View Full Version : DM Help How much gold would a city give my party?

2019-12-13, 12:27 AM
My 5th level characters found and exposed a group of people who were in the process of using murder, intimidation, kidnapping, extortion, ect to become the real power behind the city. After rescuing and killing the leader of the group, the nobles will be rewarding them for their deeds.
What have you given your adventurers who didn't find a monster hoard?

Thanks ALL!

Dr paradox
2019-12-13, 01:31 AM
Classic reward would be land and titles. A manor in the city, or if your want to draw towards a particular place in the countryside, a long neglected country estate in a region beset by troubles they can fix.

What might your players want to buy with money? Could you give them that directly, instead? If they're given the title "Defenders of the Peace," that could come with some flavorful magic items with a history you could whip up. Favors, also, are good to hand out, because they incentivize the player to be involved in local politics and remember who owes them what.

Even with all that aside, you should still give them some cash to pay the bills and get horses if they want them.

I think the reward should be at around 1,000 gold per party member. That comes to 20 pounds of gold, which you can hand out in fancy complimentary mini treasure chests with the city crest on them. That's a pretty fair price for "Great service to the city," but below "Saved the city from disaster" prices of 5,000 gold pieces (100lbs carried by two servants bearing an ornate chest) and "Saved the city from certain destruction" prices of 10,000 gold pieces. (200 lbs heaped on a silken litter borne by four servants, who come complimentary as part of the reward.)

2019-12-13, 09:21 AM
As long as magic items aren't for sale, the amount doesn't matter. But gold is boring as a reward. At least give them gems or jewelry, preferably with a history or status. Land and titles are good options.

Here are a couple mundane ideas:
A ruby ring with the king's mark, allowing lodging at the kingdom's guard posts.
An emerald brooch that designates them heroes of the land, gaining them respect with commoners, and one free drink each night at any tavern in the town.

In a more high magic setting, a unique magic item might be better:
A set of medallions that automatically cast Rary's telepathic bond on the wearers. (maybe the king is listening in too)
A shield that allows the bearer to cast Leomunds Tiny Hut once per day, recharging at dawn.
A fine silk rope that allows the bearer to cast Rope Trick once per day, recharging at dawn.
A goldfish that goes in your ear, allowing you to cast Comprehend Languages once per day.
A piece of cloth that when tied around your head covering your eyes gives 30' of blindsight, but no vision beyond that, requiring an action to place or remove.

If you can't tell, the last party I DM'd didn't have a wizard. :smallsmile:

2019-12-13, 09:29 AM
Classic reward would be land and titles. A manor in the city, or if your want to draw towards a particular place in the countryside, a long neglected country estate in a region beset by troubles they can fix.

A manor, which -of course- is haunted, but bears great treasure in the basement.

You could make the "title and lands" an adventure if they have the guts to claim it.

2019-12-13, 04:51 PM
My 5th level characters found and exposed a group of people who were in the process of using murder, intimidation, kidnapping, extortion, ect to become the real power behind the city. After rescuing and killing the leader of the group, the nobles will be rewarding them for their deeds.
What have you given your adventurers who didn't find a monster hoard?

Thanks ALL!

In my experience governments don’t give money away, they take it. Lol. But then my DND character recently was a radical anarchist lol.

Land and titles seems more likely. Maybe a slight pension? Like a stipend for maintaining the land/house?

2019-12-14, 12:30 AM
Titles and lands are great, as they don't really cost the giver much (especially if the land was troublesome in the first place), and give them a measure of control over the powerful characters (they know where you live), and give the character an incentive to protect and support the city in the future (as it's now their home too).

False God
2019-12-14, 01:10 AM
A small sum of gold and some land, perhaps the land that belonged to a noble who was working with the criminals(whose organization will likely strike back, begin base building), or land that requires adventurers to attend to it(full of zombies or dire rats or sentient housewares lorded over by a werewolf).

Otherwise, public praise and connections will be what they really gain. Especially if the party exposed this all by accident. The nobles could very well be involved and are trying to "buddy up" to the party before the party catches wind. Or as you would give an artist: "exposure". :-p

2019-12-14, 01:21 AM
Titles and lands are great, as they don't really cost the giver much (especially if the land was troublesome in the first place), and give them a measure of control over the powerful characters (they know where you live), and give the character an incentive to protect and support the city in the future (as it's now their home too).

If the government system is feudal, land also comes with a requirement to govern and protect the people living on that land, to advise the sovereign, and to provide a specified number of troops for the sovereign's wars. All of these can lead to adventure hooks. If the realm is expanding, lands given can be in a frontier area that has been claimed but not yet pacified.