View Full Version : Class names for ruby knight vindicators of alternate gods?

2019-12-05, 02:55 PM
By default, ruby knight vindicators follow Wee Jas, and their name is relevant to her since she's associated with red and rubies.

In cases where the class gets reskinned for other gods, as per the Adaptation section, it would be nice to have an alternate thematic class name for that god. Does anyone have name ideas for vindicators of other standard 3e gods?

Preferably the name would include the word vindicator, but it doesn't have to. For example, I know the Red Hand of Doom guide recommends renaming a RKV of Tiamat a "Knight of Five Sorrows", which is certainly cool.

Here's a list of possible gods:

Asmodeus - hellfire vindicator
Bahamut - platinum knight vindicator
Ehlonna - vindicator of flowers?
Fharlanghn - wandering vindicator
Garl Glittergold
Sehanine - moonstone archer
St. Cuthbert
Tiamat - knight of five sorrows
Wee Jas - ruby knight vindicator


(Yes, the most obvious thing to do is just replace the gem used, but that makes it sound awkward in most cases.)

2019-12-05, 03:26 PM
Boccob: Knight of the Quill
Corellon: Blades of Arvandor
Erythnul: Dark Reapers
St. Cuthbert: Executioners of the Final Judgment

That's all I've got for now.

2019-12-05, 03:58 PM
Yondalla -- Knights of the Harvest
Obad Hai -- The Order of Seasons/ The Thorns of Winters
Pelor -- Vindicators of the Scourging Sun

2019-12-05, 08:32 PM
It seems like "Knight Vindicator" would be a fine general term. Let people make up their own knightly orders when they actually make a character.

2019-12-05, 09:36 PM
It seems like "Knight Vindicator" would be a fine general term.

It's a good general term, but as fluff it would be nice to have specific names.

Blades of Arvandor and Knights of the Harvest seem good.

2019-12-06, 12:08 PM
Kurtulmak: Vindicating Knights of Tucker :smallbiggrin: (What? You can't have a list of deities and leave out the Great Overlords!)
More seriously, Steelscale Knights/Knight Vindicators

2019-12-07, 12:25 PM
Nerull: Knight of final decay
Erythnul: Vindicator of manifest rampage
Vecna: (You'll never know the real name)
Moradin: Forgewrought vindicator

2019-12-07, 11:28 PM
Alright, let's crack out a few. The concept isn't one that's really germane to all of these deities, but I went after a number of them and fudged around a bit in order to outline some options.

Asmodeus commands the loyalty of the Nine Hells in their entirety, including the standing forces that serve Baator in the Blood War. One of these is the standing garrison of Cania - the Serpentine Order - under the leadership of the Corin the Spymaster. When Asmodeus needs to make a point and a dogai simply won't do, a Serpentine Order Silencer is dispatched to eliminate the enemies of the Lord Below.

Bahamut does not care for covert operations as a general rule, but the depredations of Tiamat, Garyx, and Faluzure - to say nothing of nondraconic adversaries - sometimes require a more subtle touch than a platinum-crowned paladin charging into the fray. With his breath at their backs and his great wings shielding them from detection, the North Wind Voyagers ply a dark trade with quiet pride and a deeply understated name that hints at but simultaneously belies the cold purpose of their travels to seek out foes of the Platinum Dragon.

Bane has many harsh ways of ensuring his decrees are meted out to both faithful and foes, and he's nothing if not honest about being an adversarial and tyrannical deity. For times when his agents would face open challenge, however, the Fingers of the Black Hand are dispatched to quietly snuff out points of light that resist the Dark Lord, expunging hope and evangelizing pure fear.

Boccob almost never needs to involve himself in anything (he's called the Uncaring for a good reason), but threats to the force of magic itself - rare though they may be - demand a special kind of action. On the Planes, one who has been killed is often said to have been put in the dead-book, and while the etymology of this idiom isn't truly certain, what's definitely fact is that the Knights Bibliothecar keep records on their person listing who they've removed in the cause of service to magic.

Corellon Larethian understands all too well the need for a subtle hand against foes so egregious as Gruumsh and Lolth. His Silversong Vindicators make it their personal mission to remove by stealth that which would leave open wounds in the world if battled openly.

Ehlonna has rangers and druids to protect the woodlands, but when some must sleep, others rise to do what must be done in the dark. These are the Duskwake Vindicators, who haunt the woodlands when the moon is high and seek those who would do harm to Ehlonna's creatures.

Erythnul prefers wanton destruction in all circumstances, but on the rare occasion that the crass and obvious frontal attack is doomed to failure time and time again, the God of Slaughter will take the measure of a situation and determine if said failures are rewarding enough in carnage and discord to continue throwing resources at. Where they have proven a disappointment, he's willing to dispatch a scalpel where a morningstar will not suffice - Razorhand Violators to cut the Gordian knot, slit the throats of the peaceful and pious, and spill forth anarchy and agony anew.

Fharlanghn does not send assassins; his subtle and forceful agents are charged with the Key and Compass, their symbols of office, to find places where travel is being impeded by the artifice and designs of another. They sneak past boundaries, barriers, and fences; open passes, gates, and toll routes; and generally visit a chastising amount of nuisance on those who would restrict the adventurer spirit.

Gruumsh usually leaves the subterfuge to Shargaas or Ilneval, but he knows the value of having agents to enact his will in a quiet fashion. Enter the Sightstealers, whose wicked mark of judgment is a slash across the eyes of the condemned. When the One-Eyed God feels particularly cruel or vengeful, the Sightstealers are instructed to leave their victims alive but permanently scarred.

Heironeous does not approve of stealth and subterfuge as a general rule; his Watch Audacious are those daring few who serve him from behind enemy lines, vigilant against the rise of leaders in the cause of darkness and chaos, who challenge the foe without fear in a most difficult setting - unaided and surrounded by danger.

Hextor's pride limits their numbers, but he has far fewer compunctions against underhanded tactics than his brother. The Sixth Swords are his weapon to stir conflict and topple lawgivers and bringers of peace and order. To them is given the highest charge, seeking out and undermining the archpaladins of Heironeous so that Hextor may triumph over his despised sibling again and again.

Kord has no need of questing catspaws; even his temples rarely need much in the way of special protections. What is important, however, is that contests of strength, skill, and bravery are conducted fairly and without cheating or deception. The Knights Invigilator are senior followers of Kord who have traded their privileges to adventure and brawl for a higher calling, one that sees them act as teachers and referees while in the temple setting. On the battlefield, Knights Invigilator break curses and enchantments, bolster the weak, and ride forth to challenge those who fight without strength or courage.

Lolth has no end of need for agents to effect her perverse vision of justice. The Spider Queen's Fangs are a female-only sect of shadowy enforcers who visit a Byzantine code of brutally efficient judgment on the enemies of Lolth, a furtive and subtle method of punishment that unnerves the drow for its wordless cruelty even moreso than the wicked and public tortures Lolth is normally famous for.

Nerull is god of death, and all his servants must be prepared to mete it out. Few are given such a specific charge, however, as the Harvestmen, fearsome spies and assassins charged with serving as the clutching hand of Death himself. The Reaper's mark is left where they strike, reminding all that none can escape Nerull's tally.

Olidammara loves a good intrigue and a wily jest, and the two come together as one in the order of the Knights Unmasked, who operate as spies and saboteurs with the full approval of the Laughing Rogue and are experts at concealing their true nature until an appropriately dramatic moment to unmask (or rather, re-mask) themselves.

Pelor prefers that his works be done in the light, but where his radiance cannot reach, the Dawnbringers shall carry it forth. Their duties involve challenging things of the deep darkness where they lurk, far from Pelor's grace, and purifying those places so that they can know the Sun's lifegiving warmth anew.

St. Cuthbert insists on specific standards of justice and retribution that render assassination unworthy in his eyes, but the Evidentiars serve as his coverts, watching from the shadows and applying pressure with whispers in order to expose hidden information that may be used to discover what judgment must be made.

Vecna expects secrecy and covert skills of all his followers, but requires few to operate in any kind of militant capacity. Truthstealer Knights are these proud and wicked few, charged with finding those who would liberate secrets and ensuring their eternal silence.

2019-12-08, 02:11 PM
Damn Afro, you really came through. Thanks. Will use a few of these for sure. The Kord ones being about, as it sounds like, policing sports competitions is pretty funny and fitting.