View Full Version : Spheres of annhilation

2019-12-09, 07:30 PM
Other than a 10th level Entropomancer, is anything else specifically immune to spheres of annhilation?
Deities, demigods, epic level monsters etc.?

2019-12-09, 11:15 PM
If you understand it as a Transmutation effect(the artifact has a strong Transmutation aura and works like Disintegrate), you can resist it by gaining immunity to such effects, like from the Master of Many Forms capstone. Other than that specific interpretation, and maybe a couple other dubious ones, the Sphere of Annihilation is really just that - instakill to any creature that comes in contact with it. The text is pretty definitive and doesn't use many terms commonly seen in the rest of the system, so it's hard to gain immunity to it.

There's a small loophole though, as it states that any matter that comes in contact with it is disintegrated. This means an immaterial creature would probably be unaffected, and the borderline cases like incorporeal creatures require DM adjudication(usually it's ruled as having mass anyways). You could argue that becoming immaterial is an effective way to avoid destruction, but as most RAW shenanigans, it's shaky at best.

2019-12-09, 11:23 PM
Other than a 10th level Entropomancer, is anything else specifically immune to spheres of annhilation?
Deities, demigods, epic level monsters etc.?How about an illithid savant who eats a 10th level entropomancer?

I believe there's an epic spell that allows you to control the thing, as well as the talisman of the sphere (of course).

2019-12-10, 12:06 PM
In the Age of Worms Adventure Path, BBEG is a Demigod, and there is possibility to use Spheres of Annihilation against him
Hit with a Sphere wouldn't destroy him instantly, but remove 50% of current hp (unless he have less than 200, at which point Sphere and Kyuss would be both destroyed)

2019-12-10, 11:10 PM
How about an illithid savant who eats a 10th level entropomancer?

I believe there's an epic spell that allows you to control the thing, as well as the talisman of the sphere (of course).

You don't need an epic spell. Anybody can control one. The talisman just makes you a bit better at it.


Epic Binders who summon a Sphere of Annihilation via Tkhaluuljin are immune to their own sphere, but not other ones.

The rules are silent on what happens if two Spheres of Annihilation contact each other.

EDIT: The tarrasque's regeneration ability might work. It's not specified what happens if it's subject to a "no save, just die", but it is specified that it can't be killed except via Wish or Miracle with 868 nonlethal damage.

2019-12-10, 11:18 PM
Shapechange into a blackball/umbral blot? Are those immune, or are they like oozes that aren't immune to acid (in which case, they die to their own acidic coating rather quickly)?

2019-12-10, 11:25 PM
Shapechange into a blackball/umbral blot? Are those immune, or are they like oozes that aren't immune to acid (in which case, they die to their own acidic coating rather quickly)?

They're not immune to Spheres proper. I checked.

(Note that blackballs allow a save and True Rez, whereas Spheres proper do not.)