View Full Version : Sorcerers in Dark Sun?

2019-12-03, 11:19 AM
Besides the sorcerer-kings (who are wizards, technically), has the Sorcerer class been a thing in Dark Sun?

2019-12-03, 12:53 PM
Sorcerors as a class were only invented in 3. edition. Dark Sun wasn't continued by Wizards of the Coast after 2. edition. But maybe this site (http://athas.org/) has rules for it, as that website was officially licensed to convert Dark Sun to 3.5 (and Paizo did a few articles on 3. edition Dark Sun in the Dragon Magazine in 2004.)

2019-12-03, 12:58 PM
Dark Sun was updated to 4e, and 4e does have both wizards and sorcerers. Dark Sun's defiling mechanic applies equally to all 4e arcane power users, including Bards, Warlocks and Swordmages. I don't think they bothered to distinguish them fluffwise - just as well since 4e doesn't really distinguish their magic either, a bard's song is every bit as much arcane magic as a wizard's fireball or a warlock's eldritch blast, even though 3.5 would treat those differently.

2019-12-03, 01:12 PM
Sorcerors as a class were only invented in 3. edition. Dark Sun wasn't continued by Wizards of the Coast after 2. edition. But maybe this site (http://athas.org/) has rules for it, as that website was officially licensed to convert Dark Sun to 3.5 (and Paizo did a few articles on 3. edition Dark Sun in the Dragon Magazine in 2004.)

Dark Sun does have a book that was created with 3.5 rules in 2008.

Here is what they said about Sorcerer Class.

Sorcerer: Mechanically, a sorcerer’s spontaneous casting and a psion’s manifesting are similar, thus including the
sorcerer removes some of the uniqueness of the psion. Some also feel that an arcane spellcaster without a spellbook
violates the flavor of the setting.

2019-12-03, 02:15 PM
Sorcerors as a class were only invented in 3. edition. Dark Sun wasn't continued by Wizards of the Coast after 2. edition. But maybe this site (http://athas.org/) has rules for it, as that website was officially licensed to convert Dark Sun to 3.5 (and Paizo did a few articles on 3. edition Dark Sun in the Dragon Magazine in 2004.)

Dark Sun does have a book that was created with 3.5 rules in 2008.

Here is what they said about Sorcerer Class.

Sorcerer: Mechanically, a sorcerer’s spontaneous casting and a psion’s manifesting are similar, thus including the
sorcerer removes some of the uniqueness of the psion. Some also feel that an arcane spellcaster without a spellbook
violates the flavor of the setting.

Those two together are the reason I'm asking. A recent playtest material from 5e implements the psion as a wizard 'specialization', to mixed reception, and the gist of much of the critique was that 'wizard is external, psion is internal'. Well, that sounds like a sorcerer to me, and since DS needs psions the most, I wanted to make sure that using a sorcerer 'subclass' for them won't leave us missing the sorcerer.

Dark Sun was updated to 4e, and 4e does have both wizards and sorcerers. Dark Sun's defiling mechanic applies equally to all 4e arcane power users, including Bards, Warlocks and Swordmages. I don't think they bothered to distinguish them fluffwise - just as well since 4e doesn't really distinguish their magic either, a bard's song is every bit as much arcane magic as a wizard's fireball or a warlock's eldritch blast, even though 3.5 would treat those differently.

To be fair 4e jumped quite a few loops in their settings to make sure everything was applicable everywhere.

2019-12-03, 02:24 PM
To be fair 4e jumped quite a few loops in their settings to make sure everything was applicable everywhere.

Oh I definitely don't think they were going for narrative fidelity or anything, I was just supplying it as a datapoint. I definitely don't think bardic music would trigger defiling if the setting were ported back to 3.5. (Eldritch Blast might, maybe?)

2019-12-03, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by liquidformat
Dark Sun does have a book that was created with 3.5 rules in 2008.

What's the title? And is this still available anywhere?

2019-12-03, 04:28 PM
It was a dragon magazine article (or three), IIRC. It was fluff if I recall, the state of the world after the Pentad.