View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with gauging RP for custom races

Aotrs Commander
2019-12-16, 04:41 PM
So, my attempts to start actual quest-writing today have been completely stymied by having to do all sorts of stuff when I came to make a new race for my campaign world...

I am adopting PF's race point system (since it's much better than 3.5's and a little more refined than the old one for 3.5 by JabbaTheWhat I had used years ago. Naturally, as I made these races under 3.5, they worked on 3.5's plus for minus system predomnantly, and of COURSE what I did following those rules and tweaking doesn't fit at all with PF's. For those racves with no or only +2/-2 it's easy enough to add another bonus, ut with the more extensive mods, well, I managed to completely straddle PF's ability score stuff, to the point that even combining options didn't give me anything...!)

I've made an educated extrapolation, but for the sake of getting my eye in, could I have a second and subsequent pair of eyes on how well I've gauged setting the RP costs of some stuff? The stuff in bold especially is what I'm looking for a second opinion on (everything else was easy enough to approximate from existing stuff, for as close as it needs to be for my purposes).

(Yes, Jump and Search are still skills in my rules, just pretend lke their other skills or something!)

(World calls' em orc-kin, as opposed to goblinoid, but essentially, orcs, goblins, hobgoblins and kobolds are all goblinoid, genetically engineered (though they don't call it that) by the Dark Lord to oppose the main four races; goblins, the trackers, are nominally the equivilent to dwarves)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Orc-kin) type and subtype
• +2 to any ability score [0]
• Base Speed 30’ [0]
• Low-Light Vision [1]
• +4 racial to listen Perception Checks: Goblins have large and sensitive ears. [4]
• +4 racial to Stealth: Goblins make almost no noise when they move. [4]
• Scent (Ex): As the feat: Goblins a superb sense of smell. [4]
• +4 to Fortitude saves made to resist nonlethal damage caused by exposure to high temperatures in very hot or severe heat conditions (i.e. those below 140ΊF) [2]

13RP; Level Adjustment +0

(Dreemaenhyll gremlin, which in flavour is something like the Golarion goblins, only turned up to 11 (and a little more like the Ones Out Of The Movies).)
Species Traits:
• Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Native) type and subtype [3]
• Str -2, Dex +2, Con -2, Int +2, Wis -4, Cha +2; Gremlins are small, fragile, but have sharp minds and a strong sense of independence, matched only by their utter inability to think things through. [0?]
• Tiny size: +2 AC, +2 on attack rolls, +8 on Stealth, -2 on CMB, lifting and carrying capacity limits half those of Medium creatures. [4]
• Reach 5 feet. Gremlins are right on the border of Small and Tiny creatures, and so are just big enough and just agile enough to have non zero reach [1?]
• Base Speed 30’ Gremlins are extemely fast for their size. [0]
• Low-Light Vision [1]
• Trapfinding, +2 racial bonus to all Craft skills and Disable Device. Gremlins are naturally inclinded to mechanical devices and creativity in general, thanks to their peculiar mind-set and long and nimble fingers. [4?+1+3]
• Primary Natural Weapon: Bite (D4, plus the Gremlin’s Strength bonus). [2]
• Chaotic Stupid (Ex): If a Gremlin attempts an ability or skill check and fails by five or more points, it must make a DC 10 Wisdom check or do something so fundementally stupid it deals itself D6 damage. This applies only to checks it initiates itself (i.e not to those made in reaction to another creature’s action)
It also deals this damage to itself any time it rolls on natural 1 on any attack roll, ability check or skill check. (This stacks with the damage if it also fails a check by 5 or more points.) [-3?]

16 RP

(Genetically engineered by the Dark Lord to be Good At Archery and be the Elf equivilent)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Orc-kin) type and subtype
• +2 to any ability score [0]
• Base Speed 30’ [0]
• Low-Light Vision [1]
• +4 racial to spot Perception Checks: Hobgoblins have superb visual acuity. [4]
• Sharp-Shooting as a bonus Feat. [4?]
• Accuracy (Ex): Reduce sight-based concealment miss chances by 10% (except for Total Concealment) for melee or ranged attacks. +1 competence bonus to all ranged attacks. Hobgoblins have preternatural hand-eye co-ordination and accuracy bred into them. [4?]
• +2 racial to Sleight of Hand: Hobgoblins have excellent manual dexterity. [2]

16 RP; Level Adjustment +0

(Evil!Vulcan lizardmen)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Reptilian) type and subtype
• +2 Int, +2 Wis, -4 Cha: Intulo are cold and calculating, but their lack of emotion renders them passionless. [0]
• Base Speed 30’ [0]
• Bite: treat this as an unarmed (rather than natural weapon) attack (in that it provokes an attack of opputunity), which deals D4 lethal damage plus the Intulo’s Str modifier. [1]
• Stability: The Intulo’s tail makes them very stable. +4 on ability checks made to resist bull rushes or trips when standing on the ground or climbing (but not when riding, swimming or flying etc.) [1]
• +2 bonus to Acrobatics, Climb and Swim checks; the tail adds to balance and aids both swimming and climbing. [2+2+2]
• +2 Natural Armour: Intulo have a tough, scaly hide. [3]
• +2 to all Will saves: Intulo are very hard to mentally affect. [1]

12RP; Level Adjustment +0

Kobold (Another genetically modified race, because the Dark Lord wanted one to opposed halflings...)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Orc-kin) type and subtype
• +2 to any ability score [0]
• Small size: +1 AC, +1 on attack rolls, +4 on Stealth, -1 on CMB, lifting and carrying capacity limits three-quarters as those of Medium creatures. [0]
• Powerful Build: Whenever a Kobold is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check or combat manoeuvre, the Kobold is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A Kobold is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as Improved Grab or Swallow Whole) can affect him. A Kobold can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the Kobold’s actual size category but not with effects that change the Kobold’s effective size. [4?]
• Base Speed 20’ [-1]
• Low-Light Vision: Kobolds have excellent eyes. [1]
• +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics, Jump, Perception and Stealth. Kobolds move with speed quietly and have superior senses. [2+2+2+2]

13 RP ;Level Adjustment +0

(Think Uruk Hai, made to be the opposite to humans...)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Orc-kin) type and subtype
• +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha: Orcs are strong and heavily built but their size makes them less agile than a human, and they are bred to be inherently subservient to their masters. [0]
• Base Speed 30’ [0]
• Endurance as a bonus feat: Orcs can run for hours without tiring. [2]
• Low-Light Vision: Orcs see well in gloomy conditions. [1]
• +1 Natural Armour: Orcs have thick skin. [2]
• +2 to saves verses poisons [2]
• +4 to saves verses non-magical diseases: Orcs have hardy metabolisms that make it difficult to poison them, and the squalid conditions they live in provide them with a resistance to disease; those that don’t are usually dead! [2]
• +4 racial bonus to Intimidate: Orcs are large and fearsome creatures who have a menacing presence that comes from more than their size; they were designed to be intimidating. [4]

RP 14; Level Adjustment +0

Orc, Lesser
(Bred for strength over anything else, highly unlikely to be a PC race, included more for completeness)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Orc-kin) type and subtype
• +6 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, -4 Int, -4 Wis -4 Cha: Lesser Orcs are huge, hulking brutes whose physical strength is matched only by their nearly absent minds. [0]
• Base Speed 30’ [0]
• Endurance as a bonus feat: Orcs can run for hours without tiring. [2]
• Low-Light Vision: Orcs see well in gloomy conditions. [1]
• +1 Natural Armour: Orcs have thick skin. [2]
• +2 to saves verses poisons [2]
• +4 to saves verses non-magical diseases: Orcs have hardy metabolisms that make it difficult to poison them, and the squalid conditions they live in provide them with a resistance to disease; those that don’t are usually dead! [2]
• +4 racial bonus to Intimidate: Orcs are large and fearsome creatures who are used to bullying others. [2]

RP 11; Level Adjustment +0

(Jungle frog-men)
Species Traits:
• Humanoid (Amphibious, Anorid) type and subtype
• +2 Dex, -2 Con. Vodyanoi are agile and savvy, but as ampibians, somewhat fragile. [0] (If anyone wants to argue me Charisma instead of Wis (the mental bonus is new)...)
• Base Speed 30’ Swim 30’ [2]
• +8 racial bonus to swim and may always take 10 on swim checks
• +2 racial bonus on Climb checks; Vodyanoi are adapted for an arboreal life-style. [1]
• +4 racial bonus to Jump checks; Vodyanoi have powerful legs. [4]
• Male Vodyanoi have a -2 penalty to Stealth due to their vivid colouration. They also gain a +4 racial bonus to Perfrom (sing) and (Wind Instrument) checks. Female Vodyanoi only gain a +2 bonus, due to their smaller sacs, but due to their duller colouring, no penalty on Stealth checks. [-2+4; 2]
• +1 racial bonus on Fortitude and Will saves verses spells and effects with the Sonic descriptor; Vodyanoi are somewhat resist to loud noises, because of own. [2]
• Far Breath (Ex): Vodyanoi gain Far Shot for any exhaled weapons (e.g. Blowpipes or blowguns) or any other similar weapons, do to their air sacs. (This does not apply to any breath weapons.) [2]
• Poison Skin (Ex): Any creature that bites a Vodyanoi muts make a Fortitude save (DC equal to 5+ ½ the Vodyanoi’s HD, plus it’s Constituion modifier) or be poisoned, taking D4 Constitution damage (there is no terminal phase). If Vodyanoi flesh is actually injested (or it is swallowed whole), add 5 to the DC, and the creature takes 2D6/2D6 Constution damage. Externally, or on the Vodyanoi’s death, the poison potency only lasts 1 day/ per point of Constution modifier (minimum 1 day). The poison is destroyed by roasting. A Vodyanoi killed by exposure to electricity, fire, heat, light, magma or steam damage is no longer poisonous. [5]

In other news, the clear favouritism in the DM for the Evil side clearly notable by all the evil races being at least Advanced (while dwarves in particular have had their racial traits reduced and moved over to Culture and some gone altogether; maybe I ought to give them ssome more stuff; sadly, I have always been on the elf side of the dwarf/elf divide...!) Though on the other hand, the Dark Lands have small RP cultures, so...!)

2019-12-16, 06:13 PM
I wouldn't mind hearing an assessment of your RP costs either, since I'm in the same boat with some custom races of my own.

But I worry that aspect of your post is lost in the grand waterfall of text. On my first read-through I was wondering, "where's the question? Shouldn't this just be in homebrew?"

I did eventually find the question, at the end of the third paragraph, but it might help to move that up front, to make it clear what you're looking for. I'm also very much not sure what the bolded sections are for, since your note on bolded items is a little confusing.

Aotrs Commander
2019-12-16, 07:07 PM
I wouldn't mind hearing an assessment of your RP costs either, since I'm in the same boat with some custom races of my own.

But I worry that aspect of your post is lost in the grand waterfall of text. On my first read-through I was wondering, "where's the question? Shouldn't this just be in homebrew?"

I did eventually find the question, at the end of the third paragraph, but it might help to move that up front, to make it clear what you're looking for. I'm also very much not sure what the bolded sections are for, since your note on bolded items is a little confusing.

The bolded bits are the ones I'm least sure about my estimates for.

Edited and clarified up the post, notably putting the guff in a spoiler. Better?

2019-12-16, 09:38 PM
Certainly an improvement, but allow me to suggest the following as your opening statement:

I am adopting PF's race point system for several evil-trending homebrew races. I've made an educated extrapolation, but could I have some extra eyes on how well I've gauged the RP costs of some stuff?

This is short, direct, and lets people know what you're doing and what you'd like their help with.

Also, I would recommend a spoiler tag for each race individually, so people can look at them one at a time. Just a suggestion.