View Full Version : Rogue advice

2019-12-05, 03:36 AM
I'm picking Rogue for a more social game (since I didn't want to just outright pick bard) And I'm thinking that inquisitor rogue is likely the best for social situations for the most part? Am I wrong on that?

Mr Adventurer
2019-12-05, 03:43 AM
Looks like it to me.

Blood of Gaea
2019-12-05, 04:23 AM
Unless you'll be making use of the free skills Scout gives you, Inquisitive is probably the way to go. If you'll be skulking about Thief or Assassin might be good as well.

2019-12-05, 04:54 AM
I'm picking Rogue for a more social game (since I didn't want to just outright pick bard) And I'm thinking that inquisitor rogue is likely the best for social situations for the most part? Am I wrong on that?

You could be a bit mischievous with an Arcane Trickster. The invisible Mage Hand could come in handy (hehe) and there are plenty of useful spells for social situations.

2019-12-05, 08:39 AM
Mastermind can also be good in a more social campaign, just from a more deception and disguise perspective.

2019-12-05, 08:51 AM
Inquisitive is good but it bothers me that there level 3 ability for rolling intuition is completely pointless as soon as they get reliable talent.

I would look at swashbuckler.
- Charisma focused
- Does not need backup if it comes up
- Great initiative
- level 9 ability is amazing for social and combat use

As much as I absolutely hate the combo it is hard to argue against Hexblade 1 or 2 Swashbuckler x.

You can wear medium armor, use a shield and be charisma guy as it is your social stat, to hit and damage.
Utility spells on short rest.

2019-12-05, 09:08 AM
Have to toss in a vote for Mastermind. Ranged help is just so much fun especially with a class that can find 1000 ways to pull it off.
Plus you can yell inconceivable all day long.

2019-12-05, 09:11 AM
Inquisitive is good but it bothers me that there level 3 ability for rolling intuition is completely pointless as soon as they get reliable talent.

A lot of groups don't make it to level 11. And it's good to be reliable from the get-go.

2019-12-05, 09:54 AM
I'd also recommend the Swashbuckler. But MC into Bard if you want to be even more of a socially-oriented character. Hexblades are OP munchkin-bait.