View Full Version : Index Obscure Psionic Powers

2019-12-15, 07:44 AM
Psionics is one of my favourite casting systems due to its mechanics and the shenanigans it can accomplish.

However being not the primary casting system of 3.5 it does not have as much support in splatbooks as vancian casting.

Yet there are still tons of obscure powers strewn all over various splats, adventures and what-have-you.

For example the weird, but awesome Glorytongue power from this web article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020925a).
Or couple the powers in Magic of Incarnum, which includes the incredible Soul Crystal power. I suppose Hyperconscious could also count as obscure being a third-party book, but it's a psionics focused splat anyway, so doesn't bear to include all its powers individually.
Didn't find any similar threads, but that may be due to the terrible forum search rather than their non-existence, so I'll try to my own.

I want to collect and index as many powers outside of the primary sources(XPH, CPsi) as possible, but need help.

Honourable mention: Hyperconscious - a (technically) third party psionics splat by Bruce R. Cordell and Monte Cook.

Glorytongue (Ps 1) [Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020925a)]
Bright and Deadly Ring (Ps 6, PW 6) [Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030618a)]
Steelsteal (Ps 5) [Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030618a)]
Sidenote: There is a ton of obscure magic in the Wyrms of the North web articles, though these are the only psionic powers there. The rest are spells, but I feel this bears mentioning. All of these can be found in this index article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20041201a).

Magic of Incarnum, p.107

Incarnum Infusion (PW 3, Shaper 4)
Open Chakra, Psionic (Ps 4, PW 4)
Soul Crystal (Ps 7)

Races of the Dragon, p.120

Breath Barrier (Ps 3, PW 3)
Dragon Hearted (Ps 4, PW 4)
Evade Breath (Ps 4, PW 2)
Sense of the Dragon, Psionic (Ps 5, PW 5)

Magic of Eberron p.104

Faint Memory (Ps 3)
Forced Dream (Ps 3)
Foretelling (Ps 2)
Induced Awe (Ps 2)
Project Quori Spirit (Ps 3)
Psychic Beacon (Ps 2)
Sense Danger (Ps 3, PW 2)
Stun Quori Spirit (Ps 3)
Suppress Schism (Ps 5)
Waking Dreams (Ps 2)

Faiths of Eberron, p.152

Anchor Plane (Ps 8)
Intesify Manifest Zone, Psionic (Ps 7)
Thoughtsoothe (Ps 3)

Power Conversions, Web Article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827e)

Call Armor (PW 1)
Call Item (Ps 1, PW 1)
Change Fate (Ps 5, PW 5) (i.e. psionic Surge of Fortune, almost)
Combat Transformation (Egoist 6, PW 6)
Ectoplasmic Repair (Ps 1, PW 1)
Reach (Ps 2, PW 2)

Races of Eberron, p.192

Primal Fear (Ps 1, PW 1)
Suggestion, Implanted (Ps 4)

Secrets of Sarlona, p.130

Constrictor's Touch (Ps 2, PW2)
Dream Lock, Psionic (Ps 2, PW 2)
Dream Lock, Psionic Mass (Ps 4)
Dream Spirit, Psionic (Ps 3)
Earth Walk (Ps 2, PW 2)
Energy Trap (Ps 6)
Psychic Whip (Ps 2, PW 1)
Suppress Schism (Ps 5)
Stone Mind (Ps 1, PW 1)
Tail of the Dragon (PW 2)

Frostburn, p.108

Energy Emanation (Ps 2, PW 2)
Energy Flash (Ps 4)
Energy Nullification Field (Kineticist 5)
Mind over Energy (Ps 6, PW 6)
Slow Breathing (Ps 1, PW 1)

Stormwrack, p.126

Blackwater Mind (Ps 4)
Helmsman (Seer 2)
Helmsman, True (Seer 6)
Water-Born (Egoist 3, PW 3)

Sandstorm, p.129 (Note: All of these powers exist in CPsi, some as better versions.)

Inconstant Location (Ps 6, PW 6)
Psychic Scimitar (Ps 2)

Dragon Magic, p.75

Amethyst Burst (Ps 2)
Channel the Psychic Dragon (Ps 1, PW 1)
Crystal Body (Ps 5)
Gemstone Breath (Ps 4)

Races of Stone, p.164 (Note: All of these powers exist in CPsi, some as better versions.)

Blackstone Hammer (PW 6)
Earth Walk (Ps 2, PW 2)
Heavy Earth (Ps 3)
Perfect Archery (PW 3)
Perfect Riposte (PW 5)
Power Claws (PW 2)
Power Weapon (PW 2)
Stone Mind (Ps 1, PW 1)

Races of the Wild, p.176

Contrarian Urge (Ps 3)

Living Arrow (PW 5)
Telekinetic Boomerang (Kineticist 3, PW 3)

Races of Destiny, p.170 (Note: All of these powers exist in CPsi, some as better versions.)

Anticipatory Strike (Ps 2)
Realized Potential (Ps 3)
Synchronicity (Ps 1)
Urban Strider (Ps 1, PW 1)

Weapons of Legacy, p.18

Revitalize Legacy, Psionic (Ps 3, PW 3)
Sever Legacy, Psionic (Ps 8)
Suppress Legacy, Psionic (Ps 5)

2019-12-15, 07:53 AM
Magic of Eberron has it's own sub-chapter on powers, starting on page 104, with the following powers:

Faint Memory (Ps 3)
Forced Dream (Ps 3)
Foretelling (Ps 2)
Induced Awe (Ps 2)
Project Quori Spirit (Ps 3)
Psychic Beacon (Ps 2)
Sense Danger (Ps 3, PW 2)
Stun Quori Spirit (Ps 3)
Suppress Schism (Ps 5)
Waking Dreams (Ps 2)

I'll add more if I find some.

Edit: Faiths of Eberron holds the following powers:
Anchor Plane (Ps 8) [FoEb/152]
Intesify Manifest Zone, Psionic (Ps 7) [FoEb/152]
Thoughtsoothe (Ps 3) [FoEb/153]

2019-12-15, 08:04 AM
Magic of Eberron has it's own sub-chapter on powers, [...]

I'll add more if I find some.

Ah yes, the book that gave us Power Link shards and Forced Dream. Not exactly obscure, but it bears mentioning for those unfamiliar with psionics.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I'll wager there's a good amount of powers scattered over a ton of setting books and various adventures which I will have a difficult time in tracking down by myself.

2019-12-15, 08:24 AM
Are you ready to rumble!? Coz I have dredged up every power in every book I own!

Primal Fear (Ps 1, PW 1) Races of Eberron 192
Suggestion, Implanted (Ps 4) Races of Eberron 192
Energy Emanation (Ps 2, PW 2) Frostburn 108
Energy Flash (Ps 4) Frostburn 108
Energy Nullification Field (Kineticist 5) Frostburn 108
Mind over Energy (Ps 6, PW 6) Frostburn 109
Slow Breathing (Ps 1, PW 1) Frostburn 109
Inconstant Location (Ps 6, PW 6) Sandstorm 129
Psychic Scimitar (Ps 2) Sandstorm 129
Blackwater Mind (Ps 4) Stormwrack 126
Helmsman (Seer 2) Stormwrack 127
Helmsman, True (Seer 6) Stormwrack 127
Waterborn (Egoist 3, PW 3) Stormwrack 127
Breath Barrier (Ps 3, PW 3) Races of the Dragon 120
Dragon Hearted (Ps 4, PW 4) Races of the Dragon 120
Evade Breath (Ps 4, PW 2) Races of the Dragon 120
Sense of the Dragon, Psionic (Ps 5, PW 5) Races of the Dragon 120
Amethyst Burst (Ps 2) Dragon Magic 75
Channel the Psychic Dragon (Ps 1, PW 1) Dragon Magic 75
Crystal Body (Ps 5) Dragon Magic 76
Gemstone Breath (Ps 4) Dragon Magic 76
Blackstone Hammer (PW 6) Races of Stone 163
Earth Walk (Ps 2, PW 2) Races of Stone 164
Heavy Earth (Ps 3) Races of Stone 164
Perfect Archery (PW 3) Races of Stone 164
Perfect Riposte (PW 5) Races of Stone 164
Power Claws (PW 2) Races of Stone 164
Power Weapon (PW 2) Races of Stone 165
Stone Mind (Ps 1, PW 1) Races of Stone 165
Contrarian Urge (Ps 3) Races of the Wild 176
Living Arrow (PW 5) Races of the Wild 176
Telekinetic Boomerang (Kineticist 3, PW 3) Races of the Wild 176
Anticipatory Strike (Ps 2) Races of Destiny 170
Realized Potential (Ps 3) Races of Destiny 170
Synchronicity (Ps 1) Races of Destiny 170
Urban Strider (Ps 1, PW 1) Races of Destiny 170

Edit: Well, every is a bit of a hyperbole. There are books I didn't open because I'm 99% sure that, for example, Book of Exalted Deeds has no powers.

2019-12-15, 08:31 AM

It's weird, but a ton of these are reprints from the primary books.
Synchronicity, even some more obscure sounding ones like Blackstone Hammer. Like for example, all powers from Sandstorm are in CPsi.

2019-12-15, 09:16 AM
It's weird, but a ton of these are reprints from the primary books.
Synchronicity, even some more obscure sounding ones like Blackstone Hammer. Like for example, all powers from Sandstorm are in CPsi.

It's the other way round. Complete Psionics was published 2006, while Races of Stone, Races of the Wild, Races of Destiny and Frostburn were published 2004 and Sandstorm and Stormwrack were published 2005. Further proof of CPsi's lazyness, I think. :smallamused:

2019-12-15, 09:19 AM
It's the other way round. Complete Psionics was published 2006, while Races of Stone, Races of the Wild, Races of Destiny and Frostburn were published 2004 and Sandstorm and Stormwrack were published 2005. Further proof of CPsi's lazyness, I think. :smallamused:

I wouldn't call it laziness, exactly. If that were the case, Spell Compendium would be all laziness. It's convenient, and sometimes CPsi versions are actually better.

2019-12-15, 09:23 AM
I wouldn't call it laziness, exactly. If that were the case, Spell Compendium would be all laziness. It's convenient, and sometimes CPsi versions are actually better.

You are right, of course. It was just a joke based on the horrible reputation CPsi seems to have on this forum.

2019-12-15, 09:02 PM
You're missing a lot of powers from the Mind's Eye articles. The Vile powers and Sardioran powers come to mind, but there are actually a lot more. I would recommend opening up all of them if you actually intend to complete this. They're hidden in places you might not expect.

There's also the Secrets of Sarlona list of spells that are now officially powers.


2019-12-15, 09:39 PM
Dunno how many of these powers it has, but there's a lot of info at psionics.info