View Full Version : Neo from The Matrix Gestalt Psion/Monk?

2019-12-08, 10:43 PM
Just for fun I wanted to make a character that was essentially Neo from the Matrix.

The Burly Brawl scene (where he fights off the legion of Smith clones) was really inspiring lmao, but Neo could stop bullets too. I don't think anything in DnD or Pathfinder can do that, but it's a start.

So what do you think the build would closest be? I'm thinking Gestalt Psion/Monk
But would Neo have Uncanny Dodge? Monk's don't get that.

Any advice? (Using 3.5 and Pathfinder)

2019-12-08, 10:49 PM
You really only need (at most) a few levels of monk, most likely one or two (unless you're seriously hitting the ACFs hard), so psion on one side and monk 2 / etc etc etc on the other would do.

As for stopping the bullets in mid-air, there's a monk ACF (martial monk, Dragon 310) where you trade 1 skill point per level and an altered skill list to add fighter feats to your monk bonus feat list. Note that monk bonus feats completely ignore prerequisites. Infinite Deflection would allow you to block any ranged attacks you're aware of, which could easily include bullets. Just flavor it as you telekinetically stopping bullets and arrows in mid-air. Use another monk/fighter feat to grab Exceptional Deflection to do the same with boulders and ray spells.

Personally, I think tossing in some ToB for fancy martial maneuvers would be a good fit. Add some unarmed swordsage in there, maybe some crusader for in-battle healing to improve your stamina, and maybe the Magic mantle + a powerleech weapon (Lost Empires of Faerun) to absorb power points from any casting or manifesting critter you hit. Especially useful if your group uses spell points, or you could just do a slot-to-pp conversion, a la spell points. [edit] If need be, get a cursed powerleech weapon that converts spell slots and SLAs to power points for you. :smallbiggrin:

2019-12-09, 02:24 AM
Antitech Field (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/antitech-field/) does the whole "bullets stop and then fall to the ground" thing. I suspect though that Neo would be able to stop arrows too :smalltongue:

Fickle Winds (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/fickle-winds/) can stop any projectile, is mobile and doesn't interfere with you, so that's probably a good place to start.

2019-12-09, 01:32 PM
Hmm, interesting takes! I'll keep them in mind, fellas!

2019-12-09, 02:34 PM
There is literally a 1st level psionic power in pathfinder psionic / dreamscarred press called bullet time. Immediate action against the ranged attack where with some modifiers you make a reflex save. If you fail the reflex save for bullet time you still get the us ac, miss chance, mirror images, etc accessible to you.

2019-12-10, 01:48 AM
Anyone looking to add some magical capabilities to the Monk doesn't need to gestalt.

Dragon Tiger Ox from Little Red Goblin Games expands the feat options for ki users so that they can pretty much convert any spell into a ki powered feat.

So if you can find spells for all the Neo feats you want to emulate, a regular old monk could do them too. As long as they have ki of course.

Maat Mons
2019-12-10, 03:25 AM
Secrets of Sarlona has a feat called Tashalatora that lets you add your levels in a psionic class to your Monk levels to determine AC bonus, flurry, and unarmed damage. So, you might not even need to be gestalt.

If you are going to be gestalt though, my first instinct is Warblade 20 // Monk 1 / Psion 19. With the Tashalatora feat, your unarmed strikes deal 2d10 damage, your Flurry of Blows gives you two extra attacks with no to-hit penalty, and your Unarmored AC Bonus is 4+Wis. You've got full base attack bonus, some cool-looking maneuvers, and that Uncanny Dodge ability you wanted.

There's a feat you can take to switch Monks AC bonus to work off of Int. Actually, there are three, use whichever one you like. ... Though, if the one you pick is Kung Fu Genius, it converts all Monk class features from Wis to Int. That could be kind of cool if you're using that Sensei archetype for the Pathfinder Monk. The archetype normally lets you use Wis instead of Str or Dex for attack rolls with unarmed strikes. If I'm reading things correctly, Kung Fu Genius lets you switch that to Int instead.

2019-12-10, 03:28 AM
I've never seen the point of not multiclassing ToB classes unless you start at or near level 20 for the capstones. You can gain very nearly the same levels of maneuvers through multiclassing, and none of the higher level maneuvers are much more than extra damage with a few rider effects. The best stuff tends to be lower-to-mid level, and extra damage isn't terribly hard to grab.

I'd suggest putting your manifesting on one side (along with a PrC or two), and multiclass freely on the other side, including a bit of psion for those levels of PrCs that skip manifesting advancement. PrCs like 3.5 constructor or crystal master are worth it, though finding one that matches your vision of Neo-ness may not be as easy as that.

2019-12-10, 10:36 AM
I just wanted to say I'm watching these movies for the first time right now.
Checked my phone between 1 and 2, and boom, this thread. What a coinkydink.