View Full Version : Glibness and Detect Magic?

2019-12-05, 06:52 PM
So lets say an powerful NPC has a henchman who casts Detect Magic on all who enter their master's presence.

1: Will a Bard who already cast Glibness on them self be caught?

2: Any difference if its Foresight that is cast on the Bard?

3: Almost a joke but I bet Detect Magic at least can't detect that someone has been inspired by a Bard! (has a Bardic Inspiration die in hand)

2019-12-05, 07:05 PM
Neither Glibness nor Foresight say anything about them not registering to Detect Magic. So barring Nondetection or a similar effect, the characters do show as being under the influence of a magical effect.

High level characters tend to have magical effects and magic items on them, so registering that they're under some magic probably isn't that helpful. Even knowing the school of the effect won't necessarily communicate its nature. The NPC can request that anybody who wants to speak to the master drop all magical effects on them, but PCs tend to like long term buffs ever since the wizard was casting Mage Armor at level 1. Plus, Nondetection is a thing to keep the NPC from being too overconfident in their ability.

You're right that being under the effect of a non-spell ability doesn't have anything explicitly calling it magical. Having gotten rid of the Sp/Su/Ex split, even something as supernatural as a knowledge cleric reading someone's mind don't necessarily register to Detect Magic unless the DM rules otherwise.

2019-12-05, 08:18 PM
If it's a spell or duplicates the effects of a spell, it will show as magical. Other than that it's only magical if it says it is (or the DM decides to make it magical).

2019-12-05, 08:44 PM
As far as we can tell, bardic inspiration is a mundane effect. There's nothing magical about it, they're just really good at inspiring people to give 110%. I remain annoyed that mechanic only exists on a spellcaster: I miss 4e's Warlord class greatly.

2019-12-05, 08:47 PM
Did someone say Marshal?

Edit: on phone, so full link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lexhCQQ2yN-9BG8FbvSchfasvzvjWJvMO2B8JUiab5s

2019-12-06, 07:43 AM
Identify is a low level ritual, and it absolutely does reveal what spells are effecting a target. It stands to reason that people could be screened with identify, especially if they are glowing with magic and there is no rrush.

2019-12-06, 08:26 AM
One possible way to avoid that problem (requires DM interpretation) is Nystul's magic aura. It is unclear whether the first effect of a spell can be cast on a creature, some of the wording of the spell seems to imply that it does, some of it seems to imply that it doesn't.

If the false aura effect CAN be cast on a creature, that would allow you to bypass the Detect Magic (but not if Identify is cast on you).