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2019-12-02, 05:05 AM

If the times of peace has truly arrived you can see and feel it in no place more strongly than in Wendel. The town is surrounded by idyllic farmhouses that produce the necessary foodstuffs for the major town. The rabite barns are more like open places with a fence that the rabites can easily overcome if they want to but they'll always find food and a safe shelter there and the unintelligent brethren of the awakened rabites life a simple but nice life there.

The big wall that surrounds the town seem to both be a warning and a welcome for anyone that seeks shelter behind them. They are controls at the gates but they are in no way draconic or even really hindering for the visitor.

These controlls are a new addition, normally you can go inside wendel without any controlls.

Inside of the town there are a plethora of individuals, both humanoids and monsters conversing, trading and living together seemingly without any ill-blood. Shortly behind the gates there is a human bard, playing the lire, with a rabite beside him, singing to accompany his play. There are a group of Chobins who opened a stand to sell "the best apples in the whole realm" to the citizens of Wendel. If you are long enough in the town you can see an elemental or spirit of every element and a moon spirit happily sleeping on the roof of the great mana cathredal till the night takes over the town, so it can awaken and fly about.

Elementals and spirits of the six Elements (earth, fire, water, wind/thunder, light and Darkness) are fairly common, spirits of the moon and dryad are more rare and are not seen often in the wilderness. That you can see some here is definitely an unusual sight.

You are all called to gather in a small house besides the cathedral, because every one of you was called here. The room is small and cozy, there are some chairs and one bench strewn about the room and one table with some fresh fruits on it. When the last of you come here you don't have to wait five minutes till a door opens where the high priest of Wendel nearly falls out of. He staggers towards you, a series of six blue bottles floating behind him. He straightens himself and seems to inspect all of you. He is a strange figure, he has white hair that is full of black strains so it's hard to determine what his most prominent hair-color actually is. He wears a robe where one half is pitch black and the other half seems to be a nearly two-dimensional white. He also wears two pitch black gloves that hide delicate fingers. His face seems very young but also stressed out. He wears a dark veil and under the places where his eyes should be you can glance at some dark purple bags.

He looks horrible, you're pretty sure you have someone before you who haven't slept in several days and the only way he keeps himself up and going is through sheer willpower. You think he looks at you an idea longer than the other people in the room and gives you a slight nod.

He looks totally down. You have never seen him like that before and the youthful energy he seems to give off is replaced by a more manic determination. You also can't help but notice that this is the first time you saw him wearing that gloves.

He looked a bit sleepy the first time you saw him but now he looks like he would keel over in the next moment.

"I'm very happy that you were able to come here. I called for you because I have a... Problem that I can't solve alone to my chargrin." His speech sounds a bit slurred and sometimes he tries to catch himself and speak in a more coherent tone but he is not able to keep the exhaustion out of his voice. "I have many duties and I feel like I have even more. The desire to keep this town… To keep Wendel being a save haven takes a lot of time and effort and to top that off, a good and dear friend of mine… Has been cursed, or afflicted with a disease I can't cure, even with all the power I could muster to throw at the problem I can only keep him alive and I fear even that may prove too difficult in the long run."

He stops for a moment, draws a deep breath and adresses you. "But there is still hope. Through some informants I have acquired the knowledge that the sprite wisp, has gone to the Cascade caverns. If it was done through reasons of nostalgia or other reasons I don't know, but I'm sure if you tell her about my predicament she will surely help. I would go myself but I fear I'm the only one capable of keeping my friend alive and..." He stops himself for a moment and shakes his head to clear his thoughts, his voice seems too be more shaky than already. "I can't shake the feeling that this curse may be only a distraction for someone to attack Wendel. I hope that this is only lack of sleep talking but..." He interrupts himself and even goes to one knee before you.

"I fear you are the only ones I can really trust right know. I need the other capable individuals to defend Wendel should my fears become a reality and as far as I know you're all have the abilities and the heart needed to do this task. The caverns still house dangerous monsters and the arrival of wisp may have awakened some sleeping monsters, despite my efforts of making it save for pilgrims. Please accept this, only for you to hear my story." He weaves to the six floating bottles and they float to each one of you to take one.

Should you take one you immediately know that it's a healing potions. Undine's power practically radiating from it.

"Someone should also take this." He flicks his wrist and in his hand appears a small figurine depicting the goddess of mana. "It will give you light in the caverns and the intelligent and unintelligent monsters should both know it enough right know too keep them at bay. Though some may also be enraged by it. I can't really help anyone right know if I can't solve this problem first. I know I'm being selfish by making the life of a dear friend more important then other problems but I can't let him just die." He exhales heavily and let his head sink in shame.

2019-12-02, 07:11 AM
The slender figure clad in a loose, white robe strides forward with purpose, princess-like fingers plucking the bottle out of the air and the figurine out of the high priest's hand almost absentmindedly and letting them disappear in a pouch.

"I believe you have had quite enough dramatic self-flagellation for the day, Your Holiness," Thaum says, and in what may send particularly devout acolytes into confused hissy-fits, the healer simply grabs the high priest under the arms, lifts him back onto his feet, and hands him a well-worn quarterstaff to maintain his balance. "While recommending some direly needed sleep would be a rather futile endeavor at the moment, I will insist on a cane, as it would not do to have your friend pass away and Wendel thrown into chaos because their high priest tripped and cracked open his head." Thaum's voice, androgynous as it sounds nowadays, makes it quite clear no protestations will be accepted on the matter, even if there is a bit of mirth in it. A quick melodious incantation is followed by another, simpler one, creating a shining drop of Undine's elemental water in the air, dropping upon the high priest's head, causing a brief glow to suffuse him, and taking some of his exhaustion with it.

With the more pressing concerns dealt with, Thaum steps back again, the shoulder-length hair blue like the brilliant sea and falling just a little too slow and with less weight than it should have. "There is little I can do against the beasts of the caverns, but I would be happy to provide what healing and bolstering I can to this endeavor." Curiously golden eyes with a strange glow deep within them glance to the other brave souls assembled, with a warm smile on the healer's lips.

Thaum casts healing lorecall, followed by cure minor wounds, removing the high priest's exhaustion or fatigue (whichever applies). I don't expect to just remove his tiredness, but to at least make him less likely to keel over at any moment and be able to stay awake and coherent for a few hours longer.

Thaum gives the high priest his quarterstaff.

Spell slots:
Lv 0: 4/6
Lv 1: 8/8
Lv 2: 6/7
Lv 3: 5/6
Lv 4: 4/5

Thaum did his usual greater resistance casting for the day, as well as having created food and water for the day and preserving the food to last an additional day.

2019-12-02, 04:10 PM
A smallish anthropomorphic creature steps forward to take one of the bottles. It disappears into his bag as well. He has soft brown fur and curious, bright blue eyes. To some it's debatable if his people resembled more of a mouse or more of a fox, but what's definitely not up for debate is that he is a Chobin. Robed traditionally in their hunter's garb, all that can really be seen on him is his bag, a quiver, a belt, and a small knife in its scabbard.

He looks up at the high priest with whiskers twitching. "I'm sorry to hear that. Who is this friend of yours?"

2019-12-02, 05:59 PM
In some ways, the petite elven woman is the least noticeable person in a room, what with her quiet and polite demeanor and complete lack of any form of martial weapon, or defense for that matter. And even if she is a spell-caster, she seems to lack any of the usual accessories of those classes, no staves or scrolls, no strange smelling belt pouches, or mystical symbols carved into her body or dyed on her robes. Not even a holy symbol of any sort.

And yet, she seems to draw attention, and not just because of her looks, even though those are exceptional, even among the fair elven folk, she would stand out. There’s just something about her, the way she looks, the way she speaks, and it’s not that she commands your attention or your obedience, it’s just that whatever she suggests seems to a good idea at the time. She carries herself with a grace that would suggest a dancer’s talent and training, and the fact that she carries a mandolin would also suggest musical talent. Yet, she just doesn’t quite seem to fill the role of a bard, maybe because most bards are a lot louder and more flamboyant.

She had entered the room with Thaum, but seems to defer to him (for now), at least in the treatment and dealings with the high priest. When the prospect of adventuring is mentioned, she does not appear to shy off, something you might expect from someone of her stature. Although your healing talents are exemplary Thaum, hopefully a few friendly words and polite conversations will get us what we want without any bloodshed She, as well, takes a bottle, placing it in her purse, although it doesnt seem like it makes any sort of bulge in it.

2019-12-02, 07:44 PM
"Your words in the goddess' ear. She sadly has yet to listen to me when I ask for putting me out of work for the day," Thaum answers Zanthia, standing at ease beside her, bereft of any sort of tension. It is easy to disappear in plain sight beside a woman like her, but Thaum is quite used to that at this point, fetching as the human may be. Not being the center of attention does make a healer's job go a fair deal smoother.

2019-12-02, 07:47 PM
Rarely did Aned have a chance to vist a place as serene as Wendel. From the bustle of the markets to the dangers of the ruins, Nevarl is a place commotion and activity. Only in the deep desert was there a place to collect oneself, but here, tranquility is everywhere. She stops to listen to the bard playing next to the gate, indifferent to the occasional curious glances she attracts. Her garb is exotic enough: a turban of white and gold material wound round her head, an embroidered vest and loose silk breeches marked her as a foreigner, even if her rust red skin and pure white eyes didn't. After a moment of taking in the music, she's off again, looking upward at the spirits swirling in the air.

It takes only a little while to conclude her business there; a relic that would do much better in the hands of the living than the dead, but she soon finds herself with another matter: an invitation from the High Priest himself! It would of course be impossible to refuse, so she soon finds herself in the small house with the others, wordlessly appraising them. Was that... a Rabite? There's little time to consider things before the High priest himself shows up.

Listening to his plea, Aned considers for a moment. "It is said in the desert that the measure of someone is how they care for those dear to them," she says, before nodding. "Of course I shall help you in this." She takes the bottle, looking it over. "I thank you for the gift, but can I ask what purpose it serves? I have no need of the light, perhaps it would be best for someone else to take it." She still eyes it, however. The carved figurine is an interesting artifact, after all.

As Thaum takes the priest in hand, Aned watches. "It is good to know we are traveling with someone so skilled in the healing arts." she says approvingly. "I am Aned Atinani, a ruin explorer from Nevarl. If we are to travel together, I would hope to keep you all safe from the dangers posed by this cavern." She bows slightly in courtesy to the others.

2019-12-03, 12:17 AM
Near the back of the meeting room is another elf, though unlike the first, this tanned wood elf is a bit more... outdoorsy looking. If one was to be polite about it.

If one was not feeling that way, they would think she was some heavily armed, homeless vagrant who wandered in. For inexplicable reasons most of her gear looks too large for her lithe and athletic frame: both her gauntlets, her boots... and of course the giant sword she's tied to her back. It's not merely a greatsword, no-- while encased in leather makes it hard to say for certain the kind of sword it is, skull hilted blade is too wide and too heavy for human hands to properly wield just from a glance. She's strong enough to ...transport it at least.

From her vantage point, Rina wasn't able to get over to help the high priest in time, though her face shows concern for the man who welcomed her into the city. Hanging on his every word, with a nod or a widening of her eyes, it's a wonder she just didn't run out the door and off into the wilds the moment he was done speaking.

"I can manage mostly without a light source like that..." she says sounding apologetic to Aned. "And I guess I'll be taking point on this one." At least she's aware that she's carrying a big, problem solving sword...

2019-12-03, 06:32 AM
The priest is definitely surprised when he gets lift to his feet by Thaum. He gives of a relieved sigh when Thaum works his magic and accepts the staff, his stance exuding guilt till he straightens himself again. The bags under his eyes seem to lost the deep black color though they are still there, but he seems more calm and less maniacal than before. He gifts Thaum with a heartful smile and mentions. "You forgot to slap me, it seems I forgot myself in order to save a dear friend of mine, thanks for reminding me again. And it's your holiness only on the outside of this building, in here I would you all like to call me Ethan."

You definitely dispelled exhaustion, but you're right in the regards that he isn't completey fresh and only natural rest could bring him back in full working order.

His gaze finds Larimar and he explains: "My dear friend is king chanterelle, king of all good-natured mushbooms and mushglooms throughout the land and keeper…" He stops himself. "Well his other duties do not matter here. He came to visit me because of old time nostalgia and fell ill under my care. Though I don't know what caused his strange illness, my divinations as potent as they may be have only discovered strange scraps because they are filtered through the nasty thing that ails him. Normally I could go by through researching that further but I need to keep my power together to aid him and the emergencies that just appear in a city as populated as Wendel."

Ethan adresses Zanthia, but even he is taken aback by a moment, just from his problem to sort her. "They are some intelligent monsters who made their homes in the caverns, if you can really soothe them with polite conversation that would be a great boon for every pilgrim following you."

Regarding the bottles: "They are potent healing potions from my own making, before that problem arose. It will be good when someone of your experience will accompany this group Aned Atinani, there are still some dangerous places in the caverns, not necesarilly crafted traps, but there are some natural problems that could occur."

Ethan shoots an apologetic look to the other elf in the corner. "Will you be alright to accompany them? Or do you want to stay here in Wendel? I thought the problem would be solved way faster with your help but you don't have too."

2019-12-03, 03:55 PM
Thaum responds to Ethan with what one may describe as, for the lack of better words, a serene smirk. "Slapping is reserved for if I catch you lamenting doing the right thing again. Unless being slapped would make you feel better, of course."

A mental note about the ailing king is made, but there is little reason to push for more information at the moment when the high priest is needed to keep him alive and the likes of Wisp to save him. Such things can wait until their return.

Thus, the golden-eyed figure turns to the others. "And to follow good Aned's example, I believe introductions are in order. As the radiant and talented Zanthia Bindar mentioned," A presenting gesture towards the stunning owner of said name is made. "my name is Thaum, a simple healer, and I will do anything I can to see to all of you brave souls returning from this journey sound of body and mind." And with that, Thaum bows deeply, the healer's hair briefly akin to an azure halo afterwards, as it is wont to do in its slow ways before cascading back onto the shoulders.

2019-12-03, 05:00 PM
The Chobin gasps, "Well I'll be! It didn't matter much to me anyway. I was just curious. But a king?? This is much more important than just saving a friend! I'm sure his royal subjects will be concerned as well!"

Looking over to Thaum next, he says, "Ah yes, introductions. The name is Larimar Flint, at your service." The Chobin makes an exaggerated, theatrical bow. "I'd be happy to accompany you all on this journey. Hopefully it will not be perilous, but if it is... Well, anything that messes with us will surely regret it."

He smiles coyly, though some of his teeth do resemble sharp incisors.

2019-12-03, 06:41 PM
Addressing Ethan...I cannot guarantee that I will be able to sooth the savage beast with mere words nor that they will stay that way after I am gone but I can certainly try. And before anyone says anything, I am not averse to making our progress with more martial means, I just prefer my ways.
Turning to group...Well, my companion sort of spilled the beans about my name but he does have the right of it, Zanthia Bindar is it. And my talents lie in the arcane path, although they are more specialized than most mages. And although adventures often dont call for it, I am considered a decent singer and dancer.

2019-12-04, 12:02 AM
"...Call me Rina. And no, sir, I want to help. Fighting monsters is what I do."

Thus named, the scruffy elf enigmatically keeps her talents brief, with a rueful if earnest look to her. "Everyone can just stay behind me if we have any beastly encounters... I'll take care of them."

2019-12-04, 04:25 AM
"As you wish, your - ah, Ethan." says Aned, awkwardly. Being on first name basis with the High Priest was not a position she ever saw herself being in. "King Chanterelle? That is dire news indeed. I shall be as discreet as possible." It couldn't possibly be good to have word spreading about such an important potentate being struck by some mysterious ailment. One that could not even be cured by the High Priest, more over. It made her curious to know the source of the malady, but ah, even if the High Priest was being so friendly, it would be rude to pry.

Looking over at Thaum and Zanthia, she nods her head to each in turn. "I am honored to be in the presence of those so skilled in the magical arts." She looks in particular to Zanthia. "If your talents are as you say, perhaps it would be best for you to accept the figurine. It could be of service to you when speaking to the beings of the cavern." She smiles slightly. "I confess, I am also curious of the music of this land. I listened to the lyre player at the gate earlier. I would not mind to hear more if you were to sing later."

She appraises Larimar and Rina for a moment before speaking. "You both seem capable warriors, if the High Priest - ah, Ethan, has made note of you." she says, before patting the curved blade sheathed at her side. "I have some skill at the blade myself, Rina, though it may be a lesser blade than yours. I hope we will complement each other well in battle."

With that, she looks back to the High Priest. "Is there anything else we should know before embarking? Have any maps been made of this cavern?"

2019-12-04, 08:54 PM
Zanthia turns to Thaum, polite as always I will defer to your judgement, of course, but Aned does make a point about the figurine and talking to the cavern inhabitants. She turns back to Aned I do hope we have many chances for performances, given the right circumstances

2019-12-05, 02:11 AM
"Ah, yes. Here you go," Thaum says, taking out the figurine, pinched between two fingers, and handing it to Zanthia. There was no particular entitlement to hold it, it was simply plucked out of Ethan's hand before he could drop it or drop himself.

Thaum smiles to Rina. "I have no doubts about that, and it appears you will have quite capable support in this task." A quick sweeping gesture is made to the others. "This may be as good a moment as any to mention that many beings seem averse to following through with attacking me. I can't quite tell you why, I certainly would love to know myself, and it is not a guarantee, but hopefully it will give you less to worry about."

2019-12-05, 06:29 AM
Ethan looks over to Larimar. "I hope that his subjects will have nothing to worry about. I informed his Chancellor of course and Lord Boletus informed his subjects that he has fallen ill but is in my care. As far as I know there is a bit of unrest, as always when a beloved ruler falls ill, but nothing more right know. But they had some problems with the myxomycetes recently and I'm pretty sure that Chanterelle wanted to talk to me about that but before he could tell me he was struck with this strange bane. I surely hope this is not their doing." He shoot an apologetic look around. "I'm sorry I didn't wanted to ramble about mushroom politics."

"Ah yes, a map could be useful. I guess I have the most recent one right here." The high priest plucks a round metal cylinder out of his robes, there are some runes etched into it and hands it to Aned. "Be careful with them, I made them myself with the help of some magic but there are still far from complete. The main route should be easy enough to follow, pilgrims have made markings that should be clear enough and you only have to go the shortest route to the next higher bridge to come to the highest place where I'm pretty sure Wisp would stay. But perhaps there will be something that blocks your route and you have to take a detour."

The high priest watches as the statue changes hands. "Even if you'd all be able to see in the darkness one of you should hold onto it. I'm pretty sure Wisp would recognize the kind of statue or react to it positively. In the best case she could even search for you when you enter the caverns."

2019-12-05, 01:22 PM
"Certainly," Thaum answers Ethan, the figurine now secure with Zanthia. "If you'll excuse us, I believe we should begin our search for Wisp, as time does not appear to be on our side, or that of King Chanterelle."

Generally ready to move on to the caverns, or at least beginning to go there, unless of course the others would like to discuss some other topics or do something prior to beginning the journey.

2019-12-05, 06:57 PM
"Thank you," replies Aned, taking the map gingerly in hand. She scans over it carefully as she speaks; it's not often she gets a map to somewhere she's about to explore, after all. "I'm certain we can handle any obstacles that we may come across. Rest assured that when we return, the Spirit Wisp shall be with us."

Beyond even the situation at hand, the cavern was some place she had only ever heard of. An important place for pilgrims, and filled with strange and wonderful creatures. It would certainly be worth seeing.

Spot [roll0]

2019-12-05, 07:09 PM
Zanthia merely cinches her robe tighter (which also has the effect of enhancing her figure) to indicate that she is ready to go.

2019-12-06, 05:16 AM
Looking over the maps, Aned flips one over and scratches her finger over the back curiously. "Something seems to have been glued to the back of this one - was it damaged earlier?" she asks, looking over at the high priest.

2019-12-06, 08:24 AM
"Yes, time is of the essence. I thank you for accepting this mission and be assured that I'll pray for your safe return." Ethan gives a thankful bow to you, only to be startled by Aned's question.

Everyone who takes a look over Aned's shoulder can see that she sorts multiple maps of a cavern system that seems deeply complex. Sometimes there are maps with references to other maps that only add to a confusing mess. There are two that seem too be (mostly) a way that seems to go mostly up from the entrance. One of these piques her interest.

"It is? Let me see." The high priest strodes over and takes a look and needs a minute examining the map till announcing. "Yes, you're right. That's curious it's not one of mine. You saw in what condition I arrived, I must have been more addled than I thought. If memory serves right it should be from Lander... He was the high priest two generations ago. I remember using it in the beginning but was really annoyed because it send me to a lot of dead ends." Ethan ponders for a moment till saying. "I have to say that this is a mistery I'd like to see revealed, but right know I think it's more important that you'd bring Wisp here. If this is settled perhaps you'd like to keep that map as part of your payment?"

2019-12-06, 04:56 PM
Larimar smiles and says, "Well then, let's be off! I'll go say goodbye to my family and make some last minute preparations, and I'll meet you at the gates, alright?"

He waves goodbye jovially and bounces off, probably before anyone says anything else to him.

Eh, let me just buy like three mundane torches for the heck of it and some sort of climbing pitons. Shouldn't be much...

Think that's it. I will use the first charge of my mage armor wand right before we enter the cave.

2019-12-06, 06:18 PM
Aned considers for a moment; she hadn't really been thinking in terms of compensation. But a secret map from a high priest two generations past? It was certainly too good to pass up.

"I would be honored to be given this map," she replies, "As soon as we've returned with the Wisp."

She nods to Larimar as he leaves. Bundling the rest of the maps together, she looks towards the others. "There are a few items I should procure before we leave as well. I shall meet you at the gates as well."

If possible, I'll probably grab a grappling hook and two sunrods.

2019-12-06, 10:07 PM
Rina gets up, and raps a rag around what those with keen eyes saw was a skull hilt on her sword. It had come loose again; she'd been trying to hide that particular detail for some reason, and hefts the sheathed blade over her back. it's certainly heavy looking but the wood elf is at least capable of transporting it.

"I should be able to made due with scavenging or hunting for food while we're out but could I trouble someone for money to buy a waterskin? ...I lost mine before coming to Wendell. ...It was a rough journey." she seems slightly embarrassed that someone trusted by a high priest is slumming so badly.

2019-12-06, 10:33 PM
Stopping on her way out, Aned looks over at Rina before reaching into her sash and extracting ten gold pieces, covered in long-dead languages and the faces of men long forgotten. "It is said in the desert that one is no more prepared than their companions. Here, these should serve even in Wendel." she says, handing the coins over to the wood elf. "Feel free to buy some other necessities as well, should you require them."

2019-12-07, 01:59 AM
Coney Massing

The yellow blob in the corner has been watching the interchange with interest, but without comment. Now, as the group looks as if it might be breaking up, a large mouth and eyes appear, and two very expressive ears unfurl. The small puffball speaks with a voice that is unexpectedly deep and gravelly.

"My apologies for remaining silent. I have been attempting to connect with the spirits for guidance. The spirits are not as helpful as I might wish."

She gazes over at Wendel with fondness and a touch of regret, and then scans the rest of the room.

"My name is Coney Massing. I am a a speaker with spirits. It would mean a great deal to me, and perhaps to all Rabite-kind, if you would permit me to join you in this magnificent effort."

2019-12-07, 09:37 AM
"Oh, no need to worry about food and drink," Thaum says, moving the sling bag on his back around and reaching into it with both hands, producing a quite large jar filled with a curry-colored substance that seems to be about as viscous as porridge.

"I usually create a new batch every other day, as it lasts that long. Probably the most nutritious food you can eat. I can change the taste, color, and temperature with a bit of magic, and I do accept requests in that regard, though I would in the beginning recommend against making it taste like a steak and such. It will taste like it, but it will not have the same mouth feel, which tends to lead to a lot of very visible confusion." The jar gets shifted into the crook of one arm, the free hand reaching into the bag and pulling out a simple wooden bowl and spoon to show that the means to eat the food will also be provided. The bowl and spoon go back in, and another large jar, this one filled with clear water, is pulled out.

"The spell also creates a tremendous amount of water, so I usually lug around several of these as well. Can be flavored as well." All the jars disappear into the bag again.

As Thaum readjusts the bag's position, the healer adds "By now, the spell conjures enough to feed about a dozen people for two days, so I usually end up handing out the excess to whoever needs it to not have it go to waste."

The sudden addition of a new voice has Thaum scan the room, before discovering the awakened rabite. "Hello there! I don't see why I would want to keep you from coming with us."

2019-12-07, 08:11 PM
Coney 'nods' by bobbing both of her ears in acknowledgement of Thaum's welcome.

"Well, if you can provide the food, the spirits can provide the shelter as we go."

2019-12-07, 08:29 PM
"I usually create a new batch every other day, as it lasts that long. Probably the most nutritious food you can eat. I can change the taste, color, and temperature with a bit of magic, and I do accept requests in that regard, though I would in the beginning recommend against making it taste like a steak and such. It will taste like it, but it will not have the same mouth feel, which tends to lead to a lot of very visible confusion."

He's gotten quite good with fruits, with a lot of tutelage from me

"The spell also creates a tremendous amount of water, so I usually lug around several of these as well. Can be flavored as well." All the jars disappear into the bag again.

He has yet to master the subtleties of elven wine, but he's trying hard. Too much dwarven ale

2019-12-08, 01:37 AM
A talking rabite! thinks Aned, her gaze turning to Coney. This was certainly a novel being! It was tempting to question her here and now, but civility came first. There would be plenty of time for talk on the journey. "Welcome, Coney," she says instead, bowing her head. "One who can talk to the spirits would be of great help to us."

She watches as Thaum displays his stored goods, looking suitably impressed. "You are well prepared! But I think Rina should supply herself regardless. We might become separated during our trek. A few days food and water would be enough to let us find each other once more." she comments, patting her own waterskin. "It would be a good idea for everyone to have a length of rope and some source of illumination as well."

"I admit, I've never had any elven wine, so I imagine his reproduction would suffice for me." she replies to Zanthia, before putting all her gear to rights again. "Shall we be off? I wouldn't like to keep Larimar waiting."

2019-12-08, 06:33 AM
A smile flashes itself at Coney. "Ah, wonderful! That will make me sleep a lot easier."

Thaum acknowledges what Zanthia says with a conceding incline of the head and somewhat exaggerated pressed lips. "It's a process. Alcohol is not part of what I enjoy, so my main intake is Zanthia making me try it to get the free wine right." Regardless of the ribbing, Thaum does seem dedicated to said process.

Aned's response is answered with a nod. "Certainly, I defer to your judgment as a seasoned adventuress. I have all I need in these regards, and perhaps something that will come in handy if we encounter any large caverns with one of those natural bridges high above or far away from us."

Without further ado, Thaum heads to the gate with the others.

2019-12-09, 04:50 AM
You all manage to find each other at the gate and with the music of a bard in your ears you strode on your way to Cascade Caverns. You pass some pilgrims and other people who make their way to Wendel. A goblin pulling a cart filled with a lot of assorted knick-knacks. Some cutlery with cracks, even some made out of silver. Two young man with heavy backpacks, fur spreading out of their necks talking to one another in hushed noises. A heavy armored individual holding a little pendant of the mana goddess sending a silent prayer up into the sky and many, many more.

The farther you go from Wendel the less people you see on the road. At the side are a lot of farms and farmsteads housing different animals. They are also some rabite Barns, though barn is a strange word for these pretty open spaces. They have a fence but it's only one log of wood standing on Y-shaped wooden contraptions where everyone can come and go as their please with freshly planted salad the rabites can nibble from and a roof on the middle where they are protected from the rain.

You came to the last farmhouse, who has another rabite-barn attached to it. The rabites seem to be pretty invested in a complicated catching game with the smallest sleeping under the little roof. There are no more pilgrims on that road.

You see a wild looking man sneaking to the barn. He wears hide armor and a greatsword and seems to be going to the rabite's, but he notices you as soon as you notice him. It is your turn.

First encounter (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bh5p9QRJZoOgMb7eX0iwF2jepWhC2iVxNOJsPzc3RdI/edit?usp=sharing) Please tell me if the link works. You should all be able to adjust the document. Coney and Zanthia failed their spot check and just can take their turns next round. (I rolled for Coney and she could just make it on a 20...) You can adjust your positions freely I just took what made the most sense.

2019-12-09, 05:00 AM
Larimar not only spots the man but takes some initiative to communicate with him.

Bouncing over the fence, he quickly approaches and calls out, "Um, excuse me. Wild guess, but this doesn't appear to be your farm. Do you need some help?"

(oh right. I think Larimar will be at N13)

2019-12-09, 07:07 AM
As the group has travelled along, Coney has occasionally slowed up the group's progress by stopping at each rabite farm to check the occupants for signs of awakening.

Perhaps it is this preoccupation that leaves her so completely unprepared for what happens next.

Link works for me.

2019-12-09, 08:10 AM
Thaum's head perks up as he notices the... rather not very subtle man trying to get to the stable (which is probably the reason why Thaum was even able to notice him, to be fair). A man who is also quite heavily armed for a thief. Well then.

He taps Zanthia on the shoulder to get her attention and points towards the man, as his friend seems to have overlooked him. If there end up being tensions (or worse), she'll be best at defusing the situation before it can escalate. Thaum himself follows after Larimar, though at a slower step, watching the man's reaction to Larimar confronting him. The light white robes with their red highlights move lightly in the breeze, his azure hair more than it should, following an unfelt current in languid motions.

Thaum moves from H16 to M15. He readies an action to cast whelm on the man should he attempt to attack the group.

2019-12-09, 04:37 PM
Aned narrows her eyes as she spots the wild man approaching the barn. It was suspicious to be sure, but the man still hadn't done anything... yet, anyway. But it never hurt to be safe. As Larimar moves to confront the man verbally, Aned moves to the corner of the barn, grasping the sheathe of her eagle claw in hand. It makes for a clumsy bludgeon, but it could still be effective if she hits in the right spot...

Moving to M12, and readying an action to attack the wildman if he moves to N12 to attack Larimar. The attack will be nonlethal, so I'll be eating a -4 penalty to strike.

2019-12-09, 10:52 PM
For someone used to traipsing easily through wilderness, Rina seems to drag her feet while in the company of the others, slowing down to adjust her sword now and then (including removing the rag over it's hilt-skull) once the entrance to Wendell is out of sight. She did buy her own waterskin (but no food...) on the way out of town, and if anything seemed to be studying the flora and fauna surrounding the road, perhaps searching for wild berries.

...She actually spied the man with the greatsword, and she ducks her head, trying to hide her gaze with her bangs. Caught in a moment of indecision, she wasn't sure if approaching the stranger was safe, or right but ultimately she's forced into action by the others. It wouldn't do to not get involved now, lest she wants them to have reasons to mistrust her.

...Still... best to try to talk this situation down. She draws a bow from a(n obviously enchanted) quiver next to her giant blade's scabbard, taking a few quick steps into the skulker's view.

"H-hey! Stop, are you supposed to be there???" She tries to assume a commanding voice, but to her inner senses, she just sounds like a nervous child warning of their parents watching.

Moving to N16, and trying to intimidate the intruder.

This is so not going to end well...


2019-12-10, 02:33 PM
The man looks at total disgust at Larimar and the others. "Ratfolk, monster-friends." He spits out. "Disgusting!" He ignores the intimidation completely. He takes a sidestep and charges at Larimar with his sword raised.

You can take your readied actions.

2019-12-10, 03:30 PM
Brow furrowed, lips pressed on a thin line, head shaking. Thaum had not expected much, but still managed to be disappointed by this stranger and his poor life choices. His hands rise as he breathes in, elemental water shaping itself into Undine's form briefly above his shoulder. Water is life, and a small imbalance can be all that is needed to render the body tired and sluggish. And thus, Thaum breathes out, lowers his hands, and gently tugs at the attacking man's essence, to spare him further disgrace by what regretful actions he seeks to take.

Casting whelm (FYI, edited earlier post, since inhibit interacts in a most gnarly way with group initiative)
Will DC 16, and if it fails, he takes [roll0] nonlethal damage

Spell slots:
Lv 0: 4/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 6/7
Lv 3: 5/6
Lv 4: 4/5

2019-12-10, 05:34 PM
Striking quickly from the side, Aned rams the pommel of her eagle claw into the man's gut, seeking to knock the wind out of him. Hopefully, he could be taken out of action before he could harm her companions. His willingness to attack superior numbers either spoke well for his martial prowess or poorly for his sense of judgment. Either way, he had to be dealt with, and fast.


2019-12-10, 06:16 PM
Hold on, hold on, theres no need for any sort of hostilities, everyone just calm down.

Casting calm spell on the man

2019-12-11, 05:10 AM
The man stops for a moment in his charge as Thaum's spell hit him, but doesn't stop, grinning diabolically as Aned's weapon glides off at his hides, foam showing at the corner of his mouth as he slashes at Larimar. Shortly after that he gives Aned a fast side-kick.

Swordstrike at Larimar: Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Kick at Aned: Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

After he got hit by the calm spell he looks confudled and spits out some foam "Who did that?"

2019-12-11, 08:12 AM
Thaum makes a mental note about both his and Zanthia's spells working on the man (with his more a sort of control group, whereas Zanthia's is almost assured). His unshielded hand makes a gathering motion, a droplet of Undine's elemental water forming above Larimar, suffusing him with soothing warmth and a brief blue light as his wounds and pain are taken away.

"Sir, you would do well to take a moment and listen," Thaum says to the man, his voice equal parts calm and stern. The man is homicidal to a degree bordering on the ludicrous, but Thaum can at least hope the guy is not dumb enough to not listen to Zanthia.

Cure Minor Wounds on Larimar, healing 17 HP and thus back to full. Casting from a distance as per Boundless Healing. As Thaum has healed as many HP as half of Larimar's hit dice, Thaum's Extension of Life class ability kicks in, giving Larimar 4 THP (the excess healing of the spell), which last for 8 rounds.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 3/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 6/7
Lv 3: 5/6
Lv 4: 4/5

2019-12-11, 09:22 AM
Coney is sad that this man is so limited in his perceptions, and hopes to set his aright. She hops a bit closer to him, and reaches deep within her, to where the ancient spirit lurks. Curling the ear-hands of her mind around his essence, she lifts his voice to hers and sends all of his power out towards the man in a torrent of words in a deep vibrato.

"Sir, we are merely passing through on a mission of great urgency. While you see monsters, we are in fact agents of the great spirits of light! All we seek is safe passage, and perhaps a moment to confer about what you may have seen here lately. Will you put up your sword and speak with us?"

5' step closer. Full round diplomacy check, without penalty thanks to Naberius' ability. Skill check has a +22 modifier. I'll roll OOC.

2019-12-11, 06:50 PM
Zanthia sees no need to educate the man about the fact that she cast the spell....or even that a spell had been cast. One of the powers of the witch was the subtlety of her casting, often someone didnt even know she had enspelled them since there were no giveaways. She steps forward with Coney, usually taking the lead in such negotiations was her forte, but at least she could give some help. (Diplomacy for Aid Another rolled and passed in OOC)

As my companion has said, we are not here to cause trouble and seek only peaceful converse. Without the need for blood to be spilled. Please, let us solve this peacefully

2019-12-11, 07:51 PM
Larimar winces in pain as the wild man's blade slams into him. He was skilled alright, so much so that the Chobin had hardly a chance of dodging, but at least Larimar managed to twist his body in such a way that he wasn't cleaved in half. Before he knew it, however, he was healed and then some, feeling like a million silver pieces. But still feeling somewhat befuddled.

"Um, yeah, what they said. I was going to offer you some of the best apples in the realm and a slice of pie, if you were hungry. But I am considering rescinding that offer..."

2019-12-11, 08:54 PM
"Stop trying to hurt people!"

Rina has an arrow nocked, but with all the attempts to talk this guy down, she seems reticent to shoot.

Just give her a reason and her arrow will fly.

Holding action; if this guy attacks again she'll try to attack.

The following attack roll is ONLY for that scenario:


2019-12-11, 09:24 PM
Aned grunts as the kick connects; it's quite an expert blow, but her pride is bruised more than anything. In response, she seemingly leaps and twists in the air to land behind the man, effectively flanking him. She looks down that the foam that's dropped from the man's mouth warily. A berserker? Some kind of rabies? "It is said in the desert that a wise man prospers more than a strong one. I would suggest that you listen to my friends and drop your weapon." she says, keeping her hand on her eagle claw, but not attacking just yet.

Flying overhead to N11 and Tumbling to avoid any AoOs. I automatically succeed with the Tumbling check, so I don't think i need to roll it? I will then do as TonberryKing did and ready another attack in case this guy's still feeling frisky. I will also apply my Dodge bonus against any attacks from him.

2019-12-12, 12:49 AM
The man shakes his head, it seems more an attempt to free himself from the spell attempting him then indicating no. "I... I can't be angry? I can only manage to be a little upset? What have you" he takes a step back, not attacking Aned but still connecting with her body. He doesn't tumble down but still addresses her: "sorry." He is still addled and brings his sword up in a way to defend himself should he be attacked.

When coney speaks he shoots her a look that seems to drop vitriol but the intensity of the emotion is quickly diminished. He shook his head again while mumbling (loud enough for anyone to hear) "yeah you're an emissary alright. Especially if you're one of the smart ones. His generals and speakers all around." He looks intently at Larimar. "I wanted to spare you the slavery under them little chobin but you're already under their thrall." He lifts his sword in frustration and hurls it down. Though it still lacks any kind of emotional impact. "Why can't I feel a thing?"

2019-12-12, 01:05 AM
Larimar gawks up at the large man. "Slavery? Generals? What are you going on about??"

He turns back and looks at the others, throwing his hands up in a helpless shrug. Did he just get his head hit too hard and forget something extremely important?

2019-12-12, 03:06 AM
In the meantime, Thaum looks over to Aned, but thankfully, the kick seems have caused only minor bruising. Nothing that needs immediate attention, but should be checked after whatever this impromptu interrogation is over.

"Yes, please do elaborate in no uncertain terms, as well as using names instead of vague pronouns. Plain speech instead of Conspiratory Cryptic, if you would be so kind," Thaum adds pointedly. "I would suggest a simple detect magic to quickly ascertain our supposed thralldom, but I have the feeling that you would not believe us either way."

2019-12-12, 05:18 PM
Aned frowns as the man bumps into her, and reflexively checks her gear to make sure it's all still there: spending time in the markets makes one wary to the ways of pickpockets. She gives the man an appraising look. He certainly looked crazy, babbling of slavery and throwing his sword. But if a spell could make him calm, something else might have driven him to this.

Doubting he could cast even a cantrip like Detect Magic, Aned instead tries to make their case logically. "If we were thralls to your enemies, I doubt very much we would take such cares to ensure that you remained alive and unharmed. Perhaps you could answer our questions, and we could answer yours in turn."

2019-12-13, 04:18 AM
The man sits down cross-legged and throws his hand up in defeat.

"I'm… Just not feeling it anymore." He points an accusing finger at Coney, the other rabite's gather at one side of the barn and seem to be interested in the interaction. "I'm not really a speaker, that will mean I will explain it in a way that make me sound crazy." He clears his throat. "The rabites who can talk are just emissaries and a way for the dark rabite to establish his reign. He let them awaken and weaken the populace, making it clear that the monsters are no threat. That will be when he emerges and overthrow the normal human populace. But we know the truth and we will fight against the monsters and the rabites who could awaken." His eyes, for a moment, become an almost glass-like sheen but like his wrath is diminished. He hesitates a moment but still tells more. "I was sent by our leader too sent Wendel a message. With this monster-loving town there is no way to talk to them. Or so I was thought."

He looks at Thaum and seems confused. "I... don't have the right wand for that, and even then I need some tries. Also our leader told us that this ways to divinate can be misleaded or it could be not magic at all." When he talks about the leader his face brightens up a bit and he smiles almost boyish. He shouts over at Rina: "Set the bow down girlie, or do you wanna shoot me now?"

He sighs heavily and looks up at Thaum again. "Say are you a boy or a girl? You look really confusing. And can you tell me what by the glistening platinum you did to me?"

The glistening platinum is another name for Luna that is mostly used by merchants and the nobility and is said that she is the cause of good and bad luck and also wealth.

2019-12-13, 04:56 AM
It seemed Thaum's spell was effective at quelling emotions, and while Larimar certainly felt no frustration from the attack and incoherent speech of the man, he was still very much confused. He says, "Uhh... that is quite a theory you have there..."

"I've never heard of this 'Dark Rabite' before. Are you saying you or your people have been violently attacked by awakened rabites??"

Rather than try to ramble or lecture the man, Larimar sought to find out what he knew. Was there really some looming threat out there? Perhaps, behind the illness?

2019-12-13, 06:34 AM
Thaum's gender really is of zero importance at this moment in time, so the question just gets ignored. "I didn't do anything but make you a bit tired, and I, too, would like to know more about your leader's motivations. I also would like to know if you, personally, have talked to awakened beings and people associating with them before, for more than a moment, and how that went." Thaum is seeing the telltale signs of someone having been duped into a conspiracy theory or cult, and/or racism motivated by ignorance, but that remains to be seen. Hopefully, the answers also will make it easier to determine what to do with the guy, because they can't really just let him go, what with indiscriminately murdering people and regular non-hostile rabites.

2019-12-13, 11:12 AM
Coney keeps her distance, not wanting to give the man the wrong impression of her intentions. She keeps an ear turned to the conversation unfolding, literally, but Larimar and Thaum seem to have it well in hand at the moment.

Instead, she hops closer to the pen, looking for telltale signs of sentience among those inside. She mixes the ancient and new spirits together in her eyes as she tries for her own bit of Luna's good luck in seeking out a new member of her race.

2019-12-13, 12:41 PM
Withdrawing her bow and putting it back in her quiver, Rina encircles the others and tries to pick up the man's greatsword, wanting to keep him away from having a weapon on hand he could risk hurting someone with...

2019-12-13, 12:53 PM
"Dark Rabite?" asks Aned, looking at the man skeptically. "Who exactly is this leader of yours?"

Seeing the glassy look in his eyes, Aned circles around to Thaum, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Detection of magic would perhaps be a good idea for us as well. This man may well be enchanted." At very least, dispatching a greatsword-wielding wild man to deliver a message didn't seem to make much sense unless the message was mayhem. This attacker seemed far too credulous of his mission.

2019-12-13, 06:09 PM
Zanthia sighs a bit, this situation is something she understands.

This man is clearly a victim of a lot of cult-style programming or charm spells…or both. You see, every failed charm spell erodes a person’s will, not much from each one, but slowly, a cumulative effect. And I’ve seen some of my less reputable sisters in witchcraft rapidly erode a person’s will through multiple charms, to the point where the person might as well be permanently charmed, especially if you combine that with cult style programming, even without a charm spell on him. My spell didn’t help matters.

She turns back to the man.

Despite what your leader has told you, there is not some grand conspiracy among the rabites to take over the world. You have been fed misinformation. If you want real proof of that, you could come with us and see that we are out to do good, Transfer Charm if there is one in effect or at the very least, separate yourself from your leader and try to see the world through your own eyes, and not those of someone who is out to do all your thinking for you.

2019-12-13, 06:41 PM
when you pick up the weapon and look at it a moment you're pretty sure it's a masterwork cold iron greatsword. "I said it will sound crazy when I talk about it. I won't say the name of my leader I know he has a certain protection against divinations but I won't betray him like that. I didn't talk to any awakened beings but our leader did. He talked about the dark rabite and some awakened ones sayd they wanted to join him, because they didn't wanted they're human friends to suffer. They nearly bit him to death, he still wears his scars so they remember him of this deception."

He looks at Thaum:"bit of a prude hu? And making me a bit tired my behind." He grumbles. "They sayd my wrath could be used for good. That I was useful to them and him. And you just took that away so easily." He didn't really sound that upset, more concerned.

The rabites are noticing Coney and the smallest one runs towards her and seems adamant in drawing her into a catching game. They seem as intelligent as every unawakened rabite, well-fed and pretty active. That is a good sign for their care at least.

He answers Aned: "our leader is a great man. The ice of althea runs in it's blood and he is as furious as he is larger than life. It was his decree that I got send here to send Wendel the message that we will not tolerate their stand regarding... Accepting... Everything." He shakes his head again blinking several times.

He looks at Zanthia." I can hear you you know." He scratches his head definitely in thought." I don't know. They'll send someone after a week too make sure I did my part. I don't know who it will be. Can I just let my sword here with you, rummage around a bit and talk to the guy? "

There is no charm currently on him except calm. He definitely didn't realized you casting something.

2019-12-13, 07:02 PM
"Hmm. It is hard to tell if the tale you weave is true... But rest assured, my friend, I guarantee you not all awakened rabites are like this. I imagine, perhaps if this dark rabite exists, it is an isolated incident, and something that needs investigation."

Larimar gives the man a weak frown. "Senseless killing will get no one answers and will not promote peace. If anything, it will only make things worse."

2019-12-13, 07:16 PM
"That's the thing little one. That's the thing that could really be the case. Perhaps that is also what our leader saw and interpreted it wrong. I mean if he was wrong about my wrath." He seems to trail off.

2019-12-13, 09:16 PM
You can stay here then. Look around, see that things are not as bad as you might think. But do not tarry too long. You are right in saying they will send someone after you, and you need to be away from them for a while. Im sure things will start to look much better if you are apart from them and thinking for yourself. Things will be much clearer. She doesnt know if Thaum has any spells that help with mental clarity, like maybe a restoration of some kind. But she steps back, now would be the time to cast if he does.

2019-12-14, 07:39 AM
Following Zanthia's cue, Thaum casts a spell, the man soon seeing a brief glow and feeling a comfortable warmth. "You should be back to normal soon. However, don't let your emotions and rage do the thinking for you. You would have never had this interaction with it controlling you, not the other way around." Thaum gives a warm smile. "Good fortune upon you."

Apparently, Thaum is now a master enchanter. The things a healer does to protect the one dearest to him.

Thaum casts Cure Minor Wounds on the guy, more to give the guy a positive feeling and to play out the role of supposed enchanter that has been thrust upon Thaum, as he can't actually end Zanthia's spell. The calm spell from what I know has a short duration that should be running out just about now, or Zanthia can just dismiss the spell, like calm emotions.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 6/7
Lv 3: 5/6
Lv 4: 4/5

2019-12-14, 12:45 PM
Aned looks between the wild man and Zanthia. "I am not so certain we should leave this man alone," she says, "He is confused at best. Perhaps we should take him with us until we find a place where we might leave him. A priest, perhaps, might be able to help him. Otherwise I fear he might find another weapon and slip back into his old ways."

She glances over at Coney, who had distanced herself to look at the other rabites. Was she as serene as she seemed, or was she merely covering up her feelings on this matter? Aned would have to talk with her later.

"Speaking of weapons," she says, returning to the matter at hand as she walks over to Rina. "That is no ordinary blade. Would you mind if I examined it?"

Assuming Rina agrees, I'll use Appraise to try and discern any maker's marks or anything else that could tell us its origins.

2019-12-15, 12:18 PM
Coney spends a moment engaging in a catching game with the rabites, pleased that they were every bit as healthy and well cared for as she might expect.

"Thank you, my beauties. Leap with life, and perhaps I will meet your grand-daughters someday."

She hops back toward the group, having maintained a background awareness of the conversation. As her colleagues prepare to withdraw their magics of calming, she does what she can to be the rabite that the world would need.

"We are from Wendel. If you truly wish to deliver a message about the coming evil, it would at least be good to know your name, and some more about this propesy. I am Coney. And you are?"

2019-12-16, 03:52 AM
It's definitely a masterwork weapon made from Cold Iron what is strange enough. There is no marking from a specific smith but from how the blade looks it reminds you of blades that you saw in the market that supposedly came from Valsena.

"Thanks that made me feel like tenthousand platinum pieces." He gives you a boyish smile.

The rabite releases Coney from his playful grasp and when she talks to the wild man the look he gives Coney is full of conflict but after some time he still answers: "I'm Mart's from house Vish, not that this has any meaning anymore." He seems to trail of a moment but catches himself. "I can't really tell you a lot about the prophesy, I mean it's prophesy talk. Hard to understand, even harder to act upon. The short version that I was told is that after some undetermined time, when the rabite's begin to talk they will summon their grand leader, the black rabite that will pretty much plunge the world in a new era of darkness and the rabite's will begin to reign over all humanity. And supossedly every awakened rabite knows that, and because every rabite could awaken we are kinda tasked to kill as many of them as possible." He has the decency to look aside.

He stands up. "I will go then I guess. Can you contact me in five days or something? With some kind of spell? I guess I have to think a bit about stuff. You can keep the thing I don't want it on me anymore." He gestures to the weapon.

2019-12-16, 02:05 PM
"The name is Larimar," the Chobin offers. "I wouldn't ask that you discard your blade completely. Just that you consider carefully before you use it. After all, there are still dangers in the world." He shrugs not particularly caring either way; the man could probably strangle a grizzly bear to death. Though he does smile, friendly enough.

2019-12-16, 03:17 PM
"It should be safe enough if you go into Wendel. The High Priest there may be able to help you." replies Aned quickly after Larimar. Not wanting to part the man with his property is understandable, but not wanting him to be a danger is tantamount on her mind. "You may tell him that Aned Atinani and the others bade you to go to him. I am certain he will help you get in contact with us in a few days time."

She had heard of spells that allowed for magicians to communicate over vast distances, but as of yet she had no idea as to whether her newfound compatriots could cast them. And even with his obligations to King Chantrelle, it seemed likely that the High Priest might be able to help this man find his way. If Thaum and Zanthia had managed to break whatever deranged hold this so-called prophet had on him, keeping him busy far from their grasp seemed the best choice.

2019-12-16, 08:56 PM
Rina offers the sword dutifully to Aned; she almost asks for the scabbard but keeps quite like a mouse when given two different options on what to do with the long blade.

"Well, um... if he doesn't want it...my other sword is more for...something specific and not always useful in normal combat," she looks a little bit relieved, actually, to have an alternate weapon, but her voice is a bit meek, bashful.

"If you want, I can hold onto it for now, and return it to you once we're done with our quest. Hopefully, you'll be more sound to take it up once more?"

2019-12-17, 03:58 AM
Mart's adresses Larimar: "It's alright little one I can get by without a weapon better than someone with'em."

He looks at Aned with an obvious shock in his eyes. "You know the high priest? I mean, yeah I could go to town but going to the high priest does seem to be pretty much." He ponders for a moment then nods to himself.

"Alright we do it that way. I go to town, perhaps getting a little work there, they probably need someone with a little muscle. I can see for myself how everything works and then decide what I do, perhaps meeting up with you again when you did whatever you have too do. Perhaps meeting up with my contact with you guys."

Regarding the weapon. "You can keep it for now girlie. You look like you can handle it. It was given too me by my leader and I was promised an enchantment when I was succesfull and I don't know how I should feel about that now."

He weaves at you and seems to make his way to Wendel.

2019-12-17, 05:12 AM
Thaum's smile takes a turn towards the apologetic, along with an incline of the head. "My channelling is regretably too limited for a sending, but perhaps we will be able to meet more conventionally, circumstances permitting."

The healer waves after Mart's as he leaves. All in all, this was a rather nice outcome, and he would like to have more of this, should they be assailed by more suddenly appearing strangers... rare an occasion as they will hopefully remain.

Duty calls, however, not just to travel onwards, but also to tend to his companions.

"Do you want something for the bruise?" Thaum asks Aned. The adventuress is made out of sterner stuff than to truly be threatened by the blow she took, but some brawlers leave more permanent marks than most.

2019-12-17, 05:25 AM
Larimar waves cheerfully. "Farewell, Mart's. Good luck on your.. reconnaissance mission," he says with a wink.

Turning to the others shortly after the man left, he says, "Well, for a man who nearly cleaved me in two, I kind of liked him."

Larimar gestures at Thaum. "That was fantastic healing, Thaum, by the way... I think I'm feeling better than before I hopped the fence. Can't say the same for my robe..." he complains, fidgeting a bit with some frayed ends of cloth, with blood only freshly dried.

2019-12-17, 10:15 AM
Zanthia offers a kiss goodbye before he leaves but does not force the issue

2019-12-17, 12:24 PM
"I'm just happy that Zanthia gave us this opportunity and that everyone helped with bringing this to a peaceful end." Thaum reaches out towards Larimar, making a sweeping motion with his hand. All blood and dirt peels itself out of the archer's clothes, many tiny flecks lazily floating into the air and disappearing outright.

"I would like to conserve my channeling for now, but if I still have reserves when we make camp, I'll mend your clothes. Is that alright?"

2019-12-17, 01:43 PM
"Really? That'll be great!" Larimar says. "Or if not, I could probably patch it back together."

(I guess we're continuing the journey!)

2019-12-17, 03:45 PM
"I should be fine, thank you." replies Aned to Thaum's courteous inquiry. Her gut was still sore, but it didn't seem worth wasting any magic on. At very least, if it still bothered her when they camped out for the evening, she could approach Thaum again.

Turning back to Rina, she hands the greatsword back to her. "Here you are. It's too heavy a blade for me, though it seems almost paltry for you." she says, looking at the absolutely gigantic cleaver on the wood elf's back. "It is a curious blade, though. Masterwork to be certain, but no marks. The style reminds me of some I have seen from Valsena, however. Perhaps it would be worth investigating once we have finished here."

She looks down towards Coney. "Someone attempting to turn people against awakened rabites is certainly unwelcome. We should try and figure out what we can about this leader of Mart's."

2019-12-19, 03:46 AM
Mart definitely didn't think that he would get a kiss from a fair elven maiden out of the situation but still accepts.

When you go further you still have some ways to go and you see the road split itself, with a shield showing the way to Cascade caverns. When you arrive at that fork in the road there is that particular time of day where some people might argue if Wisp or Shade rule over that particular time of day.

You follow the well worn-out path that is inlaid irregular with some stones to make travel somewhat easier though it's a far cry from the well-maintained road. When you're think you're halfway there, the outworn path seems to cut off aprubtly.

You can still see parts off the way. It seems like someone has thrown some dirt over some stones and has somehow made the way more hidden but for your masterfully eyes, steeled by the wilderness you can still find the way, even if you have to look twice.

The way is actually not that well hidden. It seems to be either rushed work by someone who had done that before or someone trie'd to hide the way and had no idea what they were doing.

Okay that is really shody work, you don't even have to look twice, whoever had done this had either no idea what they were doing or did that as a preparation of some kind.

You still arrive at the entrance of Cascade caverns, but you can't see the entrance, that should be obvious immediately, shade also rules the day now and it's dark.

You can identify the entrance, it seems that someone has hidden the entrance masterfully with some vines, even the shrine of the mana godess has been obscured by plantwork. There is also a small assortment of stones beside the statue of the Mana goddess that is not hidden.

The vines that hang on the entrance are not that fresh and begin to dry up, like the assortment of sticks, leaves and other… Crap that was thrown on the statue of the godess.

The vines that hang on the entrance are not even local, perhaps from inside the caverns and seem to be pretty much tacked on the surface, it really seems like some kind of preparation, perhaps to later make all more believable with a spell of some kind.

You rested here before you get into Wendel and you're sure that the statue and the entrance were not hidden before.

The darkness hinders you're sight a bit but you're sure you've seen something small fly inside the cavern, perhaps a bat or something similiar.

2019-12-19, 04:43 AM
The fact that the path to the caves was being covered up was extremely strange and suspicious enough as it was. Then to have all kinds of vines and stuff thrown up over the entrance and shrine was blatantly (at least to Larimar) suspicious.

Larimar takes out a wand from his bag and uses it.

That's the mage armor. 60 minutes counting now!

"Okay. Something fishy is definitely going on here. Someone has been purposefully obscuring the path up here, and the entrance and shrine for that matter. It's all very recent too..."

He gives a half-worried look at everyone and draws his bow. "We'd best be on our guard. I can only imagine what's in store for us. Perhaps whatever has caused King Chanterelle to fall ill doesn't want us finding the wisp? But that, of course, means they somehow knew we were coming..."

It's always the chancellor, isn't it?!

2019-12-19, 05:41 AM
As the group gets underway again, Coney withdraws into her thoughts again. Aned's kind words seem to stir a memory in her.

"I might have an old story which casts some light on that, actually. I didn't want to bring it up in front of Mart, but..."

She hops on for a bit, striving to find the words.

"This could all be apocryphal blather, of course, but I've heard variations of this tale from a couple of sources.

"When mana was imbalanced a mighty rabite emerged, his fur blacker than the darkest night, nearly killing the mana heroes. There was a picture of the Black Rabite, wielding powerful magic from Shade, summoning demons and having a crushing bite. From the stories, it seemed that he was one of the first defenders of rabite-kind. Word has it that, when the balance of mana was restored, the Black Rabite returned to a slumber - perhasps suggesting a return to a pre-awakened state. But it is also certainly possible that the Black Rabite might rise again, if a great threat to rabite-kind emerged again."

She hopped on for a time in silence, then added wistfully.

"F***ing prophesies, eh?"

2019-12-19, 01:41 PM
Hearing Coney's retelling of the supposed legend of the Black Rabite, it has Thaum thinking.

"The imbalance created and awakened a lot of very powerful beings, so I can see there being truth to the story, though it is probably anybody's guess at this point what such a rabite's intentions were in general and when it fought the heroes. Finding someone who actually interacted with it would be quite illuminating, if the stories do tell the truth to some extent."


At the cave entrance, the healer looks at the hasty disguise that seems bigger on ambition than actual execution.

"Either we interrupted an effort here, or someone took a break before finishing their work," Thaum mentions, looking at the "seams" of the disguise, hair slowly following the head's motions as he guides the everbunring torch in his hand towards wherever he is looking. He does brush some of the vines off of the goddess statue.

As he opens his bag, Thaum adresses his companions. "Many of my protective spells are relatively short in duration, so unless you have wishes otherwise, I will apply them as needed. These caverns supposedly are quite large and I may just be burning mana we might need later," he says, pulling out a peculiar black rod from his bag.

"This should help us with crossing chasms and getting up to rock bridges above us, should the opportunity arise." He wiggles the item a bit for emphasis, then puts it back into the bag. "As mentioned earlier, many beings are averse to attacking me if I don't attack them first, though strength of will is a factor in this. Much of my healing can also be done at a distance, though please do not expect me to close your wounds from across a grand cavern. Where would you like me to be in the marching order?" Hopefully, that should provide the more experienced adventurers of the group with what they need to know in regards to what to expect from Thaum and how he may figure into exploration and, if it comes to it, combat.

2019-12-19, 04:42 PM
"Then this Black Rabite may exist?" says Aned, looking towards Coney. "Hm. This does not portend well. Perhaps another unbalancing in the forces of mana is on the horizon. We should be prepared."

Though she picks her way through the trail well enough, she seems surprised to hear that it was the result of deliberate deceit. "Truly? Then this will be a more difficult task than expected." she says, before bringing the goggles hanging from her neck up to her eyes. "Fortunately I am well prepared. If someone attempted to camouflage the trails and entrance, then they may have left traps for us within. Therefore, I should like to take the front."

2019-12-19, 08:24 PM
As much as I dislike large and sharp objects being pointed at me, the way my magic works and the fact that I am carrying the talisman means that I should be near the front. Second row, probably

2019-12-19, 11:25 PM
Coney considered the haphazardly concealed entrance.

"Whereas my magics work just fine at a distance. I can bring up the rear, so to speak."

She renews her Mage Armour.

2019-12-20, 10:32 AM
"Well... bow," Larimar says with a smirk. "I suppose that leaves me somewhere in the back too then. This is all assuming we don't split up and all stay in a single file line though, right? Single file probably isn't the best..."

2019-12-21, 08:42 AM
As soon as you take your first steps into the caverns you hear a slight... Roar like masses of water that crash down in the distance. The statue that Zanthia is holding begins to glow in a warm white light that is pleasing to the eyes.

After some additional steps into the caverns the light of the statue seems to flare up and instead of illuminating the caverns like a torch it's nearly double that range without any flickering.

The additional light reveals walls that seem to be speckled with small glowing crystals that give off a bit additional light in a cascade of colors.

At the end of the light radius there stands a Tomato Man. Shielding itself from the light. He looks like the bottom of a totem pole a top of that seem to be a ginormous cucumber a paprika and then a tomato with a worried face. The whole construct seems to be floating.

"how have you found the entrance? It doesn't matter you should not be here. The monsters are going haywire it's too dangerous to go without the high priest."

He let's his arm that looks like a tomato stalk sink and looks surprised at the statue. What is the meaning of this? Isn't that his?"

as long as you hold the statue you get a +1 dodge bonus to your ac and a +1 to all your saving throws.

2019-12-21, 04:17 PM
"Very astute," Larimar says, with very little sarcasm. After all, he probably wouldn't have known the statue was the high priest's otherwise. "As a matter of fact, we came here on his behalf, to find the Wisp Sprite and help save his friend..."

"I take it you're the one who was covering up the path, so... You mind explaining what's going on?"

2019-12-21, 07:53 PM
Indeed it is his, and serves as proof that we are here at his bequest and doing his work. And yes, we know the monsters are dangerous, but hopefully we will be able to overcome them. But either way, we are doing his work and would appreciate you letting us pass.


2019-12-21, 09:42 PM
Coney literally pops up behind them in order to join the conversation.

"If you were concerned about the will of Wendell, it would serve all of us to share what you know about what lies behind. Please."

Aid another to the diplomacy check: [roll0]

2019-12-22, 05:48 PM
Aned nods along with Larimar and the others. "Your help would be most beneficial. I can say that we have no interest in disturbing things here beyond locating the Wisp." she says. Talking isn't her strong suit, so she leaves it to the others beyond her affirmation. Her eyes stray to try and look at the cave beyond the Tomato Man.

2019-12-22, 10:16 PM
Rina hides behind Aned, but without trying to make it obvious. It was more or staying in formation, but she imagines a girl elf with two giant swords strapped to her is not the ideal diplomat.

...However, that's not all she does...

She sniffs at the air, on the sly. The entrance may have had an attempt to be hidden, but she wonders if this mand of Tomato is the only one who's come through--coming or going-- recently.

Survival check with scent; maybe Rina can sniff out the monsters...


2019-12-23, 02:38 AM
With the diplomacy well in hand, Thaum adds little more than his radiant presence as he is holding his heatless torch.

2019-12-23, 03:15 AM
Behind the Tomato Man the cave seems to open up and you can see a natural stone bridge that shimmers a bit like it's wet.

When Zanthia speaks the face of the Tomato Man brightens up considerably and he seems a bit beyond happy. "Oh you work for him? Of course, no wonder that you found the entrance despite my efforts." He seems to nod enthusiastically.

"Of course are explanations in order if you do his bidding. You see after Wisp arrived, strangely enough the monsters have gone wild, especially the undead what is strange enough. You know her magic is pretty effective against them and I thought they would more likely hide deeper in the caverns." He floats around a bit, while he babbles on. He seems like someone who is a bit starved for contact. "Oh and he wanna help a friend of his? That's so like him. Well, I think I saw Wisp pretty high up in the caverns, the undead seem to have blocked some of the natural paths so you could have problems if you can't fly up there or have a way to climb. Sadly I can only float." He hovers a bit around for emphasis.

"Luckily the monsters don't attack me, because they think I'm local. At least not yet I fear that could change any minute. As I said it's pretty dangerous up ahead, but perhaps with the statue of the high priest and my presence we could try together to find Wisp? No wonder that the High Priest didn't asked me for help, he probably didn't knew I was in the area." He would flow gently ahead deeper in the caverns and turn just his head around. "Oh, and I'm, well you probably can't pronounce my real name, just call me Jerry."

2019-12-23, 10:50 AM
As the Tomato Man seems to take a special interest in him, the healer chimes in just as Jerry glances towards him. "It is nice to meet you, Jerry. My name is Thaum, and I think I do have something to help us climb up, so if you could show us the more direct paths up, we will swiftly reach Wisp, I am sure." Thaum smiles beatifically.

"Are you and yours in need of healing, perhaps?" Professional curiosity, but perhaps it also serves as an opening to get Jerry to talk about what is clearly bothering him.

2019-12-25, 12:54 PM
"Huh. The Wisp seemed to cause this? That seems odd, don't you think? Did you happen to talk to the wisp? Or even any of the monsters by chance?" Larimar asks.

2019-12-26, 10:54 AM
Jerry seems a little caught off when Thaum adresses him directly after he shot him a glance and floats in a little whirl before catching himself. "Oh if you have some kind of tool it will definitely help, you can either climb or follow the natural paths that will lead upwards." He adresses Larimar. "I happen to talk to her a bit, she seems unaware of the effect she has on the monsters but that is quite normal for the sprites." He states pretty matter of factly. "I have also tried to talk to the monsters they can barely utter a sentence before going back to their own devices. It's quite unsettling if I can be honest." Jerry floats unto the middle of the natural stone bridge, not bothered by the clearly wet floor. He points upward. You can see another natural bridge perhaps 30 feet upwards and another one in the unclear reach of your light. "The wisp is up there, last time I saw her she was at the highest point, the point where natural light can still reach here. You see the farther she would go up..."

You hear an unsettling chittering, from the bridge up ahead jumps a four legged monstrosity full of spikes, directly before Jerry. It slithers a bit, but doesn't seem to fall from the bridge. It screams at you, at the sides from the bridge there are giant praying mantises that seem to have a red coloration on their chitinous plates. And at the end of the bridge there is a big red man, at least 6 feet high with an unkempt beard and a equivalent big glaive he points at you.


The wet floor doesn't do anything immediately. But it raises the DC of Tumble checks by two and if you should suffer an effect that attacks your footing it's also two points more difficult (Trip, Bull rushes, etc.)

Second encounter (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tOn17NWluxql-oqWCQNsAt7A8bRAhhI9t1WHc1cG3XI/edit#gid=0) You should all be able to make changes in the document. That the mantises are apperantly flying is because they are still climbing up the ledges. You and the enemies rolled the same result but because it's christmas it's your turn first. You can of course change the marching order up as you see fit.

2019-12-26, 11:56 AM
Not wanting to provoke an immediate battle, Zanthia continues to display the high priest's talisman, doubting that it will affect the big man, but at least it might make the mantises, and whatever the 4-legged things pause for a moment. We are here on the authority of the high priest, and doing his work. Please stand down and tell your accomplices to do the same.


2019-12-26, 02:52 PM
Thaum rummages through his bag as Jerry shows them the bridges above, just as the monstrosities appear from the dark. That certainly did not take long, but the healer is unsure whether he should be more concerned about someone seemingly commanding the creatures. Zanthia is trying to de-escalate, bless her heart, but Thaum gets ready to bolster the group should things come to blows, glancing about to keep an eye on everyone and the situation as a whole.

"Jerry, I want you to calmly move away from the creature and get behind Rina and Aned," he says quietly as to not compete with Zanthia's words, but speaks firmly, not wanting any questions or objections about this.

General reminder about Thaum's Aura of Protection (as per his class feature), acting like a sanctuary spell with a DC of 18.

Does Thaum learn anything about the man's intentions with Sense Motive?

Standard Thaum readies a recitation (from Spell Compendium), boosted by his Extension of Blessing class feature to grant a total +3 luck bonus to AC, saving throws, and attack rolls for 8 rounds (it says that it affects "all allies", so I am assuming Thaum is excluded). The trigger for the readied action is the enemies actually starting to attack.

Spell slots (spell slots after casting recitation in parentheses)
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 6/7
Lv 3: 5/6
Lv 4: 4 (3)/5

2019-12-26, 05:12 PM
Coney hopes that these great big bugs are as amenable to conversation as Jerry was, but did not hold out high hopes. She scurried back a bit to give herself room to work, then prepared for the worst.

Coney takes a 5' step SW to B8.

She readies an action to cast Glitterdust, centred in D5 in such a spot that it would not include Thaum in the burst. Reflex DC 18 negates blindness. Triggered if any of the creatures we're facing moves to attack any of us.

2019-12-27, 09:21 PM
Aw crap. And the thought is accompanied by a matching head motion as Thaum sees how well the reddish man responds to words.

"Zanthia, I don't think he wants to talk," he warns. The elven enchantress has turned around plenty of situations with mere words, but the healer has always had a good sense for when others are not open to non-violent solutions. And this is one of those. Thus, he casts his spell immediately, calling upon Undine and channeling her magic into the lifeblood of his allies. Tendrils of etherial water burst from Thaum's hand, flowing rapidly through the air and into the bodies of his companions, phasing through belongings and skin. The party briefly becomes aware of a sensation akin to liquid euphoria spreading through their veins and out into every capillary, leaving them with a feeling of someone watching over them and guiding them.

Thaum triggers his readied recitation spell in response to what he learned with Sense Motive.

2019-12-27, 10:11 PM
Aned narrows her eyes, her hand dropping to the blade at her side. "Do as Thaum bids you," she says to Jerry, stepping forward to cover his escape. Hearing Thaum's statement, she draws her blade and steps off the bridge into the void... or rather onto it, her body gliding featly through the air as she hooked her eagle claw at the strange spiny creature's side. It was a shame to have to end something's life, but sometimes it was unavoidable.

Well, I didn't have my weapon out, so no full attacks for me. Time to instead try and set up an easy flank.
Move Fly 15 ft to spiny's side. Since I'm not Tumbling on the ground, I automatically make the roll to avoid AoOs. Tumbling while flying is weird. I draw my weapon during the move, as is my BAB +1 right.
Standard Attacking him flatflooted, since he hasn't gone yet. Sneak Attack potentially pops.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2019-12-27, 10:19 PM
"Why haven't any of the monsters left this ca-- Rina starts before realizing how surrounded they are. With a hoarse, panicked yell, she moves forward with her new sword and brings it down in a hammer swing at the spikey spiney creature.

"Get away from Jerry!" she cries, her swing somewhat wild but focused enough with the experience of someone used to swinging swords.

Moving to H9, attack with greatsword, which I think is MW?


2019-12-28, 01:44 AM
While it was true that Zanthia always tried to turn situations around with mere words...when such things would not work, she had more than enough other ways to deal with things. Identifying the reddish man as the most immediate threat, she decided to use the most powerful spell she currently had at her disposal, Improved Sleep

Improved Sleep: will affect 15HD of creatures, and if cast at only one target whose level is equal to or less than the witch, he will not receive a saving throw. Duration: as sleep
If he does exceed Zanthia's level, DC23 Will Save

2019-12-28, 09:02 AM
Zanthia's spell pearls off from the red-skinned man, he takes a sidestep and charges towards Thaum, bringing his glaive up and, stops at the last moment looking very confused and angry at Thaum. He seems to hiss at him.

The mantis seems to be unaffected by Coney's spell, bringing up his claws too attack Thaum.

The red-skinned individual seems not able too overcome Thaum's Sanctuary effect, strangely enough the Mantis does.
Attack: [roll0],
Damage [roll1]

The other mantis has climbed up and strides over to Jerry too claw him.

Spiny seems to be confused and interested in the flying Aned and takes a snap at him.

Mantis attack, [roll2]
Damage, [roll3]
Spiney attack, [roll4]
Damage, [roll5]

Jerry floats away, the mantis doesn't seem interested in pursuing him further, he then proceeds to touch the mantis that threathened Thaum.

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] electricity

From somewhere fly three arrows and fly too Aned, Rina and Zanthia

Attack to Aned: [roll8]
Damage to Aned: [roll9] + [roll10] fire
Attack to Rina: [roll11]
Damage to Rina: [roll12] + [roll13] fire
Attack to Zanthia: [roll14]
Damage to Zanthia: [roll15] +[roll16] fire

You are pretty sure the three arrows came from a strangely shaped rock from H15.

2019-12-28, 11:04 AM
Zanthia is not used to her spells not breaking through resistances, but, it does happen. However, she does not let it affect her, if at first you dont succeed, try again. This time though, she targets both the mantis attacking Thaum and the red-skinned man, using Improved Sleep once again


The primary target of the spell is the mantis and the man is the secondary. It affects 15HD, so if the mantis and the guy combine for more than 15, he wont be affected (and we are a bit out of our league) Since she is targeting two, both get DC23 Will Save

2019-12-28, 04:08 PM
A flurry of violence erupts around Thaum as the creatures close in. The red man is stopped in his tracks by a familiar force and Aned dances around all attacks directed at her, but a rain of arrows is loosened upon them, harming dear Zanthia and Rina. A glitter bomb erupts behind behind Thaum, from which a giant mantis suddenly emerges, slashing Thaum across the face, leaving a deep gash.

Normally he would attempt to move away from the precarious situation. Pincered by two combatants, a yawning abyss to one side, and the warriors of the group nowhere near him. It is not a good position to be in as a healer. But Zanthia is close by, in reach of the red man and the other creatures, and he knows that she has little in the way of defenses or ability to endure as much harm as he can. So a different course is needed.

The red man and the mantis next to the healer watch as his golden eyes glow brighter, the blood on his skin and clothes drawn back into his body and his wounds closing, leaving not even the smallest mark behind. He snarls towards the mantis, then shouts:

"As long as I stand, none of my allies shall fall!" And the surprising force behind his words is underlined by a sudden rush of air, whipping past the right-hand side of the bridge with a howl, followed by a low sound of roiling air from an invisible barrier of wind. This would have been so much easier if he could draw on Jinn normally, instead of having to help his crippled channeling along by altering the temperature of the air's moisture.

Thaum looks the red man dead in the eye with a steely gate. He knows the man can't attack him, no matter what he tries. But Thaum can still infuriate him and have him waste his time with impotent rage.

"What's wrong? Are you scared, little boy?" And a spit of blood in the man's face serves as further "encouragement".

Time for some psychological warfare.

Thaum uses his immediate action of the first round to defensively cast close wounds (Spell Compendium) on himself, healing [roll0] HP, any excess healing getting turned into THP lasting for 8 rounds, as per his Extension of Life class feature.
Concentration check vs DC 17 to cast defensively [roll1]

The red man now cannot attack/harm Thaum directly anymore, unless Thaum breaks the sanctuary effects by attacking the red man.

Thaum defensively casts wind wall, creating a 40ft high barrier that starts in A12 and ends in P12.
Concentration check vs DC 18 to cast defensively [roll2]

The immediate action for this round is specifically reserved for casting close wounds on Zanthia should she be damaged again.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 5/7
Lv 3: 4/6
Lv 4: 3/5

Fun fact: The red man couldn't attack Thaum from the square he is standing in. He is wielding a reach weapon, but is standing adjacent to Thaum.


60 / 60
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 7 rounds)

53 / 53
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 7 rounds)

43 / 43
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 7 rounds)

52 / 54
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 7 rounds)

50 / 50 (5 THP)

19 / 25
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 7 rounds)

Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 7 rounds)

2019-12-28, 04:55 PM
"Snipers, 3 o clock!" Larimar shouts.

He pulls a blackened stick (and complimentary tindertwig, I hope) out of his bag and sets them on fire.

"Don't worry. I have just the thing to shut them down..."

Larimar retrieves a smoke stick and lights it.

2019-12-28, 07:22 PM
The mantis takes it's claws together and seems to sit down. The man seems to be unaffected.You don't know if he's having more than 15 HD because he SR'd you're spell again.

2019-12-28, 08:22 PM
Aned curses inwardly as the red man bypasses them to halt in front of Thaum; at least the healer's ward seems to have held firm. Slipping behind the spined thing, she strikes twice at its vulnerable back. "I'll handle these creatures," she says to Rina, "Go ensure the others are safe from that crimson fiend."

Five foot step to J9 for the flank.
Full Attack On Spiny. Attack 1 [roll0] Damage 1[roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage 2[roll3]

2019-12-29, 08:04 AM
Coney considered the chaos before, seeking out the best way she could help. Looking at the space behind the red man, and near the mantis that menaced Rina and Amed, Coney did some familiar calculations to find the right space. And decided that that space should become a much less hospitable place to be. A streak of light emerged from one of her ears off the bridge to their left, exploding into flames.

Coney is casting Fireball, targeting up and in approximately I4, with the intent of having the blast include the red man and the mantis at I8. [roll0] fire damage, Reflex DC 19 for half.

2019-12-31, 09:08 AM
Spiney is hit by Aned both times and with a short cry he goes down and disappears into thin air. But his bristles got in the way.

Aned get's [roll0] damage for damaging Spiney and needs to make two Reflex saves against 16 so the spines don't look inside your flesh. For every spine inside you you get -1 to every d20 roll and if you just rip out the spine (without the heal check) you get another 1d6 damage. I'd say ripping out a spine is a immediate action. He is also dead, destroying my predicament that he will survive.

Both the mantis and the read man get caught in the fireball, the spell seems to get through, but he hurls himself to the side, the mantis seems to get the full blast.

The red man was affected by the spell but is not even singed, the mantis is heavily burned and nearly dead. I also rolled your spell penetration.

2020-01-01, 09:21 PM
"Ugh!" Aned grimaces as the spines scratch her skin, but fortunately she manages to avoid having any of the spines sink into her. Between her, the fireball and Zanthia's magic, their foes were dwindling, at very least.

Reflex Save 1 [roll0]
Reflex Save 2 [roll1]

2020-01-01, 09:41 PM
With a nod to Aned, Rina spins around, her greatsword held low before she swings it in a heavy, powerful blow, trying to get under the Red man's arms. She may claim to only carry her bigger sword for special cases, but from the way she's handling the lighter great sword, she's clearly used to something heavier. Hopefully though she's since gotten the hang of it...

Damage: [roll1]

I will activate my Gauntlets and use 1 point if the hit's a crit.

2020-01-02, 04:38 AM
The red-skinned man that was so focused on Thaum before let out a cry as Rina's sword nearly cleaved him in half. But he somehow keeps himself together, takes a step unto Thaum and stabs Rina with his weapon. I get you later, boy!

He's nearly dead but still attacks you in desperation. You're sure that part of your mighty blow was warded away by some kind of resistance.
Attack 1:[roll0]
damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
damage 2[roll3]
Should you be hit, you bleed for an additional 2 points of damage every round.

The conscious Mantis attacks Aned again and want's a bit out of her too.

Attack claw [roll4]
Damage claw [roll5]
Attack bite [roll6]
Damage bite [roll7]

In the heat of battle Jerry whispers something and only the ones nearest to him can understand it.

I guess this is the best I can hope for.

Jerry makes a quick sweeping motion and disappears, instead of him there is a giant gaunt creature with obscene muscles that seem to nearly burst, when it appears it pushes away the sleeping mantis and it falls down. It has a desperate voice as it cry's out. PREY! It lashes out at Coney with his bonelike claws. Should she be hit it feels less like being attacked by a claw and more like being slapped by a mass of sharpened granite. After the attack he excudes a sickenig odor.

Attack [roll8]
Damage [roll9] and a Fort save against 15 or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (you roll). Also everyone adjacent to him (Coney, Larimar, Thaum and Zanthia) need to make a Fort save against 15 or be sickened. If you want to know what he is roll a Knowledge:Religion either here or in the OOC.

Three arrows are jerked away by the wall of wind.

Jerry speaks up from an alcove. "Oh, should you survive tell Ethan that I'm back would you be so kind? Goodbye. Oh, and we can't have this."

He motions at the Wind wall and Thaum can feel it's magic surge back into it's body and hurting him.

You got 4 damage from some kind of magic backlash effect. When he dispelled you're effect he didn't even hesitate for a moment, something you're used too see when someone actually try's too hurt you without you hurting him before.

Jerry disappears 10 feet under the alcove and falls down.

If you want to know what he did roll 3 separate spellcraft checks, right know he's 50 feet away from you and keeps falling down deeper.

2020-01-02, 03:23 PM
curses! Out of all the skills I have, no tumble, and it isn't even a class skill.

But try I must!

Fortitude: [roll0]
15 or sickened.

Tumble: [roll1]
Not including any sickened penalties.
Also will need 15 or will still provoke AOO from the big guy.
Larimar will tumble 3 squares east, or try to anyway.

"Jerry!! Why you...! Larimar exclaims before realizing his smoke stick is about to turn into a cloud of smoke.

He attempts to tumble east, past Zanthia...

(and we'll have to stop there to see if he gets paralyzed)

2020-01-02, 05:49 PM

2020-01-02, 05:52 PM
[roll0]ten characters

2020-01-02, 08:26 PM
The big monstrosity lashes out at Larimar, it seems less like a conscious attack and more like the reaction of a savage beast.

Claw [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Fort against 15 or being paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (you roll)

Jerry used a quickened benign transposition to swap places with the big one. You don't know exactly how he got rid of the wind wall, but it was surely a dispel magic variant. You're pretty sure he used a magic item as an immediate action to teleport down, something like the anklets of translocation or something similiar.

2020-01-02, 09:25 PM
Larimar is gouged into by the rocky/boney claws of the giant beast and grunts in pain.. though the damage seemed somewhat numb...

He finishes his sloppy tumbling maneuver, winding up just to the right of Zanthia (sigh, and also probably provoking an AOO from red man).

And then after suffering all that abuse, he throws his smoke stick at H15. The smoking stick just about transforms into a thick cloud as it lands.

(the cloud should encompass G14, G15, H14, and H15)

2020-01-02, 09:29 PM
The corpse's claws draw a trail of blood from Coney's side, and the rabite barely suppressed a scream. She felt a poison push a wave of numbness through her body, but she draws on every ounce of resolve and fights back. Unfortunately, this involves taking a deep breath to centre herself, and she breathes in the foul contagion surrounding the the big creature, and she nearly doubles over, retching.

Taking advantage of Larimar's brave effort to distract the big creature, Coney risked another spell. Her spells were better against people than such monstrosities as these...perhaps she should focus on the archers who are no longer blocked by Thaum's wall. Again, a blast of flame streaks from her ears toward the place that Larimar had indicated, where the arrows had come from, and blossoms into an explosion.

I'm really hoping that the big guy doesn't have combat reflexes, and that he's only got one attack of opportunity in him.

Coney will cast Fireball on the spot that Larimar had indicated that the arrows were coming from.

Concentration check, in case she takes an AoO anyway: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] fire, Reflex DC 19 for half

2020-01-02, 09:51 PM
Jerry used a quickened benign transposition to swap places with the big one. i don't know exactly how he got rid of the wind wall, but it was surely a dispel magic variant. I'm pretty sure he used a magic item as an immediate action to teleport down, something like the anklets of translocation or something similiar.

2020-01-02, 11:22 PM
Having dispatched the horrid spiny thing, Aned turns back to the commotion behind her. That vile worm! she thinks, glaring down at Jerry as he levitates downward. She could follow him easily, but that would involve abandoning her comrades. Thinking quickly, she rolls forward, striking at the red man that Rina had just grievously wounded. If she could fell him now, the way would be opened for the wood elf to charge forward and lay waste to the larger foe.

Tumbling to G9 to avoid AoOs. DC 17 due to the wet floor. [roll0]
Flanking red man with Thaum, so sneak attack is go. Attack [roll1] [roll2]

2020-01-03, 09:33 AM
Aned slashes at the red man, clearly cutting some important arteries. He seems to hang on by a small thread, barely conscious, but still standing. He lashes out at small Larimar, desperate to at least take one combatant out.

Glaive attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

There is one short cry from the explosion conjured by Coney, the big gaping monstrosity seems either not be able or not willing too interrupt her casting. There is some movement over there that looks like a small rock is moving about but it's quickly covered in smoke from the stick Larimar threw. Shortly after the smoke enveloped the area, coughing is heard from that area.

There is a small creature somehow outlined by the smoke, because part of their clothes are still smoldering. It's at H15.

Jerry shoots a sad look at Zanthia, when she spilled his secrets.

2020-01-03, 10:23 AM
Jerry's betrayal is unfortunate, but all in all, it really doesn't matter at this moment. Thaum will most definitely remember it, but they have more pressing concerns, especially with Jerry being an idiot who strolls away while letting his minions try to do the dirty work. Classic idiotic move, to the benefit of the group.

The sudden appearance of the undead creature is the more pressing concern. The smell is disgusting, more than usual, and thus leaves more of an effect than the magic backlash that fails to leave a mark on him. With the creature swinging wildly at Coney and Larimar, Thaum ducks to the side, under one of the massive arms, azure hair flowing in a smooth line.

"The thing is undead," Thaum calls out, and soon after does a quick step in, to attempt to touch the creature with one hand surrounded by a blue glow, with a familiar drop of healing water forming above and dropping onto the creature at the same time. The healer is hardly a fighter, but undead are one of the few creatures where he can actually make a difference.

The magic backlash is soaked by Thaum's temporary hit points.

Religion check to identify the creature (though religion being checked already implies undead) [roll0]

Move 5ft step from E7 to E8

Standard Healing Hands to attempt a melee touch attack to touch the ghast to "heal" it for 60 damage
Touch attack vs the ghast [roll1] (edit: substract 2 from the result, as Thaum is still sickened, but the flanking bonus cancels out the penalty)

Swift Defensively casting close wounds on the ghast, "healing" [roll2] HP (Will DC 17 halves damage)
Concentration check, DC 17 [roll3]
Caster level check if needed against any spell resistance [roll4]
As for why swift instead of immediate: Today I learned that, for some godforsaken reason, swift actions and immediate actions share an action slot in D&D 3.5. Using an immediate action out of turn uses up your swift action on your next turn. Using an immediate action on your turn is the same as using a swift action. 3.5 is the only edition that does this, as Pathfinder and later D&D editions made immediate actions their own actions. I'm actually feeling rather good about not having planned to get Quicken Spell now.

Both "hostile heals" break Aura of Protection against the ghast.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 4/7
Lv 3: 4/6
Lv 4: 3/5

Healing Hands pool: 80 (20 if touch attack hits) / 80


53 / 60
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 6 rounds)

41 / 53
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 6 rounds)

22 / 43
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 6 rounds)

48 / 54
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 6 rounds), bleed 2 HP/round

50 / 50 (1 THP)
Sickened, displacement

19 / 25
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 6 rounds)

2020-01-03, 06:54 PM
Undead. The bane of witches. Zanthia knows there are some members of her coven powerful enough that their spells affect even the undead, but she has not achieved that level of power. The best she can do is to aid her fellow party members, and since Thaum is near her and engaging the ghast, she will help him. Stretching forth her hand, but keeping in mind her own defense she touches him quickly, casting a displacement on him, giving him some protection from ghast attacks.
(cast defensively)

2020-01-04, 09:04 AM
Thaum manages to touch the Ghast and infuse him with a lot of healing power. He seems to shrivel down from all that energy and looks worse for the wear for sure but wasn't blown to bits. He seems to realize that Zanthia casts a spell but couldn't capitalize on it.

The Ghast seems to have some positive energy resistance, it was barely noticable on your big heal, but you're sure he saved against your closed wounds and not a lot of that came through. It seemed to you like he was bolstered like from an evil cleric before the fight.

2020-01-04, 05:35 PM
"Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal, Jerry!"

Coney takes a step back away from the great undead thing and begins weaving her ears and twitching her nose in very specific, eldritch ways.

5' step west. Casting defensively Summon Monster I, which will complete at the start of her next turn.

2020-01-05, 07:48 PM
Not giving up, despite her wounds, Rina spins her sword overhead and then suddenly down in a hammer blow at her crimson opponent, trying to time the swing so that he won't expect it.

Damage: [roll1]

2020-01-05, 07:55 PM
And the extra damage: [roll0]

2020-01-06, 04:12 AM
Rina cleaves the red man clearly in half with her mighty blow, despite that he manages to shoot her a cursed look, after dissipating into thin air, just like the spined beast before. Despite that the one remaining mantis is still attacking her.

Second encounter (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tOn17NWluxql-oqWCQNsAt7A8bRAhhI9t1WHc1cG3XI/edit?usp=sharing)

Claw: Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Bite: Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

The huge Ghast seems to desperately reach out for Zanthia and Larimar with both claws and after that snaps at Thaum with his mouth full of sharp, broken, jellowed and jagged teeth, Thaum becomes intimately aware of the fact that remains of the last meal of the Ghast are still in there.

Claw Zanthia. Attack [roll4] if it hit's then make a Fort save against 15 or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (you roll)
Damage [roll5]
Claw Larimar. Attack [roll6] if it hit's then make a Fort save against 15 or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (you roll)
Damage [roll7]
Bite Thaum. Attack [roll8] if it hit's then make a Fort save against 15 or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (you roll)
Damage [roll9]
Displacement miss chance (1-50 is a miss.) [roll10]

There is one last parting shot from the small creature in an alcove but then it disappears deeper into the cavernous system. The shot goes haywire and hits the bridge above the party, doing nothing but letting a bit of stone dust fall down.

You're pretty sure he somehow "healed" himself a bit after he bit you.

2020-01-06, 09:28 AM
With Zanthia's health getting dangerously low, she retreats, casting a cure light wounds on herself

[roll]1d20+10[roll] Defensive
[roll0] cure light

2020-01-06, 09:29 AM
try the defense again

2020-01-06, 02:44 PM
Larimar again took a nasty blow from the giant abomination, but the little furball was a lot tougher than he looked. Still he was rather woozy at this point, but he was raised with a lot more gumption than to turn tail and flee now.

Problem was his bow in its current state wouldn't do a dang thing against the undead.

He carefully steps to the northeast and utters something: 'No Mercy for the unliving...'

The wondrous bow he holds loses its sparkling shimmer, and takes on the appearance of perhaps any other bow of masterful quality.

5 foot step NE, and using the command word of my bow to suppress the merciful effect.

2020-01-06, 08:54 PM
Rina lets out a holler, and grits her teeth with an almost bestial growl.

keep it together... keep it together...don't reveal yourself...

Sensing the ghast nearby, Rina pulls away from dealing with a literal insect and tries to take the undead's head off instead, swinging her dark metal sword through the air already reaking of blood.


Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: forgot about the +3; that makes the to-hit a 15 and the total damage a 14

2020-01-07, 06:07 PM
Thaum grits his teeth as he feels the thing bite deep, but seeing Zanthia and Larimar getting brutally battered worries him far more, both barely standing at this point. The ghast appearing right next to all of them was about the worst thing that could have happened. The sickness still courses through him, and he is sure that an infection may follow from the bite. Concentrating with all the chaos and distress he is in is more than a little difficult. Seeing Zanthia wounded like this stings especially.

Golden eyes begin to glow brighter, blue energies beginning to surround Thaum like an aura. More and more accumulates, along with a deep hum, the glow becoming brighter and brighter, until it is nearly blinding at the core.

As long as he is standing, none shall fall.

"Come and get me, you ugly son of a bitch!" Thaum shouts, and Undine's energies explode outwards, engulfing all of Thaum's allies and the ghast, filling them with so much life energy that all they sense becomes more intense, colors more saturated, smells stronger, the sensation of their clothes on their skin, every hair standing up on their arms and neck, the incredible relief of all pain and wounds leaving their bodies, and a sense of euphoria as their life force is strengthened beyond what they are used to. And at the same time, searing radiance biting into the corrupt essence of the undead, purging its anathema.

The sheer exertion makes Thaum stumble backwards, dangerously close to the abyss. His reserves are far from drained, but the human body was not intended to contain such an excess of life energy, the strain he is feeling being intensified along with the dagger in his heart that is Zanthia straining to move because of whatever the ghast did to her.

Well, if this fails, Zanthia and maybe Larimar will most likely get knocked out or die on the next enemy turn. My next item purchase will be anklets of translocation to get rid of this sort of situation entirely in the future.

Standard Mass cure light wounds, healing [roll0] HP to all allies (excess healing is added as THP for 8 rounds if at least 8 HP were missing, so Aned and Rina sadly is out of luck by a 1 and 2 HP, respectively), and affecting the ghast as well (Will DC 19 for the Ghast to halve damage)
Defensive casting DC 19 [roll1]

edit: Actually, Rina lost 2 HP from bleeding, so she actually is right on the money for receiving THP!

Move 5ft step from E8 to F9

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 4/7
Lv 3: 4/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 20 / 80


60 / 60
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 5 rounds)

53 / 53 (28 THP, 8 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 5 rounds)

43 / 43 (6 THP, 8 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 5 rounds)

54 / 54 (32 THP, 8 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 5 rounds)

50 / 50 (21 THP, 8 rounds)
Sickened, displacement

25 / 25 (24 THP, 8 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 5 rounds), paralyzed (1 round)

2020-01-08, 03:53 AM
The giant Ghast grinned when Rina approached and her sword glances off his rough hide. He seems too drool, while looking at both Zanthia and Rina. More elven flesh!

The grin utterly disappears when Thaum worked his healing magic. The Ghast seemed to be pumped full of it, looking, strangely enough, more healthy and alive then before. With colour seeming to come back in his cheeks and generally looking more lively, though his chest area remains a dull gray. He lets out a howl and crouches, setting his head under Thaum's and whining. Food hurts! Stop! He gives off sounds that seem to be an unsettling combination off sobbing and gulping while he holds his hands above his head, like someone trying to shield itself from further attacks.

The mantis though is still there and seems still willing too fight.

2020-01-08, 05:43 AM
Furrowing her brow, Aned appraises the situation. There's very little she can do against the ghast; even if she could move into a flanking position, its reanimated anatomy was difficult for her to damage. At very least, Thaum seemed capable of damaging it, even if the effort was taking its toll. Right now, the most important thing she could do was to keep the mantis from flanking the rest of her friends.

Hopping back a step, her eagle claw slashes out in an attempt to end the giant insect once and for all.

Five foot step back to H9 and full attack on the mantis.
Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2020-01-08, 06:04 AM
With the burning wounds from before and the atttacks with her claw the mantis seems to lose cohesion and vanishes into a puff of smoke that drifts harmlessly away in an unfelt wind current. The Ghast kneels at the place he knelt before and produces these unsettling sobbing? Sounds and try's to appear as small as possible, what is quite a feat in it's current state.

The Ghast spends it's turn sobbing and whining, it's your turn again.
Updated map: MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tOn17NWluxql-oqWCQNsAt7A8bRAhhI9t1WHc1cG3XI/edit#gid=0)

2020-01-08, 06:25 AM
Most of this fight Larimar was outpositioned and getting his butt whooped for no good reason. Even his brilliant little plan to disable the enemy archers was overshadowed by the raw arcane might of their Rabite friend. But now it was time to show the others why he should not be taken so lightly. "You wanna eat something? Chew on this!" Larimar shouts, before unloading a volley of arrows at the giant blubbering ghast.

Point Blank Rapid Shot:
attack 1: [roll0]
damage 1: [roll1]

attack 2: [roll2]
damage 2: [roll3]

attack 3: [roll4]
damage 3: [roll5]

2020-01-08, 08:37 AM
While she awkwardly bobs back and forth out of fear of being hit by stray arrows, Rina just eventually brings her greatsword down in an over the shoulder swing at the ghast, trying to put the poor thing out of its misery.



2020-01-08, 10:02 AM
Zanthia stands there paralyzed

2020-01-08, 01:31 PM
Thaum does not believe the act for a second. Both of them having spent far too much time next to the creature, Thaum wraps his arms around Zanthia's waist, lifts her up, steps away from the undead, and puts her back onto the ground, both of them out of reach. And to end the beast before it can decide to attack again, Thaum squeezes in another healing spell, causing another droplet of healing water to drop upon the creature.

Full-round action Grab Zanthia, 5ft step from F9 to G9, place Zanthia on H9

Swift Close wounds vs the ghast, dealing [roll0] damage (Will DC 17 halves)

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 3/7
Lv 3: 4/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 20 / 80


60 / 60
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 4 rounds)

53 / 53 (28 THP, 7 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 4 rounds)

43 / 43 (6 THP, 7 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 4 rounds)

54 / 54 (32 THP, 7 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 4 rounds)

50 / 50 (21 THP, 7 rounds)
Sickened, displacement

25 / 25 (24 THP, 7 rounds)
Recitation (+3 luck to AC, attacks, saves; 4 rounds)

2020-01-09, 07:09 PM
Glancing between the undead's splayed legs, Coney mouths her thanks to Thaum for his extraordinary healing. Her spell completes, and a black, hairy spider about the same size as Coney herself appears next to her at the entrance.

"Now, Shelobite! Web him up then get ready to suck out his innards."

With an obedient if misguidedly optimistic view of reality, the spider does indeed fire a thick strand of webbing at the undead thing, then steps forward to prepare to bite at the critter.

Meanwhile, the rabite crouches down even lower than usual, and sends an earful of acid winging toward the monstrosity.

The SM1 completes at the start of Coney's turn, and she brings in a Small Fiendish Spider directly south of her on the map.

It sends a web strand to entangle the ghast:
Touch attack: 1d20+4z. If successful, it's an escape artist DC 10 or break DC 14, both a standard action, to remove the web.
The spider then 5' steps to be adjacent to the creature.

Coney defensively ([roll0]) casts Acid Splash on the ghast.
Ranged touch: [roll1].
Acid damage: [roll2]

2020-01-10, 01:28 AM
With the mantis taken care of, Aned turns back to look at the ghast, and is aghast to see Thaum carrying Zanthia away in his arms. "Is she alright?!" she asks, though she doesn't wait very long for an answer. Rina is standing alone against the creature, and Aned can see an opportunity when the spider is summoned on the other side of it.

Leaping into the air, Aned tumbles through it with her now-familiar seeming weightlessness, landing in front of it before slashing out at it with her eagle claw. "Fall, beast!"

Flying to E8. Automatic success on the tumble check. Assigning my Dodge feat bonus to the ghast, bringing my AC against it up to 27 (including the Recitation bonus).

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2020-01-10, 03:32 AM
With his brilliant battle plan fooled, the Ghast twitched nervously when Ridai jumped out of the way, but the webbing of Shelobite hindered him in attacking him. He struggles to get free of the web but before he can make any serious attempt Aned hit him and from one moment to the other he goes totally limp, like a puppet that had it's strings cut. A pool of something that could be black, foul-smelling blood gathers under him.

He revert's back into a normal sized but still nearly obscenely muscular Ghast. There is also some kind of Illusion that's leaving him, revealing him wearing a breastplate that seems to be made by tacking on different materials, it's a stitchwork of a leather basis with some knitted together rings from a chainmail at one place, some scales from different creatures on another and parts of plates melded and hammered together in a way that they provide protection. It's pretty chaotic but anyone knowing a bit more about armor can see that it's actually fitting quite well together, like a master craftsman, or a very diligent person, actually took a lot of time and care to assemble that thing.

He also wears a primitive girdle with a little sack on it.

Shelobite looks a little disappointed that her massive meal was so diminished but would still continue to drain his fluids, beginning at the ones that already form under him.

If you'd want to search him further I'd like to see a search roll.

2020-01-10, 07:57 AM
Larimar wrinkles his nose at the ghast corpse. It was bad enough when it was big, but now it was leaking some kind of nasty black fluid... "I don't think the spider should be eating that," he says. Was probably poisonous to any living thing.

He says something again, and his bow resumes its lustrous shine: 'Praise Luna.'

Looking over the northern edge of the bridge, he peers down into the darkness below. "I don't know if we can trust this 'Jerry'.. if it is his name. He said the Sprite Whisp was up above at the highest point. But you think that's also misdirection?"

2020-01-10, 10:36 AM
Thaum gestures an all-clear to Aned in response to her. Once the ghast finally drops, a noise somewhere between an exasperated groan and a sigh escapes Thaum. "Finally." It appears the urgency was warranted, with how much punishment the thing took before dropping. The healer looks to his companions, making sure they are alright, and once it appears that way, one hand goes to his chest and he sighs in relief. There is still a latent glow about him that is only slowly leaving, briefly becoming brighter as he checks where the ghast had bitten him and promptly casts a spell on himself. Perhaps it is wasteful, but he does not have the time for a proper diagnosis and standard treatment. All the expelled energy is making him feel a little woozy... and there is still the sickened feeling that he needs to purge as well.

"I have no idea. The only thing about this Jerry I could tell is that he stole some glances at me, but given he set a trap and knows what we are after, I'd wager he is enough of a bastard to try and snatch Wisp away." Thaum is reaching into his bag, pulling out a black rod. Stepping to the edge, he holds the rod vertically, but at a slight angle, and presses the third button, causing both ends of the rod to shoot outwards at very high speeds, followed by lengths of rope. The upper portion should lodge itself somewhere above and back in the cavern wall (or even ceiling or one of the stone bridges), but what Thaum wants to find out is if the lower portion strikes something solid as well.

Thaum casts remove disease on himself, then uses five points from his Healing Hands pool to get rid of being sickened.

Thaum uses the third option of the Rod of Ropes (from Complete Scoundrel), causing up to 300ft of rope (for a max total of 2x300ft) to shoot out of both ends, the hooks on the end lodging themselves into solid surfaces. Thaum wants to see if he strikes something solid below, implying the ground is within 300ft (~91m), while also providing the group with a rope to climb/slide down, with the middle portion of the rope functioning as a slide (and becoming wider when using this function). The rope can hold up to 1000 pounds of weight without sagging or breaking.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 2/7
Lv 3: 4/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 15 / 80


60 / 60

53 / 53

43 / 43

54 / 54

50 / 50

25 / 25

2020-01-10, 09:27 PM
Aned smiles at Zanthia. "I'm glad to see you are well." She looks towards Thaum. "My thanks to you. Without your healing, we would not have made it. I see you are strong with Undine indeed."

She watches as he activates his Rod of Ropes, a fascinating device indeed. "He said that the Wisp was on the upper levels, but he himself retreated to the lower ones." She looks over the side of the bridge at the gaping darkness beneath. "It is said in the desert that actions are worth more than words. I would prefer to explore the depths before we seek the heights. All else being equal, it seems more likely we will find the Wisp there."

"But first, I need to examine this monstrosity," she says, walking over to the ghast. She pats Rina on the arm and smiles approvingly to her before kneeling down next to the fallen undead. "This one wasn't summoned like the others. Curious. It seems like it had some spells cast on it at least... and these are well-crafted items. Perhaps one of you could see if they bear any enchantments?" She leans in, peering through her goggles as she searches the corpse.

Search [roll0]

2020-01-10, 09:51 PM
Rina approaches the ghast behind Aned, ready to hit the corpse with her still raised great blade. She doesn't seem willing to accept that it won't get back up and start attacking again.

"Whoever he is, I think he's working alone. ...Maybe. The, uh, tracks imply that nobody's really entered or exited these caves in some time, so unless he came in another way it's almost like he's been here for awhile."

2020-01-10, 10:09 PM
I believe I can assist in that regard Zanthia approaches the corpse, the healing of Thaum leaving her none the worse for wear. Now, why dont you show me your secrets? It sounds almost as if Zanthia is really talking to the corpse and items, but that would be silly (wouldn't it?)

Detect Magic

2020-01-10, 10:57 PM
As the others search the undead body, Larimar muses, "I saw some kind of bat fly into the cave as we were stopped outside. A warning for the ones here, no doubt... I think someone else is here running things aside from Jerry. Especially considering many of these monsters were summoned. That takes time, and summons only last so long. Here's how I see it happening. The bat scout warned everyone we were coming. Jerry came to the entrance to 'greet' us and stall us. Meanwhile whoever else was here summoned those minions and prepared them for the ambush."

He paused for a bit to catch his breath. Clearly lost in thought he continues, "On second thought, supposing Jerry thought we may survive and therefore not believe him... you think we should check high up first anyway? I mean, didn't Ethan, er, the high priest also say the Sprite Whisp should be up there?"

2020-01-11, 12:35 AM
Coney chuckles gruffly at Larimar's recommendation about the spider's well-being. Since it was already infused with darkness, she doubted that much more could be done to it - at least, not in the amount of time it would remain with them today. Still, there were more important things to do than lap up diseased blood.

"Shelobite, climb along the walls to that outcropping."

Coney directs the spider over to where the sniper had been when it was pestering them. She got out of Thaum's way as he tested out his rope creation.

2020-01-12, 05:59 PM
Thaum's upwards rope hit a bridge roughly 100 feet above. The one down hits something nearly 230-250 feet down.

Shelobite slurps a drop of blood up and then makes his way to the little alcove.

Aned has no problem getting the armor off the ghast. In the little sack there are two potions. One is short and big with a little picture of a smiling tomato on it. It's filled with a green liquid. The other one is long and short and has some sirupy orange stuff inside of it. There are also broken irregular silver pieces in the sack.

Aned lays the ghast on its back and finds under the armor a crudely assembled amulet made of snowflake obsidian and a mouse skull, with some other small bones as additional decoration. He also wears a finely decorated gold ring with an inlet ruby. It has a small faded etching that goes around the ring. It's not a known language but more nicely decoration.

It seems for a moment that the ghast is still alive, but it's just the rest of the magic leaving it's body. The armor, the amulet, the ring and the two potions are magical. The silver pieces are mundane. The strongest magic is in the armor. You can make spellcraft checks to find out more about the magic items and save an Identify.

2020-01-12, 06:57 PM
Zanthia, as a witch, is not able to use an Identify spell, however she does have a lot of magical training and studies the pieces for some more time. She hums softly as she does so, and once again you are struck with the idea that she is talking to the items, coaching their secrets out of them.

[roll0] armor
[roll1] amulet
[roll2] ring
[roll3] potion
[roll4] potion

2020-01-12, 08:35 PM
Long way down, but not out of reach, should they feel the need. But yes, they were told the way to go is up and Larimar seems to be in favor of that notion as well by now. With a press of a button, the ropes retreat back into the rod as quickly as they shot out. He helps with stashing anything useful, if needed (and if it is heavier or more space is needed, he offers to place it in his bag, revealing it to be bigger on the inside than it looks), and once that is done, Thaum aims for the highest stone bridge he can see (and if he can't really see far up, he aims into the direction of the bridge he hit earlier). Once more, a rope shoots out of the rod, lodging itself firmly in place.

"I can make the rod pull us up to the stone bridge. There is not that much space to hold on to, so my suggestion is that Rina and I hold onto the handle, while Zanthia holds onto one of us, and Larimar and Coney onto the other. Aned, since you can fly, your choice if you want to move up by yourself or hold onto one of us, but if you could help us up one by one once we arrive, that would be great." The healer really doesn't look all that strong, but he seems pretty confident about potentially carrying multiple people, even if the party skews towards being fairly lightweight.

Thaum retracts the Rod of Ropes, then uses the second option (rope and grappling hook) to hook into a stone bridge above.

2020-01-13, 12:18 AM
Aned sheathes her eagle claw, and takes her short bow from her back, testing its pull before looking upward. It is certainly true that the high priest told them to seek upward, and perhaps Jerry was telling the truth, thinking he could slay them after winning their confidence. She still wishes to question him, but it could also be true that he is trying to delay them while allies of his endanger the Wisp. All exploration is reaching into the unknown, and the most important thing is not to hesitate.

"I'll fly up ahead and ensure that the way is clear." she says in reply to Thaum. With that, her exposed skin starts to glow warmly, like a salt lamp, illuminating the air around her as she floats up to where the rod of ropes has attached itself to the bridge above, on the look out for enemies.

Activating Body Lamp, which casts bright light out to 60 ft and shadowy illumination out to 120 ft. Flying upward to the end of the rope, and looking for threats.

Spot [roll0]

2020-01-13, 04:43 AM
Larimar shrugs and says, "Eh, I can probably climb that..." craning his neck upward.

He smiles at the others and adds, "Probably best not to put everyone on the same rope too."

2020-01-13, 09:04 AM
Armor: The armor is magical, no additional information.
Amulet: Seems like it's an Amulet of Mighty fang +1, there is also some effect in place that let's you supress your own smell, though it can be turned on and off.
Ring: The ring is a simple ring of protection +1
Potions: Both are magical, you can't discern anymore else.

Aned sees at the edge of her vision some small animal's scuttle away, nothing more. Though the body lamp shines normally at first, but some seconds after that it shines more strongly, without Aned doing anything. Though the light remains pleasant and not blinding.

The body lamp after one round of activation doubles it's Illumination, casting bright light out of 120 feet and shadowy Illumination out of 240 feet.

2020-01-13, 10:47 AM
The armor is magical, I cannot discern anything else. The amulet seems like it's an amulet of Mighty fang, there is also some effect in place that let's you suppress your own smell, though it can be turned on and off....that might really be useful for Thaum. She wrinkles her nose at him. The ring is a simple ring of protection, I would be interested in that and the potions are magical, I can't discern anymore else.

Most games allow you to determine an effect with a sip small enough to give you a feeling of what it is, without using up too much of the contents. If this is the case in this game, Zanthia will test both

2020-01-13, 08:54 PM
"Curious." Aned remarks, looking down at her down enhanced radiance. Perhaps Wisp was located higher up after all. She looks down at the others. "The way seems clear so far. I'll keep watch while you ascend."

The items lifted from the ghast were only of some interest to her. She already had a similar ring, and the amulet was nothing she could use. Whatever the armor was, it probably would not be of use to her, as it was hard to find good protection that still allowed her the mobility she required. Still, the potions might be handy, and she liked magical items on principle.

2020-01-13, 09:24 PM
"Kindly do put the ring on. And the ghast seemed to prefer perfumed elf over human smelling of their own blood," Thaum dryly answers to Zanthia. Whatever doesn't get picked for immediate use gets stashed for the time being by Thaum, to be looked at more closely later. He awaits ascending through the cave.

2020-01-13, 09:55 PM
When the not-so-little spider fails to encounter a barrier, a creature or be blown up, its job is done. Coney waves and ear, and the spider vanishes.

She gathers with the others and prepares to follow the scouts, when she hears Zanthia's report on the magic items on the ghast.

"Hmm. I don't often bite, but when I do, it would be nice to actually have it hurt. If no one else wants that, er, amulet thing, I could try it out."

2020-01-14, 03:48 AM
When Zanthia try's the potion with the smiling tomato on it, it tastes like a bloody mary. She grows a bit taller for a moment and then revert's back, it's most likely an Enlarge potion. The sirupy thing tastes very sweet, bordering the unbearable. Shortly after her muscles ripple and bulge but the increased strenght is short-lived, it's most likely a potion of Bears strength.

The ascend goes without problems. Larimar seems to climb almost as fast as he walks.

For the next bridge above the rope of ropes works too. It's roughly 60 feet above the current one. When Aned scouts ahead he sees a Chobin standing in the middle of the bridge. His arms are raised up in a gesture of surrender though one arm holds a bow, most likely fashioned from bone with inlaid crystals. A quiver full of arrows lies someways behind the creature. It wears clothing that resembles Larimar's though it appears rougher, like someone with less skill has fashioned it. It's fur is also less colorful and it's eyes appear to be somehow bigger. His clothing and itself seems to be singed.

When Aned hovers up it barks and squieks, perhaps spellcasting, perhaps talking in a strange language.

A bridge. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ys83J64BFKO2u8TH1BZy2hjc7YQXHzM2hMrnceqS_5M/edit?usp=sharing) Aned's Position there is more a suggestion than a hard rule, so feel free to adjust where you hover up. I guess you let Aned scout ahead and just when she gives a clear signal you begin the climb.

You could swear someone just talked in chobin. or a foxsquirrel just sneezed. whoever's talking has a heavy accent.

2020-01-14, 04:41 PM
Aned narrows her eyes. The chobin does seem to be surrendering, but she's been tricked once before. Landing on the bridge a safe distance away, Aned notches an arrow and points it at the unfortunate creature. "Set your weapon down and get on the ground." she commands, briefly indicating to the ground with the tip of her arrow. Hopefully, it will be enough to overcome any sort of language gap.

Intimidate [roll0]

2020-01-14, 04:47 PM
Hearing what sounds like a Chobin yelling or something, Larimar tries to pick up the pace with his climbing, but might not get there in time...

2020-01-15, 03:22 AM
The chobin looks at Aned with it's big eyes and the confusion seems to be all over it's face. When Aned points to the ground with her arrow it seems to understand and in exaggerated motion it sets the bow down and pushes the weapon some distance to Aned with his feet.

The chobin opens it's rough clasp that held it's cape and in very broad motions took it of. The cape has taken on the look of the surrounding area but when it's neatly folded by the chobin it's revert's to a washed-out grey. Larimar with it's fast climbing speed manages to come up besides Aned when the chobin hurls the folded cape towards both of them, a bit farther then the bow was pushed. It looks at Larimar and says something in Chobin. Aned is not completely sure but it sounds like the same sounds he heard before.

Updated Bridge. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ys83J64BFKO2u8TH1BZy2hjc7YQXHzM2hMrnceqS_5M/edit#gid=0) The others arrive shorty after Larimar.

It's really hard to understand the words the chobin says. You're sure it's a female specimen though her appearance is definitely different then the chobin's you're normally seeing. Her language is also kinda hard to understand, in a way that you only understand every second word. She also seems to be very agitated when she speaks to you. short wordkilled short word eater

2020-01-15, 03:48 AM
Larimar looks at the other Chobin rather confused. For a little while actually. It seemed he was clearly having trouble understanding it but eventually had to say something... He says something back, also somewhat like barking an yipping.

"The 'Eater'..? Friend, speak slowly and clearly, or I cannot help you."

Larimar speaks in Chobin as best he can follow his own instructions, but not so much to sound rude or mentally deficient.

2020-01-15, 04:46 AM
The others arrive.

The other chobin seems confused that Larimar can't understand her fully. She closes her eyes for a moment and then takes a deep breath, trying to imitate Larimar's speech pattern after she openes her eyes again. At first she points at Larimar and the others and then seems to talk at lenght, finally pointing either to the bow or the cape she threw towards you, she bows down deeply and finally she's pointing at herself and produces a whining series of yips.

From the gestures she makes you can extrapolate some meaning. She also has a strange choosing of words (these are explained below)

You killed the Eater.* The Eater ate some short words of us. Tasty man* short word Lumrum* to short word The Eater. The Eater then stop eating. Thank you she bows deeply. Take short words while pointing at either the bow or the cape please. Don't eat Lumrum.

The Eater=You know the word as an Insult for some who just stuffs himself full without regards of etiquette or concern for others or his own health, sometimes also used for brigands and bandits. But she seems to use it almost as an honorary title.

Tasty man= You don't really have another explanation for that then Tasty man.

Lumrum= Most likely a name.

2020-01-15, 07:46 AM
Thaum pulls himself onto the bridge and helps the others up as well. Watching the exchange and how both sides react, Thaum understands none of the words, but he does see signs of having trouble communicating. He glances to Zanthia, with a slight nod towards the stranger chobin.

2020-01-15, 11:18 AM
Larimar nods briefly with vague understanding, but before taking another step forward, takes some time to look all around him in case this is yet some other trap.

spot: [roll0]

spot: [roll1]

Think a 2nd attempt should be fine, seeing as the rules say you can try again with no penalty.

2020-01-15, 04:47 PM
"What are they trying to say?" Aned asks, looking towards Larimar. She keeps her bow and arrow at the ready, though she's no longer pointing it directly at the strange chobin. She eyes the grey cloak that's been tossed away. Perhaps this was the assailant who was shooting arrows at them earlier?

2020-01-16, 03:39 AM
The bridge is wet, like the one below you. You all can feel a very slight drizzle coming from above, that slowly permeates your clothing. The light from Aned and the statue is reflected many times by the inlaid crystals of the caverns and some of them reflect the light back in a cascade of colors. The roaring of water that you heard below may sound an idea louder than before.

The rain feels a bit strange. It's sometimes gives off a small sting. like the prick of a needle. Not really hurting but you can definitely feel that something may be off.

Spotting two times feels warranted in that situation. You can see some small animals that cling to the walls of the cavern, like some small salamanders whose color patterns serve as natural camouflage that you can just see because they're moving a little. You can neither see nor hear other big individuals besides your party and the other chobin. It seems that the other chobin has something in their left shoe. Most likely a small emergency dagger that is hard to draw.

2020-01-16, 03:57 AM
Turning to Aned, Larimar cautiously says, "I think she is glad we killed that ghast. Maybe there's someone else involved, maybe she's talking about me or us, not sure.. She at least appears to be surrendering and offering those items. Please give her the benefit of the doubt."

Larimar slowly approaches the other Chobin on the bridge and squeaks something.

"Thank you. Move slowly and my friends shouldn't hurt you. You should hide somewhere."

He starts by picking up the cloak.

2020-01-16, 04:13 AM
She nods when Larimar picks up the cloak, should he move towards the bow.

Can Lumrum keep? Please?

Bridge situation (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ys83J64BFKO2u8TH1BZy2hjc7YQXHzM2hMrnceqS_5M/edit#gid=0)

2020-01-16, 04:24 AM
A bit of comprehension flashes across Larimar's face as if he's understanding more, though the others at this point wouldn't see it, and might not know it, unless they could read a Chobin's face.

At least everyone sees him nod.

"You keep it to protect yourself. Be safe."

He activates his belt and slowly reaches out to touch the Chobin, which reduces some of the bad burns.

2020-01-16, 05:32 AM
The other chobin slowly goes towards Larimar and picks up the bow.

Thanks for not eating, Lumrum, goodbye.

When she receives the healing she is pleasantly surprised and nuzzles Larimar for a moment before returning to her quiver, picking that up and then slinking into the shadows.

I'm going out on a limb here and say that a short nuzzle (for most chobins, definitely for Larimar) has the same cultural implications as a hug for us and not a kiss. Yay for cultural diversity!

You can still do stuff on that postition I just guessed you will climb up anyway.

With your method of travel you can get up without any problems. Sometimes Aned may see a Ghoul or a fleshy looking pink blob but they all scatter away after seeing the light. On one bridge the entrance is closed off by a cave-in but with your method of travel you have no problem still getting up further. You all get the feeling that the cave-system goes up more than it should and that you should have already reached the summit, but there is still some ways to go. The roaring of water get's louder the farther you go up and at one bridge you can't get up with the rod of ropes and need to choose another way. By that point it's practically raining down on you and besides the bridge you have reached are two streams of water that are going down, that are further split up by more bridges.

The rain also really stings now. It's not enough to do damage but it's really distracting. When you use the cavern system to go up further then you emerge on a bridge where water is crashing down, above you there is a small white glimmer of light on the bridge is a strange snake with a human-like head that slithers before the waterfall and seems to want to get through, but it's not doing it. When you emerge from the entrance it stares at you and hisses. You could go further up with your method of travel though. You still feel some prickling from water that seem to come from the water of the waterfall.

The smell of ozone got stronger and stronger the farther you go up, right here it's a bit nauseating.

This is a naga. A strange amalgamation of snake and human. They are rumored to be able to cast spells. If you want to know more roll Knowledge:Dungeoneering.

Waterfall (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-0dOV67hAPF8uMAE2dc8HK7fh6iGQAWy4EA603AOSMg/edit#gid=0) As always positions are a suggestion.

2020-01-16, 05:55 AM
Larimar says to the others, rather loudly to not literally get drown out by the water, "Don't mean to complain, but did people seriously make pilgrimages through this?? Something still seems off, though. Not sure what. Maybe whatever it is brought the sprite whisp here. You think the water got contaminated by some kind of curse, disease, or chemical like acid? You have any means to test?"

2020-01-16, 09:33 AM
"Through the caves, not up, from what I heard!" Thaum answers, trying to be heard over the roaring waterfall. "None of those! Not acid, clothes and skin and eyes are fine, too fast for disease, too inconsistent for a curse! Probably something elemental, might be Jinn or Wisp!"

Seeing the naga, Thaum gets a bad feeling that this may once again escalate into violence for no reason, but he tries to communicate regardless. He puts his hands around his mouth, calling over.

"Can you understand us? We just want to get past that waterfall like you, nothing more!"

2020-01-16, 04:31 PM
Though the stinging spray might be bothering everyone else, it seems to really be doing a number on Aned, as her race's natural desiccation works against her. She looks... excessively moisturized, her skin paler and slightly swollen, not to mention her clothing wet and matted. Her eyes are dull and she's occasionally wracked with coughing fits. "Acid or water, it's unpleasant all the same," she groans, looking towards the naga hazily. The waterfall she regards with no small amount of trepidation. "I'd like to be done here quickly."

Thanks to the asherati's Water Vulnerability, she's now at -1 to attacks, ability checks and skill checks.

2020-01-16, 06:24 PM
Zanthia approaches the snake slowly, once again displaying the statue, hoping she can keep this encounter peaceful

We are here on business of the high priest showing the statue as proof and we would just like to bypass the waterfall. Will you allow us


2020-01-17, 03:28 AM
The naga has risen up before, but when it sees the statue it seems to sink down a bit, more on eye-level with most of the group. The face is hard to read, it has dominant brows but a small chin. Aristrocatic thin collar bones are under seemingly normal lips. The nose is wide and some strings of black-green hair flow out of the head like freshly fished alga that was slahed against a rock. The snake body is almost 15 feet long, very wide and the scales have a motiv of mostly blue crisscrossed by golden streaks.

The naga basically screams, obviously not concerned about the volume of her own voice. When it speaks you can clearly see two big dagger-like teeths. It's speach is rough and hoarse, like someone who has already screamed a lot. Nonetheless it's carried through to you.

"Just wanna get past, by my scaly cloaka! Someone just electrocuted the damn waterfall and I shall believe that it's just freaking Luna that brought you here? Salamander should burn your faces, that seems unlikely!"

The naga eyes the statue with great suspission, while she answers Zanthia. "I have seen enough magic that this is not the best proof, by Gnomes hairy behind, I could probably scrunge something up like that should I want it."

There is a little humurous snark in the next words that the monster utters when it sees Aned. "You look like you just get eaten, by me. And then thrown up because you taste like excrement's, also by me."

2020-01-17, 08:22 AM
I think you mean wide (breit) not bride (Braut)? It's not the first Germanism so far, but this one is really confusing without knowing German.

This kind of crowd then. "Well good day to you, too! And if you can just put enough magic together, this shouldn't be a problem for you!" And with that, Thaum spreads his hands along with invoking Undine, creating a brief golden shimmer around everyone in the party. Warding away lightning is usually the domain of Jinn, but necessity has led to some creative solutions. The naga may or may not recognize the spell, Thaum will just assume it did, at the very least pretending to have done so to save face.

"If not, I could help with that! Why do you want to get past that waterfall!" So far, this is just a vaguely amusing exchange with someone being cranky because of the circumstances, but nagas are pretty serious business.

Thaum casts mass resist energy (lightning) on the party (lasts 80 minutes, provides resist 20 to lightning).

Also preparing to use Thaum's Master Manipulator feat to have the naga spill the reason why it wants to get past the waterfall if it doesn't tell the truth. The feat's second use becomes available once the naga attempts to lie, but Thaum succeeds on a Sense Motive check against the lie.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 2/7
Lv 3: 3/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 15 / 80


60 / 60
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

53 / 53
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

43 / 43
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

54 / 54
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

50 / 50
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

25 / 25
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

2020-01-17, 10:38 AM
You're right the nose or the snake body is not getting ready to marry someone. It definitely helps me for pointing that out, I try to proofread better.

"Well if I was a super-cautios adventurer who can't get out of bed without casting his armor and good-smelling spells and has just the right spell for getting through an electrocuted waterfall that Jinn just pissed out, then yeah I would not have a problem!"

When Thaum casts the spell there is recognition in the Nagas face, it stretches up a bit and gives it's voice a bored tone.

"I don't think it's any of your business what I want on the other side, but because I'm as gracious, forgiving and nice as the goddess on her own day I would allow you to help me get through."

The naga does not really tell a lie, it wholly believes that it's not your business, but I think the feat should still function so you can roll a Sense Motive.

2020-01-17, 11:41 AM
Well then. It appears a different approach is needed. "That is very kind of you!" Thaum calls over. "We are truly fortunate to be aiding such a benevolent, wonderful, sophisticated, and charming naga such as yourself! Your scales have a most dashing luster, I must say! You have really outdone yourself! That lover of yours on the other side will be stunned beyond words!"

Diplomacy vs the naga's Bluff to have the naga blurt out what it lied about and why, whether because of becoming confused or letting something slip.

2020-01-17, 04:22 PM
Larimar couldn't help but roll his eyes at the creature's narcissism, though he turns away to keep an eye on the rear of the group while he does so.

Pompous jerk, he thinks May as well tell him to sod off and we keep climbing...

But Larimar keeps his thoughts to himself and lets the others do the smooth talking.

2020-01-17, 09:13 PM
Rina has been trying not to gag...

The water's sting barely registers to her...in fact she only seems to know something is wrong by both Aned's condition and the others flinching or otherwise showing signs of discomfort. No, something worse bothers her and when the naga begins to talk, her eyes widen in surprise.

"She's not wrong; something smells like a thunderbolt struck it... I.. um, that may be why the water's kinda stingy?" Even before any of her misadventures and tribulations, Rina was not the luckiest sort. She was never struck by lightning, but she was nearby a lake once when lightning struck an unfortunate boat whose moorings had broken and was carried off into the waters. She hazards a guess this is what the water with a pulse felt like...'or... um... you may have already guessed that..." she seems embarrassed once she realizes what Thaum cast on the rest of the party.

"Um... Lady Naga, do you have any idea what electrified the water? Surely that doesn't happen all the time..."

2020-01-18, 02:00 PM
Aned glares at the naga, not in the mood to have to listen to the creature's insults while she's water-sick. Hopefully the rest of the journey would be.. drier. She regards the waterfall with some trepidation, looking to see if she can fly around it somehow to access the bridge behind it without actually going through it.

2020-01-19, 05:23 PM
Coney has been lumbering along in the back, feeling miserable as the stinging rain soaks into her fur. Wet. Wet sucked.

She breathed deeply and gratefully as Thaum's magic spread through her. Her mouth twisted into a wry grin as the flattery began, but said nothing additional. It would either work or it would not.

It's not much, but at least her cloak of comfort is keeping everyone warm through the soaking rain.

2020-01-20, 04:14 AM
The Naga looks like she totally knows that Thaum's flattery is only pulling her tail but she is vain enough to still look kinda pleased. She draws closer after Thaum finished and looks into his eyes.

"Yes, if my lover would be on the other side he would be very happy if I come back, sadly he is not, but my children are. The little excrements can be so hard sometimes. I got them all to sleep and finally have found something to eat for them that is not vile and make their stomachs upset and next thing I can't reach them!" She doesn't appear to have anything on her that looks like something to eat. Not much clothing either. She wears a plain stone amulet, that looks exceptionally unedible.

She looks Thaum up and down. "You know you look quite handsome yourself, surely kissed by Undine. I really like your hair." She flashes her lashes at Thaum. "I know your adventurers are always hunting the next big thing but if you have the time I wouldn't mind some… Talk with you."

She looks at the other's of the party and focuses on Rina. "You should talk louder sister, for a moment I thought you were a big, tasty mouse." She lashes her tongue on Rina's direction for emphasis. "If I knew who'd done it I would squish him so hard that his innards would decorate the caverns up and down! If that would be a regular occurence I would have gotten a frickin scroll or something!"

She faces the waterfall. "Well should we be slithering then?"

In case Thaum's also casting a protection spell on the naga walking through the waterfall requires two rounds and two consecutive strength rolls against 10(because the water pushes you down) In case of Aned flying around only one check is required. If you fail you fall prone and get 2 bludgeoning damage and additional electricity damage (though that is mostly negated.) Strength push through muleback cords work against this. You can help another character get through but that requires an additional round and theoretically additional damage. First two rounds of electricity damage.
1st [roll0]
2nd [roll1]
and 3rd if someone should fall [roll2]
OK, no damage trough the protection. Also the updated map. MAP! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-0dOV67hAPF8uMAE2dc8HK7fh6iGQAWy4EA603AOSMg/edit#gid=0)

2020-01-20, 06:47 AM
Thaum is fairly sure the naga wants to feed them to her young (if there are young and she doesn't just want to eat them herself). But that, too, can be dealt with. Avoiding a fight would be better for everyone involved, especially since there might be creatures further in that are less willing to talk. The healer steps forward (giving a short reassuring squeeze on Rina's shoulder, as if to say "you did good, don't worry", his touch having a strange soothing warmth to it) and touches the naga's forehead, imbuing her with resistance to electricity.

"My name is Thaum, by the way," he says, glad that he doesn't need to shout as much anymore. "Chances are a rather nasty tomato man going by Jerry is the cause for this." A long finger draws a circle in the air in the waterfall's direction. "Perhaps we can find the source of what he did somewhere beyond. Also, I can summon food. It will only last until the day after tomorrow, but it is more nutritious than anything I know, easy on the stomach, and if you'd manage to eat everything that is summoned, you would probably need to roll instead of slither. At the very least, that may make the next few days less stressful."

Thaum flashes a smile to the naga before turning to the others. "That waterfall is battering down hard. Rina is the strongest among us and I can at least lift a fair bit, so we should be able to get everyone through, with a second trip if necessary."

Thaum casts resist energy (electricity) on the naga, giving her resist 20 as well.

Diplomacy check to befriend the naga and convince her to accept the offered food (instead of, presumably, trying to devour the group).
[roll0] (edit: There are no critical hits on skill checks normally, but this natural 20 still amuses me)

Four strength checks to help someone else through and in case he falls. If necessary, Thaum makes a second trip through to get everyone onto the other side if Rina and him can't get Zanthia, Larimar, and Coney through in one go.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 1/7
Lv 3: 3/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 15 / 80

2020-01-20, 03:11 PM
Coney nods her gratitude at Thaum's suggestion.

"Perhaps if you let a rope trail behind you, the rest of us will be able to take hold and be pulled in after you. Just call if you need immediate help on the other side!"

A great many rabbits have been eaten by a great many snakes, and Coney is happy to give the naga as wide a berth as she is able.

2020-01-20, 03:55 PM
Thaum nods. He considers shooting the Rod of Ropes through the waterfall to create a taut line to hold on to, but there is the chance of the water masses knocking the grappling hook off-target and the electrified waters damaging the rather useful item, so a more standard rope will have to do. Reaching into his bag, he pulls out a silk rope and what looks like part of a tent, stashing everything that isn't needed right now in his bag and wrapping it in the tent. There haven't been issues with the magical bag having been harmed by water or getting flooded, but better to take care when going through an electric waterfall. He ties the rope around his waist for anyone who wants to get through after him by themselves, then gets ready for heading through (and perhaps taking someone with him).

Handing Coney the Rod of Ropes, Rina tossing her past the waterfall, and Coney grappling to the other side midair.


2020-01-20, 04:14 PM
Zanthia will volunteer to go first with Thaum, in case there is something on the other side that might need to be dealt with

2020-01-21, 03:44 AM
Larimar stashes any gear he has where it belongs and casts some kind of magic on himself. He seems a lot quicker after that, and his tiny form barrels into the waterfall right after Zanthia.

Only perhaps such speed wasn't a great idea as it's almost like hitting a brick wall, and barely visibly, he falls over with a drown out and inaudible grunt, scrambling to get up and keep moving.

He finally gets through, absolutely drenched with water pouring off his robes and matted fur, looking worse for the wear, but hey, at least he got that over with.

and yeah, he took 2 bludgeoning damage.

Will also have Expeditious retreat on him for about 9 more rounds, if it matters.

2020-01-21, 04:42 AM
"Nahscharjdscha, Nah-Scha-Rjd-Scha. Nahscha is also alright."

She looks surprised by the mention of Jerry. "Seriously? the last thing I heard from him is that he took a nasty beating from the high priest, perhaps even killed. But that are really old news at least a decade old." She looks at the waterfall before going through. "But it surely seems like something he would do to annoy everyone."

Thaum gets himself and Zanthia through the waterfall, with the rope still attached to his waist. Shortly after that Larimar bursts out of the mass of water, worse for the wear but still succesfull.

There is now a helpful rope that goes through the water that let's everyone succeed on a strenght check of 8 if they use the rope for getting through the waterfall.

Nahscharjdscha get's through the waterfall without any problems like she did that as part of her morning routine. She waits and sees if anyone falls at the last part of the water to pull them out.

Should you fall on the last part of the waterfall you get your bludgeoning damage, but the Naga will try to pull you in. That includes a drenched Aned should she choose to fly around. Though for that she has to make a Strength check because that is not part of her morning exercise.
Check 1: [roll0]
Check 2: [roll1]

2020-01-21, 10:12 AM
Coney calls out through the waterfall.

"All clear? Coming through!"

Seizing the rope in her teeth, she hunkers down and squirms through to the other side of the waterfall as well.

"Well, I'm glad I was already soaking wet, I suppose."

Strength check to get through the waterfall: [roll0]

2020-01-21, 04:25 PM
Aned looks sullenly at the waterfall. There was no way around it, and if the water overwhelmed her while she was flying she'd surely plummet to her demise. The only way was through it.

"Rina, I fear I might falter in my attempt. My people do not take well to the water." she admits, looking over at the elf. "If that should happen, please retrieve me from the water as soon as you can."

With that, she grasps the rope tightly and tries to muscle her way through, her teeth grit.

First, let's see if she can make the Strength checks.

2020-01-21, 05:44 PM
Helped by Thaum, Zanthia makes her way through, although she comes out on the other side utterly drenched. The upside, for the rest of the party, is that she looks absolutely fabulous in a wet T-shirt.

2020-01-22, 05:29 AM
Bracing for the trip and holding Zanthia close to provide support (and shield her from at least some of the water masses), Thaum begins to move through the waterfall. It is a good reminder that while Undine's element is that of restoration, it can also erade, batter, and crush, as the water pelts down upon them at high speeds. It feels decidedly longer than a few seconds to get through, robes completely soaked through and heavy, and providing ample surface for the falling water to catch on. But eventually, they make it through, Coney and Larimar right after, Thaum giving a smile to them after spitting out some prickling water.

Getting some distance away from the falling waters, his azure hair appearing like a smooth river flowing down to his shoulders at first before slowly resuming its usual ways, he has just retrieved the little stone filled with prestidigitation magics when he sees an Aned shape trying to make its way through the waterfall. The adventuress has not been feeling well, Thaum having assumed she did not take well to this amount of humidity. But she slows and he sees signs that are very much alarming to a healer. He has seen drowning people before, further underlined by her collapsing. The smile on his face is quickly replaced with focus. She only has seconds now.

The small stone is shoved into Zanthia's arms unceremoniously. Thaum's eyes glow as he channels Undine's aspect into a quick spell, creating a brief glow around Aned's fallen form (also giving Thaum something to aim for) while simultaneously casting another and holding it in his hand, sheathing it in radiant blue. Without further ado, Thaum dives straight into the waterfall, uncaring if he will remain on his feet or fall, as long as his hand reaches Aned. The first spell bolstered her life force to buy more time against the battering of the electric waterfall, while the other makes the water akin to air to Aned, getting to breathe again. Hooking his arms under Aned's, Thaum begins to drag her out of the waterfall as quickly as possible, and then away from any falling water, only stopping once the water no longer can reach her.

"The stone," Thaum calls out to Zanthia, calm, but commanding to allow no delay. Having had a close look at what happened to Aned, he takes the stone back, casting prestidigitations on her to dry her from head to toe. Another check is done to see if she is in acute danger still, then begins to restore her life force.

"Rest for a moment, deep breaths." Once again, he speaks calmly, but allowing no protests. Seasoned adventurer or not, the experience of drowning is a horrifying one, and among some of the cruelest ways to die.

Emergency measures, as Aned has only two rounds before she dies of suffocation.

In the first round, Thaum uses his swift action to cast close wounds on Aned to bring her back above 0 HP (healing [roll0]), then casts water breathing as a standard action and holding the touch spell in his hand, then uses his move action to dive into the waterfall to touch Aned with the spell so she stops suffocating.

The feeling when you pick two spells for Advanced Learning that are mostly chosen to actually have water type spells to fit the Undine theme and they actually turn out to be useful.

Several strength checks to dragon Aned out of the waterfall

More healing spells to cast, but I will need to see the result of the above checks and how much he healed before applying the various heals. Thaum uses his Touch of Healing reserve feat to bring Aned back to half max HP, though.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 7/8
Lv 2: 0/7
Lv 3: 2/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 15 / 80


30 / 60
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

53 / 53
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

41 / 43
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

54 / 54
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

50 / 50
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

25 / 25
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

2020-01-22, 04:40 PM
Rina follows closely at Aned's footsteps, seemingly more worried for her new ally than getting wet. She's certain she's dealt with worse water issues and at the very least her clothes would get clea--

...Uh oh.

Rina lashes out trying to grab at Aned with her hand with a short soft cry that is muted as she gets a mouthful of water for her efforts, but still tries to help!

Strength checks: [roll0]

...Can i make a reflex save to try to grab Aned?


I can keep making strength checks to hold on and pull her out too...

2020-01-23, 04:46 AM
Reflex save for catching Aned succeeds. I guess you two are meeting when Aned is 3/4 out of the waterfall. Coney is still half in the waterfall. Also updated map: MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-0dOV67hAPF8uMAE2dc8HK7fh6iGQAWy4EA603AOSMg/edit#gid=0)

The crashing water let's Thaum struggle for a moment, but Rina brings Aned close enough that the healer can touch her and she's no longer drowning. Both of you bring her deep enough in the next cave that the water of the waterfall stops touching her. The Naga watches the interaction stone-faced, after Aned got shuffled away from the waterfall Nahscha try's to grab Coney with her tail and pulling her out of the waterfall too.


2020-01-26, 03:02 PM
Aned coughs, then blinks open her eyes, looking about in a haze. "Ugh..." she coughs again, then smiles at Rina and Thaum. "Thank you, my friends. It is said in the desert that true friends are worth more than gold." She wipes her mouth, then takes a few deep breaths as instructed, before shuddering. "I should be fine now." She sits up awkwardly, rubbing her throat.

It was not the first time she had felt the clutch of water, but it was not a thing one could get used to. She shoots the waterfall a look of loathing. "Hopefully that will be the last time we will need to deal with such a thing."

2020-01-26, 06:46 PM
Larimar is surprised to see how badly the water affects Aned, but thankfully there are many able hands (and a tail) to help. He might have had a few quips to share with the others, but it's just not the same trying to shout above a deafening waterfall.

2020-01-27, 08:07 AM
Rina reacting as quickly as she did makes freeing Aned and getting her away from the waterfall that much easier and quicker. Once they have the adventuress in a safer place and she feels better, Thaum is able to think about other things than saving her life, letting him sigh in relief. He looks to Rina, giving her a smile and a nod. She is good people. Nahscha helping Coney through the waterfall is also duly (and noticably) noted.

"Please do let me know about potentially life-threatening conditions ahead of time in the future. I make a poor necromancer at the moment, unless you would like to come back to life as a kobold," Thaum says to Aned with some lightness to his tone as he dries his arm off to help her up (Which also channels more healing magic into her, feeling warm and soothing). On a more serious note, he adds "I cannot help you with the discomfort water causes you, but you will be safe from drowning until the next morning or so. Let me know if anything is off going forward, and I do not want to hear anything about pride or thinking you would be wasting my time."

With that done, Thaum uses the stone to dry off Rina, Zanthia, Larimar, Coney, Nahscha (if she wants to, though she gets a thanks for helping Coney either way), and finally himself. Admittedly, Thaum is starting to feel a little wobbly, needing to catch his breath for a moment. Having to save Aned drained another portion of what he had available, and the previous fight cost him a lot in order to keep people alive and the ghast from pounding them into paralyzed submission or throwing them off the bridge.

"Much of my energy is spent at this point. I should be able to get us through another fight if we do not get blindsided again, but anything beyond would need to be done mostly without me."

Thaum casts Cure Light Wounds on Aned, healing [roll0] HP

Spell slots
Lv 0: 2/6
Lv 1: 6/8
Lv 2: 0/7
Lv 3: 2/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 15 / 80


54 / 60
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes), water breathing (16 hours)

53 / 53
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

41 / 43
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

54 / 54
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

50 / 50
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

25 / 25
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

2020-01-28, 04:04 AM
After having braced the waterfall the Naga accepts the cleaning of water from Thaum after the water is cleaned away her scales seem to have gotten a more lustrous shine (it's quite obviously another Prestidigitation effect.) Nahscha waits till Aned has gotten a bit better when she begins to talk again.

"The food would be very much appreciated. But if I eat all of it, what I may certainly do and it disappears after a day, when I let it lie around would it disappear in my stomach too?"

I think that should be an Arcana check.

"I don't think you have too worry that much about the ongoing way. That's mostly my territory and I made sure that everyone knows that."

When slithering deeper into the caves you all can hear some strange sounds, a mixture of crying, meowing and hissing. Nahscha hears it too and quickens her pace. There is a larger indentation in the floor that is laid out with mushrooms and perhaps some skin. Small little heads on snake-body's are producing these sounds and seemingly want to slither out of the indentation but it seems they can't.

Nahscha curls around them, regurgitates something to them and they seem to happily lick it up, the strange sounds stopped.

"Are you allright my little ****ters? Have you been cold? It's alright, some strange guys have brought mother through the waterfall that Jinn pissed out, it's alright." Nahscha nuzzles everyone of the small ones and then looks back at you. "Thanks." There is sincere gratitude in her words.

"I grant you passage through my domain. But should you get farther I must say that a wisp spirit has taken residence on the next bridge and it seems to be moping or doing whatever. She's pretty harmless, just something to look out for."

2020-01-28, 05:59 AM
"Oh, the food does not disappear, it simply spoils after two days. So as long as you eat it before then, there is nothing to worry about, and you will easily be able to tell once the food has gone bad."

Once they reach the nest, Thaum retrieves a few jars from his bag, making sure they are the ones with wide openings and bottoms, and invokes Undine, filling the jars with food paste or water. The paste is not much to look at, though given what Nahscha feeds her young, that will most likely not be an issue. "What do you want it to taste like?" And he does his best to recreate the taste with a prestidigitation.

"We will take a look at the Wisp. Thank you for the safe passage, Nahscha."

As promised, Thaum retrieves some jars and casts create food and water, creating enough food and drink to feed 24 medium-sized creatures for a day. Large-size creatures counts as three medium-sized creatures for this. He then casts purify food and drink and the food to make it last two days, as per the former's spell description.

Spell slots
Lv 0: 1/6
Lv 1: 6/8
Lv 2: 0/7
Lv 3: 1/6
Lv 4: 2/5

Healing Hands pool: 15 / 80


54 / 60
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes), water breathing (16 hours)

53 / 53
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

41 / 43
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

54 / 54
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

50 / 50
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

25 / 25
Mass resist energy (resist lightning 20, 80 minutes)

2020-02-22, 06:24 PM
Aned looks embarrassed. "I apologize. I did not realize you were capable of this boon," she replies, chastened. "I thank you for it. I had not realized that water would become such an issue going upward in this cave. But I do not think I have any other such vulnerabilities going forward."

She looks over towards the naga and her young, expression skeptical. Certainly, it is better than things worked out like this, but the naga's attitude isn't the best, and it is probably for the best that they go forward before Nahscha decides that they owe her more for her help. "If the Wisp is ahead, then hopefully there is no conflict remaining, unless Jerry attempts to hinder our exit."

2020-02-24, 08:19 PM

Mere proximity to Coney seemed to help warm up bones - and especially dusty bones - chilled by the waterfall. She smiles grimly and shakes out her fur. She glances over at And with concern.

"Do you need to rest before we continue on? With our host's permission, we could always camp here a bit..."

2020-02-24, 09:38 PM
Larimar has definitely thought a bit more highly of the naga after she helped, and seeing her kids. Now that the roaring waterfall is long behind them, they're all dried up, and there's somewhat of a lull in the activity, he perks up a bit and says, "The children are cute. Are they cold?" He thought about making some kind of fire, but there really was a lack of materials for things to burn around here. Also, not really a good idea when any sort of babies are involved. Instead, he offers some blankets, which.. at the very least, would make for a bit more insulation.

"Say, if you all want to rest, I think it may be a good a time as ever. I've got some splendid apple pie you all can try and just plain apples if you prefer as well. Best apples in the realm," he says with a toothy grin.

2020-02-25, 03:27 AM
"I take a serving of raw wild boar, if you can do that?" Nahscha looks quite astonished at the summoned food and gives it try. "It's perfect. The best consistency even for my small ones." Nahscha animates the small Nagas too try too and they seem eager too get more food in their stomachs.

She looks at Larimar with a sly grin. "It's not often that other folk find our children cute, I appreciate all of your help, thankfully they have quite thick scales but if I can't get to them regularly they may shrivel up." The blanket is accepted and worked into the impromptu nesting area, some of the small nagas try to curl it around them, what Nahscha seems to find utterly fascinating.

She eats the food Thaum conjured… Though not all of it, she nearly finishes one half of the conjured food, her stomach bulging noticably, her three children have curled around her and she produces an audible belch. "I may have been a Jerry out there at first. I'm sorry for that. You can rest in my domain if you want too, also I may be able to fit one of this best apples in my stomach, though only one."

Nahscha has curled around herself, her head comfortably resting on her body.

2020-02-25, 07:51 AM
"It all worked out in the end, so no hard feelings." The family seems properly take care of, at least for the near future, which prompts a smile from the healer. "It may be best if we move on," Thaum suggests, given they are looking for a cure under time pressure.

Ready to move on into the direction Nahscha indicated for Wisp's location.

2020-02-25, 11:37 AM
"Oh, right.. good point. I just thought you seemed a little tuckered out..." Larimar says with some small amount of disappointment.

2020-02-26, 09:26 PM
Zanthia seems a touch disappointed that Thaum dried off her so quickly, yes the water could be uncomfortable but making a good trade off on appearance. Oh well, make the best of things.

So which way now?

2020-02-27, 03:57 AM
Nahscha seems happy with sleeping for a while now, she closes her eyes and let's you do your thing.

You come to a pretty wide Stone Bridge the roaring of the waterfall seems distant and high above you you can see a little opening where some natural sunlight falls down. You can also see a strange creature floating around in the natural sunlight it seems like a white cloud with eyes floats around, some crystals half-attached to his body. It seems to float around, inspecting the wall, but takes pain to stay in the sunlight falling down from above. Suddenly there is a voice in your mind. It's especially unintrusive and even without being especially trained you could block it out if you wish too.

WISP: So many time has gone past, I wonder I wonder… I have never seen that beast again, could it gobble me up now, was it fate when it did?

The sprite doesn't seem to really notice you and instead still floats above you.

Because I kinda like Maps. As always positions are suggestions. A nice place. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XQSMk7JUltrSu8aTZjuFCjkzfsZnvOGfv1f2l03PPh8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-02-27, 09:04 AM
And there is Wisp. No more monsters, thankfully.

"Good day to you. We were sent by the High Priest of Wendel. He asks for your help in saving King Chanterelle's life. Would you be willing to come with us to Wendel?" Thaum asks the sprite as he looks up to it. Might as well get to the point so Wisp knows what this is about when faced with a sudden group of warriors, rogues, and mages.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2020-02-27, 10:14 AM
Zanthia steps up with Thaum, echoing his words, but also displaying the symbol to let Wisp know that they are really who they say they are, and not just a bunch of ragamuffins.


2020-02-27, 01:43 PM
Coney stares up at the spirit, intrigued. The association with sunlight - was it protective? Nourishing? Did it keep it from turning into a ravening beast?

"And of course we'd be happy to offer any help to you in return. Are you...is everything all right?"

Aid another on the diplomacy check, auto success.

2020-02-28, 03:10 AM
The sprite focuses his attention to the party when spoken too.

WISP: Ohh, good day to you too, I'm afraid I haven't noticed you.

Wisp is gliding down to the party, it seems to hesitate a smidgeon of a moment before leaving the circle of sunlight that came down from above to be in comfortable discussion distance. Thankfully it doesn't seem to transform in a ravashing beast but the inner light it seems to produce dim a bit and the voice that seems to echo in your heads does have a slight strain. It may remind you of someone who does walk fast and still talks with someone.

WISP: The high priest has send to me because he couldn't save someones life? That's really concerning. Despite the words Wisp spoke the tone the words carry seems to be kinda emotionless. It also seems impossible to read the intentions of this sprite.

Wisp focuses his attention on the statue Zanthia is holding.

WISP: That is his, he would not give that to just anyone. Your case seems to be very serious.

Finally Wisp looks at Coney and this time her words has a slight echo of an Emotion. It may be happyness?

WISP: That's so nice of you too offer me something in return. But it's alright mother of farrow's. If E... The high priest can't handle it alone it must be very serious.

Wisp looks at everyone of the party and seems to come to a decision.

WISP: I'll follow you out. Do you have the capacity to get up there or do we have to walk?

The spot with the sunlight is maybe between 600 and 800 feet away from you and the walls following up there get more and more steep.

MAP is slightly updated.A nice place. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XQSMk7JUltrSu8aTZjuFCjkzfsZnvOGfv1f2l03PPh8/edit?usp=sharing)

Also a mysterious roll probably without any reason.

2020-02-28, 03:18 AM
Larimar observed the events unfolding. Something didn't quite seem right about this. The sprite wisp, he wasn't sure if having crystals about it was normal, for one thing.

"It's quite a bit far away, and I doubt any of us have rope long enough to ensure everyone can get out..." Maybe there was a way to do it though. Seemed Aned could fly and he wasn't such a bad climber.

"If you don't mind my asking, what brought you here? You seem very troubled by something..."

2020-02-28, 04:53 AM
Larimar's words seem to produce a great mental sigh from Wisp, you're not sure but they may be some glistening stuff on her eyes. Her "voice" is also now more loaded with emotion, most likely sorrow and nostalgia.

WISP: Oh, I was just here to relive some old times. It has been some years and instead of visiting the others I thought I may swing by here. To remember where I met them.

Wisp doesn't explain herself further but rather changes the subject.

WISP: If not all of you can't get out from up there I should take residence inside one of you, I'm not really fond of the dark and it would be easier for me. I promise to be as noninvading as possible.

2020-02-28, 06:46 AM
Memories of the heroes, perhaps? Thaum vaguely remember something about them having been active in this area, but cannot really put his finger on it.

"I see. Climbing this far up, and more importantly, back down again would be quite challenging. You can reside inside me, if you would like, though my essence is shifted towards Undine, so I do not know if this would cause you discomfort in some fashion." So far, there has been little in the way of answers in regards to what effects Thaum's peculiar state may have.

2020-02-28, 09:17 PM
Aned stares as they encounter Wisp; it isn't the first time she's been in the presence of a being of such sublime elemental purity, but she hopes it never stops instilling a sense of wonder in her. She bows her head in response to the spirit. "Thank you for answering our plea, Wisp. We shall ensure your safe passage to the High Priest." she says, before looking at the others. "Now that the waterfall is of no concern to me, I could float down ahead of the party and see if Jerry has returned to cause any further trouble for us."

2020-03-01, 02:32 AM
Sensing some kind of connection with the spirit, Coney steps forward hesitantly. The Rabite's ears are twitching, but she seems to reach a conclusion.

"If it would make the journey safer or more comfortable for you, I would be honoured to be your host."

Through her long work in learning how to lure the spirits of the ancients into herself, Coney had become more than accustomed to 'passengers' of one kind or another. It would be interesting to see how it felt to have a more active partner...and to see how Wisp interacted with Naberius.

2020-03-01, 03:36 PM
Larimar contemplated letting the wisp reside inside him, but others immediately offered. Maybe it was better to let them if they were so eager...

With the top exit too far away, he was fairly set upon going back down the way they came.

2020-03-02, 04:24 AM
Wisp floats around the Party while talking.

To Ridai.

WISP: I'm in alliance with Undine but she has marked you heavily and I would not like too give her a wrong impression.

To Aned.

WISP: That's good, it has been a long time since I've been escorted, I shall be a good guest.

To Coney.

WISP: You are as graceful as ever, but I fear with your current occupation I could disrupt your capabilities.

Wisp flies past Larimar and Rina but doesn't say anything. She stops by Zanthia and comes nearer and circles her head a few times, slowly then she stops.

WISP: May I?

2020-03-02, 07:31 AM
Zanthia takes a few steps back from Wisp. I would rather you didnt, unless it is absolutely necessary for the mission. Ive had only bad experiences from someone being in my head. Thaum knows to what Zanthia is referring, and also left unsaid by her is that she has some idea of what the more powerful and unprincipled members of her Coven can do with unrestricted access to a person's mind.

2020-03-02, 04:50 PM
Seeing the wisp pass the first two up and Zanthia refusing, Larimar steps forward and hesitantly says, "Uhh, I guess I'll volunteer then. Though I hope the experience won't be too strange or intrusive..."

2020-03-02, 10:41 PM
Rina blinks. Not that she wanted someone else riding along in her noggin given the givens, but to be ignored out of turn like that...

Something doesn't feel right about any of this... this Elemental spirit--if that's what it is-- seemed relatively easy to find; apart from the fight with Jerry a resourceful messenger could have made it down here...

She sniffs again at Wisp as she passes, but gives the being a long hard look.

Not that I imagine Rina knows what demigods typically smell like, but she might recognize some sort of impostor:
[roll0] Survival?
[roll1] Sense motive! ...Which i need ranks in...

2020-03-03, 03:32 AM
Wisp glides away from Zanthia.

WISP: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't wanted to stir up bad memories.

Wisp seems to look at Larimar and this time she flits around him a bit, having him under scrutiny.

With that she flies by Rina who get's a good whif of the creature.

As far as Rina can tell Wisp is honest. The smell though is hard to discern, it's very unintrusive but with Rina actually bringing attention to it it reminds her more of a warm summer-sun that warms her face in the morning, stones that are fished out of a river and warmed by the sun, etc...

WISP: Hmm, kissed by Luna for sure, but not marked heavily. Thanks brave chobin, then it will be you.

Wisp flies at Larimar's head and seems to vanish completey.

Your head feels very light for a moment, like when you drank a bit too much, the feeling get's weaker but doesn't go away entirely.

With Aned being safe from the waterfall would it be alright to jump ahead a bit or do you want to take a rest?

You make your way back, Nahscha is sound asleep and it seems she hasn’t noticed your conversation with Wisp. The dangers of the waterfall succesfully negated you make your way down to the entrance of cascade caverns. The sun has gone up and shines on your faces after you exit the caverns and nothing seems to jump at you from the foliage. You succesfully make your way back to Wendel, past the farms and into the city proper. This time you have too get to the church and ask an acolyte for a meeting with the high priest. He says you were awaited however and leads you too some stairs, nicely hidden by a statue of Shade. (in this case he is shown as an eye with wings attached too it. The lids of the eye however has teeth instead of eyelashes.) You go up some way and trough a featureless corridor that ends in a door. The acolyte knocks and after a „come in.“ He opens the door for you.

You find yourself in a comfy, spacious room. Right know it’s most prominent feature is a wooden bed with plain white sheets. In that bed lies a mushboom. One of these creatures that are a small lightly yellow rump with small feet and arms. His mouth and eyes are visible but closed with some kind of strain. He is half covered by the sheets and seams to glisten with something like sweat, the cap on his head is mostly in a royal blue color but there are also small golden speckles on it. When you take a closer look they seem to be some brown mushrooms growing on the mushboom.
A small silvery crown lies on the nightstand beside the bed.

Ethan sits on a chair besides the bed. He stands up when you enter the room, he still seems too be tired but he looks way better then before, he properly has taken a good nights sleep but is not totally recovered yet. He rushes towards you, a look of deep worry on his face. „You’re early, has something happ…“ Wisp uses that moment to creep out of Larimar and seems to do a little floating courtsy too the high priest. She looks at king chanterelle and is immediately enraged.

WISP: „Shade! Shade! Are you here? Have you done that?“

Wisp flits around the room, she knocks the crown oft he nightstand and doesn’t even seem too notice.

WISP: „I can’t believe… That smells very strongly of him!“

She floats around the king while examining the strange mushrooms sprouting out of him.

WISP: „It’s either directly from him or from someone who is strongly aligned with the shadows.“

Wisp let’s out a desperate sigh.

WISP: „I’m pretty sure I can get the curse out of him. He and you will definitely need some rest after that.“

Ethan nods dutifully then turns too the party. „I thank you a lot for bringing Wisp to me. I’m sure it was an arduous journey, please take that for your trouble.“ Ethan goes to a chest and retrieves six bags he hands to each one of the party. „If you may please stay in the city a bit longer. We will do our best to lift the curse from the king, I would like to talk with you after that if you have no other duties. He looks at Rina a moment longer then the others. „I will contact you as soon as possible. But too be honest you look pretty exhausted yourself, take a rest, I’m sure your expenses will be covered.“

He grant’s you an exhausted but happy smile.

2020-03-15, 06:19 AM
Rina and Coney seek out and chat with Mart about his life since their conversation at the farm.

You find Mart at an inn who is selling an awful lot of bear-meat with honey. He looks quite good, but a little reserved, though with your talking abilities you get him to open up. If he had wounds from a bear battle they seem to be mostly healed. He tells you openly that he is from Valsena and from house Vish. The house was, in the past, mostly known for their fierce battle progress and daredevil attitude but is know only a husk of it's former self. Somehow he got a lot of the hot blood inherited and that got him in a lot of trouble in his teenage years.

After that he seems to hesitate a moment but he admits that he has been talked to by a strange recruiting guy. He gave him a good beatdown and then got talked to by a totally different guy who praised his strong arm and coaxed him into going to a meeting. They spoke of some things that interested him very much. Glorious heroes slaying monsters, dark times that should be avoided… And a lot of praise for him and his strength and his fury. He fell out of that circle only recently and now try's to find a bit of work. He would be very interested if you have an idea.

Mart revealed that he was to meet with representatives of his mysterious master at a bar in town. Some subset of the PC's agree to be on hand for that meeting, supporting Mart in case it turns violent. In case it becomes relevant, Coney looks like a mixed-breed dog, and all PC's are invisible for this exchange. It unfolds as follows:

He goes out of the town some ways, near where you first met him. There are three people waiting for him. One that looks like a half-elf, that wears camouflaging clothing and a shortbow (she sits in bright light, what kinda defeats the purpose.) One that looks so much like a clichee-maga that it hurts (robe with arcane symbols and a bright pointy hat with stars on it.) And a nicely-dressed male spokesperson who either has used a lot of cantrips to keep himself clean or has magic pants and a magic shirt.

"Ah, Mart. I saw a rather lack of corpses littering the farms. Can you explain that to me?" Mart stands there pretty calm and collected. "I think we got it all wrong, I talked with some…" He get's interrupted by the other man. "You talked to people?!" He shakes his head, stiffling a laugh. "What did he tell you? What did our master tell you? He told you to don't talk to others, because they are in thrall of our enemies! How could you get that wrong?"

He shakes his head again for emphasis. The half-elf is still on lookout and the maga takes a step forward, exactly when Mart want's to get some words in.

"Don't be so harsh to him, Sigmund! Everyone of us could get turned around, but that's why we are here. And you know what the best thing is? Despite him having doubts Mart is still with us. He still have come to us, to talk about his doubts and we can help him see the right path again."

She hugs herself, clearly moved by her own words. She seems shocked after Mart talked. "Get off, I don't want to go back." She stutters a bit. "B-b-but why?"

Mart sighs. "You know I was in the town and..." He get's interrupted again. "You also get into the town? Are you freaking mad?! That was the one thing you should have never ever done why you…" This time Mart interrupts him. "It's fine, the people there are fine. They don't want to exploit anyone, no one is under the tyrannic order of the high priest, they just want to live in peace and to forcefully tnterrupt that peace is just horrible. I don't want to do that anymore."

There is a heavy silence that hangs in the air. It get's interrupted by Sigmund. "You know we have to bring you back now, don't you?" The half-elf looks to Mart, as does the maga, though her face is heavy with concern. Mart's hands get to his sword though he doesn't draw it. "You could try, but I will defend myself and who knows perhaps I kill one of you." Sigmund throws his hands up in the air. "Ok, you know what? You can stay here." He get's a confused look from the maga but he explains himself. "I can't convince you with my words, our mission was to check up on you and if possible bring you back. It may be possible but I don't want to endanger my brethren, that does include you Mart." Sigmund gives him an intense look. "You may rethink when you see the dark, Sludge that is hiding beneath the surface of the citizens you begin to endear that much. You know where to find us."

He turns around and just begins walking.

Coney is torn, wanting to learn more about the trio but concerned about Mart after that exchange. Perhaps Rina will choose to track the trio, now or later, but that's all rather outside of Coney's wheelhouse, so to speak. She trails Mart quietly for half a mile or so before dropping the invisibility and joining him on the road back into town (still looking like a dog, albeit a talking one). For a while, she simply walks with Mart, gauging his frame of mind, before speaking.

"I'm so sorry, but you were kind of amazing back there. Are you all right?"

Diplomacy to keep him calm and engaged: [roll0]

2020-03-16, 04:43 AM
Mart seems to be really thinking a lot when he walks back to the town and at first doesn't even realize the dog when he appears again. When he does he doesn't say a thing till Coney has spoken.

"Amazing? I don't know, I really thought about going back when Friselda spoke… I had a thing for her, you know." He says openly, silently shaking his head. "I don't know what you did with me back there but." He stays silent for a moment. "You know they told me so much how my rage was unbreakable, I would not falter even when a dragon would charge at me and I believed them. But obviously they lied." He smirks without any humor.

"You turned my world upside down. And instead of using that moment of weakness you even spared me. That doesn't fit with anything I learned." He goes silent for a few more steps. "I had to see for myself what it was all about you know."

2020-03-16, 07:07 AM
"We would have backed you up, you know.." Larimar says, awkwardly. "But, uh.. I know it seemed like you all didn't want to hurt each other. Which is well enough, in any case. At least my bow is blessed to not actually kill any living being..."

"So now that you've seen Wendel for yourself, what do you plan on doing now?"

He playfully teases, "Or are you still not 100% convinced we are not mindless thralls to the High Priest or the Dark Rabite, or something?"

2020-03-16, 11:58 AM
"Simplicity, a clear enemy responsible for everything bad in the world, and being told that one is chosen hold comfortable appeal for people. But things rarely are that simple and straightforward, and those who insist they are sadly often have ulterior goals," Thaum comments. "But you can choose for yourself now, instead of being used as a weapon. Give it time."

And the evening of the day, true to his word, Thaum also takes care of any lingering wounds and mends everyone's clothes to get rid of all the stains and tears inflicted by the battles, before finally retiring for the day, almost all of his magical reserves spent and thus more than a little fatigued.

2020-03-16, 06:06 PM
Coney trots along, thinking hard about Mart's point.

"As to what we did, I only understand part of it myself. Mostly, I think that we gave you a chance to find a new way to look at your life. If your rage has always been a reliable way to deal with problems, then it took the loss of that rage - permanent or transitory, I can't say - to make you think in a new way.

"Truth be told, you've done the same for me. I wanted to reject the idea of a Dark Rabite, a founder who seeks to advance my people at the expense of others. For decades, I've worked and fought and bled - literally - to advance my people to be peers with older races. But it had never occurred to me that there might be an adjacent impulse, a desire to advance rabies over others.

"But in the past week, we have learned that there might in fact be such a force in the world. We don't understand it, and I will work against it with everything I have. But if you had not trusted us with your story, I would never have thought to check without your words of caution. So I am in your debt."

She plodded on in silence for a moment.

"And from what little I've learned of this Dark Rabite...it is a worthy target of your rage."

2020-03-17, 03:57 AM
"I'm really not sure what I should do now." Mart smirks about Larimar's quip but seems to give it some serious thought. "With all I know about magic and it's not that much mind you, I think it would be pretty hard to controll all these people all the time in a way that it seems believable."

He faces Thaum and says: "Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. Here is your goal, make it there and we even have some presents for you on the way." Mart sneers, but seems to relax a bit.

He turns to Coney and says: "Oh, it's not permanent. I can still feel the embers of my rage resting inside me, ready to burst out in a consuming flame. Or was that to philosophical?" He laugs a bit but then his mood darkens with Coney's following words. "It really does exist, huh? That should not surprise me, the best lies have some truth hidden inside." He grumbles to himself and seems seriously torn, his feelings openly displayed in his contorted face. Mart does come to a conclusion after a bit of time though, his face relaxed.

"You know, I heard they wanted to sometimes, maybe, attack this rabite village in the four-season-forest. I should have joined them when I'm done here. As far as I know they wanted to gather some more people for that, because they are some capable rabite's there. But I don't know when they will attack, if they even still want to do that or what they're battle plan was." He sighs heavily. "And I still don't want to fight against people I knew before when I can avoid it. But you know if you want I could go there, scout around and give you a warning should I find them moving? I mean if they want to attack with a serious force they can't be that subtle or fast."

2020-03-17, 07:16 AM
"I'm really not sure what I should do now." Mart smirks about Larimar's quip but seems to give it some serious thought. "With all I know about magic and it's not that much mind you, I think it would be pretty hard to controll all these people all the time in a way that it seems believable."

Do not be too quick to dismiss magical mind control. While a wizard or a sorcerer are usually about as subtle as a sledgehammer, the subtle touch of a witch can do a lot more and leave almost no trace. And controlling the leader of a group is more efficient than trying to control all the underlings

2020-03-17, 09:52 AM
"And I still don't want to fight against people I knew before when I can avoid it. But you know if you want I could go there, scout around and give you a warning should I find them moving? I mean if they want to attack with a serious force they can't be that subtle or fast."

Coney wagged her dog tail emphatically.

"I think that I know that village! I would offer to go and keep watch over them, but if you do so, we're all the more likely to find a way to avoid bloodshed. I will join you as soon as I am not needed here. Thank you so much, Mart!"

2020-03-18, 03:32 AM
Mart's laughs nervously when he hears Zanthia's words, but stops himself after he looks at her.

"You're serious? You think that he." Mart is silent for a moment. "It could be. I guess he could be controlled, but he seemed so strong-willed and." He stops himself again for a short time. "But if they thought that my rage is unbreakable then he may very well also be under the command of another. Witch or otherwise." He groans. "It's really much for me to take in."

Coney's dog antics does bring a smile to his face. He try's to stroke her head but then harrumphs and says.

"I just get some stuff for the journey. And if I can try often enough I'm sure I can bring a magical message to you, or find one who can. I'm quite honored to be of help too be honest." He bows his head a little.

2020-03-18, 04:37 AM
Okay, Zanthia's words are steering way too close to fear-mongering, so a bit of moderation is needed. Thaum really doesn't want to deal with people becoming paranoid for no reason. "Zanthia, you and your coven are very good at enchanting, but even you can't change the nature of the school. It always leaves traces the same way it does when done by anyone else, and so far we have seen none of them. By that logic, you and everyone else in this world is just as likely to be under someone's control right now, and while one needs to be observant and not just believe everything they are told without verification, by default believing everyone is currently a puppet is a good way to ruin your life for no reason." Sadly, this is a pretty normal thing among the more charismatic enchanters. They often lack the ability to see the traces it leaves in people, while they often end up being next to blindingly obvious to experienced priests and caregivers.

The traces Thaum mentioned are what you can detect via Sense Motive, as the DCs never change and I have never seen anything able to hide those or make them harder to detect.

2020-03-18, 04:39 PM
Im not trying to fear-monger or create paranoia, Im just saying every option needs to be on the table. And we've really only seen one of their number to test the residual theory on.

2020-03-19, 04:08 AM
Mart is in thought for a moment but seems a bit relaxed after Thaum's words.

"Yeah you're right I should be vigilant but not paranoid. I just think that it really could be that he is somehow enchanted, if not by a spell then perhaps by words. I mean he never claimed that he had a vision or something just that he somehow knows about this prophecy."

Four days after you seen the high priest the last time, all of you get word through a messenger that the high priest would like to met you in the evening.

You met him in the same room you seen him the last time, but the bed has been changed out and there are now several armchairs strewn about in the room. Ethan stands and talks to King Chanterelle who currently sits in a chair. The king seems to be okay (as far as you can tell) but still a bit strained, like someone who is currently recovering from a severe illness. Wisp is also there and silently floats about the room, but focuses on you as soon as you enter. Ethan looks fully recovered, almost bursting with vitality.

"Oh, hello. Thanks for coming here. I have some news for you, but I think they are not all good."

But before that I want to personally thank you, from what I heard you saved my life and should you be in my kingdom I will be happy to grant you hospitality there. He stands up and gives you a small bow before sitting into his chair again. I'm sorry I'm still a bit sore from the strain I was recently subjected too.

"First, Rina I have some news especially for you. I have sent someone to your home, to look into the problem. I don't know if she is able too solve it, but we have someone there now and that would give us more time. I think I know someone who may be able too help us further but you have to find him and prove yourself worthy too him. But Sage Joch knows way more than I do and if there is someone who knows what the Problem is about it's him. He was last seen in Laurent, but may have moved further."

"I try'd to find out more about the one who have placed the curse, but the only thing I got with my divinations is one name, the claw-birthed lady."

If you want you can try to remember that name with an Int-check, but should you fumble there could, if you want, other memories that resurface.

To Coney I'm asuming here that you wear this. "Oh Miss Masing. I didn't knew that you changed religions, it is an odd choice but to each their own I guess. Well I have looked into some cults and rumors, regarding Valsena, the problem is, the society is very magical and they are quite some cults. But there is one place you could go, regarding a cult of rabite-haters." Ethan has some problems with getting the last two words out, like he's really uncomfortable that these kinds of people exist. "There is the town of Rabiton inside the four-season forest, almost entirely build by rabite's and rumored to have some individuals who are even older than you miss Masing." Ethan gives Coney a short nod.

When Aned asks Wisp about Jerry, Ethan's eyes nearly bulge out of his head. "Jerry! That damn…" He catches himself, Wisp gives him a sad look but still talks to Aned.

WISP: Yes, he talked to me, he asked me if I know where Gnome was, because he wanted a pact with him. I told him that he probably doesn't have a good chance because he is neither female nor does he probably would not look really appealing to him.

Ethan breathes heavily and chimes in. "I met him ten years ago in Cascade Caverns. He say'd he wanted too help pilgrims getting through and I was happy too get someone too help secure the route. He led me too several traps and then try'd to kill me after. It wasn't really a magical duel, he teleported away all the time, appeared again and got me with a summon or a spell. Like a diabolical, dangerous chicken. Thankfully I held up and when I got him pinned down he still managed to get away with a strong teleportation spell. I was afraid for months to go back in and when he didn't appear I thought he was more afraid of me than I was of him. It seems I was very wrong."

2020-03-23, 12:16 PM
"It is good to see that you are on your way to recovery, your highness," Thaum says to the king with a nod.

A curse on Rina is mentioned, and judging by her never having mentioned any of that and her acting timidly pretty much at all times, chances are she does not want to talk about it, so he does not ask any questions in front of everyone.

"The matter of the black rabite appears to be the most concerning matter at the moment, as well as one with a place one could start looking. I take it from how you are presenting this variety of news that you would like someone to investigate them?" Thaum would prefer if Ethan would simply ask the question instead.

2020-03-23, 12:29 PM
Coney makes no effort to conceal her confusion, then concern, at Ethan's words. She lifts the amulet up with an ear to examine it more closely.

"Oh! Um, no. Not a religious...I mean, I'm pretty fluid in my...but Mana is still a patron of sorts...um...Velsana?"

Embarrassed, she tries to remember to whom this amulet might be consecrated. Crap!

Knowledge Religion on Velsana. My apologies. I know that you covered the great spirits in the application thread, but I'm a little fuzzy. [roll0].

2020-03-25, 12:23 AM
At the high priest's tirade against Jerry, she furrows her brow. "Ten years ago... then this is no recent thing. Whatever his plan is, it must run deep." she says. Wisp's mention of Gnome was also of concern. "Gnome. I wonder if he was truly interested in a pact, or if he had another reason for wanting to know his whereabouts."

2020-03-25, 09:18 AM
I'm sorry for being a bit unclear but with the curse he referred to the condition King Chanterelle was in, not something that is or was inflicted on Rina. She is perfectly fine after all.

Ethan nods towards Thaum's question. "I would very much have someone I can trust investigating this further. My ressources are stretched thin at the moment and you six seem more than capable and after you recovered Wisp I'm sure I can trust you. I'm also of course able to pay you further. If you are interested I held a conversation with one of the Canòni brothers to help you in your travels. I know it's a bit rough but it's a surprisingly safe way too travel."

Ethan sees Coney's confusion and quickly elaborates further. Even with your good roll you don't know what the amulet is about. (It's very niche.) It's not covered in the initial thread because I don't wanted too cover every possible interpretation of the spirits. Valsena on the other hand is a very magical country and small cults spring up and go down quite regularly. You definitely didn't hear about anything regarding the black rabite.

"The clean picked bones and the mouse-skull seem too be a... Well not necesarrily a consecrated symbol but at least a symbol of affection of the Eternal Devourer. A strange amalgamation of Shade and the Dryad that eats or negates everything that grows, that the world is not covered in growth. Some humanoid gluttons pay hommage too it but I think it's a bit of a hogwash and very far fetched." Ethan seems a bit relieved that Coney didn't seem to have known about this.

Ethan sighs at the mention of Jerry's possible plans. "I really don't know. With him I feel that everything is possible. Gnome normally resides near the dwarfs in Valsena but as with every great spirit his location changes."

King Chanterelle seems too follow the conversation pretty rigouros but his eyes does seem a bit heavy.

2020-03-25, 03:38 PM
"Do not tell me that you have no one to look into any of these matters," Thaum sighs, rubbing his forehead and temple. "Between the black rabite, Jerry, the matter of a criminal group seeking to kill non-humanoids, whatever troubles Rina, and whoever placed this curse on King Chanterelle, it sounds like you should be investing in a small army of agents, as this is a rather dire collection of problems."

2020-03-25, 09:24 PM
Larimar bows slightly to King Chanterelle and says, with a toothy grin, "Your highness, it was but a trifle for the skill, ingenuity, and steadfastness of our little group. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to that hospitality should I ever find myself in your kingdom."

Addressing the High Priest next, he comments, "Hm, that makes sense. I ran into another Chobin in the caverns who I think referred to the ghast that wore that amulet as The Eater. Given its unsavory nature, and, well.. what I'm sure it does to things, it's no surprise it would worship such an Eternal Devourer."

Turning to the others, he says, "I have to admit, we've got some mounting situations on our hands. I do think going after Jerry would be more fruitless than a wild goose chase, however. We don't know what he's up to or where.. and even if we were to miraculously find him, it sounds like he could just teleport away. I think what I would like to do is check on that Rabite village. I'd hate for them all to be slaughtered by a bunch of hateful or misguided fools.. and especially if we did nothing to stop them."

2020-03-28, 01:19 AM
"The High Priest may be well-connected, but not necessarily with those necessary to investigate these problems." says Aned, looking towards Thaum. "Besides, they sound interesting to me. At very least, the Black Rabite seems connected to that group that influenced Mart. Investigating one may lead us closer to the other."

"Let us head to Rabiton first. Knowing that they lost Mart may make his allies more desperate." she continues. Reaching down, she pulls her newly separated map from her scroll case. "There is also the matter of this map that I managed to separate from the one you gave me. It seems to depict a network of caves and tunnels, but I am uncertain as to where exactly it is located. It makes mention of a Chobin village and 'Duran's Rest'."

2020-03-28, 09:11 AM
"Yes, investigating the black rabite seems to be on top of the list between it potentially driving a wedge between races everywhere as well as having a concrete lead, but these other issues should be investigated as well while we are looking into it."

2020-03-28, 11:01 AM
I agree with dealing with the Dark Rabite. With all the problems facing the world, the last thing we need is the races of the world fighting each other instead of any external threat.