View Full Version : Centaur ranger.

2019-12-06, 11:39 PM
So, Guildmaster's guide to Ravnica features centaurs as a playable race. Among other things they posses this particular trait:

Equine Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag.
In addition, any climb that requires hands and feet is especially difficult for you because of your equine legs. When you make such a climb, each foot of movement costs you 4 extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot.Emphasis mine

On 11/4/2019 wizards released an unearthed arcana titled "Class features Variants", among the traits that could replace the ranger feature natural explorer was this particular trait:

Roving. Your walking speed increases by 5, and you gain a climbing speed and a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.Emphasis mine

So, how do these 2 traits affect each other?

2019-12-07, 12:08 AM
So, Guildmaster's guide to Ravnica features centaurs as a playable race. Among other things they posses this particular trait:

Emphasis mine

On 11/4/2019 wizards released an unearthed arcana titled "Class features Variants", among the traits that could replace the ranger feature natural explorer was this particular trait:

Emphasis mine

So, how do these 2 traits affect each other?

I had a question about this before, and used the theif's abitlity as an example. For them, the notes say they outright ignore climbing penalties so they would just climb at will.

This one specifically states they have a climbing speed though. There's no official given explanation of the interaction since centaurs are probably the only creature this is an issue for. So theres two ways to look at it, and likely you or your DM if you're the player would have to decided which one they want to use:

A) For the length of your climbing speed speed, it outright ignores your penalty (With the argument that your ranger training has given you unique ways to handle and train yourself to climb even with your difficulties. Maybe magic tiny spider webs or vines appear whenever your climbing the same way you can entangle or hail of thorns)

or B) Your climbing speed allows you to climb the same way someone without a climbing speed would climb at a 1/2 speed instead of the centaur 1/5

Me personally as a DM?

The rules on climbing speed say:
(While climbing or swimming, each foot of movement costs 1 extra foot (2 extra feet in difficult terrain), unless a creature has a climbing or swimming speed.)

I'd allow A, because you can take the above sentence, rewrite it with the centaur disability like so...
(While climbing or swimming, each foot of movement costs 5 extra foot (6 extra feet in difficult terrain), unless a creature has a climbing or swimming speed.)
...and the climbing speed is the part that doesn't change, because the racial ability doesn't include a line to say what happens when climbing speed is applied to it. We can then reasonably assume climbing speed does the same thing it does for other people. 1 class feature to counteract 1 racial disability sounds like a fair trade.

Plus it just sounds really cool:
Picture it. A big ass centaur ranger, rugged as can be, hoofing up a wall while the fighter struggles up "Try living in the mountains with hooves. You get used to it if you don't want to die"

2019-12-07, 12:11 AM
I'm not 100% sure, but I think RAW would be that since you ignore the extra movement cost if you have a climb speed you get to ignore the increased extra movement cost substitute.

RAMS just reduce the climbing penalty by 1 foot per foot, for a final extra movement cost of 3 extra feet per foot (or 1/4 speed).

2019-12-07, 09:55 AM

Thanks a lot, I agree with you and i believe next time I play I will create this character.

2019-12-07, 10:01 AM
I had a question about this before, and used the theif's abitlity as an example. For them, the notes say they outright ignore climbing penalties so they would just climb at will.

This one specifically states they have a climbing speed though. There's no official given explanation of the interaction since centaurs are probably the only creature this is an issue for. So theres two ways to look at it, and likely you or your DM if you're the player would have to decided which one they want to use:

A) For the length of your climbing speed speed, it outright ignores your penalty (With the argument that your ranger training has given you unique ways to handle and train yourself to climb even with your difficulties. Maybe magic tiny spider webs or vines appear whenever your climbing the same way you can entangle or hail of thorns)

or B) Your climbing speed allows you to climb the same way someone without a climbing speed would climb at a 1/2 speed instead of the centaur 1/5

Me personally as a DM?

The rules on climbing speed say:
(While climbing or swimming, each foot of movement costs 1 extra foot (2 extra feet in difficult terrain), unless a creature has a climbing or swimming speed.)

I'd allow A, because you can take the above sentence, rewrite it with the centaur disability like so...
(While climbing or swimming, each foot of movement costs 5 extra foot (6 extra feet in difficult terrain), unless a creature has a climbing or swimming speed.)
...and the climbing speed is the part that doesn't change, because the racial ability doesn't include a line to say what happens when climbing speed is applied to it. We can then reasonably assume climbing speed does the same thing it does for other people. 1 class feature to counteract 1 racial disability sounds like a fair trade.

Plus it just sounds really cool:
Picture it. A big ass centaur ranger, rugged as can be, hoofing up a wall while the fighter struggles up "Try living in the mountains with hooves. You get used to it if you don't want to die"
This is the greatest image, thank you.