View Full Version : Player Help Stranded, can't find our way home

2019-12-17, 10:25 AM
Without too much context, but in our last session I made a questionable decision. I had talked the party's way out of being shot on the spot (we teleported in the middle of a resistance hideout - we've never met them before, they were very edgy/crossbows at heads types). I made a bluff which invited the leader to think one of his sleeper agents had been turned (I was hard winging it by this point) and agreed to accompany him to go to a torturer-mage who is likely to have that information. We travelled in barrels to this location (a day on a wagon), and when we surfaced... I killed the leader of the resistance (who was alone with us). We're stranded as we've no way to know where we are, or where we travelled from. My rationale (criticise at your leisure) was that I had cast Detect Thoughts on the leader and he was very clear that he was fine with civilian casualties in his planned revolution - my Chaotic Good character was not. I'm a Changeling and my plan is to assume his identity and steer the revolution into a more democratic one, rather than a violent one.

Anyhow, we're now in the torturer-mage's dungeon on a made-up quest (there was no traitor afaik, I was just spinning lies to try to not die), stranded and if we're able to summon others from the resistance (we have a flare of some sort) then we better be convincing. Nonetheless, I would be really grateful for advice on how to return to their base (we don't know that location).

Final piece of information is that we teleported from *our* base, which is a randomly shifting castle, so even if we could somehow find our way back to our base, it might not be there. The surest way home is via the "return teleport" at the rebel base.

In terms of travel options, our party of 3 (all level 9) includes an Eldritch Disciple/Ur-Priest who has just picked up Flee The Scene, which works out to be something like 60mph with continual teleportation for all 3 of us. Our other party member is a Mailman Sorcerer and unlikely to be able to help in this (although has access to Fly).

I'm a Shadowcraft Mage/Malconvoker, and using Heighten Spell and Divine Metamagic I can get up to L9 Conjuration (Summonning), Conjuration (Creation) and Evocation Wizard spells, although I can only cast L4 Cleric spells normally. Finally, we have no expensive spell components which means that many spells are going to be uncastable.

I think my most likely option is to summon something(s) which can a) work out the location and/or b) get us back there. Any suggestions? Things like a humble Imp and its 1/week 6-question Commune might be helpful, but I don't expect we'll just have the answers given to us on a platter - the DM has made it clear he wants us to be creative, as we've gone very off-piste from what he had planned (although I don't think he's meaning to punish us in any way, just he won't make it easy). We might try to locate the torturer-mage, but who knows if they have any idea where the resistance base is (the resistance leader had tried to kill the mage on several occasions).

My other thought is that I could summon something to track back to where we were (Scent, Track, something like that) although the duration on summons is prohibitive.

For reference I've got license to summon pretty much anything that's level appropriate (e.g. using the Practical Demonkeeping guide that's online).

I'm open to any in-character cost (xp/level/drain) - I got us into this mess, so it's my job to get us out of it. I know that we can get access to Plane Shift, and we *have* seen the basement we teleported into, so it may be possible to find some way to teleport directly back there.

Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated - I feel honour-bound to solve this!

Thanks in advance for any help!

2019-12-17, 02:43 PM
Teleport doesn't require you know where you are, just that you be familiar with your destination and that it is in range. If you have Teleport, you're fine.

Summons refuse to use spell-like abilities that would have xp components if they were spells, so you need a Calling effect if you want to go that route.

Burrowing is a great shortcut to "out of here" when you are stuck. And the Dire Badger (Summon Monster III, Summon Nature's Ally II) leaves a tunnel.

2019-12-18, 04:02 AM
Summons refuse to use spell-like abilities that would have xp components if they were spells, so you need a Calling effect if you want to go that route.

I've not read this in the Summon Monster spell - is that somewhere else, like the Rules Compendium?

Alas, I'm now not sure I do have Plane Shift as I didn't realise that planar travel was banned by summons, I thought it was only teleportation... this is tricky!

2019-12-18, 07:49 AM
I've not read this in the Summon Monster spell - is that somewhere else, like the Rules Compendium?

Alas, I'm now not sure I do have Plane Shift as I didn't realise that planar travel was banned by summons, I thought it was only teleportation... this is tricky!

It's part of the Summoning subschool description in the magic overview.