View Full Version : Fallout: Equestria - The Frozen North: Extra! Extra!

2019-12-09, 02:47 AM
Printing Press's newspaper looks humble from the outside. Of course, the office is not the distribution center, so he could perhaps be excused for that. The door reads, "Printing Press: News, Rumors, and--" The last word has been torn off. Someone has taken a can of spray paint and added "Pin-Up Mares" in its place. The paint is still wet.

Still, Rime knows this is the place. She and Doc had been walking together for a little turn around the town, and it has been a lovely tour. Neighagara Falls, of all the places in the Wasteland, feels like a city. The Rainbow Resort is better kept and has better 'quality ponies', but it is the playplace of the upper crust. You can hardly sit on a chair without worrying if your clothes are staining it and ruining some priceless antique. But in Neighagara, ponies work, play, and make of the world what they can with their own two hooves, mostly safe from the dangers outside of their community.

It has been a good tour. But now it is time for Rime to depart from Doc's company and attend to her previous engagement.

2019-12-09, 10:00 PM
Rime does know the city! She is happy to show off her knowledge to Doc and guide him around the city. She has never seen the city herself and is excited to see the sites the first time herself. There is a huge difference between book learning/rumors and experiencing them personally. Rime does a lot of window shopping unless Doc makes her viewing unpleasant. She does not buy anything substantial as much as she says she likes a gadget or perfume. The only thing at this point that would catch her caps is magic but such a thing is rare (and far too expensive). She even tries to get them a view of the river before Rime guides them away to some unknown location.

Rime stops walking with Doc when they arrive. She looks over the door. A scowl appears when she sees vandalism and reads the graffiti. Her horn glows, and she tries to use her telekinesis to remove the wet paint. "This is the place. Neighagara Evening Reader. Printing Press wants to ask a few questions about what happened on the train. He has promised a good meal and a look at his workplace."

2019-12-09, 10:21 PM
"Printing Press? Guess you'll be heading on in for your da... err, meeting I reckon. What does he want to know about the train ride?"

2019-12-09, 10:27 PM
She smirks. "I am sure he would be more than happy to tell you. He is a reporter, editor, and publisher of the Neighagara Evening Reader. I have not given him any information yet. I think he wants to know about that pony we encountered. He wants that. I want to see his workplace. I might pick up a few tricks of the trade."

2019-12-09, 10:31 PM
She smirks. "I am sure he would be more than happy to tell you. He is a reporter, editor, and publisher of the Neighagara Evening Reader. I have not given him any information yet. I think he wants to know about that pony we encountered. He wants that. I want to see his workplace. I might pick up a few tricks of the trade."

"Ah, he wants to know about 'her'. Uh, is it alright with me tagging along? I never been in publisher place before. Back home most local news went by word of mouth. We aren't a big settlement."

2019-12-10, 06:32 AM
"Yes. That is the most likely subject."

"We are off the clock as it were. You can do whatever you want. You can keep spending time with me if you desire. I will not stop you."

"I have never been in a publisher either. That is why I want to see the place." She says to his story, "That is a shame. Reading the news is an enjoyable practice. All my published papers have originated from my school. I could possible get my articles published by Printing Press." Though she is curious and asks, "Do you know how to read Doc?"

2019-12-10, 06:52 AM
"Yeah, I know how to read," Doc answered. "My pa taught me from a few cook books he had saved. So my first words were cake recipes, I think."

"Well, it isn't real late yet, I could peek inside a bit before bed."

2019-12-10, 07:16 AM
"Good. You can read my future writings."

"Your father sounds like an interesting pony. My family taught me how to read too. They used story books instead of cook books. Your method is certainly unorthodox, but I do have to say knowing how to bake a cake is very piratical compared to the nonsense I learned."

Her lips raise a little as he agrees to stay with her. "Printing Press is in for a surprise then." She looks for a door knocker? If he doesn't have one she taps on the door with her staff to summon forth the residence.

2019-12-10, 08:50 AM
"Not sure how practical since you don't readily find half the ingredients it needs," Doc comments. He awaits someone to answer Rime's knock.

2019-12-10, 01:24 PM
The door opens up and a grinning stallion appears. Rime recognizes him as Printing Press, the somewhat foolish stallion who followed her into a dark alley in order to get the chance at a story. However, he has dressed up a little and currently wears a narrow-brimmed hat and bowtie. "Hello, hello!" he says, "Glad you came. Glad you came." He looks past Rime and his eyes settle on Doc. "Friend of yours?" he asks.

2019-12-10, 02:17 PM
"Work associate is more accurate, but give us a week," Doc answers with a little smirk. He's just being friendly.

2019-12-10, 07:23 PM
"Not sure how practical since you don't readily find half the ingredients it needs," Doc comments. He awaits someone to answer Rime's knock."Even in your hometown? I figured since you had actual farmland you could grow everything you ever needed. What ingredients were missing?"

The door opens up and a grinning stallion appears. Rime recognizes him as Printing Press, the somewhat foolish stallion who followed her into a dark alley in order to get the chance at a story. However, he has dressed up a little and currently wears a narrow-brimmed hat and bowtie. "Hello, hello!" he says, "Glad you came. Glad you came." He looks past Rime and his eyes settle on Doc. "Friend of yours?" he asks.

"Work associate is more accurate, but give us a week," Doc answers with a little smirk. He's just being friendly.Rime waits for the door then smiles when she sees Printing Press. "Hello," She gives him a small formal introductory bow. "It is good to see you. I hope my mail did not catch you on short notice. Mail is so one-sided when the other person lacks the option to correspond." She tries to smooth over the introduction.

She motions her non-staff hoof towards Doc. "This is Dr. Vardo Wagon. He goes by 'Doc'. He is the gentlepony that has been escorting me around this fine evening."

She motions with the same hoof towards Printing Press. "Doc. This is Printing Press. The pony I was telling you about." She chuckles to Printing Press. "All good. I assure you." She says to Doc. "He is looking very dashing tonight."

She says to Printing Press. "I know it is short notice to bring a guest, but I hope that you will forgive my abrupt announcement. Doc has a way with making himself welcomed."

2019-12-10, 07:50 PM
Printing Press extends a hoof to Doc. "Doctor Doc. A pleasure, I'm sure." He looks between the two of them as Rime continues her introduction. "No, no, it's fine. Come right on in." He steps aside and holds the door open, revealing a short hallway with a little rug for wiping boots and hooves off on. At the back is an open door that leads right into the middle of a small office made for about three ponies, all desks currently empty, and behind that is a door labelled 'Printing Press'. Below it, another sign reads, "The pony, not the machine. Second door on the left for the printing press itself." In the middle of the office is a well-used table with many inkstains permanently etched into it. At the moment, though, it has four table settings and some food set out.

"You wanted a tour of the place," Printing Press says, "So I put out a feeler and two of the staff were willing to swing back around for a free meal and the opportunity to see a real mage. Also got a guest or two upstairs, so don't mind that if you hear any hoofsteps from upstairs."

2019-12-10, 08:03 PM
"What ingredients were missing?"


"I know it is short notice to bring a guest, but I hope that you will forgive my abrupt announcement. Doc has a way with making himself welcomed."

Printing Press extends a hoof to Doc. "Doctor Doc. A pleasure, I'm sure."

Doc shakes his hoof firmly and lets Rime walk in first. Then he follows.

"You wanted a tour of the place," Printing Press says, "So I put out a feeler and two of the staff were willing to swing back around for a free meal and the opportunity to see a real mage. Also got a guest or two upstairs, so don't mind that if you hear any hoofsteps from upstairs."

Doc studies the layout and finds some interesting points. He doesn't say anything yet, letting Rime lead the conversation for their side.

2019-12-10, 10:45 PM
Rime smiles as the two seemingly get along. "Why thank you for your generosity." She tries being smooth, "We had a little difficulty finding the place. I had trouble reading your sign. It is very short and to the point." She enters the building. "I still want that tour!"

She says to him calling in staff, "Oh, you did not have to do that for me. You really are putting all ponies on deck. I look forward to meeting them." There are more guests? Can she hear them? She inquires, "Are we going to meet your other guests too? I did not realize you were so busy. I hope we did not come at a bad time?"

Her horn glows and she pulls out a bottle of status 2 wine (30 caps). "When we were shopping earlier I saw this bottle that I thought would suit your fancy." She jokes, "I did not expect so many ponies. The drink might even find a use tonight." She covers her mouth and chuckles.

2019-12-10, 11:01 PM
Her horn glows and she pulls out a bottle of status 2 wine (30 caps). "When we were shopping earlier I saw this bottle that I thought would suit your fancy." She jokes, "I did not expect so many ponies. The drink might even find a use tonight." She covers her mouth and chuckles.

That's twice the status of status 1 wine! Doc is unsure about alcohol when they both need to be up early... but, Doc isn't rime's foalsitter, so he trusts she knows what she is doing. He'll just have to decline if offered because he needs to be fully awake and sober in the morning if he's going to be pulling a sled full of heavy gear.

He may even need to leave early so he's not a third wheel. Seems Rime has a fancy for smoothing it over with this stallion.

Doc wonders if these other guests are also being interviewed for newsworthy items.

2019-12-10, 11:33 PM
Printing Press chuckles. "Well," he says, "It gets the attention of the right ponies. Some colts keep vandalizing it, though. But! Thank you for coming. And for bringing a gift." He grins. "I'm sure we'll enjoy it." He waves a hoof dismissively. "Oh, they'll probably keep to themselves. Something about a busy day tomorrow and--"

One of the side-doors opens and a batpony mare stumbles out, a toothbrush in her mouth and a towel in her mane. "Hey Mrinning Mreth, oo got an--" She freezes when she sees the guests and her eyes go wide. "Uh..."

Rime instantly recognizes her. A mare she has seen only pictures of, and all of them far more flattering than this image. Doc might recognize her, depending on how into 'swimsuit editions' he is. The mare is named Dusk, the reclusive batpony idol of Neighagara Falls.


2019-12-10, 11:57 PM


Doc doesn't really know who she is, having spent his reading time on comic books and scifi novels. Well, she is definitely pretty, and Doc can't help but find her homely towel/toothbrush look to be pretty down to earth cute.

He slow-waves a hoof to her and bows slightly for an introduction. "Evening, miss. I reckon you're one of the classy journalists of this establishment? I'm Dr. Vardo Wagon. To whom we owe the pleasure?"

2019-12-11, 12:01 AM
The right pony found the place. She feigns being upset with a tongue-based cluck, "Mischievous colts. Their parents should teach them better than to destroy another pony's property." Rime is paying attention to Printing Press until just before the side door opens. Rime begins to turn her head before coming face to face with the famous Dusk.

Rime blinks then amused smirks. "Good morning." She holds up the wine and explains, "I and Doc are here for a meal and tour."

2019-12-11, 01:42 AM
The mare looks between Doc and Rime, mouth working silently. Her toothbrush is still in her mouth, so talking might not be the easiest thing right now. Her cheeks slowly turn red as the awkward silence stretches on for about seven seconds before she remembers she can take it OUT of her mouth and practically spits it. Her hoof shoots out and fumbles for it, catching it before it falls to the ground, but stumbling in the process. She looks at the two guests, slowly sinks to the floor, and covers her head with her wings in mortification.

Printing Press puts on a tense smile. "Ah...this is...the guest I was talking about. Dusk. She...models frequently for the newspaper and submits opinion pieces every so often."

"You didn't tell me that there would be guestht...guetht..." She pauses and, with great effort, says, "Guessstsss."

"I...did mention it," Printing Press says, "But you were headed upstairs to bed."

2019-12-11, 04:33 AM
Rime stands there smiling in awkward silence. When the toothbrush goes flying she uses her magic and tries to help put the toothbrush in Dusk's hoofs safely before there are any serious mishaps. She watches the batpony as she sinks down.

"Oh? You are a writer too? I am still new to the profession myself. I have read the paper and your work. Meeting somepony with your experience is an unexpected fortune."

"Did Printing Press tell you anything about me? I am Rime Verse by the way." Rime doesn't try to help her up or anything.

2019-12-11, 06:56 AM
"A model and a writer? You are quite talented, Miss Dusk." Doc steps forward and offers Dusk a gentle-stallion's hoof to stand back up. "Here. You needn't worry about appearances. We're just happy to be here and meet you."

2019-12-11, 01:18 PM
"I...no," Printing Press admits, "She came in and went upstairs immediately. I didn't have time to tell her much of anything."

The batpony peeks out between her wings and slowly reaches for Doc's hoof. Her own are soft, well-trimmed, not the hooves of a pony that does a lot of manual labor. She rises with his help and puts her wings back against her sides, though she keeps her eyes downcast. "Thankth," she says softly. A grimace crosses her face. "I mean, thanksss." She clears her throat. "I, um, don't talk very often to poniesss I don't know well. Thorr--forgive me."

2019-12-11, 02:00 PM
"Thankth," she says softly. A grimace crosses her face. "I mean, thanksss." She clears her throat. "I, um, don't talk very often to poniesss I don't know well. Thorr--forgive me."

"No apology needed, miss Dusk," Doc assures her. "Anxiety is common when around unfamiliar folks. Here you are, meeting a stallion with a snake wrapped around a stick for a cutie mark. Lots of ponies wonder if I'm a snake charmer or something, but I tell them no, I'm a doctor, you only need to asp me about it."

He smiles, hoping to have made an icebreaker moment with some humor.

2019-12-11, 06:57 PM
She hears Printing Press then says, "Ah. Perfect, then." She says to Dusk, "You are welcome to get to know us." She widely shakes the bottle a few times in her magic.

2019-12-11, 07:03 PM
She smiles nervously, showing off those pointy batpony teeth, and gives Doc a small laugh in response. "I sssee," she says, "Very, um, funny?" She takes a slight step away from everyone in the room. "I should dry my mane," she says quickly, "Don't want it to get tangled. That would be bad."

Printing Press clears his throat. "Well, I'll just go get an extra place setting for Doc here."

2019-12-11, 07:40 PM
"I should dry my mane," she says quickly, "Don't want it to get tangled. That would be bad."

"Aye, I shouldn't keep you delayed from mane care. Long pretty locks no doubt need a good bit of effort to maintain. Well, it was very nice meeting you." Doc bows, accepting that his joke didn't quite land, but it did get her to smile. Fangs for honesty? Nah, he'll keep that one to himself.

Printing Press clears his throat. "Well, I'll just go get an extra place setting for Doc here."

Doc feels like he's a third wheel here. Rime brought Printing Press some wine. This was meant for two.

"Well, I don't know that I'll be here too long for a meal. I ate recently. Perhaps I can browse the work of your establishment while you and rime talk business?"

2019-12-12, 06:42 PM
Tangled mane is the worst. She says to Dusk, "Everypony wants to see the real mage." She smirks, "Would you like to see my most powerful, greatest spell?" Rime uses her hoof to place her mane on her nearest side to Dusk. "I have a spell to help dry a long mane if you want some help."

She says to Doc, "I am peckish after all that exploring we did in town. Consider staying around at least until the other guests arrive. Printing Press has put in a lot of effort to being a welcoming host. He might have some questions for you as well."

2019-12-12, 08:09 PM
Dusk freezes, half-turned towards the door. "I, um, thure?" She grimaces again, but doesn't bother to correct herself. She turns back around and undoes the towel around her head. A long, damp mane flops down and falls around her shoulders. Part of it drops in front of her face. She brushes it aside and looks to Rime expectantly.

Printing Press will return in a moment with a plate and companions. For the moment, it is just Rime, Doc, and Dusk.

2019-12-12, 08:13 PM
Rime starts to follow Dusk into the door until Dusk stops. She seems surprised. "Oh. Would you like me to dry your hair out here?" She looks around - in the hall.

2019-12-12, 09:26 PM
Doc just watches to see how this spell works.

2019-12-12, 09:53 PM
Rime looks at Doc then Dusk. "It will take some effort to dry your hair."

2019-12-12, 10:03 PM
"Oh! I thought the thinthe it wath magic..." She clears her throat. "That you would be able to cassst it anywhere." She glances between them. "We can go upssstairsss, if you want."

2019-12-12, 10:11 PM
Doc looks not-impressed at Rime. Is she trying to make a move on Dusk and succeeded in getting an upstairs invite? ...well played, wizard. Well played.

"I'll wait here I suppose," he says flatly.

2019-12-12, 10:18 PM
Rime floats the wine bottle towards Doc. I don't think Press accepted the bottle yet?

"Yes, well, I can technically use magic anywhere but the application process will take some time." She encourages her, "It is much faster than air dying. Though, we would still have to spend some time in the hall. I would not want to get in any pony's way."

2019-12-12, 10:26 PM
Dusk bites her lip and looks to Doc. "I hope it isss not too much trouble?" she asks hopefully, "I don't mind being out in the open for the magic." However, she will move towards the door with Rime once more.

Printing Press steps back inside, whistling cheerfully. He halts when he sees Rime's tail disappear through the door. "Wait, Ms. Rime, where are you..." She's gone. "...Going." He shakes his head and moves towards the table. "Crazy mares, am I right?"

2019-12-12, 10:32 PM
Doc snorts as if Press said something funny. "Yeah well, she ain't the craziest one I know. Don't worry though, Rime is just helping dusk dry her mane. I reckon it's a mare's only project."

He holds out the wine bottle to Press. "So, Rime said something earlier about you interviewing her about something that occurred on the train ride to town?"

2019-12-12, 10:45 PM
Why does she keep looking at Doc? Rime smiles at her. "Do not worry. It is no trouble at all. If there is one thing I enjoy it is self-care."

"I am sure the others will want their own show and this will not interfere with that. I prefer my magic to have a purpose anyway. Beauty for a cause."

Rime will follow Dusk.

She asks, "Is there anything I should know about your hair before I cast my spells?"

Sense Emotion

Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

2019-12-13, 01:16 AM
"Yeah. Something like that," Printing Press says. He clears his throat. "I've got a contact on the train. They radioed ahead and told me a bit about the visitor you all had. Figured I would want the first scoop. Couldn't give me much, though, but they did say that the unicorn was one of the ones who spent the most time with her. I heard the doctor healed her though, and I assume that would be you?"


Dusk leads Rime upstairs to a cramped little room with a bed and a vanity, but precious little else. She sits on the end of the bed, in front of the vanity and pats the blanket beside her, inviting Rime to sit. "Nothing much," she says, "I do take good care of it, though. Ssspend a lot of capsss on shampoo."

Currently, she is a little nervous and trying very hard not to offend Rime. She also has lingering threads of embarrassment that are not exactly dispersing.

2019-12-13, 06:37 AM
"I heard the doctor healed her though, and I assume that would be you?"

"Aye, I am that doctor," Doc confirms. "Patched up a nasty wound on her back. Reckon Rime did spend the most time with her, though. A lot of it in private conversation I was not privy to, so only she knows what was said last night."

2019-12-13, 02:10 PM
"Still," Printing Press says, "That's not nothing. If you don't mind, I'd like to hear your perspective on what happened. I mean..." He chuckles. "What sort of weapon CAN hurt an alicorn, for starters. Did you see how she got injured?"

He pulls out a chair for Doc and then sits in the one next to it.

2019-12-13, 02:50 PM
Doc sits down and considers the question before answering. "She flew down from the cloud cover above, under attack by what I reckon was old Enclave air defense guns. She was finally brought down by a bolt of lightning."

He looks up, as if picturing that night. "First time I met an alicorn. She was big, yeah, but still flesh. Maybe she could handle a harder hit than you and I, but without armor or a magic shield she'll bleed like we do."

He leans forward. "This one has a pretty unnatural presence about her. Like, supernatural beauty? Its hard to explain. Just got to keep your wits about you and don't get too close. She's as arrogant as she is beautiful and not afraid to strike if you cross her."

2019-12-13, 04:44 PM
Rime eyes the building as she is brought upstairs. The layout is noted. When they arrive at the small room Rime looks around at the bed and vanity then compliments the room, "Comfy. Reminds me of my student room." She watches Dusk to gauge her reaction and sits down on the patted area.

"Quality shampoo is expensive. Too many ponies mistakenly use cheap care produces and end up damaging their mane." Rime's horn glows and flips open her saddlebag. She levitates her teeth care travel gear and shampoo onto the vanity. She motions like she is offering their usage to Dusk. "I recently left home to travel the Frozen North. I made sure that I am well stocked on supplies since I do not know where I might find the same quality away from home. My cosmetologist was kind enough to send me away with a gift. She made these wonderful fruit scented shampoos for me."

Rime grips her own mane and brings the long black end closer to show the batpony. "I use a cool wind to dry hair. Hot air will dry faster but the heat damages the hair. The damage is less noticeable on short hair but my hair would be a frizzed mess by now." She looks up from her mane to Dusk's. "We should definitely use cool."

2019-12-13, 06:40 PM
"Enclave air defense guns?" Printing Press repeats, "Well, stranger things have happened, I suppose. Whereabouts were you when she was shot down?"

He chuckles and sets the bottle of wine in the middle of the table, fiddling with a few things here and there and generally busying himself about making sure everything was well set up. "Sounds like quite the adventure," he says, "Still...to take a direct hit from a lightning bolt and only be bleeding, that is rather impressive."

"Unnatural? More so than usual?"


Dusk nods and smiles in response to Rime's compliments. However, she eyes the shampoos with a strange look. She shifts a little towards Rime and says, "Do they sssmell like mangosss?"

The idea of 'fruit' seems to have caught her attention.

2019-12-13, 06:46 PM
"The train was... Halfway between here and Rainbow by train? Maybe a little closer to there," Doc answers.

He brushes bangs out of his eyes. "Unnatural beauty, as in... she seemed too perfect; white teeth, deep eyes, I suppose it makes sense since they're made and not born, but it's something you see and hard to take your eyes off."

2019-12-13, 06:53 PM
Rime smiles. "The one I am using now is a mixture. The shampoo might smell like mangoes." She lifts her mane from hoof examination level higher up to eye level.

She uses her horn to turn the bottles so they face Dusk. Fruit is already rare. Is mango rarer than the other fruits? Rime didn't exactly bust her bank on extremely expensive shampoo.

2019-12-13, 10:57 PM
Printing Press clucks his tongue. "That would be right near the Crystal City Ruin, right? I guess it would make sense for some Enclave or Pre-War defenses to be around there." He fiddles with a spoon. "Alright, so Ms. Otherworldy Beauty gets her flank zapped for flying too close to what somepony decided was a restricted area, falls out of the sky, and then you take her onto the train and patch her up. Do I have that right?"


Dusk swallows and licks her lips. "Give it here a moment," she says, reaching a hoof out, "I'll know very quickly if it is."

Fruit in general is rather rare, but Rime, even with the privileged life she's had, has never tasted a mango.

2019-12-13, 11:24 PM
Printing Press clucks his tongue. "That would be right near the Crystal City Ruin, right? I guess it would make sense for some Enclave or Pre-War defenses to be around there." He fiddles with a spoon. "Alright, so Ms. Otherworldy Beauty gets her flank zapped for flying too close to what somepony decided was a restricted area, falls out of the sky, and then you take her onto the train and patch her up. Do I have that right?"

"Yep, that's about right so far," Doc says. "After she decided not to blast me for sticking her with a stimpack, she went on to talk about doing some good and uniting pony tribes. Dunno how she plans on doing it, but I reckon she was planning on fighting local raiders and gangs to clear out places she can hide in. Just my guess tho. Rime talked more with her in private, so she'll know more about what that was all about."

2019-12-13, 11:47 PM
Mango is the rarest of the rare! Got it!

Rime is increasingly doubtful that her fusion blend has mango in it but she doesn't really know the answer. "I am counting on you." Her horn picks up the bottle and floats it to Dusk.

2019-12-14, 02:22 AM
"Clearing them out," Printing Press says grimly, "Or taking them over. Depending on her particular flavor of warlord."

He sets the spoon down and leans forward. "Well, you've given me some good answers. How about I give you some back? How much do you know about the local raider population?"


Dusk greedily snatches it and sniffs delicately at the end of the shampoo bottle. A look of disappointment crosses her face. "No, no mango. Ssstill, it does sssmell nice. It would sssmell better if it were mango."

She hands it back. "A-anyway! You were going to help dry my mane?"

2019-12-14, 03:36 AM
Rime lets go of her mane. "I will keep the blend in mind next time I buy my shampoo in Rainbow Resort." She comments on her current shampoo, "I do enjoy the smell." She asks, "Have you eaten or smelled mango?"

Rime magics the shampoo back to the vanity.

"Yes. I will begin then." Rime magics a fresh towel from her saddlebag and dabs wet mane. "I am going to start my spell now. Do not worry." While she dabs Dusk's hair, Rime channels into her horn. A glowing paper fan with a wooden frame pops into existence. It opens its folds to reveal a beautiful picture of a moon surrounded by two wing-shaped mountains. The fan softly closes and points at were Rime is focusing. A gust surrounds the fan and begins blowing air toward Dusk's mane, a small concentrated beam of cool air that is soft enough for hair treatment. Rime magics a wide brush from the vanity and begins drying Dusk's mane. The fan disappears and reappears at different angles as the brush holds her mane. She asks, "How is that?"

Hairdryer mode! First, Rime is taking the option to freely reduce a spells area until she has a tiny tiny area compared to normal! Second, she is only putting enough energy into the spell to get the desired effect (nothing too strong).

Shape Air

Create movements of air over a small area. The caster must choose a starting point (calculate distance penalties from that point). The wind starts there and blows in a stream one yard wide, for a distance in yards equal to 5 times the energy put into the spell, and then dissipates. This may cause knockback (see Knockback, p. B378) on someone it hits; each second, roll 1d per full 2 points of energy in the spell. Treat this as damage for knockback purposes only (this spell does not cause injury).

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 to 10. 1 produces a gentle breeze; 4 a wind; 6 a heavy wind; 8 or more a violent blast. Same cost to maintain.

2019-12-14, 08:18 AM
"Clearing them out," Printing Press says grimly, "Or taking them over. Depending on her particular flavor of warlord."

He sets the spoon down and leans forward. "Well, you've given me some good answers. How about I give you some back? How much do you know about the local raider population?"

Doc silently nods on the warlord comment.

To the raider question, he says, "Nothing beyond the name of 'raider', I'm afraid."

2019-12-14, 03:04 PM
Dusk sits quietly and still so that Rime can work, well-trained in being worked on and letting other ponies do as they wish with her. "Yesss," she says, voice dreamy, "Only onssse, but it wasss amazzing." She sighs, lost in the memory for a moment as Rime works.

"Unique," Dusk replies honestly, "I have never had sssomething like thisss before." She smiles at Rime in the mirror, not turning her head. "Not bad, though! Hmm. New. Interesssting."


Printing Press nods. "Well, ours run the gamut. We got the regular, run-of-the-mill crazies. Gangs of drugged-out psychos that will shoot anything that moves for food and chems. However, those don't tend to last too long, what with the constant cold killing off anyone that can't put together a permanent source of heat and the Regulators culling those that don't know how to set a proper defensive perimeter."

"The real danger comes from the so-called Independent Warlords. They're the ones that have lived out in the frozen wastes long enough to figure out how to survive. They all have their own methods of doing it, too. Like the Scrapyard. They use robots, some of them even ride inside stripped down Sentry Bots that they've converted into manned tanks. They don't tend to leave anypony alive."

"On the other hoof, you have groups like the Railway Robbers. Got their own train they keep fixed up, and they know the tracks better'n anypony. They're one of the nicer groups too. They'll steal from you, but they just want your food and supplies. They won't kill you if they can help it. And they leave you enough to limp to the nearest town. Reports say they've even patched their victims up after one of their raids turned ugly and gave them a ride to within an hour of Scav City."

2019-12-14, 03:49 PM
"Huh, robbers with standards," Doc says, in response to the train robbers. "Thanks for the tips. I'll keep my eyes out for those groups if I go out into the cold for whatever crazy reason. Any of them get close to the town?"

2019-12-14, 05:08 PM
"I have no doubt that the mango was amazing. I enjoy fruit and food myself, sometimes a little too much." Rime brushes Dusk's mane while she continues to air dry it.

"Good. I was hoping you would enjoy the spell. I like it myself. But, you should see the wind at full power someday. I can hop out of the bath then blast myself with a strong enough gale to dry my whole coat." She chuckles. "I have to be careful not to knock myself over. I get dried off very quickly though."

She brings up a topic of conversation. "Printing Press said that you wrote opinion pieces for him. Have you been a writer for long? I am still an unknown for now."

2019-12-14, 10:34 PM
"Depends on what they're after," Printing Press says grimly, "The five major towns are hard targets. Lots of guards, and even if they can take those on, the ponies that live there have more guns and don't like raiders. Some of the smaller ones, though? Well, those are much easier."


Dusk giggles. "You mutht look tho...er, fluffy. Yesss. Fluffy."

She blushes a little in embarrassment. "Well, it'sss becaussse of my problem with talking. It turned out to be much easssier to write what I thought down than to try and tell anyone with wordsss. Printing Pressss needed a writer at the time, ssso it wasss a matter of being at the right place at the right time." She smirks. "The fact that I am pretty doesssn't hurt, though."

2019-12-14, 11:18 PM
"Depends on what they're after," Printing Press says grimly, "The five major towns are hard targets. Lots of guards, and even if they can take those on, the ponies that live there have more guns and don't like raiders. Some of the smaller ones, though? Well, those are much easier."

"Hmm. Say, are there any major places with radioactive waste somewhere? Maybe an old factory or a dumping ground somewhere?"

2019-12-15, 12:48 AM
Rime puts a hoof up to her mouth and giggles. Eyes stay on the mirror while the magic works effortlessly. "I can get rather poofy. Or-" Rime mimes slicking back her mane then smiles at Dusk. "if it is too cold."

"Your effort allows me to understand you perfectly, but I imagine your lisp causes you problems. You are a very eloquent writer. You have a way of bringing the words off the page." She listens while Dusk tells her about Printing Press. "Right place, right time. Luck could be called a talent. You brought the requisite skill to complete the fortune." Rime smirks. "I do not think your beauty is why he hired you as a writer. What is Printing Press like anyway? You seem to like him. I am thinking about selling him some stories."

Sense Emotion

Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

2019-12-15, 02:26 AM
Printing Press snorts. "Sure. Plenty, if you go out of your way to find them. That Crystal Mountain Research Initiative put up all sorts of 'monoliths' that all decayed into radioactive pillars of green crystal. Most of them are pretty far out of any civilized pony's way, though, so not many people ever bother to go and see them."


"Yeah," Dusk agrees, "When I appear in public, I tend to ssstand behind whoever isss talking and look pretty. Sssmile a little. Wave. Blow kisssesss. That kind of thing."

The emotions Rime receives when she brings up Printing Press are warm, friendly, and respectful. She likes him well enough and considers him a friend, but there isn't any romance. She is also more comfortable around Rime now. "He doesss hisss bessst," she says, "Which isss all anypony can do. He likesss the paper, being the editor, reporter, and everything elssse all rolled into one, when the time callsss for it."

2019-12-15, 10:04 AM
Printing Press snorts. "Sure. Plenty, if you go out of your way to find them. That Crystal Mountain Research Initiative put up all sorts of 'monoliths' that all decayed into radioactive pillars of green crystal. Most of them are pretty far out of any civilized pony's way, though, so not many people ever bother to go and see them."

"I can certainly think of one alicorn that may be feeding off one of those," Doc alludes.

2019-12-15, 06:01 PM
Rime focuses intently on drying her hair professionally. She smirks. "I prefer standing in front on stage and representing myself. You seem to enjoy the stage too in your own way? I can not say I have ever had to make an appearance where I wave and blow kisses to the crowd. That is not the type of thing I imagined a writer doing, but I can say I would enjoy being on stage."

Nothing sells a pony like their employees in a private conversation. This Printing Press character might be alright as positive as Dusk feels about him. "No pony controls the world." Not even Celestia or Luna controlled the planet. "A pony who enjoys their job. Maybe, Printing Press is the type of pony I would want to work for."

2019-12-15, 10:47 PM
Printing Press blinks. "...Huh. You're right. And here I was going to warn you to stay away from them because of feral ghouls. That...hmm. I don't suppose ghouls are strong enough to take care of an alicorn problem, though."


Dusk grins. "Oh he isss great. Much better than sssome of the othersss I've worked with. I am freelance, after all." She sighs. "He actually paysss, you sssee."

"Well, I do show up in a lot of the more..." She shakes a forehoof non-noncommittally. "...Adult picturesss. Nothing, er, explisssit. But it makesss me a popular pony to have onssstage when you're giving a ssspeech."

2019-12-15, 10:55 PM
Printing Press blinks. "...Huh. You're right. And here I was going to warn you to stay away from them because of feral ghouls. That...hmm. I don't suppose ghouls are strong enough to take care of an alicorn problem, though."

"Unless the ghouls can fly and cast spells to deflect magical laser beams, I think the alicorn has a tactical advantage," Doc discusses. "Don't know if she can teleport. In any case, I wouldn't cross her without a squad of rangers backing you up and field advantage. Our saving grace is that she's reasonable; you can talk with her. Maybe even negotiate if you got a card to play. Just, no, don't anger her if you can help it."

2019-12-15, 11:15 PM
Rime politely repeats in agreement, "Work with." Her face strains, "Yes, getting paid can be the hardest part with freelance work." She hm's encouragingly, "If you want to give a beginner any tips I am open to advice."

She covers her mouth with her hoof and giggles. "Ah," she says in surprise. "How could I forget? Your other job as a model." Dusk isn't on stage because she is a writer but because she is a model. "I got too caught up in talking about writing." She genuinely asks, "Do you like modeling? The job seems," she isn't sure how to say this, "difficult."

2019-12-16, 03:26 AM
That news does not exactly encourage Printing Press. "So basically," he says, "We got a wannabe goddess running around who might decide that we look like good servants and take over. But we can't fight her, because again, goddess."


"Never work 'for exposssure'," she replies, "people die of exposssure."

She hesitates and looks down a little, blushing. "It isss nissse being recognized, but not everypony is nissse about it."

2019-12-16, 06:52 AM
That news does not exactly encourage Printing Press. "So basically," he says, "We got a wannabe goddess running around who might decide that we look like good servants and take over. But we can't fight her, because again, goddess."

"Well I wouldn't say that. A real goddess wouldn't bleed. She does, so the trick is to band together a small force to take her down, if that's what you are wantin' to do," Doc says. "You just need some big guns on your side."

2019-12-16, 07:59 PM
Rime covers her mouth and chuckles. "I will try my best not to die from exposure. See: The statement is very literal with me since as a freelancer I will sometimes leave the cities." Rime smiles. "Thank you. I will keep your advice with me." The statement seems to have tickled Rime.

That is a sad truth. Rime nods and takes advantage of her looking down to dry the back of her mane. "You do enjoy modeling then, but there are some jerks that make your life harder than necessary." Rime gives a disappointing hm. "As a freelancer if you ever wanted to offer me the job of getting ponies to leave you alone I could offer you a discount on my services." Rime winks at her like the offer is a joke. "I am sorry you have to deal with that. I have faced my share of bullies in the past. I am much happier now."

2019-12-16, 09:22 PM
The newpony's eyes light up in understanding. "The Regulators," he says, "They could probably do it, if they worked together."


Seeing Rime chuckle pleases Dusk. She shifts, loosening her posture up a little. "How isss it coming, by the by?" she says in reference to her mane.

She shrugs, resigned. "It'sss the busssinesss..." she says with a sigh.

2019-12-16, 09:52 PM
The newpony's eyes light up in understanding. "The Regulators," he says, "They could probably do it, if they worked together."

"Yeah, they might pull it off. They just need good coordination and leadership. A bit hard to find that these days within anypony not a warlord. But anything's possible. Reckon word of an alicorn out there will spread fast once it gets in the news."

Doc looks over to the stairs a moment, then scratches his chin. "Thought she said her spell worked fast?"

2019-12-16, 10:17 PM
Rime smiles into the mirror. The magic fan disappears but doesn't reappear this time. "Give it a try." Magic holds the brush to the side. The towel folds itself and hovers towards Rime's bag.

Rime asks her when she goes to feel her mane, "What do you think? Are you looking beautiful?"

2019-12-17, 10:40 PM
"Dusk likes to talk," Question Mark Printing Press says with a quiet chuckle, "Well, she likes having conversations. TALKING is a different matter."

He raps on the table with a hoof, idly considering something. As he does so, though, the door opens and a scruffy-maned crystal pony mare stumbles in with a yawn, followed closely by a unicorn stallion. "Hey boss," the stallion says brightly, "Guest settled in?"

Printing Press sits up. "Well, the mare is upstairs. This is Doc Wagon, an associate of hers who rode on the same train. Doc, meet Mellow Tune and Green Spark."

The stallion moves towards Doc and shakes his hoof with a strong grip. "Hi there, doctor! Nice to meet you. Green Spark, photographer."


Dusk carefully runs her hooves through her mane and smiles. "Thank you, Rime," she says, "I love it. It feelsss ssso good now."

2019-12-17, 11:02 PM
Rime smiles. "You are welcome. You care for your mane really well. Smooth. Elastic. Lacks irregularities. It is satisfying to see that another pony tends them self properly. Strangely, the attention to detail reminds me of home." Rime rests her hoofs. "Is there another way you would like to get ready for the meal?"

Rime watches her gear as she packs away all the supplies and doodads she unpacked.

2019-12-17, 11:49 PM
Question Mark says


The stallion moves towards Doc and shakes his hoof with a strong grip. "Hi there, doctor! Nice to meet you. Green Spark, photographer."

Doc shakes his hoof, returning grip, though he doesn't need to match strength here. Not a competition in his mind. "Good to meet an artist. Rare these days to find one i a professional capacity." He turns to the mare. "And that would mean you are Ms. Mellow Tune. A pleasure." He holds out his hoof to shake.

Neat, a crystal pony! He had never seen them back home; only up north did he meet any. Reckon they prefer the colder climate up north? Or maybe traveling down to Neigh York was just too difficult. It is a bit of a trip, even when hitching a ride by caravan. Doc wondered if any of them worked with crystals? Might be too weird to ask.

2019-12-18, 05:36 PM
"Oh." Dusk's ears lay back and she smiles sheepishly at Rime. "I...didn't think I would be joining you all..." Her eyes search Rime's, looking for her honest reaction. "The job you did with my mane isss nissse, though! I like it a lot."


Mellow stifles a yawn and shakes his hoof. "Mmm," she says and slumps into her seat. Printing Press gives Doc an apologetic smile.

"She's had a long few days," he says, "Trying to get some interviews done for the upcoming election."

2019-12-18, 06:42 PM
Rime's face looks somewhat sad at the idea, but she isn't going to drag Dusk down to a party against her will. "If you do not want to join us tonight perhaps I shall see you again." Rime reaches into her saddlebag and pulls out a bag of mixed candies. "I am glad you appreciate my spell. It was fun working on your mane." She searches through the bag until she finds the perfect candy for Dusk then holds it up in her hoof. "Would you like a candy? It is very special." Rime smiles at her. She is not expecting her to eat the candy right this moment.

2019-12-18, 07:03 PM
"Ah, I heard about local elections coming up. I'm afraid I am not familiar with the candidates and their platforms however, so I look forward to reading your articles on them."

2019-12-18, 08:46 PM
"I...I can come!" Dusk says, "But I'm not exactly, er, party to your dissscusssion tonight. I would be in the way."


"See that you do! See that you do," Green Spark says with an affirming nod. He turns to Printing Press. "Food's ready, boss."

"Good," Printing Press replies, "Soon as Ms. Rime returns, we'll serve it and eat."

2019-12-18, 09:10 PM
"It's always good to be in the know with local politics," Doc said. "Cause, like, yeah this one time I got involved in a land war between two water merchants and didn't realize the politics behind that until folks brought out the guns."

He scratches at an itch on his chest. Old wounds.

2019-12-19, 06:48 PM
"I can not imagine a scenario where you joining us for the party worsens my night. Doc will be there with you if I must step aside for a private conversation." Rime stands up with the candy still in her hoof. "You are welcome to join us if you want." She shouldn't keep Printing Press and Doc waiting any longer.

2019-12-20, 12:08 AM
Mellow looks up, frowning. "Water merchants? What's..."

"The south doesn't have big piles of frozen water lying about," Printing Press explains, "It'd be like two competing Purifiers."

Mellow accepts this and goes 'back to bed'.


Dusk stands up with her. "I...don't ssse why not," she says. And thus she will accompany Rime downstairs.

2019-12-20, 04:30 AM
Rime smiles at her. The candy floats down onto the vanity. "It is a party then!" Rime covers her mouth and giggles. "We would not want to keep anypony waiting." Rime will lead her downstairs.

Rime sees that the other guests have arrived. She fringes surprise. "Oh." She says, "Hello, Printing Press. Are these two your staff?"

2019-12-20, 06:52 AM
"Aye, competition for water can get deadly," Doc adds.

Doc waves to the arrived mares, but will let Press do the introductions for his own associates.

2019-12-21, 10:11 PM
"Who is fighting over water?"

2019-12-21, 10:17 PM
Printing Press rises as Rime enters. "Rime! Welcome back."

Green Spark grins at her and gives a wave. "Hey! Green Spark. Photographer. Welcome!" He looks past her. "Oh hey Dusk. Didn't know you were joining us."

"Yeah..." she says with a sheepish smile.

"I'm Mellow," the mare mutters, "Nice t'meetcha."

2019-12-21, 11:28 PM
"Who is fighting over water?"

"I was remarking on an incident I got caught in in another city, a long time ago," Doc explains.

"Yeah..." she says with a sheepish smile.

"Glad you decided to join us," Doc said with a smile.

2019-12-21, 11:45 PM
Rime covers her mouth and chuckles. "I hope I did not keep everypony waiting. We had some important business to attend to."

She waves to Green spark with the hoof off her mouth and continues to walk closer with staff in hoof. "Rime Verse. Freelancer. Alumnus. It is my pleasure to be invited to dinner. I have seen your work." She assumes that Printing Presses' magazine uses Green Spark's photos.

Rime isn't sure what to make of the tired looking Mellow. "Hello, Mellow."

Rime comments on Doc's story. "How unusual of a story."

2019-12-22, 12:35 AM
Rime comments on Doc's story. "How unusual of a story."

"I'll tell you about it some time, though tonight I reckon you are the one to give us an interesting story."

2019-12-22, 05:23 PM
Dusk smiles and half-hides behind her mane. "Thanks..."

"Not at all," Printing Press assures Rime. A polite lie meant to spare the feelings of a guest.

Mellow raises a hoof in a lazy imitation of triumph. "Whoo. Now the food can be served." Printing Press clears his throat and lightly nudges her.

"Ah! A fan of the paper, then?" Green Spark says, pleased as punch to meet a fan.

Printing Press quickly puts out yet another place setting for Dusk and sits down. The others do as well, but Dusk makes sure to sit next to Rime and across the table from Doc. "Well, who is hungry?"

2019-12-22, 06:00 PM
"Well, who is hungry?"

"I reckon I could have a bit of a bite, thank you," Doc answers. He sits down.

2019-12-22, 06:58 PM
Rime smiles back at Printing Press.

She covers her mouth and chuckles at Mellow's gesture. "I see some ponies are hungry."

Rime brightens at Green Spark's question. "Yes. I do enjoy reading. That is how I learned most of what I know about Neighagara Falls. I did not travel much before I become a freelancer. I visited some of the sites I saw in your pictures. The city is very different from Rainbow Resort."

She takes a seat next to Dusk and reassuringly smiles at her. Then, she turns to Printing Press. "I am a little peckish. I was looking forward to your home cooking so I had a light lunch. I saw some delicious foods in the market that were so tempting."

2019-12-23, 01:48 AM
Fortunately for Rime, Printing Press is not serving mushrooms, as per her request. Instead, he has Haysberry Haysburgers, a popular Pre-War preserved form of the regular hayburger. Each pony only gets one, except for Dusk, who receives a nice slice of meat instead. Her mouth waters at the very sight of it.

Green Spark chuckles and lifts his to his mouth. "Well, I do hope you like the city! I'm a bit fond of it myself."

Seeing the others have started eating, Dusk picks up her meal with both hooves and tears a big chunk out of it with her teeth. She chews it greedily, relishing the taste. It seems the way to this mare's heart is through her stomach.

2019-12-23, 05:59 AM
Rime sits at the table with her staff leaning against her shoulder and a hoof wrapped around it.

How very fortunate! Rime levitates her burger off her plate to get a closer sense of the thing. She smells the haysberry as it floats. She comments on the food, "How wonderful." Her horn glows. A small blue salt cloud forms above her hayburger. A magical sprinkle rains down to add to the taste. "The hayburger looks absolutely delicious." Her chest raises as she takes another silent smell. "Scrumptious."

She says to Green Spark, "The city is fascinating. Everypony is so blunt compared to Rainbow Resort. A few ponies we talked to were very direct in everything they said. They were very nice as well. The air is different here. When Doc and I were exploring we visited the river as well." Rime gushes, "The running water is so beautiful. I could watch it for hours." Rime asks him, "Are you from here?" Rime isn't sure if he is a local saying he likes his hometown or if he moved here.

Test Food (I should note that Rime uses the Area 1 version so she detects her food and anyone's food that is within that small area. Probably only the people sitting directly next to her if they aren't too spaced out.)

Fool’s Banquet

2019-12-23, 06:57 AM
It seems the way to this mare's heart is through her stomach.

'That's half the table at this point.'

She says to Green Spark, "The city is fascinating. Everypony is so blunt compared to Rainbow Resort. A few ponies we talked to were very direct in everything they said. They were very nice as well. The air is different here. When Doc and I were exploring we visited the river as well." Rime gushes, "The running water is so beautiful. I could watch it for hours." Rime asks him, "Are you from here?" Rime isn't sure if he is a local saying he likes his hometown or if he moved here.

"I reckon the water is much cleaner than the rivers back home. I've read that even pre-war Manehatten had pollution issues in the streams with the old factories," Doc says, pausing to eat. "The food is good too."

2019-12-24, 01:11 AM
Green Spark's eyes grow a little distant. "Yeah," he says, "I'm from here. Grew up looking at those falls. Endless cascade of water, tumbling down..." He chuckles. "Prettiest sight I've ever seen. Never really wanted to live anywhere else. Traveled a bit, but I always come back home."

Fortunately, Rime's and everyone else's food is fine and safe to eat.

Printing Press smiles warmly. "Glad to see my food is appreciated." He chuckles and looks to Rime. "So Ms. Rime. Tell me about this discussion you had with the alicorn, if you don't mind."

Dusk suddenly pauses in her feast and looks like she's been caught doing something she shouldn't have. "Sorry," she says, putting the meat down and picking up some utensils.

2019-12-24, 06:50 AM
Dusk suddenly pauses in her feast and looks like she's been caught doing something she shouldn't have. "Sorry," she says, putting the meat down and picking up some utensils.

"It's fine," Doc tells Dusk. "Food you can hold in your hooves is the best kind, right?"

2019-12-24, 07:44 PM
Rime is smiling, laughing, and enjoying herself talking to everypony. Was Rime served a drink? She begins eating her burger. She is absolutely loving the food.

She says to Green Spark, "You have a lovely home. I always dreamed I would see the falls. The falls met my high expectations. It is much louder than I imagined. The water crashing down can make quite the ruckus. I considered covering my ears at points." She asks, "Did you travel as a photographer?"

Before Printing Press can get to questioning her she asks says, "You enjoyed my special candy. Pre-war food is a bit of a favorite of mine. Would you like me to work my magic? I normally would not broach the subject, but earlier an interest was express in my magic and you are being such a good host." Rime normally only enchants a ponies food if they ask her specifically for the enchantment.

"Iremia? What would you like to know?" She looks to Doc. "Doc was with me when I met her."

2019-12-24, 10:22 PM
"Iremia? What would you like to know?" She looks to Doc. "Doc was with me when I met her."

"For the early part, but didn't you have a private conversation with her later on?"

2019-12-26, 12:56 AM
Dusk blushes. "Yesss," she mutters in agreement with Doc. However, she still persists in using the utensils from now on.

Everyone has a drink! Rime brought wine, it would be rude not to serve it.

Green Spark grins and chuckles. "Yeah, not everypony's ready for that little detail. Heh." He nods. "Yeah. Even made it to Junction 49 at one point." He snorts derisively. "Place is a real shi--er, sinkhole, let me tell you."

Printing Press chuckles, leans back, and gestures for Rime to continue. "Be my guest. Please! Do. I would love to see what you had in mind."

"Oh," he continues, "Whatever you're willing to share about the little conversation you had with the alicorn."

2019-12-26, 06:48 AM
Dusk blushes. "Yesss," she mutters in agreement with Doc. However, she still persists in using the utensils from now on.

While Doc waits for Rime to share her private experience with the alicorn (Iremia? They named her?!), he asks Dusk, "So, earlier Mr. Press mentioned that you write articles for the newspaper. What topics do you write about?"

2019-12-26, 07:16 PM
Rime is drinking her wine then.

Green Spark's negative comment isn't going to get Rime down while there is good food and wine being served. She says to him without being too phased, "I have heard similar thoughts and rumors about Junction 49. I have never been myself."

Rime puts her burger down at Printing Presses encouragement. "You have given me such excellent material. I will show you what I have on my mind. You will see my magic focuses on the best qualities you created in your hayburger and enhances that essence. The flavors you created will shine brighter." Rime's horn glows. Printing Presses' food and drink glow blue with Rime's magic. The top of his wine shimmers and looks fuller and richer. The buns on his burger fluffs up like something a pony would see in a commercial. The 'burger' looks larger and juicer. The food ascends to a more ideal state. Rime smiles and represents the dish. "A Printing Press special with a little imagination from Rime Verse." She cutely winks at him.

Rime seems more than happy to go into detail. She happily chats, "She told me she calls herself Iremia. We talked shortly about my magic and family. I arranged communications so we would be able to talk and arrange further meetings. I do not know how you ponies do not worry about your mail getting lost." She says to Printing Press, "You know I do not have to deal with that though, do you not?"

Fool’s Banquet

Makes any item seem like attractive, tasty food. The underlying nature of the matter does not change, but those who eat it will find it delicious not necessarily nutritious, but delicious. Can only be cast on things that can be eaten; it would work on mud, but not on stones. A classic complement to the often dull provender created with Create Food.

2019-12-26, 08:09 PM
Dusk swallows her latest bite and licks her lips. "Oh, gossssip mainly," she says, blushing, "Famousss poniesss, thingsss like that. Nothing, er, ssseriousss. I try to keep my persssonal opinionsss to myssself. Poniesss don't like a smart and pretty mare."

The assembled ponies' eyes go wide and they lean in, staring at the burger. Even Mellow rouses herself from her sleepy funk and goggles at the spellcraft. "Oooooh," they say, appreciative.

"A real mage, then!" Green Spark declares, "Not too many of those left."

Printing Press' eyes go even wider. "So you're on contact with her still? With an actual alicorn?" He reaches for a notepad. "Iremia...how do you spell that?"

2019-12-26, 09:06 PM
"Poniesss don't like a smart and pretty mare."

"Well I think they're very dull ponies if they don't appreciate your wit," Doc says. "They just want someone they have control over, but don't let their poor judgement limit you. You said you're a model, right? You pose in photos to show off your good sides, yeah? Why not model your smarts too? Same kind of idea, and it would be a shame to keep good ideas to yourself."

Doc wipes some sauce from his lips. "Like, why don't you tell me a topic you always wanted to discuss but felt it was too 'smart' to publish. I'll be your audience."

2019-12-26, 09:33 PM
Rime smiles brightly at the attention. "Feast your eyes on the food, but the burger would taste even better in your stomach." She modestly says, "I could enchant anyponies' burger and wine who are interested." She motions to Printing Press, "Why not give it a try?"

She says to Green Spark. "Yes. The school I went to was Rainbow Falls School of Arcane Sciences. The only official magic school in the Frozen North. I am sure a few spells get taught between family and associates, but if you want to learn about magic Rainbow Fall's school is the place to go." She sips her wine. "Experienced mages are too rare."

She tenderly says, "I love magic. The fact that there are so few mages is a dreadful thing. I hope in my travels to gather magical knowledge and send it back to my school to disseminate to the Frozen North. I would love to see more magic in the world."

Rime looks at Printing Press like she is confused by his surprise. "I write her daily. She is an alicorn - tall, horn, and wings." Is her being an alicorn a big deal? "Iremia. I did not exactly ask her how to spell it, but she pronounced her name: I. R. E. M. I. A. She is nice to me."

2019-12-30, 02:30 AM
Dusk blushes. "Oh...you're too kind," she says to Doc, "but I...well." She rubs the back of her mane and looks down. "I think that there wasss sssome tensssion between the Empire and the Diarchy during the War. There are thingsss that don't add up. Ssstuff built here and there that would only be ussseful againssst Equessstria."

The newspaper crew eagerly dig into their burgers, and their sounds of delight give Rime all the ego-stroking she needs for the day. "You can say that again," Spark says, grinning from behind his burger.

Printing Press writes that down. "An alicorn that's NOT omnicidal is news enough. One with an actual name is gonna make headlines."

2019-12-30, 07:00 AM
Dusk blushes. "Oh...you're too kind," she says to Doc, "but I...well." She rubs the back of her mane and looks down. "I think that there wasss sssome tensssion between the Empire and the Diarchy during the War. There are thingsss that don't add up. Ssstuff built here and there that would only be ussseful againssst Equessstria."

Doc listened attentively as he finished his meal. "Really now? That's an interesting discovery. I saw, or at least heard, the sound of some kind of active defenses up above the clouds when we first met the alicorn Rime's describing. Do you think that might of been to keep Equestria away from the Empire?"

2019-12-30, 03:16 PM
Rime interrupts Dusk and Doc with a lean and a smile. She asks Dusk, "Would you like me to enchant your meal?" She motions with her eyes towards the rest of the table whom seem to be enjoying her magic. If she agrees Rime will enchant her food much the same as every pony else and go back to talking to Printing Press.

She says to Printing Press in a lighthearted manner, "I would not call an omnicidal alicorn 'nice' or 'kind.'" She says in reference to having called Iremia those things. She magics her burger up and takes another bite. She sips her wine. "Our train was stuck on the tracks from a snow pileup until she clear the way for us."

2019-12-31, 06:31 PM
"I'm sssure there isss a very good, er, reassson for them," Dusk replies, "But, the air wasss primarily dominated by Equessstria. The threat of a Zebra airborne attack on the Empire wasss...negligible." She clears her throat. "There are alssso documentsss hidden away in sssome of Neighagara'sss old computer terminalsss that talk about 'Sssealing off the Empire'."

She nods to Rime and enjoys the food twice as much thanks to her magic!

"She certainly seems...interesting," Printing Press says, "Did you have any concerns at all while talking with her, or would you say she has your full-hearted endorsement?"

2019-12-31, 07:08 PM
"I'm sssure there isss a very good, er, reassson for them," Dusk replies, "But, the air wasss primarily dominated by Equessstria. The threat of a Zebra airborne attack on the Empire wasss...negligible." She clears her throat. "There are alssso documentsss hidden away in sssome of Neighagara'sss old computer terminalsss that talk about 'Sssealing off the Empire'."

Whether she likes it or not, Doc is her captive audience now. He almost stops eating to listen to her story. "Sealing the Empire? From the threat of Equestria? Celestia's graces, I can't imagine why they would... I mean... maybe paranoia, but I just never thought it could be so. How much have you managed to read from the old terminals?"

2020-01-01, 10:50 AM
"I did. At first. The rumors have such imaginative behind them that I was worried. Iremia was nicer than most ponies would have been. I have not talked to her much yet, a little yesterday, but I can endorse her as much as anyone else deserves for helping us out. My concern is how people will react to her for being an alicorn. The ponies on the train were high-strung from the rumors before they even talked to her. Ponies being afraid with weapons at the ready is not how a pony wants to start a pleasant conversation."

2020-01-02, 11:38 PM
"I...didn't get to read much," Dusk admits, "But what I did had very big implicationth for the whole pre-war military sssituation. I found a few entriesss about 'War Plan Dark Dawn', which involved locking down the Neighara area and preparing for a ssseige by Equessstria until relief could come from the capitol."

Printing Press' lips twitch upwards. "No, I suppose it wouldn't make for a good first impression to wave a gun in a goddess' face."

2020-01-03, 06:54 AM
"I...didn't get to read much," Dusk admits, "But what I did had very big implicationth for the whole pre-war military sssituation. I found a few entriesss about 'War Plan Dark Dawn', which involved locking down the Neighara area and preparing for a ssseige by Equessstria until relief could come from the capitol."

"Quite a story I reckon," Doc says. "To find out that two allies had contingencies in case one attacked the other. Didn't know everyone got that paranoid during the war. The bits of history books I learned from strictly talked about the war front. Said nothing about things like this, but I suppose that was intentional. Thanks for sharing. I have found this topic fascinating."

He licked his lips, food just about eaten.

2020-01-03, 02:16 PM
Rime sips her wine. She is tempted to start the subject, but she has been taught better. "I would not want to be rude by discussing religion as a guest in another pony's home."

2020-01-04, 10:20 PM
She blushes and smiles a little, flattered by Doc's kind words. "Oh. You're very welcome, Doc," she says, "That isss kind of you to sssay."

"And I won't press, if you don't want to speak," Printing Press replies. A lull in the conversation lingers for only a few seconds before Green Spark pipes up.

"So!" he says, "What station do you all prefer to listen to?"

2020-01-04, 10:36 PM
She blushes and smiles a little, flattered by Doc's kind words. "Oh. You're very welcome, Doc," she says, "That isss kind of you to sssay."

"Well I find history to be a fascinating subject," Doc says. "I didn't have many history books growing up. Plenty of comic books though. I reckon you could see the history of culture through them. They were filled with social and political commentary from their time. But what I've been doing a good bit lately is travel around. Been to a few places like Tauronto. Maybe I should write about them? Dunno if that would be useful to many."

"So!" he says, "What station do you all prefer to listen to?"

"Grandma always had a pretty good selection of music."

2020-01-04, 11:10 PM
She was not expecting him to ask if Iremia was a god. That business with Truely Worthy indicates to her that neutrality is the best practice. All this talk about Iremia makes her want to talk to Iremia. She wonders about the alicorn.

She perks up at Green Spark's question. "Good question. I listen to most of them. I really enjoy the Neo-Classical Station. The music they play is so beautiful. I can just feel the instruments in my ears. A shame I do not carry a radio while I travel. I would love to listen to more music as I go from place to place. Every time they find a song it is like they are uncovering a wondrous gem. I listen to Neighagara Pulp Radio too when I have more time. I am a big fan of Ace Shot, at Your Service. The drama has simply captured me."

2020-01-06, 12:08 AM
"Did you ever make it to Whinnyapplelisss?" Dusk asks, a bit of eagerness leaking into her voice, "I heard there isss a whole city of batponiesss there." She leans in a little, a strand of mane falling across her face. "You could write a...a Wasssteland Sssurvival Guide! Like that other one, but if you wrote it up here, it would get more circ-u-la-tion."

Green Spark grins. "Ace is one of the greats. I can tell why they made him a recurring character, back when they were making the show." He clears his throat and shifts his voice into a huskier tone, "I've been told I can do a good impression. What do you think?"

Mellow actually stirs and joins the conversation at the mention of Doc's grandma. "Oh yeah? Family heirlooms or...?"

2020-01-06, 06:58 AM
"Did you ever make it to Whinnyapplelisss?" Dusk asks, a bit of eagerness leaking into her voice, "I heard there isss a whole city of batponiesss there." She leans in a little, a strand of mane falling across her face. "You could write a...a Wasssteland Sssurvival Guide! Like that other one, but if you wrote it up here, it would get more circ-u-la-tion."

There's a slight little blush on Doc, with Dusk looking a bit cuter from the eagerness and the loose strand of mane. "I'm afraid I haven't gotten to Winnyapplelis yet, but sounds like a worthy stop to check out in the future. City of batponies, eh? Reckon its a nocturnal city then? Well, I do prefer being a night owl. I suppose I could write a survival guide on dressing wounds. If more folks knew first aid, their would be more survivors that live to see a professional doctor."

Mellow actually stirs and joins the conversation at the mention of Doc's grandma. "Oh yeah? Family heirlooms or...?"

Doc nods in the affirmative. "A record collection to be specific. Lots of Jazz music as I remember it. Her hobby as a filly was collecting old records."

2020-01-07, 09:49 AM
Rime smiles at Green Spark. "That is really good! Ace's character has always been a fun one." Her burger is nearly finished. Her wine glass is empty.

2020-01-11, 01:12 PM
"Healing potionsss make a lot of people think that they don't need doctorsss," Dusk says, "Pop one and woundsss disssappear. Doesssn't help with infection, though."

Mellow grins. "Nice."

A big smile crosses Spark's face at the compliment. "Heh. Thanks. I was thinking of maybe trying to start my own show, since there are only so many things that survived the War. We'll be stuck on reruns here soon."

It seems that everyone is finishing up their dinner, but a little bit remains. And then, perhaps, dessert.

2020-01-11, 05:35 PM
"Healing potionsss make a lot of people think that they don't need doctorsss," Dusk says, "Pop one and woundsss disssappear. Doesssn't help with infection, though."

Mellow grins. "Nice."

Doc nods to Mellow. He thinks it's nice too, though he doesn't mess with it.

"And true, healing potions only help you for basic injury," Doc says cheerfully. "A trained doctor is your friend for treating infections. Finding a supply of antibiotics is hard though. Either they're sold at exorbitant prices or they're not a good batch."

Doc organizes his utensils and awaits dessert.

2020-01-12, 12:10 AM
Dusk sighs heavily. "Yeah...medical ssstuff isss expensssive."

Printing Press rises and says, "Scuse me folks. I'll be right back with the parfait." He grins and winks.

2020-01-12, 01:26 AM
Dusk sighs heavily. "Yeah...medical ssstuff isss expensssive."

Printing Press rises and says, "Scuse me folks. I'll be right back with the parfait." He grins and winks.

Doc seems to have his attention caught on that heavy sigh. "Something medical you needing? Never know what I come across in my travels. Might be something I can point your way."

Ooooh, parfait! That will be a delicious conclusion to this meal...


"What's a parfait?" Doc whispers to Dusk.

2020-01-12, 01:37 AM
Dusk sighs heavily. "Yeah...medical ssstuff isss expensssive."

Printing Press rises and says, "Scuse me folks. I'll be right back with the parfait." He grins and winks.

Doc seems to have his attention caught on that heavy sigh. "Something medical you needing? Never know what I come across in my travels. Might be something I can point your way."

Ooooh, parfait! That will be a delicious conclusion to this meal...


"What's a parfait?" Doc whispers to Dusk.

2020-01-22, 10:50 AM
She says to Spark, "You are very welcome. You have a nice talent there. If you ever did make your own show I would be glad to listen. I certainly have not heard all that has survived the War, but something a little more recent and related to home would be a welcomed addition. Things are not like they were in the historicals. Relating can be difficult at times when Ace references something that simply does not exist." She smirks. "It can be fun doing a fact finding mission to figure out what they are talking about though." She frowns. "Reruns would be regrettable considering there are new tells to tell every single day. That is one of the reasons why a paper is so important - to tell ponies about our lives."

"Oh! A parfait." Rime fashionable touches her face. "That sounds so lovely. I would love a parfait." She lightly bumps her shoulder against Dusk and gossips, "Oo~ A parfait."