View Full Version : DM Help Ways to stack breath Weapon Progression, Pure RAW and "can be RAW if you squint"?

2019-12-12, 05:29 PM
As the title says, I am looking for all possiblilities to stack Breath weapon progressions on a CHaracter (lets say being a wyrmling Dragon and draining some HD is the maximum amount of cheese allowed).
Classes, Races, Templates, bring it on.

It must either be solid RAW or "RAW if squinted but obviously/kinda RAI" to get past the Co DM.

This os for a Palyer Character palying in our upcoming game, the CO DM however is usually less open to" it should work this way" than me.

Thanks in Advance!

2019-12-14, 07:56 AM
So, you all ahve just as many Ideas as I do. ^^

2019-12-14, 08:13 AM
I mean Dragonfire Adept is the typical breath weapon class, but I’ve no real experience in boosting it. Multiheaded creatures basically multiply the threat of a breath weapon. AFB, but there’s no LA listening on the site I’m reading for the Pyro quality for another form of breath weapon. Of course Lingering and Clinging breath scale up damage a bit. Apply metabreath feats librally when you have a half dozen breath types and it doesn’t matter as much that you don’t get the same one but 2 times a minute, you could still get one every round.

2019-12-14, 11:51 AM
What do you mean by stacking? So like one HD (class level or otherwise) advances two separate breath weapons, or you get breath weapons from two sources and can use all the dice from each at once, or what?

Dragon samurai (Miniatures Handbook) adds its breath weapon dice to the existing dice of whatever breath weapon you have, but it’s worded in a really awful manner and arguably limits your breath weapons to 1/day even if they were normally usable more often. Not recommended without a few heavy whacks from the GM mallet.

2019-12-14, 01:26 PM
All of the following: stacking multiples (that dont use the same pool and hence can be used more often) and stacking HD to count for different Weapons or flat Damage BOnuses, or DC Bonuses or.....


2019-12-15, 12:15 AM
Don't dragon born race* get a breath weapon option? Dragon disciple PrC does but it stinks out loud. Dragonfire adept base class is the good option, dragon shaman base class gets a worse breath weapon. Probably some spells give a breath weapon.

2019-12-15, 01:46 AM
All of the following: stacking multiples (that dont use the same pool and hence can be used more often) and stacking HD to count for different Weapons or flat Damage BOnuses, or DC Bonuses or.....


I don't know of any breath weapons that scale based on HD for damage, but MOST breath weapons scale DC based on HD, since the standard supernatural DC formula is 10+1/2 HD+relevant ability score modifier.

If you want to use your breath weapon more often, there's a feat in the draconomicon that reduces your cooldown by 1 round, so 1d4 rounds becomes 1d4-1, and it's self stacking, so you can grab it multiple times. If you get it 3 times, your cooldown becomes 1d4-3, maximum 1 round, so you can use it every round.

2019-12-15, 03:25 AM
I know binder can get quite a few breath weapons, but I don't have the "dragonbinder" build near me...besides the obvious ones you can also get a fire breath weapon from dragonfire channeling+tenebrous which can be quite fun.