View Full Version : DM Help Factory Maps

2019-12-15, 02:33 PM
I have been chosen to run a 3-hour dungeon crawl on a ravnica-themed roll20 server, and I came up with this hook:
Regardless of how you heard about this job, you are chosen to be sent by the Orzhov Syndicate to collect the debt from a debtor who borrowed money to save their struggling family-owned manufacturing business. Due to their product becoming outdated due to a rival Izzet-owned business creating a product that was both cheaper and superior in quality, they were unable to pay back the loan. The business owner used their factory as collateral and unfortunately for the businessman, their payment is several months past due. Simply put, you and your accomplices are tasked with beating down the door of the factory and taking anything that could be used to help the Orzhov recoup their losses on the loan, and take prisoner anybody in the factory who resists. If deadly force is necessary, the Orzhov will clean up any messes you and your accomplices make. For working with the Orzhov, you and your accomplices are promised a 10% cut of any loot you recover. The Orzhov expect you to be discreet about this sensitive situation.
I’m having the hardest time finding maps that will fit this hook, however.

Do you guys have any ideas?

2019-12-15, 04:34 PM
Google factory layout, view images, scroll til you find what you want. Took me 10 seconds to find this (http://meconsulting.co.za/factory-layout-flow/).