View Full Version : Best Paladin spells for a necklace of prayer beads?

2019-12-06, 12:05 AM
My DM is letting me make the beads for a necklace of prayer beads and is letting me put any spells in the beads from my Paladin spell list. My original plan was to just put bless in them all so I could use bless as a bonus action but thanks to outsourcing delegating the carving of the prayer beads to my party we now have 15 beads to put spells into.

The main question is now what spells I should put in the leftover beads? Some of them could go to bless but I need suggestions for what other spells would be good to cast as a bonus action or just a lot of times since we've got 15 of them. We're currently level 11, so up to 3rd level spells, and I'm thinking about saving some beads for when I get 4th level spells so I could put Death Ward on them.

2019-12-06, 12:23 AM
Cast any paladin spell as a bonus action?
Find steed is a must, Dispel magic is also a very strong bonus action cast.

All Might
2019-12-06, 12:24 AM
Personally, my thoughts drift to Revivify first since casting it from the beads in the method you seem to be describing would make me assume (perhaps incorrectly) that you can waive the component cost, as casting from objects often allows you to do. Aura of Vitality is another idea -- though I question how worth it that would be if you still have to concentrate on it, and potentially Remove Curse or Dispel Magic as Teague suggests.

There are several other good options -- like saving beads for Death Ward (or Raise Dead at 5th level spells) as you mentioned, but those are ones that stand out to me, as I'm treating these beads as potential Deus Ex Machina solutions for moments where you're caught unprepared -- especially in times where you need that spell effect but don't have the slots to cast it, rather than adding general utility.

2019-12-06, 12:48 AM
I had thought of Revivify but my logic was that Death Ward is better because it's preventative rather than reactionary. I could be wrong on that. I'll have to talk with my DM about the material cost.

Remove Curse and Dispel Magic sound good in theory but in most tables I'm at (including this one) it's a better thing for the NPCs to have than the players. I can't think of a situation where we needed to Dispel something, and not just because I'm a gnome ancients paladin with 20 Charisma. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that the enemies that we're fighting have "monster abilities" and aren't "magic" per se. Both are still probably worth a bead just to be able to cast as a bonus action.

Find Steed has been very good for my character, especially since I dumped dex and so I can only move 15ft by myself. The thing is that I can usually get a lot of value out of a single casting of Find Steed, to the point that it'll last days before I need to recast it and if I need multiple steeds it's only a second level spell for it. Find Greater Steed, on the other hand, might be exactly what I'm looking for. A Pegasus on demand without needed to reserve my 4th level slots seems like a very good use of prayer beads.