View Full Version : A (positive) update on not playing D&D again

2019-12-05, 04:30 AM
A little while ago, I posted this thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?603123-I-dont-think-I-am-going-to-play-D-amp-D-again

I was in a very low place. Several hobbies of mine had been on the backburner for a while because people moved away/groups didnt have a dynamic I liked/my luck with new groups is awful/I might not be a very fun person to play with (I dont think its this last one too much, but I am not proud enough to pretend its not a possibility).

I read all your comments. Twice. Thank you. At first, I it was more painful. I dont have a lot of options for finding groups here. Meetup is pretty much the only way in this part of the UK, and the "gaming" group for this area isnt great, and of the 2 gaming shops, one gets very confused by D&D players, preferring to cater for Yu-Gi-Oh and MtG, or warhammer, while the other loves roleplayers, but dislikes editions they cant sell to people, so discourages 3.5e. Your comments made it seem like I have a potentially years long struggle to find a group I am even compatible with. The alternative is roll20 with randoms (something I dread), or PbP, which is a different kind of game.

But on the second read through, one thing stuck out. Almost all of you said that my girlfriends group sounded like good people. They are. I had just tried and failed a few times with them. But that was back when they wanted to play 5e and nothing else, and I wanted to play 3.5e and nothing else. Now they are bored and I am more open to new things. So I sat down and had a frank discussion with them. There were tears, and they were shocked to find that I felt excluded. Apparently there was a big miscommunication going on.

Basically, they have 2 sessions a week. A Monday night session, and a Wednesday night session. In both cases, the DMs dont like going above a party of 5, and until recently, thats what they had. Sessions are on roll20 and its hard to get 3.5e material on there. They also though I wouldnt be interested, as until recently they were playing 5e excursively. For my part, I thought they were actively excluding me and that I had blown all my chances with them after I tried to get them to play a pathfinder 1shot which turned into a 2shot and some of the rules confused them.

As a result of this, we are all much closer now, and I am officially invited to part 2 of their Starfinder campaign on mondays in the new year, as a slot opened up. Their wednesday game is still full, but their DM for that day is having both family and work trouble, and often cant make it. As such, another DM has said he will run a PF2 campaign on and off, so we can all explore the system. We built our characters last night (Hobgoblin Aberration Sorcerer hype!) and will start... whenever? Possibly we will start that monday as Starfinder is on break for Christmas. Several of them also said they were happy for me to DM, and showed interest in both the 5e Pirate adventure I have brewing, and my pretty fully fleshed out WFRP game, while another in the group stepped up her involvement in my adaption of a d100 system to the His Dark Materials universe (but not the one from the show...).

This has done wonders for my mental health. I cant express enough how grateful I am to you all. I will report back on the PF2 game (because I know you are all curious!). You should at least try the character creation, its fun ;)

2019-12-05, 05:39 AM
Good to hear that things got sorted out. I read your old thread and figured it was a communication issue maybe.

Your description of what gaming stuff in your area sounds not unlike what it is in my town, haha- you're not from North wales too, are you? One local shop that's changed hands lately and the hobby shop chain that's basically all about yu gi oh and non-gaming model kits really with some warhammer stuff on the side. Glad to see you've got some games going again!

2019-12-05, 05:55 AM
Good to hear that things got sorted out. I read your old thread and figured it was a communication issue maybe.

Your description of what gaming stuff in your area sounds not unlike what it is in my town, haha- you're not from North wales too, are you? One local shop that's changed hands lately and the hobby shop chain that's basically all about yu gi oh and non-gaming model kits really with some warhammer stuff on the side. Glad to see you've got some games going again!

South Wales. Cardiff actually, but its not much better here. Had family in north wales and still go there. Grew up in Wilts, which has similar problems.

2019-12-05, 10:20 AM
Glad to hear you were able to communicate with them in a healthy manner and are (it sounds like) in a better space now, both mentally and gaming-wise.


2019-12-05, 10:36 AM
Score one for team fun. Go out and have a shamelessly good campaign or ten!

Going to be that guy and note I’m morbidly curious where it’s going as a PF2 game. Always interested in hearing more opinions on the system to see where its future might rest.

2019-12-05, 10:41 AM
Score one for team fun. Go out and have a shamelessly good campaign or ten!

Going to be that guy and note I’m morbidly curious where it’s going as a PF2 game. Always interested in hearing more opinions on the system to see where its future might rest.

Throw in some thoughts on the Starfinder game while you're at it