View Full Version : BAB for cleric question

2019-12-04, 10:43 PM

1) If I cast divine power and I'm lvl 16 cleric with differents prestige classes, I understand my bab become 16 but when I check the cleric bab progression, there's not indication what is the + of the second, third and fourth attack. Is it the same for everybody and I check from another class with full bab progression?

2) sorry if it's a noob question but if I was lvl 13, the bab would be +13/+8/+3, does it mean I add 13 to the first attack, 8 to the second attack and 3 to the third attack?

Thanks for the information and have a nice day.

2019-12-04, 11:02 PM
Yes, and yes. Despite a table not having the slashes and suggestions of additional attacks, any and all creatures that makes iterative attacks do so in the exact same manner, whether their bab comes from one class, many classes, racial hit dice, or any combination there in.

2019-12-04, 11:05 PM
You've got it.

The iterative attacks, the extras you get for high base attack bonus, are a function of base attack bonus. Regardless of how you get there, you get an extra attack for each 5 points of base attack past +1; that is at +6, +11, and +16.

Your example of base attack bonus +13 would, indeed, be +13/+8/+3 just as it would for any character, regardless of class or classes.

Whenever you roll an attack roll of any kind; melee, ranged, melee touch, or ranged touch; you add the appropriate ability and miscelaneous modifiers along with your full base attack bonus to the first attack you make on your turn and any opportunity attacks you might make during the round. For each attack after the first when you're performing a full attack, you add the reduced base attack bonus as indicated, instead of your full base attack bonus.

Hope that helps.

2019-12-04, 11:11 PM
thanks a lot for the fast answers :)

2019-12-05, 12:59 AM
The iterative attack progression is the same for all characters. You get +BAB, then +(BAB-5), +(BAB-10), and finally +(BAB-15), so long as the iteratives leave you with at least a +1 bonus. For your second question, the answer is yes, the apply the decreasing bonuses to each attack in order.