View Full Version : Pathfinder So what's the deal with Achaekek and Red Mantis?

Sir Edgen
2019-12-07, 08:36 AM
I'm currently rereading books about gods and cosmology in pathfinder universe. When I read about Achaekek I constantly see details in which I fail to see any sence. So Achaekek was created by god/gods with sole purpose - to help gods deal with entities that would "usurp their powers". He is referred as "an enforcer of divine justice". So why is he LE and not LN? Why gods fear him if they created him? If he is more powerful than them, how they managed to create him in the first place? His followers are no better. Where is connection between slaying mortals that would ascend and being an assasin that would kill almost anybody for money? Red Mantis don't target rightful monarchs for a ridiculous belief that their right to rule is a divine, but such people are more likely to be arrogant, wealthy and powerful enough to pursue godhood. And last one, shouldn't Red Mantis and their god be more concerned about the Starstone? You know, the trial that can literally transform nortal to god? There is no word about Starstone in any books I've read.
What are your thoughts?

2019-12-07, 08:50 AM
I think the thought process is along the lines of "we need big assassin group. Ok, who should they worship..."

They likely made the group first, and picked the deity later and retroactively tried to make it fit, not succeeding very well.

2019-12-07, 11:00 AM
As far as the Starstone goes, my personal interpretation is that they are indeed concerned about it, and thus they attempt to take out any would-be challengers before they ever even enter. They probably have a big presence in Absalom, but find their moves countered consistently by the (legally worshiped) Norgorbites in the city.

Kurald Galain
2019-12-08, 05:34 AM
And last one, shouldn't Red Mantis and their god be more concerned about the Starstone? You know, the trial that can literally transform nortal to god? There is no word about Starstone in any books I've read.

Well I can answer that part. The Starstone is harmless (at least to the Red Mantis) because, in the 5000-ish years that it's stood, there must have been hundreds of thousands of people attempting the Starstone test, and only three of those have been successful (Iomedae, Cayden, Norgorber; Razmir claims he's the fourth but he's lying).

Likewise, just because Irori managed to ascend doesn't mean that any of his followers are likely to. So they're not particular targets of the Mantis either.