View Full Version : [Let's Read] Dragonlance: Legends of the Twins

2019-12-12, 03:41 AM
Hello everyone. I've become aware that images from gaming sourcebooks are disallowed for reviewing purposes even if they're in the public domain a la my now-deleted Spears of the Dawn review.

It's been scientifically proven that walls of text with no graphics are terrible for reader engagement, but I can do the next best thing and link to my reviews from elsewhere like I safely did with my Deadlands reviews!

Here's my RPGnet review of the Legends of the Twins sourcebook, a Dragonlance gaming supplement dedicated to time travel and parallel realities! (https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/lets-read-dragonlance-legends-of-the-twins-sourcebook.855836/)

To encourage some community input, I'd like to hear of peoples' favorite Alternate Krynns, my favorite part of said sourcebook. I'll sum them up briefly below:

Kingpriest Ascendant: The Kingpriest traps and enslaves the gods, becoming a godlike entity in the process.

Magocracy of Ansalon: The Wizards of High Sorcery step in to provide order after the Cataclysm, becoming the new rulers of Ansalon.

Dragonlands: The Heroes of the Lance failed, and The Dragonarmies took over Ansalon.

Hourglass in the Sky: The world's coming to an end as Raistlin goes about killing the gods.

War of the Darklance: The Knights of Takhisis usher in an unnatural winter after corrupting captured Dragonlances.

Age of Dragons: The post-war nations of Ansalon settled into a cold war with more cloak and dagger political intrigue.