View Full Version : How to Bard out with my heart out?

2019-12-10, 08:35 PM
I’ve Barded before. But oddly enough I’ve never played a *musical* Bard of any sort. They typically just.... ignored the musical aspect.

Recently I suggested a concept in another topic and really, it sounds like more fun than what my other concept was for my upcoming Avernus game. So I’m going with what I pitched to somebody else.

“30 years ago, I had a legitimate hit. I was on top of the world. But fame was fleeting, and I was just a one hit wonder. After decades in obscurity since, my song is only ever mentioned now as a joke...

Desperate for my legacy to mean something more, I’ve struck out on the adventuring life. Perhaps for inspiration for my next song, maybe to uncover something that’ll write me back into the pages of history.

I’m Rick Astley, D&D Adventurer, and I’m never going to let you down. Never gonna run around, and hurt you~”

Seriously, this isn’t a joke, this is what I’m going with.

My question is.... How can I really play this up?

I need any and all suggestions!

(He’s an Aasimar. Because that man has the voice of an ANGEL!)

2019-12-10, 08:47 PM
Everything has to be a pun, obviously. I'm quite a fan of one of his more recent songs, Lights Out but unfortunately Darkness isn't on the Bard List.

It would work with Eyebite and/or Blindness though. I could even see it working well as a Lore Bard with Cutting Words causing an attack to miss.

2019-12-10, 08:49 PM
Going Eloquence. Mostly for mechanical reasons, as it’s for Avernus and some fiends have immunity to Charm, creating an issue with Cutting Words.

Figuring puns and hearing Never Gonna Give You Up would be enough to cause anyone to require an INT Save or suffer Disadvantage on their next save. >_>

2019-12-10, 08:54 PM
Going Eloquence. Mostly for mechanical reasons, as it’s for Avernus and some fiends have immunity to Charm, creating an issue with Cutting Words.

You know I scrapped my onomancer wizard idea for this exact reason and still went and recommended something silly, my mistake.

The more I look at some of his tracks, the more I love this idea. If you end up taking Spirit Guardians as one of your magical secrets (pretty late into the campaign unfortunately) you can pull it out for Angels on my Side.

I love the idea but I'm a bit disappointed that the best I can offer is corny puns.

da newt
2019-12-10, 09:24 PM
Print out the lyrics to ALL of his songs - find a way to work them into everything.

Constantly search for fans who remember you.

Try to use your signature and memorabilia as currency.

Wear the trench coat.

(If I was the DM, I'd find a way for it to turn out a fiend was responsible for his one success)

2019-12-10, 10:54 PM
(If I was the DM, I'd find a way for it to turn out a fiend was responsible for his one success)

The fiend love his music because they can use it to torture people in life and death.

One of the other players should keep pretending they've found "secret fiendish plans" and then read more lyrics to "never gonna give you up".

Every time the bard makes an acrobatics check, he says "Rick-roll!"

2019-12-10, 11:56 PM
Treat everything like Elvis in a movie, sing just about all your lines.

Constantly quote your music.

Heal some and let them know you heard their “cry for help”

Safety Sword
2019-12-11, 03:38 AM
Disguise yourself a something much more useful and then suddenly reveal yourself as.. well, you singing...

(If I was the DM, I'd find a way for it to turn out a fiend was responsible for his one success)

That is totally a good reason for him to go to Avernus, he's looking for his "agent" and another hit song.

2019-12-11, 09:22 AM
You've got to fly like an eagle
Prowl like a lion in Africa
Leap like a salmon home form the sea
Walk like a panther tonight

(Go watch the movie Walk like a Panther. Meanwhile, watch Rick's vibe on this music video for the Movie:


The music gets even catchier if you play it at 1.5x speed.)

I could try to build himself as Valour, Swords or Eloquence Bard.

Healing Word is probably mandatory for Bards, but Eloquence can help on this.

You want spells like Heroism or Calm emotions for those nerves of steel (Making Eloquence so good),

Speak with Animals (Eloquence says hi again) or/and Enhance Ability for the animal theme,

Fear and Confusion for his still powerful presence,

Blindness/Deafness, Shatter, Dispel Magic and Counter Spell for non Concentration power moves,

Nondetection to play with the idea of being someone forgotten,

Polymorph, Dimension Door or Freedom of Movement also could fit somewhere.

Pick as your extra spells damage spells like Fireball, Destructive Wave, or Steel Wind Strike.

2019-12-11, 09:29 AM
First things first. You need the verbal components of all your spells to be lines from famous one hit wonders.

Your bard should be desperate for attention, willing to do anything to get someone to look at him. Willing to take any gig that the DM throws at you, no matter how humiliating (bonus points if you DM is willing to play with this, it could be an amazingly fun RP opportunity). At the same time, there needs to be some bitterness there. He needs to remember when he was big and everyone knew who he was and remind everyone of it.

Also, liberal use of suggestion on downtime to get people to listen to and perform his song!

Hobbo Jim
2019-12-11, 10:52 AM
Based on the personality, I would say even go for shoehorning your songs in sometimes just to make your character seem more desperate.

If you every find yourself in melee combat, I highly suggest taking a full movement to run around them before you attack. Then be like "I'll never do that to my friends!"

2019-12-11, 12:12 PM
Get very familiar with Rick Astley's discography. Insert statements that WOULD lead to one of his other songs... if anyone knew what they were.

2019-12-12, 12:28 PM
Since I've never met the guy...

Better personality to go with?

Am I ashamed of that song being a meme now, or do I totally over-the-top embrace it and think I'm far more important than I actually am?

Am I trying to use signed headshots of myself as currency? :smalltongue:

2019-12-12, 12:40 PM
Since I've never met the guy...

Better personality to go with?

Am I ashamed of that song being a meme now, or do I totally over-the-top embrace it and think I'm far more important than I actually am?

Am I trying to use signed headshots of myself as currency? :smalltongue:

I would go with the idea that he still thinks he has fans and tends to ask if they want him to preform when he comes to a new town.

He constantly has to work on promoting his "brand" and works tirelessly to keep his rep up.

That is why he is out there adventuring, to be famous and spread his music.

If by chance you play in an Eberron friendly setting, keep stashes of dragon shards and stones that play your music.

not an arrogant jerk, but more someone people look at and go, "oh, he is still around I guess."