View Full Version : Eidolon question

2019-12-06, 10:12 PM
So, eidolon are "living creatures" is there anything preventing them for being afflicted with templates that can affect any living creature?

2019-12-06, 10:18 PM
This thread lacks the Pathfinder tag, but I'm going ahead and assuming you're talking about the Summoner's eidolon.

Theoretically, there isn't, though I don't know a lot of inherited templates that would actually work on an eidolon, since it's not a humanoid (which rules out lycanthropes and the like) and being a summoned outsider, it can't be killed by mundane means (which rules out undead templates). Otherwise, again theoretically speaking, it's just as susceptible to getting affected by an appropriate template as any PC.

That does produce some potentially wonky results I hadn't considered before from the summoner archetypes that convert the eidolon into a fey or native outsider, though.

2019-12-06, 10:23 PM
This thread lacks the Pathfinder tag, but I'm going ahead and assuming you're talking about the Summoner's eidolon.

Theoretically, there isn't, though I don't know a lot of inherited templates that would actually work on an eidolon, since it's not a humanoid (which rules out lycanthropes and the like) and being a summoned outsider, it can't be killed by mundane means (which rules out undead templates). Otherwise, again theoretically speaking, it's just as susceptible to getting affected by an appropriate template as any PC.

That does produce some potentially wonky results I hadn't considered before from the summoner archetypes that convert the eidolon into a fey or native outsider, though.

The question isn't really whether it CAN be affected by templates, because, sure, it can be, the question is, as a summoned creature (they are still summoned, though they have some exceptional resilience to some of the typical weaknesses of summoned creatures) would they retain the template the next time they are summoned. I believe the answer to this would be a pretty easy no, as far as I can tell, summoned creatures are not permanently affected by anything that happens to them while summoned.

Vrock Bait
2019-12-06, 10:52 PM
So, eidolon are "living creatures" is there anything preventing them for being afflicted with templates that can affect any living creature?
It’s also possible that they’re talking about the Ghostwalk race. But that’s unlikely, and I’m a noob who hides behind his obscure 3.5 sourcebooks, cowering from Pathfinder.

2019-12-07, 02:34 AM
It’s also possible that they’re talking about the Ghostwalk race. But that’s unlikely, and I’m a noob who hides behind his obscure 3.5 sourcebooks, cowering from Pathfinder.

There's also an eidolon in frostburn, but I imagine the question doesn't quite work for those, as there's no reason to question why they'd be able to get a template. As an aside, eidolons seem to be a class in ghostwalk, not a race.

2019-12-08, 07:27 PM
Sorry for the late reply, yeah it's for the Pathfinder one, I actually don't know how to put the Pathfinder or D&D 3.5 tags on the posts.

But I read into the eidolons more, and apparently there's nothing stopping them from gaining and keeping templates that are afflicted onto them that aren't undead ones since they can never technically die. Every time they are summoned they come back in exactly the same state as when they were dismissed, except if they "died" they have half their hp back. Hardest part is finding a template that can be applied to them in game.