View Full Version : Why is Antimagic Field a 8th level spell?

2019-12-09, 02:05 PM
Seems to me for just covering 10ft its kind of a high cost. Maybe because itīs just an action to cast? Seems like if there is anything your up against could pretty easily move you without needing magic. Ex: summoning something to throw something big at you.

Link to SRD: LINK (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/5e_SRD:Antimagic_Field)

2019-12-09, 02:10 PM
Turning off the magic is a pretty big effect: a wizard becomes a simple elf, while dragons stay dragons.

2019-12-09, 02:25 PM
The problem of enemies leaving is dealt with by using a very angry barbarian or fighter holding the low str caster in the no spell zone.

Fable Wright
2019-12-09, 03:27 PM
Globe of Invulnerability is level 6, and has been every edition.
Antimagic Field is way stronger.

In 3.5e, depending on which list you draw from, Antimagic Field could be level 6 or 8.

Comparing AMF and Globe of Invulnerability, therefore, AMF goes at the higher level than Globe. So level 8 for everyone.

2019-12-09, 03:38 PM
Anti-magic field is one of those spells that breaks a certain kind of obstacle, similar to teleport.

Ancient door, sealed with magic, requiring a key/soul/mcguffin to bypass? Nope, just antimagic field it, then have the barbarian break it down. Evil wizard true polymorphs himself into an adult red dragon? Walk up and turn him back, no save allowed. Also disables his mage armor/any AC boosting items.

2019-12-09, 04:27 PM
Seems to me for just covering 10ft its kind of a high cost. Maybe because itīs just an action to cast? Seems like if there is anything your up against could pretty easily move you without needing magic. Ex: summoning something to throw something big at you.

Link to SRD: LINK (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/5e_SRD:Antimagic_Field)

Simply because it has the most powerful effect in the game. It shuts down all magic, magical effect, and magic items outside of Artifacts and Deities. It even states that summons can't enter that area without being temporarily dismissed. This is a spell that trumps the Wish spell.

That said, while it has the strongest effect of any spell, its a spell that I would never, ever use as written. Why? Because, it has a Range of Self, with a 10ft radius, and the only two classes that get it are Clerics and Wizards.

Using this spell is tantamount to saying "I don't want to do anything else this encounter, someone come and shoot me". You can't cast anything, you can't use class abilities like Channel Divinity or Wizard Subclass abilities, and you can't use your magic items. And since its only a 10ft radius, you need to be in the front lines for it to aid your team mates and harm your enemies. You, the Wizard with no Armor and no Mage Armor, or you, the Cleric that can only make a single attack. On the front line. Getting up close and personal to whatever you're fighting.

This spell would be so much better if it were a Touch spell. Then you could put it on a class that doesn't need as much magic, like a Fighter, Rogue, Monk, or Barbarian.

2019-12-09, 05:23 PM
Simply because it has the most powerful effect in the game. It shuts down all magic, magical effect, and magic items outside of Artifacts and Deities. It even states that summons can't enter that area without being temporarily dismissed. This is a spell that trumps the Wish spell.

That said, while it has the strongest effect of any spell, its a spell that I would never, ever use as written. Why? Because, it has a Range of Self, with a 10ft radius, and the only two classes that get it are Clerics and Wizards.

Using this spell is tantamount to saying "I don't want to do anything else this encounter, someone come and shoot me". You can't cast anything, you can't use class abilities like Channel Divinity or Wizard Subclass abilities, and you can't use your magic items. And since its only a 10ft radius, you need to be in the front lines for it to aid your team mates and harm your enemies. You, the Wizard with no Armor and no Mage Armor, or you, the Cleric that can only make a single attack. On the front line. Getting up close and personal to whatever you're fighting.

This spell would be so much better if it were a Touch spell. Then you could put it on a class that doesn't need as much magic, like a Fighter, Rogue, Monk, or Barbarian.

Certainly I would call divine intervention a Deity acting and therefore be an exception. I would be tempted to say channel divinity is also a deity, but less hard and fast on that one.

AMF seems to be one of those spells that is more good than fun, but against the right encounter it is truly powerful.

2019-12-09, 06:28 PM
Simply because it has the most powerful effect in the game. It shuts down all magic, magical effect, and magic items outside of Artifacts and Deities. It even states that summons can't enter that area without being temporarily dismissed. This is a spell that trumps the Wish spell.

That said, while it has the strongest effect of any spell, its a spell that I would never, ever use as written. Why? Because, it has a Range of Self, with a 10ft radius, and the only two classes that get it are Clerics and Wizards.

Using this spell is tantamount to saying "I don't want to do anything else this encounter, someone come and shoot me". You can't cast anything, you can't use class abilities like Channel Divinity or Wizard Subclass abilities, and you can't use your magic items. And since its only a 10ft radius, you need to be in the front lines for it to aid your team mates and harm your enemies. You, the Wizard with no Armor and no Mage Armor, or you, the Cleric that can only make a single attack. On the front line. Getting up close and personal to whatever you're fighting.

This spell would be so much better if it were a Touch spell. Then you could put it on a class that doesn't need as much magic, like a Fighter, Rogue, Monk, or Barbarian.

Couldn't you just cast it and stand behind your allies? Either way you're still making your Barbarian and Fighter friends invulnerable to magic, at the cost of your concentration and a big spell slot. It's not like it's a 5' radius.

I absolutely would cast the spell, exactly as written, if for some insane reason my party was planning to get in a fight with Sul Khatesh. Let the Sharpshooters kill her while I keep everyone alive!

2019-12-09, 07:57 PM
Whichever Wizard has the golem wins!

2019-12-09, 09:42 PM
I think it's an extremely strong spell, but I do think that most Wizards should use it carefully because as mentioned they are kind of like sitting ducks inside an AMF. Clerics however should all use it as much as possible because they are usually sitting at 19-21AC by then even without magic and I'd rule that all of their divine powers continue to work.

2019-12-09, 09:58 PM
"Well, all your fancy magic defenses, toys and abilities are down and now Grognar here is gonna beat you like a drum".

2019-12-09, 11:52 PM
Couldn't you just cast it and stand behind your allies? Either way you're still making your Barbarian and Fighter friends invulnerable to magic, at the cost of your concentration and a big spell slot. It's not like it's a 5' radius.

I absolutely would cast the spell, exactly as written, if for some insane reason my party was planning to get in a fight with Sul Khatesh. Let the Sharpshooters kill her while I keep everyone alive!

Yes and no, its only a 10ft radius. Now, it does prevent most AoEs, but I find that is still far too close to the enemies for my taste. Most DMs I play with, myself included, will target a caster without any concern for Attacks of Opportunity. Meaning there's no real way to avoid a melee attack if you're within 30 feet of an enemy.

This is even worse if your foe has a non-magical ranged attack. To put it in perspective on how hard some DMs will go after a caster:

When I played ToA and got to the final boss, we ended up facing Acererak. The DM hit me with every single legendary action, and a 9th level spell, just to kill my Moon Druid. Literally, I was hit with the Sphere of Ahnniliation, a Magic Missile, and Power Word Kill...just to take my Moon Druid down.

And before that I had a Fighter/Wizard that accidentally alerted an entire hoard of Orcs. When it became clear we would win this unwinnable fight, the dm had every orc attack me, despite me being behind a literal wall of allies with no way through. The orcs simply used javelins, even the ones in melee combat.

I will admit, I deserved both things. In ToA I cheesed the main boss by turning into a fire elemental and dragging it under lava where it died in 3 rounds, while I remained immune to most of its effects because Elementals are immune to exhaustion.

The orc thing happened when I used Thunderwave in an orc stronghold, and I spent the ENTIRE encounter with 1 HP, and my DM didn't want to give me the satisfaction of making it through every orc in the cave on just 1 hit point. But still, we go after mages.

2019-12-10, 02:37 AM
Yes and no, its only a 10ft radius. Now, it does prevent most AoEs, but I find that is still far too close to the enemies for my taste. Most DMs I play with, myself included, will target a caster without any concern for Attacks of Opportunity. Meaning there's no real way to avoid a melee attack if you're within 30 feet of an enemy.

This is even worse if your foe has a non-magical ranged attack. To put it in perspective on how hard some DMs will go after a caster:

When I played ToA and got to the final boss, we ended up facing Acererak. The DM hit me with every single legendary action, and a 9th level spell, just to kill my Moon Druid. Literally, I was hit with the Sphere of Ahnniliation, a Magic Missile, and Power Word Kill...just to take my Moon Druid down.

I can't help noticing that an Anti-Magic Field would have stopped all these attacks cold.

And before that I had a Fighter/Wizard that accidentally alerted an entire hoard of Orcs. When it became clear we would win this unwinnable fight, the dm had every orc attack me, despite me being behind a literal wall of allies with no way through. The orcs simply used javelins, even the ones in melee combat.

That doesn't sound prohibitive. A wizard with a decent AC (plate armor + shield for example) can lie prone to impose disadvantage on ranged attacks. As long as allies are set up in a proper chokepoint so nobody can get into melee range, the wizard will be fairly resilient even to fairly large hordes. Besides, you probably wouldn't be Anti-Magic Fielding in this scenario anyway--you'd probably be Fireballing or some equivalent, since orcs don't have powerful magic. If you do happen to face a literal horde of spellcasting orcs such that Anti-Magic Field would be appropriate against their Magic Missiles and Fireballs, well, you're toast either way if you stay--time to Teleport out of there instead of fighting.

The orc thing happened when I used Thunderwave in an orc stronghold, and I spent the ENTIRE encounter with 1 HP, and my DM didn't want to give me the satisfaction of making it through every orc in the cave on just 1 hit point. But still, we go after mages.


2019-12-10, 02:55 AM
The small mounted cleric with mounted combat feat will use it great when they raid the barbarian.

Assume the cleric is AC boosting.

Your barbarian have an antimagic field around them so they can destroy stuff easily.
When the barbarian use reckless attack and get attacked back you can retarget the attack to yourself(and I have to say it is a great synergy with Ancestral Guardian).
You get to melee attack from their back with Divine Strike(it doesn't say it is magical so it isn't magical).

Same for Soul of the Forge and Saint of Forge and Fire.
(I am using the forge cleric as an example).

Is is a great combo for a forge cleric and a barbarian.

Witty Username
2019-12-10, 03:05 AM
10 ft can easily shield the entire party, since magic cannot enter the effect, this shuts down virtually any form of spellcasting enemy with no save. The best they can do is run away. How many spells allow a standard party of four stand toe to toe with 100 archmages?

Fable Wright
2019-12-10, 03:29 AM
10 ft can easily shield the entire party, since magic cannot enter the effect, this shuts down virtually any form of spellcasting enemy with no save. The best they can do is run away. How many spells allow a standard party of four stand toe to toe with 100 archmages?

Trick question: None. The difference between a great mage and an archmage is that one has learned to let gravity do their work for them.

2019-12-10, 05:09 AM

Actually, Anti-Magic Field would have been less useful then you think. It would have suppressed my Wild Shape, I was a Fire Elemental at the time, and the Fly spell my Wizard companion had cast on me...while I was flying over a lake of lava that did about 10d10+an amount I can't remember. Though had I been on solid ground it would have been a useful defense.

As for the Orcs, I was rather proud of that~ Highest level in the party was a level 4, and I was sitting at level 3. 1 Fighter/2Wizard. And true, there are ways to mitigate low AC through multiclassing, I find most enemies you face when you have 8th level spells can get past a 20 AC really easily.

2019-12-10, 05:51 AM
This is a spell that trumps the Wish spell.

This depends on how you interpret Wish as functioning: as the wizard saying "I wish for spell X to be cast!" and spell X going off as it normally would, or (like in previous editions) as the wizard saying "I wish for X to happen!", where X is meta-constrained to be emulated by an existing spell effect, but could be considered non-magical after the instantaneous Wish alters reality to set it in motion. (It certainly stops the casting of Wish, though.)

The Patterner
2019-12-10, 08:39 AM
Can anti-magic fields be put on a magic item.

Like say an arrow with some form of non-magic superglue and an attached AM field on it that you could fire at a flying wixard...

2019-12-10, 10:18 AM
It was pretty good in our fight against a Beholder, then again our martial character is a dragon that our Abjuration Wizard can ride.

2019-12-10, 11:22 AM
Can anti-magic fields be put on a magic item.

Like say an arrow with some form of non-magic superglue and an attached AM field on it that you could fire at a flying wixard...

not unless you are also super glued to the arrow

2019-12-10, 02:05 PM
Can anti-magic fields be put on a magic item.

Like say an arrow with some form of non-magic superglue and an attached AM field on it that you could fire at a flying wixard...

Not unless the magic item is the caster. AMF has the range of self.