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View Full Version : Journal Order 66: A Short Savage Star Wars campaign

2019-12-05, 11:23 AM
I posted some about the rules I'm using over in Homebrew (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?604102-Savage-Star-Wars&p=24294471#post24294471), but I'm also playing WAY loose with the rules as written; I didn't even have people pick powers, just giving them the first three powers they use. They're moderately familiar with Savage Worlds rules by now, but don't have a book to read in their free time, and we only have PDFs for it, so there's a lot of rulings over rules.

So, we had character creation and a short adventure tonight. The characters:

A young Trandoshan Padawan. He is the secret child of their Jedi Master, but also Impulsive.

A Wookiee Padawan. He's Suspicious to the point of paranoia and overconfident to the point of insanity. He's also specc'd to swing two lightsabers.

A Devaronnian Padawan who likes droids. He's Mild Mannered, Cautious, a low-grade Pacifist (will fight in self-defense but avoids killing), and can't swim. I did not know he could not swim when I started them on Manaan.

Another Devaronnian Padawan, more cerebral. A lot curious, a little suspicious, and very pretty... and, borderline addicted to sulphur.

A Zabrak Padawan. He's Darth Maul's secret son. Not terribly original, but a big problem if anyone finds out.

We open with them accompanying their Master, a Trandoshan Jedi named Pykt, to meet with the Selkath to arrange some more kolto for bacta production. They came on a Republic ship with a battalion of clones; they only had a company with them at the moment.

First thing, I have them make Notice checks to hear the Clone's receive the command "Execute Order 66." They watch helplessly as the clones concentrate fire on Jedi Master Pykt, turning him into "Think less Maul at Naboo and more Anakin at Mustafar". There's a bit of insane play as the Trandoshan we've nicknamed Reptar* uses the force to slam all of the clones into the wall. The wookiee dances among them and slices a couple up; the others take the rest down and, on the next round, the Trandoshan repeats his Havoc trick, and the clone troopers fall. Pykt calls over the Trandoshan, and implores them to go to the Anoat system, gives him his lightsaber, and dies.

They get rushed out of the room by the still-standing Selkath, and to a transport to the spaceport. On the way, they encounter a firing line of clone troopers, but Reptar again sweeps most of them aside. The wookiee leaps out of the speeder to try to kill two more, but he lands poorly and damages his ankle; he only gets one. The speeder runs over another two, at the urging of the young devaronnian lady, and the other devaronian kills the final one. They rush to the spaceport and steal a Ghtroc freighter, taking off from Manaan before the clone troopers know they've gotten away (they clones DO know, incidentally; many of those who landed in the water knew that the Jedi escaped, and soon they will give chase...

But that's next session.

*He always plays something reptillian, and always insists that we can't pronounce his name. We often give him a stupid nickname.

2019-12-05, 11:34 AM
I will be watching your career with great interest. :smallbiggrin: