View Full Version : Bard Fighter

2019-12-01, 02:02 PM
I want to play a character that can affect lots of dice rolls and plays with the theme of being very lucky

Lore bard for the inspiration and cutting words to make allies lucky and foes unlucky.

Fighter for battle master, tripping, pushing, distracting opponents all seem like they could be described by being heavily influenced by luck.

Halfling for the flavor and also the feat that lets your allies reroll 1s as well as yourself.

So this build wouldn’t let anyone crit fail, could use bardic inspiration 5 times a rest to affect rolls, and could use maneuvers 5 times a rest to affect rolls or battlefield conditions.

I was also thinking of playing him as kind of a father figure. A loving oaf that cares for others, and even through his clumsiness he is lucky enough to have his party as a family.

Seemed like a fun melee-type to me, what do you guys think?

2019-12-01, 02:05 PM
Seemed like a fun melee-type to me, what do you guys think?

As long as it sounds fun you that is awesome.

You can take the halfling feat, the lucky feat, maybe fit in Divination Wizard for potent to make it even more silly too

2019-12-01, 02:10 PM
Could be fun, but what level are you starting at?

Bards really don't get off the ground Inspiration-wise until they hit 5th level - going from d6's per long rest to d8's per short rest is a huge leap. Battlemasters get off the ground at 3rd level, more or less. So you're looking at being 8th level before you can really live the dream.

2019-12-01, 03:24 PM
I'd go with 1 level in fighter, then 6 levels of Bard, then +X levels of Battlemaster, then back to lore bard.
Lightfoot Halfling 8/16/14/10/10/16
Bountiful Luck at level 5, Lucky/Dex+2/Cha+2 from there.
A final split of Battlemaster 6/Lore Bard 14 could get you to 8/20/14/10/10/20 and the bountiful luck feat, 7th level bard spells, and peerless skill.

Consider Counterspell/Dispel Magic as "A caster's magic inextricably failing when it would inconvenience you."
You get the Jack of All Trades boost to the check and you still only have so much luck (or spell slots) to use.

2019-12-01, 04:42 PM
I agree with the "problem" of this build being it won't start working like you want until level 8 which is a long time away from start.

I'd probably start Fighter 1, then Bard 1, then 4 or 5 more levels of Fighter, then 4 or 5 more levels of Bard. Either way you're going to want at least 5 levels of each class.

Start Fighter for the better saves. You'll end up with the same amount of skills.