may be able to subdue those that remain."

2019-12-11, 06:59 PM
Abeddo nods "Right then. I'll use my Jetpack to move between cover then. Does anyone have some explosives? Would do a good job of distracting them."

2019-12-12, 02:29 AM
Z1X shakes its optical sensor <Do not look to me for implements of death and destruction, I am outfitted for repair work. I carry a fire extinguisher not explosives.>

2019-12-12, 11:41 AM
Aiden could tell by the sigh that Lyrais had accept that they would probably have to kill some of the individuals. He would try to be as none lethal as possible, but given his actual weapon it would be pretty difficult for him... Then again maybe not. Looking for the largest and further rumble or rock he could, he would close his eyes for a moment in concentration. "I'm going to throw something... large. It won't be explosive but it will smash things. Where should I put it? Unless of course one of you have a better idea of a distraction?"

2019-12-12, 07:51 PM
I get it, Zix. Don’t worry about it. Maybe you should hang back for this, wait until the shooting is... over... and... Hmm.

I wonder how they would react to a droid walking in and not an organic.

2019-12-13, 02:10 AM
*Processing sounds* <There is a reasonable probability that they would attempt to capture said droid so that they could sell it ... You wish to use me as a distraction?>

2019-12-13, 02:55 AM
I think it has a certain appeal to it. More subtle than hurling a giant rock. Or explosives we don't have. But hang on, let me take a look.

2019-12-13, 08:14 PM
Peering down closely at the camp, Caera spotted a number of potential routes of entry and possibilities for distraction. Besides the main approach, where any who came nearby would be spotted immediately, there was a large hole at the rear of the crashed freighter that was surrounded by bushes and tree cover. Someone moving stealthily could reach the ship unseen that way, though there was no telling whether they might encounter guards immediately inside. Someone could also circle entirely around the ship and come down a small ravine, out of sight of the guards, but there was no direct way into the ship from there.

Someone taking that route would have to either climb the vessel, risking being spotted, or somehow cut their way in.

Large rocks were poised on the mountainside above the camp; a good push would send them rolling right down on the ship, which would definitely cause a major ruckus. In addition, the fusion lanterns dotting the camp would explode if a good blaster shot hit them, though they were very small targets from this distance. Any other distractions the party wanted to try, they would have to cook up themselves out of what they had brought with them. Night would fall in a few hours, granting them cover of darkness, but it would also become bitterly cold up on these rugged peaks.

2019-12-14, 12:06 AM
Abeedo starts counting his shots, squatting down as he gets ready to move in "Well..I'm ready to go. I say you use the rocks to knock into the entrance of the camp. then I'll go through the forest path and start taking out a few guards. The ravine's an option, but my Jetpack only has so much fuel."

2019-12-14, 01:38 AM
<If we are here to salvage supplies, then dropping a load of rocks on top of the vessel containing the desired items may not be the best course of action.> *Processing sounds* <Perhaps we could entice some of them to come to us so that you could conduct some ... aggressive negotiations on our terms.>

2019-12-14, 11:03 PM
Okay. Me and Zix here can go through the bush to the hole in the ship. When we’re inside we can see about maybe finding something else to help us. Maybe slice the computers and seal off some of the emergency bulkheads if there are more bandits inside the wreck. Slowing any of them down for even a few seconds will give us an edge.

Caera looks over to the Duros. Abeedo. You circle around. You have a commlink, right? Double-click when you get into position. Me and Zix will single click when we are set up.

Caera turns to the others. Once all of us are in position and give you our signals, you hit them with everything you got. Once the shooting starts, Abeedo hits them from behind, and I hit them from one side. If you have a shot for one of the generators while there’s a couple of these guys nearby, take it, maybe we can end this quick.

2019-12-15, 01:01 AM
*Processing sounds* <This plan is acceptable.>

2019-12-15, 04:19 PM
Aiden grins, "I was fixing to say, we should avoid any plans that seem like obvious traps." He then winces, looking for the hole she mentioned. "I'd imagine they would know about that or that they would at least have some one inside. Be careful." He was about to ask if she was sure it was a good idea, but she would not have volunteered to go in like that if she couldn't handle herself. He hoped the others indeed had blasters as he didn't. He would pull out his lightsaber and focus himself inwardly before getting into a position to be ready to rush into the camp.

2019-12-16, 12:21 AM
Abeedo nods "Sure thing. Besides, when fireworks start flying I know I'll be needed!" he stays low, but moves to start circling around the camp, trying to get to the back

2019-12-18, 09:12 AM
The group's attempts to circle quietly around the back of the ship could have gone better. Loose gravel slid beneath their feet, pinging loudly off of the hull, until finally a very large rock went hurdling down the mountainside and set the durasteel ringing like a gong. The two sentries on top of the ship ran over to the back of the wreck and aimed their blaster rifles at the intruders. "Hey!" one of them shouted, a tall, girthy Nautolan with a nasty scar up the left side of his neck. "The feth do you think you're doing? You wanna do business with us, you come see the boss at the front!"

"I thinks they's thieves, Teth," snarled the other, a grimy Twi'lek male in cobbled-together Republic armor. "I thinks we should put 'em down right here." The Nautolan didn't respond, but he was clearly thinking about his fellow sentry's words. Finally he spoke again. "Is that right? Are you thieves? This is our find, fair and square, and killing you to protect it don't mean a thing to us." Within the ship, other bandits began to stir, reacting to the commotion. It was only a matter of time before an even larger group of them assembled to find out what was going on.

2019-12-18, 11:25 AM
Hang on, hang on. Caera waves off their concern and accusations.

Now, just hang on a second. You seriously telling me there’s a front to this wreck?And what do you mean by thieves? I’m no thief, I’m a duly sworn salvage recovery operative, same as all of you right? What say we put the blasters down and find your boss, so we can kick up our boots, have a drink and figure out how we’re gonna get all this salvage out of here before the Republic shows up, accuses us all of being thieves, and has us all locked away without so much as getting a decicredit of profit.

2019-12-19, 12:24 AM
"I thinks we should put 'em down right here."

*sad beep*

2019-12-19, 08:47 AM
The Twi'lek and the Nautolan glanced at each other as Caera spoke, considering her words. She had a way with persuasion, and it seemed that her fast-talking had managed to fool this pair. "Uh, yeah. Duly sworn, and all that. Should be more careful," the Nautolan called down, lowering his blaster. "Almost got yourselves shot." The Twi'lek lowered his blaster as well, grumbling all the while at being denied the chance to shoot something. "What was the point of spending hours setting up all them fusion lanterns to guide people in if they's still gonna come 'round back?" he muttered, rolling his eyes.

"We'll meet you down there. Don't go anywhere." The two guards disappeared from sight, presumably to make their way down from the top of the hull. It would take them a moment or two to get that far, giving the party the opportunity to act - or to wait and see if diplomacy could carry them any further.

2019-12-19, 11:35 AM
"Color me impressed," Aiden says quietly, having had come up behind Caera. "What next? We could take advantage and go offensive, but it feels ashamed to do after you handled it so nicely. Also I'm not one for taking advantage of people." He would slip his none ignited lightsaber back into his vest for the time being.

2019-12-19, 02:38 PM
Well, I am. Caera replies just as quietly.

She sighs.

It may not be the way we intended to get in, but we have to make do with what we have. We still have the advantage of surprise on our side though. Besides, she adds with a grin.

She then pulls out her comlink and quickly sends the single click.

We have a plan, don’t we?

She puts the comlink away.

2019-12-21, 10:49 AM
Aiden nods, "Yea, I guess there is more than one path to any goal." He crosses his arms and wait for the "escorts".

2019-12-22, 06:21 PM
The pair of armed aliens walked through the hole in the ship's exterior, beckoning the party into the wreck. They guided the intruders right, through a shattered bulkhead, and marched them down a narrow corridor until they came to what could only be described as a makeshift throne room. Seated on a stack of crates, flanked by Weequay guards wielding force pikes, was a young human woman with dark hair and piercing amber eyes. A heavy blaster pistol rested on her lap, in easy reach. Her gaze swept across each of the newcomers, assessing them intently. "Found 'em around back, Kass," the Nautolan said.

Kass, clearly the boss here, dismissed the sentries with a nod, and they turned and left the room to go back to their posts. "You should really be more careful," she said, toying idly with her blaster. "Could've gotten yourselves shot." Her voice was low and smooth, echoing in the chamber's tight confines. "What're you looking to buy? You don't seem like the typical starving refugees we get around here." She gestured with the barrel of her gun toward the stacks of crates around the room - food, medical supplies, power cells. A bounty that could keep the refugee camp running for weeks.

2019-12-22, 06:53 PM
Caera seats herself on a nearby crate. Oh, we weren’t here to buy. We heard about the wreck and we’re hoping to salvage a few parts to fix our ship and get off this rock. We certainly weren’t expecting to find anyone here, let alone a group of entrepreneurs such as yourselves. But, since you are here, and obviously have a claim on the find, I can deal.

She then looks around nonchalantly. Don’t suppose you have anything to drink around here? I’m Caera, by the way.