View Full Version : Void Disciple's moment of clarity

2019-12-09, 01:28 PM
So this ability of the void disciple from complete divine says it allows you to grant an ally "the temporary ability to use any skill or feat", minus ancestor feats. It seems like it'd be op for it to, but is there anything that suggests that the "any" part of that ability needs prerequisites to still be met in order for the grantee to use the feat? Does this ability allow you to say, grant a rogue weapon specialization or epic feats to a pre ecl 21 character?

2019-12-09, 03:03 PM
From a RAW perspective, it doesn't carry the standard 'must meet prerequisites' text, nor the 'doesn't need to meet prerequisites' text that monks have. You can almost certainly give any feat, but if feats stop working if the prereqs aren't fulfilled, then it won't be active, since it doesn't grant feats that specifically ignore prereqs. If you use it in succession, you could probably leapfrog to the end of feat chains by getting the penultimate feat (inactive) and using it to meet the prereqs for the last one.

From a RAI perspective, you probably need to be eligible for the feat, period.

2019-12-09, 03:39 PM
From a RAW perspective, it doesn't carry the standard 'must meet prerequisites' text, nor the 'doesn't need to meet prerequisites' text that monks have. You can almost certainly give any feat, but if feats stop working if the prereqs aren't fulfilled, then it won't be active, since it doesn't grant feats that specifically ignore prereqs. If you use it in succession, you could probably leapfrog to the end of feat chains by getting the penultimate feat (inactive) and using it to meet the prereqs for the last one.

From a RAI perspective, you probably need to be eligible for the feat, period.

I'd have thought the same thing if the ability didn't say they grant the ability to perform the feat specifically, rather than simply grant the feat itself.

2019-12-09, 04:02 PM
I'd have thought the same thing if the ability didn't say they grant the ability to perform the feat specifically, rather than simply grant the feat itself.

I'm pretty sure that's the lead-in fluff. The ability clarifies itself mechanically as:

The target gains either one feat or a number of ranks in one skill equal to his relevant ability modifier for that skill.

EDIT: Consider feats with physical components, like Troll-Blooded or Deformity: Tall. You can't really gain the knowledge to temporarily be really tall or know how to regenerate your limbs, but they are valid feats to bestow. It's up to the DM to set reasonable limits in line with the fluff in cases like this, and that's what things like the start of the ability description are for. The strict RAW sometimes flies in the face of the fluff, but such is the fun in optimization discussions.