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View Full Version : Original System Ascendancy: the Far West (a Developing Ruleset for a Narrative Game)

2019-12-01, 09:31 PM
Ascendancy: the Far West

Hello. This is my third draft of an attempt at homebrewing a game system, built off of games that came before it, more specifically built on my previous attempt "Ascendancy: 1900" and "Only Ruins." "Only Ruins" was a world barely held together after an apocalypse, in which people were trying to begin again amongst the ruins of an age of wonder. "Ascendancy" is a game set 726-826 years in the future of that world as society begins to come together again.

The below rules are a more built up framework to build upon as time goes on both in and around the planned game using this system. I think this time I'm terming it the concept system, after having termed the past two games a nation game and an intrigue game, with neither of those really fitting it anymore this is now Ascendancy: a concept system.

My plan is to rework and finish this before moving on to the setting guides for the Far West and 2000. I'll keep anyone interested in the loop as best as I can. Feel free to speak, discuss, and critique should you feel the need to in the Discord or OOC thread in the forums. I'll be patching holes and building upon this as directed and as I see need to.

Original Recruitment: https://v1.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/540.842654-Mythopoeia-A-combined-Nation-and-Godgame-RP-Now-closed
Second Recruitment: https://v1.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/540.854323-Mythopoeia-A-combined-Nation-and-Godgame-RP-now-recruiting#21144859
Game Thread: https://v1.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/540.843623-Mythopoeia-RP-of-gods-and-nations-game-thread-closed#20769330
Group: https://v1.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/Mythopoeia-group

Record Thread: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=485175

Setting Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?506647
Rules Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?506645
Original Recruitment Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?506837
Second Recruitment Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?522244
Third Recruitment Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?545504
Out-Of-Character Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?508062
Game Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?508138

Setting: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=482264
Rules: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=482265
Applications: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=482266
Sheets: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=482267
Maps: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=482269

Mythweavers Forum: https://www.myth-weavers.com/game.php?g=32204
Setting Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?571095
Rules Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572627
Tumblr: https://luminenwalker.tumblr.com/
World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/ascendancy-luminen-walker

GiantITP Recruitment Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?575133
Mythweavers Recruitment Thread: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?p=13952190
Escapist Recruitment Thread: https://v1.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/540.1056416

Game Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?577380
Out of Character Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576932
Discord: https://discord.gg/EeHvCUk

Grand Index: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=478805
Index: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=478804
Setting: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=452723
Rules: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=454668
Applications: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=459475
Sheets: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=459477
Game: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=459852

Main Links
Mythweavers Forum: https://www.myth-weavers.com/game.php?g=32204
Grand Index: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=478805
World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/ascendancy-luminen-walker
Tumblr: https://luminenwalker.tumblr.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/EeHvCUk

Overview: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=478801
Existential Threats: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=483905
a Light in the Dark: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=483735

Main Links
Mythweavers Forum: https://www.myth-weavers.com/game.php?g=32204
Grand Index: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=478805
Tumblr: https://luminenwalker.tumblr.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/EeHvCUk

Rules (Mythweavers): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=483207
Rules (Giant in the Playground): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?603859

Introduction (Mythweavers): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?p=14821721
Lore Recruitment (Giant in the Playground): https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?609224
Lore Recruitment (Mythweavers): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?p=14821716
Interest Check (Escapist): https://forums.escapistmagazine.com/threads/ascendancy-the-far-west-interest-check.72/
Recruitment (Mythweavers): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?p=14956119
Recruitment (Giant in the Playground): https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?613148

Setting / Sheets
Overview (Giant in the Playground): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?605921
Core Races (Mythweavers): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=478802
Dreams of the East (Anti-American Eagle): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=485587
Daydream's Earth Lizards (Avaday Daydream): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=485849
The Agmutan (Puppetress): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=499212
The Silthic (Gunhaven): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=499565
The Beyond (AlexanderML): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?p=14975730
What Hides Beneath (drt22): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=499811
The Inevitable Wardens (crunchy): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=500248

Game Threads
Prologue (1): https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=500369

2019-12-01, 09:34 PM

Welcome to our revised set of rules for this game. These rules have been made as part of an ongoing evolutionary process, a result of many games that have gone before on this and other sites. They are not perfect, and perhaps will never be, but hopefully through each game we will learn something new and take one step further on this journey. Thank you for being a part of it.

Heavy Metal Rules

These are some basic rules that should form the general approach to play:

The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is to have fun!

While roleplaying and building a universe can be demanding at times, don't forget this most obvious and forgotten rule - we're all here to have fun. Everyone wants to have a good time. So if you find yourself frustrated or dismayed at times, remember this Golden Rule. Then move straight on to…

The Silver Rule
The Silver Rule is to collaborate and communicate!

Roleplaying cannot be won, only played. It's a shared experience that works best when players cooperate and work together. Now this doesn't mean that we should shy away from conflict between characters in our stories. It is just a reminder that conflict between players is discouraged and should be avoided. Consider that the aim of the game isn't to make the best God, or the greatest civilization, but rather to tell memorable stories, and build a rich and vibrant world together with your fellow players.
So if you have an idea, please share it.
If you have a question, please don't be afraid to ask.
If you think something might impact another player's contribution, please try to let them know.
If there's a concern about the rules, please voice it - we can always discuss it or ignore/change the rule if needed.
Finally, if you have a concern regarding another player, please try to talk to them about it. If you can't, then please feel free to speak with the ODINs for guidance or help with resolution.

Because in joining this game, you not only become part of a team, but also a wider community.

The Copper Rule
The Copper Rule is to get creative!

Memorable stories and a rich and vibrant world won't write themselves. So don't be afraid to think outside the box and try something new. Build on the ideas of others and don't let the Action Point (AP) System get in the way of a good story. Work out what you're trying to accomplish and then consult the list of actions to help you do it - make the rules work for you! If you can't find an action, ask for help. Remember, the list of actions is a guide and not intended to be exhaustive. There are plenty of actions that have little narrative significance and therefore may not require AP. I'm sure that together we'll figure out a way to make your idea come to life.

The Pyrite (Fool's Gold) Rule
The Pyrite Rule is don't be seduced by the game mechanics - narrative is what's important!

While AP, infusion, and ascension may glitter and gleam with allure, please remember that the most important thing is to create an engaging story and build a world we all want to play in. The mechanics are just that, cogs in the machine to help us produce a good end product.

So if you have to decide between what's the best strategy for your PC or what makes a good story, go with story every time.

And if you're tempted to try to use a rule to get more benefit for one character, please try to remember that it is just one character among many and that its really the entire universe that is at stake, of which you own an equal share. It is Lords of Creation after all.

The Iron Rule

The Iron Rule is that wherever possible we will try to do things democratically, but if this isn't possible then the Moderators will have the final say. And if there's disagreement among them, then the Head Moderator will decide.

It follows then that the Moderators are not here to police, only to help smooth over arguments, clarify the rules, organize content, streamline play and keep the game moving. So this last resort should only come into effect to prevent extended logjam and move the game on when it is well and truly stuck. After all, it's a lot more fun for everyone if we're actually playing the game

Edict of the Gods

Though gods are powerful beings, even they must bow to certain laws of the universe. These are as follows:

Gods are not omnipotent. They are limited in power, influence, infusion and divine potential as described in the Action point System and Ascendant Concepts below. Mechanically this translates into a finite number of Action Points. Further, they are matched in might by other gods.

Gods are not omniscient. They only know those things that they directly experience, or are reported to them by beings who did experience it. Direct experience is most commonly limited to perceiving anything occurring on the same land mass or body of water/sky i.e. up to a reasonable geographic boundary, that hasn't been concealed by another god (see The Action Point System below).

Gods are not omnipresent. They themselves can only be in one location at any given time, however their agents may be practically everywhere.

Gods do not play dice with the universe, players do. Nothing happens without a player meaning it to happen. There may be undesired or even unanticipated consequences of their actions, but these are still manifestations of their characters. They are responsible and there is no external agency.

The Material Plane and Aether

The world plane born and shaped by the efforts of the Gods resides on the Material Plane, the first plane created, and is therefore both neutral and unique. Although gods may vie for control or even designate pieces of land upon it's worlds as holy, no god may create their Manse upon the Material Plane.

To sum this up for the rules. The Material Plane, the First World, cannot be reshaped wholesale without consequences or be "owned." The same applies to the only known other Plane, the Aether. Though the Aether can have portions reshaped within it into realms, it cannot be "owned." Nor can its nature be altered, it is the Aether and it is the universal resting place (not taking into account those who have their souls taken elsewhere by specific gods).

2019-12-01, 09:36 PM
The Action Point System

Action Points (AP) are used as a measure of how much power and influence your characters can expend at any one time. Everyone begins the first week of the game with 12 Action Points. These Action Points (AP) can be spent using any variation of the actions listed below that a player can imagine, and is the principal method of creating or changing things on the worlds that we are building. A turn is a weekly period of play that ends at 12:00AM EST on every Sunday. At this time, everyone gains additional AP during what is dubbed 'Rollover' since any unspent AP from the previous week (up to a maximum of 12AP) 'rolls over' into the next turn of the game. At the end of the first week and every week thereafter everyone gains 3AP during the Rollover.

This system has an emphasis on cooperation and rivalry between players and their characters. As such certain actions can be shared by one or more player. These are referred to as 'split' actions. The premier example of this is the 'Form/Join Pact' Action. This action costs a total of at least 2AP requiring two or more separate players to each spend 1AP to complete the action. However, since the game is played on a PbP forum not all players are available to respond in real time. Therefore, split actions must be marked as shown in each player's Event Timeline post using OOC tags (see Event Timeline thread) and each Ascendant has until Rollover to complete the action or the AP is refunded.

Each turn (week) represents roughly a month of time in the world.

Concepts are the main source of power within the setting, they can be created, developed, shared, and stolen. They are ideas, techniques, and systems of power that make a fantasy world what it is. In this rule system beyond its LoC based modifications the existence of concepts now includes just about anything; cultural, technological, magical, societal... even territorial, geographic, or personal ideas (This means cities and characters are valid concepts). This beyond technologies can include foci on smithing, the development of magical abilities, treaties, agreements, artifacts, characters, and the creation of organizations such as spy rings and military orders or even religions.

If you're not sure what you're developing would fit under feel free to contact me.

Create Simple Concept (1AP): Simple Concepts are simple things that nonetheless lay the foundation for higher civilization. Many Simple concepts can be assumed to exist in a primitive form in any society of sapient beings, but spending AP will develop it further and make it a defining point of a culture. Agriculture, Trapping, Writing, Masonry, Shipbuilding, and Smithing are all examples of Mundane Concepts. Mundane Concepts add by default +1 to a resource rating.

Simple Concepts in this system include what would be normal actions for a society, or mortals in general. Further development of mortal and mundane ideas could be Moderate or Advanced Concepts, this would include the development of villages into metropolises and fortresses. If you think in terms of the divine, the below traditional LoC actions are examples of Minor concepts. If Mythopoeia is more your speed think difficulty 5-9.

- Conceal/Disguise/Reveal (If your intent is to hide something, PMing the action to the GM would be appropriate...)
- Bless/Curse (Blessings or Curses may be countered or altered without RCR by spending one more AP than the previous concept)
- Create Basic Life

For mortals a Simple Concept represents as mentioned above, a focus on what can be assumed to already exist, or a simple development in a society or organization. Examples include the founding of a village, the construction of walls, the recording of history or myth, festivals, diplomacy, the hiring of mercenaries, and the worship or demonisation of gods. Use your best judgement, these should be relatively mundane developments for your mortals.

Create Developed Concept (2AP): Developed concepts are the mid point between simple and advanced concepts, they provide and represent the reasonable and expected benefits said midpoint brings.

If you think in terms of the divine, the below traditional LoC actions are examples of Moderate concepts. If Mythopoeia is more your speed think difficulty 7-11.
- Form/Join Pantheon (For nations this would be creating an alliance or confederation...)
- Divine Favor
- Alter Land/Water
- Create Portal
- Open/Close Portal
- Create Monstrous Life
- Create Organization

For mortals a Developed Concept represents as mentioned above the mid point between Simple and Advanced concepts, and/or the further development of existing Simple concepts. This is the enhancement of villages into cities, the construction of fortresses, and armies. As above use your best judgement.

Create Advanced Concept (3AP): Advanced Concepts are complex ideas that greatly improve the capabilities of sapient beings that utilize them. While a single Advanced Concept does not on its own revolutionize a society, in tandem with other concepts they can advance societies by leaps and bounds. Architectural Engineering, Mathematics, Steel Working, Siege Warfare, Astronomy, and Literature are all examples of Advanced Concepts. Advanced Concepts add by default +3 to a resource rating.

Advanced Concepts in this system include advanced societal and divine actions. If you think in terms of the divine, the below traditional LoC actions are examples of Advanced concepts. If Mythopoeia is more your speed think difficulty 9-13.
- Bridge Plane
- Lock/Unlock Plane
- Create Sub-race
- Raise Hero
- Create Minor Artifact
- Divine Infusion
- Create Land/Water

For mortals an Advanced Concept represents relatively advanced ideas and technologies within a society. This is the development of villages into metropolises, the changing of a bronze based society to an iron working society, and later the development of industry.

Create Mythic Concept (4AP): Mythical Concepts are fantastical ideas and elements that provide incredible resources and capabilities to the Sapient beings that utilize them. Mythical Concepts represent the various extraordinary arts and techniques that can be performed by Sapient beings, from systems of magic to powerful technologies. Sorcery, Alchemy, True-Naming, Magitech, and Mythril Forging are all examples of Mythical Concepts. Advanced Concepts add by default +4 to a resource rating.

Mythic Concepts in this system include mythic societal actions and divine actions. If you think in terms of the divine, the below traditional LoC actions are examples of Mythic concepts. If Mythopoeia is more your speed think difficulty 11-15.
- Weave Plane
- Create Sapient Life
- Form Society
- Create Major Artifact
- Create Avatar

For mortals a Mythic Concept represents the breaching of mortal concepts into the supernatural and divine, the creation of artifacts, the use of magic, and the construction of wonders.

Create Supernal Concept (5AP): Supernal concepts represent the height of the power of Ascendant souls, divine or otherwise. They are a step above the Mythic and provide bonuses beyond what is otherwise thought of as possible.

If you think in terms of the divine, the below traditional LoC actions are examples of Supernal concepts. If Mythopoeia is more your speed think difficulty 17-19.
- Create Mythic Life
- Greater Infusion
- Create Supernal Artifact
- Create God

For mortals a Supernal Concept is the high point of mortal effort as it is for the divine, this is a threat and challenge to the divine order and the beginning of an Ascendant.

Create Sub-Concept (Variable): A Sub-Concept is a way of extending and better defining the capabilities of an existing concept. It can take the form of new applications for existing techniques, new materials to work with, or new Techniques to achieve similar effects. One could create a sub-concept of Sorcery called Divination that allows sorcerers to divine the events of the past, present, and future. A sub-concept of Magitech could by Vehicular Locomotion, allowing the creation of magic-powered trains, flying ships, or mechanical steeds. Sub-Concepts can only be created from existing Concepts, and costs half as much (costing a miniumum of 1 AP) as the base concept did to create (However you may choose to spend additional AP on the sub-concept for the purposes of bonuses). Sub-Concepts add the same of amount of a bonus as it costed in AP to create.

If you attempt something other than these actions, they will be accommodated within reason and possibly added to the list. This list is meant to be added to. If you wish to do something in secret then a PM to me is appropriate.

- Hoard Wealth (Costs 1 Action Point, Burn 12 Influence rating to increase Wealth rating by 6 points)
- Form/Join a Pact (Costs 1 Action Point. Information in Relationships)

- Redistribute Wealth (Costs 1 Action Point, Burn 12 Wealth rating to increase Unity rating by 6 points)

- Promote Unity (Costs 1 Action Point, Burn 12 Unity rating to increase Influence rating by 6 points)

Conflict (The below are examples of conflict actions that can occur, listed with mortals in mind.)
- Assault a Stronghold. (Costs 1 AP, Military Conflict, Wealth vs Wealth)
- Raid another faction. (Costs 1 AP, Military Conflict, Wealth vs Wealth)
- Infiltrate another faction and put an agent into place. (Costs 1 AP, Espionage Conflict, Influence vs Unity)
- Attempt to uncover a foreign agent. (Costs 1 AP, Espionage Conflict, Unity vs Influence)
- Spy on another faction and attempt to learn or steal their secrets. (Costs 1 AP, Espionage Conflict, Influence vs Unity)
- Sabotage another faction. (Costs 1 AP, Espionage Conflict, Influence vs Unity)
- Attempt an assassination. (Costs 1 AP, Espionage Conflict, Influence vs Unity)

Influence - Influence is the representation of your factions overall influence over the forces of the world, including other players and their characters, taking the place of population, territory, and worship attributes. Influence makes it easier to well influence the world and the forces within it, and its score is further defined by marking which factions the influence is over.

Every +12 of Influence increases your Wealth rating by +1

Wealth - Wealth is the representation of your factions overall wealth and prestige on the international market, as well as base resources gained through territorial acquisition and in the case of divinities this can even mean strength gained through worship. Additional Wealth can accrued through concepts or by theft.

Every +12 of Wealth increases your Unity rating by +1.

Unity - Unity is the overall representation of your factions overall health and stability as a group. A low Unity is a negative influence over your characters and is measured by the measuring of the difference between your Unity and Influence scores. A low Unity leaves you open to calamity.

Every +12 of Unity increases your Influence rating by +1.

Random Conflict Resolution (RCR)

Sometimes players can’t come to a conclusion on how an event should be dealt with and/or disagreements cannot be settled. Sometimes a player wants to press combat with another God or Society. To alleviate such problems a Random Conflict Resolution can be called.

Random Conflict Resolution is conducted through competing d20s with rolls modified by the Resource ratings involved and the Ascension status of the characters of the involved players. Simply, whoever rolls the highest number after modifiers have been applied wins and gets to dictate their terms. RCR may be carried out over multiple actions and rolls dependent on what each faction desires.

There are two main forms of conflict implemented so far in the rules, Military and Espionage. This is not the limit to the forms of conflict that may take place but they are the most obvious and powerful, in the future I intend economic and social RCR and if anyone has interest they are free to pursue these avenues if they wish them implemented.

These conflicts and actions can range from precise military strikes, raids, and invasions to corporate espionage, theft, and political blackmail. This is not a limit to what you can do. Perhaps in the future someone will have the idea to impose trade sanctions on a trading company, humiliate a politician to weaken a rival faction, or stage a kidnapping.

Beyond RP effects damage may be applied with each RCR, usually through Negative Concepts or the theft of Concepts related to the method of RCR undertaken.

2019-12-01, 09:37 PM
Ascendant Concepts

Everyone has their own spheres of influence; these are described here as Ascendant Concepts. They not only dictate the areas of affinity and potency for their power, but shape the identity and character of their characters. Players select their Ascendant Concepts based upon what they have been doing and what their characters have influence over. At the beginning of play players begin with three Ascendant Concepts, one matching the core of their character identity and two representing something they have influence over.

As players alter the world and establish themsleves, their puissance and interest in related concepts grows. For every 12AP spent towards a certain idea they may elevate an existing concept under their control to an Ascendant Concept. This Ascendant Concept is chosen by the player and recorded on their sheet apart from their normal concepts. Once the 12AP has been spent, a Player need only indicate they are taking the Ascendant Concept in their post in the 'Event Timeline' thread and they are considered to have gained the Ascendant Concept. This may be changed subsequently by posting in the same thread, however any action should be at least somehow related to the Ascendant Concept to which the AP is being attributed.

Any Ascendant Concept may be gained more than once, indicating a greater focus or investment in that specific area, being denoted with a rank# for each additional rank in said concept. It still requires that 12AP be spent to acquire the same Concept an additional time.

If you're looking for an understanding of why someone would want an Ascendant Concept... It's a combination of domains and infusions from LoC as the rules are currently intended. Though negatives may be applied through RCR or the Concept altered, the ownership of an Ascendant Concept can never truly be taken away from you once you have it. It also provides a +1 to every form of RCR undertaken by the owner after this point per Ascendant Concept or Ascendant Concept rank.

2019-12-01, 09:39 PM
Pacts are agreements and relationships of various forms forged between players and the groups they control. Pacts are created by each participating player spending one AP to form, with the initial players and their characters act as the pact's leaders and set its direction, determining its name and purpose.

Pacts can take many forms (pantheons, alliances, treaties, divine covenants, infernal bargains, even simple friendships) and are up to interpretation, however they all mechanically follow the same mechanics and are subject to your best judgement GM adjudication if misused.

Every Pact must have two things: a Name, and a Purpose or Guidelines to be followed by its members. The name should be fitting to the nature of its creation, and its purpose should be chosen carefully.

Every two members of a pact provides a -1 AP discount to every member of the pact each week to actions that contribute to its purpose or follow the spirit of its guidelines as lain out at the creation of the pact.

The first two members of the pact act as its leaders. They act as gatekeepers for the initiation of new members, and can initiate votes to alter the pact, expel members, and if necessary create from the pacts members two separate pacts if disagreements reach such a necessary point.

As an addendum. You can be member of multiple pacts but may only benefit from the highest AP discount available to you, you may however use said discount with more freedom as a member of multiple pacts with more than one purpose to choose from.

2019-12-01, 09:44 PM
Defunct LoC actions as mentioned in the concept section...

World Shaping Actions
All World Shaping Actions include in their price the creation of mundane life forms to populate the lands and worlds they create. Any real world animal or its analogue, that you can think of and describe, is created on and populates any lands or worlds that you create with these actions.

Alter Land/Water (1AP): Alter Land/Water is used to change the physical properties of a location or redefine its boundaries e.g. allowing gods to change plains to hills to mountains to forests to deserts to plains to oceans etc. An Alter Land/Water action can only be performed on existing land created through the Create Land/Water or Weave Plane actions. Alter Land/Water can be countered by another Alter Land/Water action, however any countering actions cost 1 more AP than the original action. To counter a 1AP action costs 2AP, to counter that costs 3AP, and so on.

Create Land/Water (2AP): Create Land/Water allows gods to form new lands or bodies of water where none existed before, or to define boundaries on tracts that already exist. You could create floating islands, raise continents out of the sea, carve out massive cave systems below the surface of the earth, or create a chain of asteroids in the space above a planet. It can be used to create oceans, seas, great lakes/systems or extensive waterways. The player creating land/water decides its terrain, climate, and ecosystem. Created Land/Water has a basic geography that is decided when it is created, and is generally the size of a continent ranging from Australia to Asia. This action can also create physical worlds that exist as a part of the Material Plane, such as moons, other planets, or stars. However, if the Land being created is supposed to serve as its own world rather than as a feature of the existing world, then Weave Plane is the appropriate action.

Weave Plane (4AP): Weave Plane allows you to create another world or dimension, separate from the First World of the Creator. Planes can be anything you wish, from a world of blistering fire to an endless sea to a mirror image of the First World. Planes can have their own laws of physics or magic, which are decided upon at the Plane's creation. Any Plane that is created cannot be reached from the First World without magical, technological, or divine aid. If your plane is meant to be a feature of an existing world rather than its own world, then Create Land is the appropriate action.

Bridge Plane (2AP): Bridge Plane is an action that connects two Planes of Existence, creating areas of 'bleed through' in each other. The metaphysical properties of the planes will leak into each other in the area surrounding the connection, forming an area distinct from either connected Plane. Bridges between planes can be either voluntarily closed by their creators, or broken with a 3 AP Alter Land action. A God higher than Demigod can exist within this Bridged Area even if it connects The First World/Material Plane. However, they still require an Avatar (or higher agent) to interact with the First World/Material Plane if they are above Demigod.

Create Portal (2AP): The act of creating is an action that bridges two planes or a plane and the Mortal World together at a spot designated by the creator of the Portal. These Portals could be in ancient groves or be pools of liquid drifting in the Astral Plane.

Open/Close Portal (1AP): This action closes a portal or opens a closed one. This makes it impossible for both Gods and mortals to pass through the Portal for the duration of the action or until the Portal is opened once more.

Lock/Unlock Plane (1AP): This action locks a plane, allowing the God that locked it to set the parameters for who or what may enter. The Lock action cannot be taken on a plane that the god doesn't specifically own. However, any god may Unlock a plane provided they pay 1AP more than the AP spent to Lock it. Additionally, a lock can be broken by spending 2AP more than it took to lock.
Life Creation Actions
Life, it may be what gives the entire universe meaning. It should be noted that races born from Life Creation actions only gain access to knowledge gifted by the gods. This is primarily done through Concept Creation actions, or communication and trade with other societies or organizations.

Create Basic Life (0AP): Basic life can be anything mundane from bacteria to elephants. They are not magical in nature, and act like normal animals. You can create a very specific type of life (like purple zebras), or simple create life en masse (every species of horse).

Create Monstrous Life (1AP): Monstrous Life is any sort of incredible or supernatural creature that is incapable of higher thought. They think like animals, and cannot learn magic or industry. Monstrous life is incapable of using Concepts, but they can have innate abilities that are considered fantastic. Wyverns, Golems, Zombies, Shambling Mounds, or Dretches are all examples of Monstrous Life.

Create Sapient Life (2AP): Sapient Life is life which can think and solve problems on its own. They are the mainstay of any fantasy setting, and many of the major characters in the world will be Sapient Life. Sapient life is roughly equivalent to a real-world human. One might be stronger on average, or smarter on average, but when you add up all the pros and cons of each kind of sapient life, they're all roughly equal. Sapient Life, can make use of concepts, although their innate abilities are only about as impressive as a human's. Humans, Elves, Gnomes, Orcs, or Intelligent Zombies are all examples of Sapient Life.

Create Mythical Life (4AP): Mythical Life is life that can think for itself, and also have fantastical properties. They might be quasi-magical by nature, and are capable of supernatural flight and lightning manipulation. They might be vastly stronger than the average human, or have greatly expanded intellects. Mythical Life is inherently superior to Sapient Life, and are capable of utilizing the same concepts as Sapient Life. Dragons, Demons, Vampires, Angels, and Archons are all examples of Magical Life.

Create Sub-race (Variable): Sub-races are forms of life that are descended from and related to existing creatures. Half-Elves and Drow are sub-races of Elves, while Metallic and Chromatic Dragons are sub-races of Dragon. Creating a Sub-Race costs half as much AP as creating the parent race took, rounding up. Sub-races are by default the same level of life as the parent race, but you can change the level of life during the creation of a Sub-race if you wish. Changing the level of life up costs 1 AP per tier, while lowering it reduces the cost of the action by 1 AP per tier (to a minimum of one).
Concept Creation Actions
Concepts are ideas, techniques, and systems of power that make a fantasy world what it is. Anything that is used or applied by a Sapient being is a concept. From Smithing to Carpentry to Pyromancy, Concepts cover almost anything that would be a persistent part of the world that can be used by the sapient species that inhabit it.

Create Mundane Concept (1AP): Mundane Concepts are simple things that nonetheless lay the foundation for higher civilization. Many Mundane concepts can be assumed to exist in a primitive form in any society of sapient beings, but spending AP will develop it further and make it a defining point of a culture. Agriculture, Trapping, Writing, Masonry, Shipbuilding, and Smithing are all examples of Mundane Concepts.

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Advanced Concepts are complex ideas that greatly improve the capabilities of sapient beings that utilize them. While a single Advanced Concept does not on its own revolutionize a society, in tandem with other concepts they can advance societies by leaps and bounds. Architectural Engineering, Mathematics, Steel Working, Siege Warfare, Astronomy, and Literature are all examples of Advanced Concepts.

Create Mythical Concept (4AP): Mythical Concepts are fantastical ideas and elements that provide incredible resources and capabilities to the Sapient beings that utilize them. Mythical Concepts represent the various extraordinary arts and techniques that can be performed by Sapient beings, from systems of magic to powerful technologies. Sorcery, Alchemy, True-Naming, Magitech, and Mythril Forging are all examples of Mythical Concepts.

Create Sub-Concept (Variable): A Sub-Concept is a way of extending and better defining the capabilities of an existing concept. It can take the form of new applications for existing techniques, new materials to work with, or new Techniques to achieve similar effects. One could create a sub-concept of Sorcery called Divination that allows sorcerers to divine the events of the past, present, and future. A sub-concept of Magitech could by Vehicular Locomotion, allowing the creation of magic-powered trains, flying ships, or mechanical steeds. Sub-Concepts can only be created from existing Mythical or Advanced Concepts, and costs half as much as the base concept did to create.

Create Organization (1AP): Organizations are groups of like-minded individuals who are united under a single banner or cause. Organizations differ from societies in that they exist as separate entities. A single society may have several organizations that operate within its borders, while a single organization may operate within several societies. Organizations give non-heroic mortals the ability wield Minor Artifacts outside of Societies, where they count as heroes for purpose of RCR. Organizations add a +1 to a society’s RCR when combined with the society. Secretive Cults, Mercenary Companies, Magic Schools, Scientific Universities, and Merchant Guilds are all examples of potential Organizations. An organisation may select 1 new Mundane Concept upon creation with which it is exclusively familiar.

Form Society (2AP): Societies are the cultures and civilizations that mortals form when they band together for mutual gain. They can take the form of monarchies, merchant republics, city-states, nomadic tribes, democracies, or anything else you can think of. Societies are required for any non-heroic mortal to make use of Advanced or Mythical concepts, and without a society mortals default to hunter-gatherers or isolated hermits. Human Republics, Dwarven Kingdoms, Giant Empires, Elvish Democracies, and Orcish Tribes are all examples of potential Societies. Societies have a 1d6 base RCR. Organizations and Heroes that fight alongside Societies grant their subsequent bonuses. A society may begin with up to 5 Mundane Concepts upon formation.

Raise Hero (2AP): Raise Hero marks an individual as having an important role to play in the events of the world or the machinations of the gods. Such beings may have a wide variety of titles, or indeed no title at all, but they are all referred to as Heroes in this action. Heroes are set apart from the masses for some reason, be it impressive natural talent, divine providence, or perhaps they are exceptionally unremarkable. While Heroes can be affected by Blesses and Curses, or other actions, they cannot be killed or defeated through the use of AP without the permission of the owning player. Heroes grant +1 RCR, only one such bonus is applied. Heroes can fight without a society and are provided a single 1d6 for such purposes.
Divine Artifice Actions
Divine Artifice Actions are actions that produce creations that are cosmic manifestations of a god's power. These actions allow a god to infuse their essence into various forms of matter or energy that have a tangible affect on physical worlds.

Create Minor Artifact (3AP): Artifacts are incredible objects with extraordinary powers and importance. Swords that can cut anything, boots that can walk across dimensions, or legendary forges that smith weapons unlike any other are all examples of Artifacts. Artifacts are incredibly significant magical or technological items, capable of unleashing world-shaking power. Minor artifacts come in two types much like their Major counterpart. Minor Artifacts are simply not powerful enough to harm Gods and thus provide no RCR bonus in Godly RCR.

Types of Minor Artifacts

- Minor Combat Artifact: A minor combat artifact provides a +2 to society RCR and can only be used by a Society, Hero or Organization

- Minor Utility Artifact (Boon): Boons are small gifts directly from a God that bestow upon a society or hero the benefits of, or the ability to use, an Alter Land, Create Monstrous race, Bless/Curse or Create Mundane Concept action at 0AP cost. A boon may also take the form of one of the Divine Favors of strength equivalent to a 1AP cost. This free action granted by a boon is only usable once per Epoch. A God may only gift each type of boon once, though such gifts may be shared between societies.

Create Major Artifact (5AP): Major artifacts are so great that even a god can find great advantages to possessing one, and only the greatest of mortals could hope to hold one and survive. Major Artifacts come in the following two types.

Types of Major Artifacts

- Major Combat Artifact: Combat Artifacts provide a +2 to RCR rolls once per Epoch. A God may have as many Combat Artifacts as they have Domains.

- Major Utility Artifact: Utility artifacts provide a -1 to an AP cost of a specific action decided upon creation. This cost modifier can be used once per Epoch, can be used in split actions and can reduce an action's AP cost to 0. AP costs for purposes of Domain Gain are counted as the reduced AP cost. A God may only use one Utility Artifact per action e.g. Bless/Curse an Epoch.

Refocus Artifact (3AP): Refocusing an Artifact allows a God to change the nature of an artifact they own. This can change a Combat Artifact to a Utility Artifact or change the action that a Utility Artifact effects. This Refocus action cannot be used to duplicate the effect of a Utility Artifact that a God already owns. A Refocused Artifact may retain its Infusions and other aspects where applicable. A God cannot Refocus an Artifact more than once in any Epoch.

Divine Infusion (3AP): A Divine Infusion is an action that imparts a portion of a deity's divine essence and power into another thing. People, places, objects, or even entire worlds can be infused, providing those things with unique effects and powers that act as an extension of a deity's will. An Infusion bestows the recipient with a portion of a Deity's power, and what exactly that does it up to you. A list of actions that can be infused follows along with what that entails within the rules.

Types of Divine Infusion

- Infuse Avatar: Infusing an Avatar creates a Herald which provides a +2 to godly combat when fighting alongside a deity. A Herald has the base RCR of their God i.e. 1d10+Domains. The number of combat artifacts they may use in RCR is 1 less than the number of Domains possessed by their god (min. 1). Greater Gods require a Herald to affect the First World and Material Plane. A god may use their Herald to perform the Steal Portfolio combat action against other gods, but not other Heralds.

- Infuse Minor Artifact: Infusing a Minor Artifact creates a Totem which provides an additional +1 to combat in regards to Societies, Heroes or Organizations.

- Infuse Major Artifact: Infusing a Major Artifact creates a Relic which provides either an additional +1 to RCR for Godly RCR or an additional -1AP on cost reductions for the action of the Relic.

- Infuse Plane: Infusing a Plane creates a Manse. While it may extend across a vast area, it cannot encompass an entire plane which is infinite. A God can set specific rules for their Manse like making it Good Aligned or a maze for Evil creatures. Gods may also, once per Epoch, use a free Alter Land or Create Monstrous Life within their Manse.

- Infuse Mythical Life: Infusing Mythical Life re-brands the creatures targeted as Fabled Life. A Fabled Life race can use a 1AP Create Sub-race action or a Create Monstrous Life action at 0AP cost. Fabled Life provide a +1 bonus to a Society when fighting in Society RCR, or count as a 1d6 on their own. Fabled Life cannot spawn other sub-races once they become fabled i.e. other sub-races cannot be created from their race.

- Infuse Land: A God may infuse a tract of land created by either a Create Land or Alter Land action, transforming it into a Holy Land. This allows the God to define some characteristics of the Infused area and give them a sense of ownership over it. The God may also use a free Alter Land Action if they used a Create Land action on the area they are Infusing.

- Infuse Hero: A Hero can be infused into a Champion. This grants the Champion a +2 RCR for when a Champion is fighting alone. Infusing a Hero provides a bonus +1 when it is fighting with a Society.

- Create Avatar (4AP): Avatars are small chunks of a god's divine essence incarnate, that may traverse the First World and Mortal Plane. Intermediate Deities require an Avatar to affect the First World and Material Plane. Avatars can fight in Divine RCR at half the base strength of their God i.e. 0.5*(1d10+Domains) when fighting alone, or provide a +1 RCR when fighting alongside a deity. The number of combat artifacts they may use in RCR is 1 less than the number of Domains possessed by their god (min. 1). A god may use their Avatar to perform the Steal Portfolio combat action against other gods, but not other Avatars.

Divine Authority Actions
Divine Authority Actions are actions that produce effects specifically tied to your god's influence and essence. These actions allow your god to directly influence the circumstances, energies, and inhabitants of the world.

Bless/Curse (1AP): Blesses and Curses are extraordinary circumstances that have been influenced by a god or brought into being by powerful forces. Blessings are generally beneficial effects that improve circumstances or events, while Curses are malignant effects that do the opposite. To undo a blessing/curse, it costs 1AP more than the original cost. Blessings/curses can be as wide or narrow as you want.

Divine Favor (1AP): A Divine favor is a benediction of the gods, bestowed upon the actions taken by their chosen among the mortal inhabitants of the universe. While these are not actions initiated by the gods themselves, they are using their essence and influence to see that their mortals reap the benefits of their initiative.

Types of Divine Favor

- Holy War: Societies do not need a god to declare war on one another. But a war sanctified or favored by a god provides a +1 to society RCR which can only be used by a Society, Organization, Hero or Champion against a single entity or alliance.

- Holy Alliance*: Societies do not need a god’s favor to ally with one another. However an alliance sanctified or favored by the gods enjoys a +1 to society RCR for each entity to join beyond the first.

*For a society, organization, hero or champion to receive any benefit from this alliance, their god must also take this action spending 1AP. The parties involved must also have some means of communication with one another.

- Consecrated Peace: Entities engaged in a Holy War cannot end hostilities without divine consent. This divine favor not only constitutes divine consent to end a holy war but can force the warring parties to peace using a god’s divine influence. Once this divine favor is bestowed, all parties in the conflict see the error of their militant ways and agree at least to a permanent truce, if not a lasting peace.

- Trade Concepts*: This action bestows a god's favor on a society/organization to advance technologically through trade. For every AP spent in this Trade Concepts action, concepts up to a value of 4AP (as valued by a create concept action) may be obtained through trade with the nominated entities or alliances. The god taking this action chooses which technologies are obtained. Concepts protected by divine favor may not be selected without the expressed permission of all parties involved in the trade, whose god has protected it. Understandably, the parties involved must have some means of communication with one another.

*More than 1 AP may be spent when taking this action, read OOC text. Sub-concepts may also be chosen however that party must have access to any of the prerequisite concepts (see example above)

- Steal Concepts*: This action bestows a god's favor on a mortal entity to steal technology from a single society/organisation. For every AP spent on this Steal Concepts action (minus any protection), concepts up to a value of 4AP (as valued by a create concept action) may be stolen from the nominated target.

- Protect Concepts*: This action bestows a god's divine favor to protect technological concepts up to a value of 4AP from theft or trade, for every AP spent. Additional AP spent may either protect additional concepts or increase the protection of already protected concepts.

Trade or Steal Concepts actions may be countered by spending 1AP more than the original action, however only a Steal Concepts action can counter a Protect Concepts action, see Trade Concepts action for more details. When two or more gods continue to counter one another in this way an IP War erupts. A third party may obtain their gods favor to protect a technology from theft, but they must already possess the technology they wish to protect.

*More than 1 AP may be spent when taking this action, see examples.

Conceal/Disguise/Reveal (1AP): A God may use this action to conceal, disguise or reveal the existence, identity or whereabouts of something from (or to) mortals and other deities. The subject of concealment may be an object, person, location, event etc of any description, although even less tangible things such as dreams, memories or thoughts may be concealed, disguised or revealed.

More Details

- No matter the nature of the subject of concealment or disguise, knowledge cannot be removed from a God with this action. Use of this action cannot be detected by other gods unless they are close enough to witness the action being performed.

- To conceal or disguise something, a God simply spends 1AP and describes what is being hidden, how and from whom. To reveal it for themselves and/or their own creations, a God must be aware of the concealment and spend 1AP more than the cost to conceal it. To break the concealment entirely and reveal it to all so that anyone may also perceive what was hidden, a God must spend 2AP more than the cost to conceal it.

- Any attempt to reveal a concealed or disguised thing may be countered by spending 1AP more than the cost paid to reveal it. When two or more gods continue to counter one another in this way, a Cold War erupts between the gods.

Form/Join Pantheon (1AP): Pantheons are groups of Gods that have banded together for mutual gain or goals. Each member of a pantheon, at a minimum of three Gods, must spend 1AP to form a Pantheon and any God wishing to join the Pantheon thereafter must spend 1AP to become a member. Members of a pantheon may tap into the collaborative energies generated by this pledge resulting in discounted actions. Guidelines: Each Pantheon needs a set of guidelines that determine some sort of goal. For Example: Save the Elves.

- Leadership: A leader must be chosen at the time of the Pantheon's creation. The leader can kick someone out of the Pantheon for 1AP, but it'd be a good idea to discuss this with everyone beforehand.

- AP Discount: For every 3 members in a Pantheon, the members get a -1AP discount on any action once per epoch. A god can only benefit from one pantheon discount at a time. Joining multiple pantheons is more of a symbolic gesture, since you can't stack the bonuses.

Divine Combat Actions
Gods are fractious by nature, these actions are those that apply directly to RCR between Gods.

Assist God (1AP): Gods can join Divine Combat between other Gods if they are within the same area as the conflict. Doing so adds the RCR rating of a God to whom ever they are assisting. This means, in game terms, that any God wishing to join the conflict must have a logical reason to assist the God and must be present or able to be summoned to the fight. A God a plane removed for example that has no way of knowing of the RCR for example could not simply spend their 1AP to join the conflict.

Assault God (2AP): Assaulting a God is an action that prompts an RCR between the player's God and their target. All the other rules of RCR apply with this action. It is important to note that the Assault God action is meant primarily to force a God that would have otherwise ran away from combat to fight and it is still in good faith to make sure the other player is aware you're going to do this action before you spend the AP.

Steal Portfolio (3AP): Stealing a Portfolio is an action that can only be taken right after winning in RCR against another god (this can still happen if other gods are assisting). It doesn't matter who initiated the divine combat, only which god was victorious. The player of the victorious deity selects one Portfolio from the defeated god, and that Portfolio with its associated Domain now appears on the victor's domain list rather than on the vanquished.
Special Actions
Steal Domain (6AP): Stealing a Domain, like stealing a Portfolio, is an action that can only be taken right after winning in RCR against another god (this can still happen if other gods are assisting). However, Demigods are not powerful enough to steal multiple Portfolios in a single action. Like stealing a Portfolio, it doesn't matter who initiated the divine combat, only which god was victorious. The player of the victorious deity selects one Domain from the defeated god, and that domain along with all its portfolios now appears on the victor's domain list rather than on the vanquished. If the vanquished god has taken any portfolio in a domain more than once, they may retain their domain with one instance of those portfolios.

Greater Infusion (6AP): A Greater Infusion is a special action that imparts an even greater portion of a deity's divine essence and power into another thing. Greater infusions are more powerful divine infusions, and only Greater Gods or higher are capable of performing them.

Types of Greater Infusion

- Infuse Herald: Infusing a Herald creates a Harbinger which provides a +3 to godly combat when fighting alongside a deity. A Harbinger has the base RCR of their God + 1 i.e. 1d10+Domains+1. The number of combat artifacts they may use in RCR is 1 less than the number of Domains possessed by their god (min. 1). Further, any action through a Harbinger receives a -1AP discount. A god may use their Harbinger to perform the Steal Portfolio & Steal Domain combat actions against other gods, but not other Harbingers.

- Infuse Totem: Infusing a Totem creates a Vestige which provides an additional +2 to combat in regards to Societies, Heroes or Organizations.

- Infuse Relic: Infusing a Relic creates a Remnant which provides either an additional +2 to RCR for Godly RCR or a further -1AP cost reduction for the action of the Relic.

- Infuse Supernal Artifact: Infusing a Supernal Artifact creates a Wonder which provides either an additional +2 to RCR for Godly RCR or an additional -2AP on cost reductions for the action of the Wonder.

- Infuse Manse: Infusing a Manse creates a Greater Manse. A God may specify additional rules for their Manse and may also, once per Epoch, use an additional free Alter Land or Create Monstrous Life within their Greater Manse.

- Infuse Fabled Life: Infusing Fabled Life rebrands the creatures targeted as Epic Life. Subsequently any action by their god that targets Epic Life may be done at a discount of -1AP. An Epic Life race can also use an additional 1AP Alter Life action or a Create Monstrous Life action once per Epoch. Epic Life counts as a Champion for purposes of Society RCR and thus provide a +2 when used in a Society or count as a +2 RCR on their own. Like Fabled Life, Epic Life cannot spawn other sub-races once they become epic i.e. other sub-races cannot be created from their race.

- Infuse World: A God may infuse an entire world (other than the First World) created by a Weave Plane action to create a Sacred World. This allows the God to define further traits upon the world. The God may also use one free Create or Alter Land Action if they created the World they are infusing, and all other actions by a god affecting it's Sacred World are done at -2AP cost.

- Infuse Champion/Raise Demigod: An infused Champion becomes immortal, finally attaining godhead in their own right. They are now worshiped by the society or organisation from which they hail, and take a Portfolio in a Domain connected to that society. The creation of a deity in this manner is different from the Create God action i.e. the relationship between a mortal raised to Godhead and their Patron is not the same as a Demigod birthed by an Elder God parent. How this is manifest is up to the players to decide.

Create Supernal Artifact (8AP): Supernal artifacts may only be created by Intermediate Deities or Greater and Elder Gods, and are so powerful that only a god can survive being in the presence of one. Although Intermediate Deities are able to use them, they are uncontrollable to lesser beings, and any attempt to do so will lead to widespread destruction.

Types of Supernatural Artifact

- Supernal Combat Artifact: As per Major Artifact but provides +4 to RCR rolls once per Epoch.

- Supernal Utility Artifact: As per Major Artifact but provides a -3 to the AP cost of a specific action decided upon creation which may be used once per Epoch.

Create God (10AP): Elder Gods are the only beings capable of birthing a new god solely from their own divine power. To do so an Elder God not only must pay the required AP, but shed a Domain which is no longer controlled by the parent, but becomes the purview of the Demigod child. The new Demigod may take a single Portfolio of any description within that Domain. A god may only use a Create God action once per Epoch.

Devour God (15AP): Elder gods are the only beings capable of consuming other gods. If an Elder God wins RCR against a less evolved deity (Greater God or lower) by 2 or more, they may spend the required AP to consume one of the gods that opposed them. Once consumed, the Elder God takes possession of all the vanquished god's Domains and Portfolios. Any unspent AP and unused Evolution Ranks may be used by the vanquished god's player to create a new Demigod for the cost of 10AP (akin to the Create God special action) and the new god is considered to be born out of the destruction of the old. If there isn't sufficient AP or AR to create a new god, other gods may assist in its birthing and contribute AP or AR. Any excess AP or AR is taken by the victor. The new Demigod may take a single Portfolio in any Domain that they had not held prior to being devoured. A god may only use a Devour God action once per Epoch.

2019-12-01, 09:46 PM
Defunct Mythopoeia actions and ruleset

0-5: you are at +2, this is what you start the game at.
6: you are at +4, meaning either one +4 domain or two +2 domains
18: you are at +6
36: you are at +8
72: you are at +10, this is the highest level of power a god can reach.

Gods are allowed one major action each round, with a round ending either when all players have taken their action(s) or when a week has passed since the start of the round. A round begins with a GM post giving the results of actions taken.

Effortless: no roll, not counted as actions
-Conjure up a small quantity of anything
-Talk to someone
-Take on a physical avatar, gods may only have one avatar at a time
-Listen to mortal prayers

Difficulty: 5 Cost: 1AP
-Place or remove a blessing/curse on a single mortal for the term of his/her life.
-Creating a -2 or worse magic item.
-Identify a magic item in your possession.
-Scry an area the size of a large room.

Difficulty: 7 Cost: 2AP
- Place or remove a blessing/curse on a small group of mortals (less than 50) for their entire lives.
-Creating or altering a one-off living creature smaller than an elephant.
-Changing the weather temporarily (eg make it rain, cause a hurricane, etc).
-Teach a technology or system of thought to mortals that will offer minor benefits
-Break a weak enchantment.
-Scry an area the size of a village or neighborhood.

Difficulty: 9 Cost: 3AP
- Place or remove a blessing/curse on a large group of humans (several hundred) with permanent, ongoing effects.
-Creating or altering a one-off living creature bigger than a blue whale.
-Creating or altering a non-sentient species smaller than an elephant.
-Constructing a large building by divine hand.
-Teach a technology or system of thought to mortals that will offer moderate benefits
-Introduce a major change to the world's structure or its atmosphere without thought of the consequences (eg adding a new island or lowering sea levels, etc.)
-Break a moderate enchantment.
-Raise a small number of dead mortals (less than 50)
-Create a weak permanent enchantment (difficulty 7, immediate area of effect)
-Scry an area the size of a town or small city

Difficulty: 11 Cost: 4AP
-Find a mortal who is capable of hiding from you.
-Creating or altering a sentient species roughly comparable to a human.
-Creating or altering a non-sentient species larger than an elephant.
-Causing major changes to the topography of a land.
-Teach a technology or system of thought to mortals that will offer significant benefits
-Grant transmittable immortality of a sort to a small group of humans (eg vampires; immortality with a major instant-kill weakness, basically)
-Grant genuine immortality and invulnerability to a single human. They will gain the quality Immortal +0 as long as their god still lives. This does not include superpowers (eg the ability to break out of a prison cell).
-Find a powerful entity which is capable of hiding from you.
-Create a moderate permanent enchantment (difficulty 9, immediate area of effect)
-Scry an area the side of a Large City or a town and surrounding countryside.

Difficulty: 13 Cost: 5AP
-Summon a volcano, rain of fire or other devastating land-focused event.
-Create a +0 magic item.
-Teach a technology or system of thought to mortals that will offer enormous benefits
-Break a strong enchantment.
-Scry an area of several cities/towns.
Note: all gods are aware of DC 15 and above actions

Difficulty: 15 Cost: 6AP
-Create a new rule, or disable one of the existing rules of the universe in a small area (eg gravity, existence of magic etc)
-Introduce a major change to the world's structure or its atmosphere without causing any lasting damage to the world (for example adding a new island)
-Scry a nation in its entirety.
-Create a +1 magic item

Difficulty: 17 Cost: 7AP
-Create a +2 magic item
-Create or alter a sentient species vastly superior to a human (GM and player to agree on any bonus/es, eg immunity to disease, invulnerable to certain types of weapons etc)
-Break an incredibly powerful enchantment.
-Create a strong enchantment (difficulty 13, immediate area of effect)

Difficulty: 19 Cost: 8AP
-Create an incredibly powerful enchantment (difficultly 17, immediate area of effect)
-Scry the entire realm

AP (Action Points)
Every god will start with 21 AP, and their AP will restore at the beginning of each new season, though this amount isn't set in stone and may be adjusted to balance things as the RP goes on.

You can spend your action helping or hindering another god player's action, donating or subtracting the bonus of all relevant domains you have to the roll. This costs half the AP (rounded down) of the action being helped/hindered. You can only help or hinder an action your god is aware of, though in the case of hindering it is possible to do so secretly (simply PM me that your action is to hinder the action) though it still counts as your action for the turn (you can have your post declaring that you are helping when in fact you are hindering if you like, or you can simply rely on people not using OOC knowledge to tell who hindered them). If you help another players action you can exert subtle changes on its effect according to your domain, this can be publicly stated or done secretly by messaging the GM.

Avatar: The physical form you manifest as. You may only take actions when in avatar form.

Bless- A lasting positive action performed on a mortal or group of mortals.

Create Magic Item(Mortal scale) These act as D&D magic items. From everlasting chalk to a Handy Haversack to a tricked out Vorpal sword, even the most powerful of these cannot be used to harm gods except in extensively-discussed GM-sanctioned unlikely events.

Create Race(non sentient)- Whether it be large medium or small, please be pretty clear about it's form and habits. Carnivorous rabbits or beetles the size of a T-Rex for example.

Create Race(Sentient)- A mortal race roughly equivalent to humans in intelligence and ability. It should be noted that a created species cannot provide worship.

Curse- A lasting negative action performed on a mortal or group of mortals.

Enchant: A sustained magical effect over an area. Break DC will always be 2 less than the DC used to create it. Can just be present or have a focal point like a physical object.

Forge Magic Item(Ranked 1-2): Through increasingly considerable costs and effort you forge a magic item capable of wielding a fraction of the power of the gods. Please think carefully about these. -2 to +0 magic items are magic items (along the lines of something you might see in D&D) that have useful power for mortals but not for gods.

Scry- To use divine senses and powers to search over an area.
Note: Please ask 1-4 clear, concise questions you hope to have answered by the scry.

Should two gods wish to fight each other directly they will make opposing rolls and use the following rules to determine what happens to the loser. As with all conflict if the players involved want they can forgo rolling and simply discuss what would happen and agree on an outcome.
-As normal, the difference of the attack roll minus the defense roll equals the number of ranks of health bar lost (out of 15 total).
-However, you cannot be destroyed outright by the outcome of a single skirmish. Instead, should a PC be dropped to 0 ranks they will lose all of the AP in their pool(basically out of play until the next age), the winner can choose to confer an additional drawback(to be discussed with opposing party and GM. Example: in D&D histories Corellon wounding Gruumsh's eye) if they wish.
-Attack/Defense for both sides will be resolved at the same time, so nobody has to jockey for attacking first.

Imprisonment: Should a god run afoul of many others, if the opposition should so choose they can imprison the target in a demiplane(DC19 action, the likely overwhelmed defender gets a free opposing roll or normal cost final action). This effectively ends a character's run and is kind of a big deal.

Each round each nation can take up to five actions. All actions can be taken secretly with the exception of culture actions, attacking, sieging, settling, and upgrading a settlement.

-Conceal a character from the gods (costs 8 wealth, and prevents them from being targeted by the gods unless they are uncovered)
-Counter-espionage, uncover a foreign agent
-infiltrate another nation; put an agent into place (needed to perform the espionage actions below)
-Spy on another nation, learn or steal their secrets (this can be learning some of their research or learning about secret actions they've taken.)
-Sabotage their progress in another area
-Attempt an assassination

-Launch an attack
-Launch a raid (this is an opposed roll where the raider takes 1 wealth, food or population from the target for each success they have over them, they can suffer their own losses if they are beaten severely enough though.)
-Lay siege to a city, or attempt to break a siege
-Reinforce or garrison a location (costs 4 wealth, 2 for defensive nations)
-scout an area (to gain an advantage on an attack, or to make it safer to settle)
-Train an elite unit (costs 4 wealth, said unit must specialize in either open combat, scouting, or sieges, and can only be used to assist one action each turn. They can be deployed freely once trained and grant an extra die to whatever action they are assisting with, but can be lost if losses are suffered during the battle).

-Send a diplomat (yes your diplomat could also be a spy, though you still need to spend an action for infiltrating as well as sending the diplomat)
-Trade with another nation (at least one side needs to have a diplomat in place for this or the lower action to take place)
-Form a formal treaty (could be anything from a long standing trade agreement to an alliance. You can have an alliance without this, this just serves to make it official.)
-Hire mercenaries (for each point of wealth spent gain an extra die on the next military action)

Development (some development actions may take multiple attempts to complete)
-Research a new technology
-Improve an existing technology
-Implement a researched technology (costs 2 wealth for each success needed to research it)
-Establish a settlement/colony (costs 4 wealth and 2 food, must have sufficient pop.)
-Upgrade a settlement to a citadel (costs 6 wealth and causes the citadel to reserve an extra point of population, but removes a die from siege attempts against the citadel)
-Stockpile food or take food from stockpile (stockpiled food is not removed by the springtime reset, but also does not count towards bonus pop growth)

Culture (culture actions are free and do not cost an action, many of them are fluff actions you could use to show the flavour of your nation)
-Encourage or discourage the worship of a god
-Demonise a god (this allocates a portion of your nation's worship to reduce a chosen god's worship by the amount allocated)
-Create a holiday or festival
-Commission a work of culture (art, food, music, etc)
-Record something (a myth, history, etc)

Territory- Territory is increased by forming new settlements, each point of territory grants 2 wealth each season change and increases the food amount by 3. Your population must always remain equal to or higher than your territory.
Population- Population increases by 20% each spring provided you have enough food, it is needed to found new settlements. The worship granted by a nation is equal to its population, divided among the gods they worship.
Food- Food is required for population growth, food equal to your population gives a 20% growth, having a surplus grants additional growth. Having less than sufficient food causes your nation to begin to undergo a famine, making many actions more difficult, if the food situation is not resolved by winter then your population will begin to decrease. Food resets each spring after population growth to an amount determined by the nation's number of settlements.
Wealth- Wealth is spent on a number of actions and is gained each season change.

There are two basic kinds of military force. The first is your defensive forces. These are tied to your territory and will automatically defend against any invasions. They are unmovable and unable to be used in an invasion.

The second is your mobile forces. These can be deployed anywhere within reason, offensively or defensively, but with a catch, it takes an action to deploy or move your mobile army somewhere and you can only field a single army in one place a time. Elite troops and mercs can also be fielded at your leisure, only a minor action required for them.

Invasions target either a specific feature like an island or a contiguous area of up to seven hexagons, chosen by the invader. Rolls continue in a single turn until a result is reached. The exception to this is a citadel, which can be sieged and hold out for multiple turns before a result is determined.

Victory for the invader means they get control of the land and any remaining inhabitants, whereas defeat means the invader's mobile army is destroyed. The fate of any elite troops deployed will be determined separately. A new mobile army can be created using a 5 wealth action in the next turn, though they cannot be deployed until the turn after that. Additionally, another mobile army may be created for every 10 population a nation has, for a wealth cost of 5 each. For example, a nation with a population between 1 and 9 may only have one army, whereas from 10 to 19 allows two, and 20 to 29 allows three. The victor may choose to continue their invasion or conduct a counter-invasion, if they wish.

2019-12-01, 10:04 PM
This is a placeholder to log future corrections and modifications to the system.

2019-12-01, 10:11 PM
Welcome to the thread everyone. The above are the rules I'm developing for the game I'm working towards getting together next year.

This is a relatively rules-lite Narrative game system that is to act as a hybrid between a god game (Mythopoeia and LoC), nation game (Mythopoeia and the offspring game I developed, Only Ruins), and the intrigue game I developed last year (Ascendancy: 1900). You can play pretty much anything. Anything and anyone. Currently the formatting is broken with me copying it over to this site, so after that's fixed I'm going to be sending links out to begin getting feedback and further developing this system. It's not complete and there are probably things I'm underthinking or overthinking with this so feedback is necessary before I move forward with this.

You're free to post in here now. If you have any questions or feedback feel free to post it here or join the discord.

2019-12-03, 12:45 AM
I'm in the process of updating the concept system, as mentioned in feedback on the discord, things are a bit off.

2019-12-07, 05:02 PM
The first couple of updates are up. Let me know if any of of you have feedback.

2020-03-23, 09:15 PM
I've been incredibly slow and I apologize. These past couple of months have been one mess followed by another.

I'm going to be revising the ruleset at the very least slightly over the next while, and intend to continue working on it as I develop the setting.

If you have any feedback or content suggestions feel free to post them here, the mythweavers discussion thread, discord, or a PM.

2020-05-28, 06:32 PM
This is an update for anyone interested, I'm going to be posting interest/recruitment threads within the next week. Right now I'm revising the intros.

If you have any opinion on the rules feel free to share them either here or in the Discord.

2020-06-20, 04:25 PM
This is an update for anyone interested. I've posted a prologue thread on the mythweavers for those who've completed their sheets. I'll update the threads here as time goes on.