View Full Version : Unintended Consequences - Sorcerer

Sparky McDibben
2019-12-03, 05:10 PM
Hey all,

For our next game, my player's decided to play a tiefling sorceress (probably wild magic) who's a cop working in a reskinned Azorius Senate. Her character arc involves mastering her magic as a proxy for mastering the chaos around her. She will, probably around level 7, get a stronghold. I want that stronghold to mechanically be the source of a really cool ability, a la Strongholds and Followers. My current thinking is that it will allow her sorcery points to refresh on a short rest, instead of a long one.

What I specifically need from y'all:

Is there a better benefit, or one you feel ties in more with her arc?
What are some consequences of this interaction?
What else might I need to change, either in the character or the world?


No multi-classing (she just doesn't, for some reason).
Assume play extends to level 20.
Assume PHB + Xanathar's for spells; no Unearthed Arcana.
Assume Azorius background from Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica.
Assume a 1:1 game (no concerns about spotlight time, relative player power balance, etc).

Thanks for your help!

Blood of Gaea
2019-12-03, 05:38 PM
Once a long rest she can choose to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table and choose an option instead of rolling.

Additionally, once a long rest when she rolls on the Wild Magic Surge, after rolling the dice but before the effect happens she can choose to cancel the Surge.

Sparky McDibben
2019-12-03, 05:49 PM
That's a good idea, Blood of Gaea, and I thought about doing just that, but I decided against it. See, the Wild Magic Surge table is the whole draw of a Wild Magic Sorcerer. It's designed to be enough of a risk that it's not a guaranteed good thing, but there's only a few really bad or good items on there. Most of it is kinda squishy. Basically, it generates tension. And we know that it's set up that way because at 14th level, she can roll twice and choose one of the two. Allowing her to just choose an option removes the tension of rolling, which is the whole point of playing a Wild Magic Sorcerer.

Still, I appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to offer it!

2019-12-03, 05:51 PM
Regaining SP equal to Prof bonus during a short rest sounds about right. Maybe cap it at once per day ala Arcane Recovery if you're worried about it tipping the balance too much but I wouldn't be.

2019-12-03, 06:23 PM
That's a good idea, Blood of Gaea, and I thought about doing just that, but I decided against it. See, the Wild Magic Surge table is the whole draw of a Wild Magic Sorcerer. It's designed to be enough of a risk that it's not a guaranteed good thing, but there's only a few really bad or good items on there. Most of it is kinda squishy. Basically, it generates tension. And we know that it's set up that way because at 14th level, she can roll twice and choose one of the two. Allowing her to just choose an option removes the tension of rolling, which is the whole point of playing a Wild Magic Sorcerer.

Still, I appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to offer it!

Once per day for one minute she can roll on the Wild Magic table a number of times equal to the level of the spell she's casting with each spell cast. She may choose one result to discard; all the other results take effect.

So 5th level spell? 5 rolls on the table, 4 of them happen, the player chooses which 4.

Sparky McDibben
2019-12-03, 06:39 PM
Once per day for one minute she can roll on the Wild Magic table a number of times equal to the level of the spell she's casting with each spell cast. She may choose one result to discard; all the other results take effect.

So 5th level spell? 5 rolls on the table, 4 of them happen, the player chooses which 4.

Thanks! I see a problem with this, which is the same as the critical fumble table - the more times she's rolling, the more opportunity for really bad things to happen. Since avoiding losses is a stronger motivator than acquiring gains, that would be a quick way for her to get gun-shy about using it. Also, the more effects stacked on her, the more things we both need to keep track of.

2019-12-03, 06:48 PM
Perhaps allow her to store sorcery points in her stronghold. Like, when she doesn't use them, she can put them there for later use, and can utilize these sorcery points for either refilling her spent points, or for casting spells to improve her stronghold, glyph of warding, alarm, etc.
If I did this, I would tell her that the stronghold is built directly over a ley line, with a well connected directly to this mystical source, allowing for the storage of vast magical power. A well of sorcery or well of sorcery points, if you will.
This allows for a very useful boost without being to powerful, since she only has as many sorcery points stored as she put in there, and it's a lot more fun and flavorful than just getting more points.
Hope I helped in any way.

Sparky McDibben
2019-12-03, 07:14 PM
Perhaps allow her to store sorcery points in her stronghold. Like, when she doesn't use them, she can put them there for later use, and can utilize these sorcery points for either refilling her spent points, or for casting spells to improve her stronghold, glyph of warding, alarm, etc.
If I did this, I would tell her that the stronghold is built directly over a ley line, with a well connected directly to this mystical source, allowing for the storage of vast magical power. A well of sorcery or well of sorcery points, if you will.
This allows for a very useful boost without being to powerful, since she only has as many sorcery points stored as she put in there, and it's a lot more fun and flavorful than just getting more points.
Hope I helped in any way.

That's a good idea! I'd probably make it so she could put them in when she's physically present but could access them from anywhere. Now the only issue is potentially loading it up during downtime.

2019-12-03, 07:16 PM
It's designed to be enough of a risk that it's not a guaranteed good thing, but there's only a few really bad or good items on there.

That's... not exactly true.

2019-12-03, 07:17 PM
Give her a form of Careful Metamagic: Whenever she rolls something undesired on the wild magic table, she can spend sorcery points equal to the number of affected creatures to negate the effect. With stronghold upgrades this can be strengthened, like one free use per week/long rest or a certain amount of sorcery points stored just for this effect.

2019-12-05, 12:15 AM
My table has been using this d10,000 wild surge table for years...I highly recomend it.
