View Full Version : [Northern Crown/7th] Attempted timeline

2019-12-17, 09:19 PM
This is my attempt of incorporating the Northern Crown timeline into 7th Sea:

c. -9,000 AUC
The ancestors of the First Ones appear in Northern Crown during the age of ice. Subsequent battles with the wendigo and their allies end in a victory for humankind and their good-aligned animal friends.
c. -8,900 AUC
The age of ice ends in an apocalyptic flood. Nearly all animal life in Northern Crown is destroyed. The land is re-created from a handful of soil obtained from beneath the waters by the heroic action of an animal identified variously in First Ones history as Muskrat, Water Bug, or Turtle.
c. -7,000 AUC
By this date, the First Ones have recovered their numbers, and have dispersed to all areas of Northern Crown and the southern continent. Early trade routes develop, connecting north, south, east, and west.
c. -4,200 AUC
A steady increase in human population feeds a growing estrangement between people and their animal brethren. Humans and animals begin to lose the capacity to understand one another’s speech.
c. -200 AUC
The settlements of the Makers appear at the crossroads of the major east-west and north-south routes, at the confluence of the Ohiyo and the Espiritu Santo rivers. Initially thriving as traders, the Makers increasingly focus their creative energies in producing finished goods to sell to other First Ones cultures.
c. 300 AUC
The Makers unlock the secrets of sorcery, and begin to imbue their wares with magical powers. Much of their profit is spent on elaborate tombs and expensive grave goods.
c. 700 AUC
The Makers suffer a rapid decline, perhaps after having unleashed powerful evil forces in their search for immortality and greater power. By this time, the practice of maize cultivation has reached Northern Crown from the south, bringing with it features of southern cultures, including the raising of temple mounds, hereditary priest-kings, and veneration of gods. The resulting Moundraiser culture will become a dominant force in Northern Crown for nearly a thousand years.
c. 800 AV
The Inish monk Brendyn makes a voyage across the Frothing Sea, and returns with a tale of a great land to the west.
c. 1000 AV
Vestens, sailing west from Ultima Thule, make landfall in the territory of the Beothuck nation, in the northeastern corner of Northern Crown. Initially small in numbers, they manage to establish permanent settlements along the coast, where they will remain until the present day.
c. 1100 AV
Moundraiser culture experiences a sudden decline, perhaps from population pressure and warfare between cities. Central sites, like Great Cahokia, are soon abandoned, although peripheral sites in the south survive until the present day.
c. 1200 AV
The Effigy Makers, perhaps divine spellcasters, are active in Northern Crown, creating earth effigies to strengthen the land’s natural power against what they sense is an impending threat from beyond the sea.
c. 1250 AV
The Highland prince Madoc, hearing of Brendyn’s tale, makes the crossing with a large party of warriors and servants. He is not heard from again, but tantalizing rumors and a few artifacts suggest he may have in fact reached Northern Crown.
c. 1450 AV
The visionary leader Great Peacemaker and his apostle Ayenwathaaa found The Great Tree of Peace, commonly known as the Five Nations Confederacy.
1499 AV
Gaspar Corte-Real of Portugal disappears while searching for a western water route from Uropa to Cathay.
c. 1500 AV
Uropan traders re-establish communication with Vinlanders, resulting in a growing timber trade, but also arm Vinlander raiders with guns and improved ships.
1501 AV
Miguel Corte-Real lands in what is now Carolingia while searching for his lost brother. He brings
news of this discovery to the king of Portugal; by year’s end, Castille has heard of it, and begins sending its own vessels across the Atlantic Sea in search of new lands for conquest.
1524 AV
The Council of the West is established in Havana to oversee the growing Viceroyalty of Nueva Castille.
1556 AV
Uropan Witchlings cross the Frothing Sea and found the coven of Naumkeag on the coast of Northern Crown.
1603 AV
Samuel de Champlain founds the colony of Nouvelle Montaigne.
1607 AV
Avalon colony of Verginia established; this will eventually split, with the northern part becoming Sophia and the rest coming under the rule of Carolingia.
1620 AV
Philathelias Jeferson is born as the heir to a powerful family of landholders in the Avalon colony of Verginia.
1623 AV
Formal establishment of Nieu Vendel colony.
1625 AV
Ascension of Carl I, last king of Avalon.
1630 AV
Vendels arrive and found the city of Boston.
1640 AV
Coureur culture is well-established by this time, as Montaigne laborers abandon their positions as feudal farmers and take to the wilderness.
1643 AV
Jeferson is sent by his father to Paris to study natural philosophy, accompanied by his tutor. He begins to envision a plan to transform his father’s holdings into a utopian state embodying the ideas of the freethinkers.
1644 AV
Civil war rages in Avalon between Carl I and Parliament. The colonies of Verginia and Carolingia watch anxiously, unsure of their future status.
1646 AV
Jeferson hurriedly returns to Virginia upon the sudden death of his father. He personally stakes out the boundaries of what will become the capital of his new state of Sophia along the banks of the Patawomeck.
1647 AV
Jeferson declares universal adult suffrage within his new Republic of Sophia, excepting servants and persons with an income of less than 24 gp per annum. Pieter Stuyvesant is appointed director general of Nieu Vendel.
1649 AV
In a daring rescue orchestrated by his loyal cavaliers, Charles I is snatched from the chopping block moments before his execution and spirited away to Montaigne, and the court of Louis XIV. He attempts to raise a new army to invade England, but he quickly sees that the effort is futile. Faced with a life as a toy of the Montaigne court, he sails for the colonies, where he has many supporters. Upon arriving in Charles Town, he is crowned King of Carolingia.
1650 AV
Jeferson officially refuses to accept the title offered him by Charles I. Aided by Franklin’s skillful negotiations, several of Jeferson’s neighbors join his cause. Two neighboring First Ones nations also join, mostly to receive protection from Five Nations raids from the north. The rebel lords and First Ones leaders sign a petition declaring their independence and send it to Charles I. Elsewhere, Boston is raided and sacked by Vinlander ships, followed by a retaliatory raid by Commonwealthers on Vinland settlements.
1651 AV
Carl I does nothing about the petition for some time, beyond revoking the titles of the petitioners. He eventually orders the Duke of Albermarle to march in and secure the rebels’ lands, but the Duke is easily repulsed by Jeferson’s forces. Reinforcements sent by Charles I from Charles Town are ambushed by Jeferson’s First Ones allies en route and routed. Rather than risk leaving himself vulnerable to a Castillian invasion, Charles I calls off any further invasion attempts for the time being. His instincts are proved correct when the Castillians and their First Ones allies make a major attack on his southern provinces late in the year. Disaster is only narrowly averted, and the king’s attention is drawn away from the north for several years.
1652 AV
Sophian leader Ira Cole founds the Republic of Vermont at Winooski.
1653 AV
War begins between Vetetier and Nouvelle Montaigne and continues to the present day.
1654 AV
The first Yode'im communities in Northern Crown have been established in Nieu Kirk and Sophia.
1656 AV
War between Carolingia and Castille. Carolingian forces capture the island of Xaymaca.
1658 AV
The Northern Crown Adventure, as it is called, begins with an attempt by the still vexed Kromwill to recapture Carl I and his capital via naval invasion. Although in principle Jeferson is more sympathetic to the Parliamentarian cause, he has been horrified by Kromwill’s authoritarian Commonwealth, and he throws in his lot with Carl I. He is instrumental in securing the aid of the First Ones nations to the west, for which Carl I is grudgingly appreciative.
1659 AV
The Adventure ends with Kromwill’s defeat by Carolingian and Montaigne ships at the Battle of Natoket. Sophia sends a single ship to aid the anti-Kromwill cause. Jeferson asks Carl I to recognize Sophia, but the ailing monarch refuses, afraid of the precedent it would set.
1660 AV
Carl I dies, and is succeeded by his son, Carl I, who recognizes Sophia as a legitimate state and turns his attention to expanding Carolingia to the south and west. Elaine, half-fey daughter of Elizabeth, returns from Faerie and overthrows Kromwill. The first meeting of the Woodland Confederacy is held at the City of the Prophet in Shawano territory.
1661 AV
Vampires from L’Ordre du Sang reported establishing communities at Nouvelle Martise. Vandalia is founded by renegade Sophian lord Asaph Burr, with the intention of founding an inland empire.
1663 AV
Sophia sends a diplomatic mission to Tecumpease, leader of the Woodland Confederacy.
1664 AV
Viceroy Toledo is appointed to administer Nueva Castille from the capital at Havana.
1665 AV
Buccaneers raid the fortress town of San Agostin in La Florida, leaving it vulnerable to attack. Mass gatherings of sea devils have been sighted nearby.
1666 AV
Carolingians employ privateers to harass Castillian ships and ports. Open war between Carolingia and Castille is seen as imminent. Le Dragon Rouge is rumored to be operating cells in Sophia and Nieu Kirk. The Opener has raised an army of 50,000 Cimarron fighters in the hills of Ste Dominique, poised to overthrow the Montaigne colony there."

Please tell me if I made any mistakes or if I need to make any changes to make better sense.