View Full Version : Monklock Optimization

2019-12-05, 10:35 AM
I'm currently playing an Astral Self Monk-Great Old One Warlock (Kalashtar) in a 5e campaign im in, and im currently debating on how to proceed with level progression. I currently have 3 in Monk and 2 in Warlock, what would be the best way to proceed with future levels? Much appreciated

2019-12-05, 10:38 AM
Definitely go for monk 5 stunning strike, extra attack, and an asi will be great.

All Might
2019-12-05, 12:06 PM
Hello there,

In my opinion, your build is already set up optimally if you stop taking Warlock levels -- or at most take one more for a Pact feature and second level spells if you really want them.

The reason I say this is that Astral Self monks gain several powerful features at level 17:

1. A third attack with the normal Attack option by using your spectral arms to strike

2. A bonus action for another three attacks with Astral Arms for a total of six attacks every turn, if I'm reading the UA article correctly (correct me if I'm wrong, please)

3. The ability to regenerate a significant amount of Ki for every enemy that is reduced to 0 hitpoints within 10 feet of you while astral self is summoned, easily negating the Ki cost to activate the astral self feature, and allowing you to theoretically regain Ki almost indefinitely.

4. A flat increase of +2 to your AC

I cannot recommend giving that up for anything you get out of being an Old One Warlock unless you have a plan for how to use certain invocations and spells to make a unique to playstyle.

There are, however, some ideas on how you could build such a Monklock if you chose to, though I really can't imagine any of them being superior to level 17 Astral Self.

One idea that crosses my mind if you were to go that route is adding two levels of Paladin in there (if you can swing it, as I don't know your stats). My reasoning here is that the way some people play allows unarmed strikes to trigger Divine Smite. (There's debate on this. As I remember, the "for" argument has to deal with Unarmed Strikes being read RAW by some people as a weapon attack roll in some section of the PHB). I'm not going to get into it because it's not part of what you asked, just know that it's a thing you can ask your DM about if it sounds good to you.

I'll list some of these builds in descending order of Monk levels and the milestones you'll miss out on by going lower + the milestone you'd achieve in Warlock/Paladin if you went that route.

17Monk (Complete Astral Self), 3Warlock (Pact, Level 2 Spells)

15Monk (Timeless Body), 5Warlock (Level 3 Spells, Invocation)

15Monk (Timeless Body), 3Warlock (Pact, Level 2 Spells), 2Paladin (Smite, Fighting Style, Lay on Hands, Divine Sense, Level 1 Spells)

14Monk (Diamond Soul, which is a key monk feature and I wouldn't recommend forgoing), 6Warlock (Entropic Ward, not a great feature IMO)

14Monk (Diamond Soul), 3Warlock (Pact Feature), 3Paladin (Oath Feature)

Again, I wouldn't go below 17, these are just some suggestions if you wanted to. Hope this helps!

2019-12-05, 12:12 PM

Answer is simple to me.

IF you think you can reach character level 20 and are not afraid of waiting for that time to come, stop gaining levels in Warlock immediately.

In all other cases, grab one more level of Warlock right now IF...

a) It is to go Tome pact with the Ritual learning invocation, because you will know what to do with those three bonus cantrips / you really want Find Familiar|Comprehend Languages|Detect Magic / you know you'll have ways to learn many more rituals (caster friends teaching you, NPC sellers being findable, spell scrolls being common).

b) There is one (or two) specific 2nd level spell Warlock has you really, really want to use often.

In all other cases, forgetting about Warlock and keeping straight Monk up to level 14 at the very least is the best strategy.