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2019-12-18, 01:08 AM
The King of Fire
Hareth's Folly
Middle Dura
11 Lharvion, 998 YK

You push open the tavern door with a jingle of bells and a slight creak. The interior is warmly lit and decorated with paraphernalia from the Race of Eight Winds: colored banners and pennants line the walls, and a light sporting crossbow hangs above the bar. The race is just under two weeks away, and the tavern is bustling with activity.

It doesn't take very long to spot your would-be patron. Seated at a currently empty table is Osmund Retter, a portly, bearded man dressed in fine clothes of silver and white in the Cyran style. He's watching the door expectantly, and although his expression is jovial, he seems to be sizing up each person who enters.

2019-12-18, 02:30 AM
Erbal's seen a good many signs of the forthcoming race on his way to the tavern. On two occasions he's taken diversions from his route to avoid arguing crowds of rival fans. It's also meant he draws less attention then he does normally, the citizens not always keen to see a Gnoll in their midst, though the more observant are wary of causing trouble for someone with a House Thraskk emblem on their collar, the golden dragonne the brightest spot of colour in Erbal's fairly drab clothing.

Dressed in brown leather armour and with shortsword on his hip and shortbow on his back, he wouldn't catch the eye much of all in terms of colour, if it wasn't for his tail and mane. Neatly brushed and combed to a fastidious degree, both are a vibrant white that implies dye's seen a role at some point.

Taking a look around the tavern he spots Osmund and pads his way, claws clicking slightly on wooden floorboards before he offers a practised bow. "Master Retter. Lord Matthias Torrn offers his compliments and good wishes." His voice is the growl typical of Gnolls, but modulated to more of a rough purr through practice and repetition.

2019-12-18, 06:44 AM
A thin, dark-haired girl who looks about 16 or 17 walks in with Erbal, a shortbow over her shoulder with a quiver of arrows at her side. She wears no armor, just simple, middle-class clothes, a brown wool cloak and a well-worn Breland army tunic, white with the Breland crest of 2 gold dragons surrounding a roaring bear. You would mistake her for human except for her pointed ears and the Valenar mask covering the lower half of her face.

She holds out her hand to greet Osmund. Using her other hand, she pulls down the mask, smiles at him, and says “Xakato Starless, at your service.”

2019-12-18, 11:59 AM
A slight figure in gleaming white stalks into the bar and commences to explore the place in a wide circle before stopping at Retter’s table. A white robe, white cloak, white staff, and bound tome on her hip speaks of stereotypical wizard garb. The finely made longsword is unexpected. As are the lines of small tattoos starkly pronounced on her alabaster hands and face. She removes her hood, revealing dark hair in a sloppy ponytail, and opens her mouth to speak… but instead twitches, peering over her shoulder as if somebody had just tapped on it with their finger. She shrugs off the creeping suspicion as if it had never happened and offers a friendly smile.

“Hm? Yes, excuse me. I understand you’ve got work that needs doing.” Her accent isn’t local and not Brelish, either. But it’s certainly country. Her speech is unhurried and friendly, but she fills any and every hole or pause in the conversation. “Oh, I’d love a drink, thanks. Mulled wine would be splendid. Do they have anything Aundarian? I haven’t explored the Brelish wines yet and I can’t say how they hold up to a good mulling.

"Goodness, have a look at you. Don't see gnolls about every day do you? Or perhaps that's just the way here in Sharn. Strange place. No offense, only mean to break the ice.

“Hi hi. I’m Lynnora Valleau, a wizard by trade and training at the Starpeaks Academy. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Lovely day. Though is it so sticky ‘round here all year long? Mudd, have you- now where’s he gone? Oh, here’s my companion...”

2019-12-18, 03:27 PM
A tall, lanky warforged brings up the rear as he enters with halting steps into The King of Fire, his eyes darting over the interior of the tavern, his fingers tapping together as he performs some mental arithmetic to try and extrapolate how many pints of alcohol would be consumed here this evening. Behind him, a lumbering mechanical bear dutifully nudges its master along, making sure its master arrives at his appointment on time.

At the mention of his name, Mudd extricates himself from his thoughts, tossing his half-baked calculations into a mental compartment to be completed later. "Oh, I'm sorry Lynn," he responds, oblivious to the merchant sitting before them, "what were you going to ask me?"

2019-12-18, 10:01 PM
"I trust you are here for the investigative positions?" Retter bursts into a grin. "Excellent! Most excellent indeed, friends. Sit down, sit down, and tell me about the skills you can bring. I can cover your drinks, within reason of course." He motions for the four adventurers to take a seat at his table and invites them to talk about their capabilities a little.

2019-12-18, 10:47 PM
Xakato orders a Brelish beer and smiles at our patron. “Thank you for the drink, Mr. Retter.”

She then reaches her hand forward, her eyes glow, and with a brief flash of golden light a beautiful, Valenar double bladed scimitar appears in her hand, solidifying as the glow in her eyes fades. While she frequently starts her gladiator fights with this display, no one here has seen her do this before.

“I was given this blade by my ancestor, Xael Starless, who used it to drive the dragons and giants out of Aerenal. So far, I have only used it in the gladiator rings, but there is more meant for this blade than mere spectacle.”

Xakato twirls the weapon gently in her hands, before holding it down and away from the others.

She looks at Erbal, “I have worked with my friend Erbal, here. He is an honest person and a skilled investigator. I have been in Breland for fifty years and I have never seen House Tharashk trust another gnoll with his position?”

She then looks over to Lynn and Mudd to let them introduce themselves. While she knows them from Middle Menthis and likes them both, she realizes she doesn’t know their skills, so leaves the details to them both.

She dismisses the blade and it disappears without a light.

2019-12-19, 12:01 AM
When weapons appear from nowhere Lynn instinctively grasps the hilt of her own blade and calls words of magic to mind, but the elf's display was only for Retter's benefit. And maybe to show off?

She quickly notes the effects of the magic involved - glowing eyes and a lack of dragonshards or spell components - and concludes it's the result of some in-born ability. Very interesting. However, it also means she's Valenar, about whom Lynn knows only that they have a troubling obsession with violence. Gladiator rings? The rumors are true for once. We'll have to keep a careful watch on this one. I hope her answer to every problem isn't limb removal. This job could be over very quickly.

"Starpeaks Academy is the people's institution for learning, not just for the entitled. The curriculum is hands-on and practical with important foundations in various magical theories and techniques. I've traveled from Aundair through the length of Breland and even walked the silent terror of the Mournland. If you need investigating into something more interesting than that, I'd definitely like to help."

2019-12-19, 02:25 AM
Erbal looks back as Lynnora and Mudd make their entrance, inclining his head to them both. An ear twitches lightly as he looks to the former with a nod to her initial inquiry. "I'm first and foremost an agent of House Thraskk." He assures her. "However you're right, Gnolls aren't a common sight in Sharn. I was recruited in the Shadow Marches several years ago and took most of my instruction there, so I haven't been in the city too long myself. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Valleau, Master Mudd."

Looking back to Osmund as he invites them to sit, he moves to pull out a chair for Xakato and Lynnora, waiting until they're seated before following suit. A glint of teeth is given to Xakato at the compliment, he speaking to follow her words as his eyes study the movement of her Valenar scimitar. "Thank you." He tells her simply. "As for Xakato, Master Ritter, I can confirm I've seen her skills for myself. She's quick, clever and resourceful."

Lynnora's declaration draws his attention. "You're braver then me." He muses quietly to her. "The Mournland is not a place I'd want to visit."

2019-12-19, 10:28 AM
Seeing Lynn introduce herself, Mudd finally looks over at Retter sitting across the table from them, and realizes that they had arrived at their destination. "Oh! My apologies," he says, bowing slightly, "I am Mudd, and this is my friend, Lugnut. Lugnut, introduce yourself." The bear turns to the merchant and bows its head, then sits on its hindquarters as Mudd pulls out the chair beside Lynn to sit down.

"I am but a simple mender of House Cannith, so I don't have much by way of skills," Mudd says as he rummages around in his bag, "but I do know my way around most of these tools, and I've managed to pick up some investigative and magical abilities from Lynn on our way to Sharn." He produces another backpack from the one he had slung over his back and sets it on the table with a heavy thump. A screwdriver slips out from under the flap, and Lugnut raises its snout against the table, stopping it from rolling off the edge. "This should be all of it," Mudd says, recalling all the tools he owned, "it's mostly for woodworking, smithing, and general tinkering, but if there's anything specific we need I can try and pick it up."

2019-12-19, 09:44 PM
Xakato smiles at Mudd, “You shouldn’t sell yourself short. You’ve been fixing all sorts of devices for Ms. Honeypot, both mechanical and magical. You survived the Mournland. And you built a FREAKING BEAR! I’m sure you’re more useful than me.”

At the last line she gives Mudd a friendly shove, but since he weighs so much more, Xakato almost pushes herself off her own chair before catching herself.

2019-12-19, 11:00 PM
"Excellent!" Retter looks at each person in turn. "Some of you know each other already? How did you meet?" He looks increasingly pleased with the party's potential.

2019-12-19, 11:17 PM
Mudd ***** his head. It was the first time he had ever received a friendly shove - sure, he had seen it happen among the blacksmiths and their friends, and occasionally at taverns in which he had taken up temporary residence on his journey to Sharn, but he had never been the subject of one. Curious, he thinks, observing a new emotion, ever so slightly different from others he had felt before. Camaradarie, perhaps? With a hint of pride. Yes. He quickly takes a mental snapshot of the feeling before it fades.

"I appreciate you saying so," Mudd acknowledges, chuckling, "but I would never deign to call myself more useful, especially not when words come to blows. That's usually when Lugnut steps in." The bear turns to look at Mudd, blowing exhaust through its nostrils as though it were huffing. "Hey, I resent that comment!" Mudd exclaims in response.

2019-12-20, 03:39 AM
Studying Lugnut with a look of deep interest at the metal bear's manner and behaviour, it takes Erbal a moment to focus on Osmund again with a light nod. "For myself and Xakato, simply enough." He answers. "Lord Torrn hired a friend of hers a few times, and we found ourselves working together on various investigations."

He refrains from mentioning he's far more out on a limb then he has been before, that's not the best way to gain Osmund's confidence.

2019-12-20, 08:38 AM
Lynnora pleasantly continues with the smalltalk, offering polite but vague answers and eyeing Retter more intensely the more he wants to know. "Well, I feel we've been going on all day. This has been lovely, Master Retter. So, I suppose you're hiring for some particular work. Why don't you tell us about that - or yourself."

2019-12-21, 06:32 AM

As he says, Erbal and I have worked together on investigations for House Thraskk. Lynnora and Mudd recently started living near my apartment in Menthis. While we’ve had a few meals together, we have not had a chance to work together yet. But I am glad to have them with us, especially if there is any danger in this job.

How can we help you, Mr. Retter?

2019-12-22, 12:11 AM
"As you already know, I have an interest in the unusual. I run a small service investigating strange events that the Watch can't or won't look into. I want to expand the service and hire some people, such as your good selves, to take care of some of the cases." Retter's agency isn't huge, but it's moderately known in the lower and middle wards. You wouldn't be the only group working for him. "Base pay is 70 silver per case solved, per person, and your team can take or leave cases you're offered as you see fit. Potentially hazardous cases pay a bonus as well. What do you say?" Retter looks expectantly at the party for an answer.

I know that 70 silver works out to 7 gold. It is, however, over two months' pay for a laborer, so it's not an insignificant amount of money.
Anyway, don't worry too much about funds because of this. There will be other opportunities to make or find money throughout the game.

2019-12-22, 02:45 AM
The Gnoll nods. "Lord Torrn wouldn't have agreed to mine being here if he wasn't happy with that arrangement. I'll verify with him, but I don't foresee a problem with working on cases as an outside consultant."

His ear twitches lightly. "You're aware that my primary loyalty is to House Thraskk? If there's any conflict of interest, however small that possibility, I would need to side with them."

2019-12-22, 07:51 AM
Xakato calculates the commission to her agent, Rurik Deepdelver, and decides the 56 silver left over will be a nice supplement to her gladiator earnings, which pay her bills but never seem to leave her with much left over.

"If Erbal is in, then so am I. What did you have in mind for the first case?"

2019-12-22, 12:52 PM
Lynnora has no great need for money, except to pay for food and lodging and experiments and the seemingly endless research and investigating her last years demand and ... all right, she apparently has a great need for money, she admits to herself unhappily. That said, it's the connections - to new people and places - that she craves most of all, if for no other reason but to keep her head from spinning off for worry and paranoia.

"So long as these tasks of yours aren't all-consuming, I'll be happy to lend my skills for a few sovereigns."

2019-12-23, 05:58 PM
Mudd nods in agreement with his compatriots. "I would be happy to lend my assistance," he says, "but I would prefer if, in addition to our due, we establish a mutual relationship in which you too could aid me in my inquiries."

2019-12-24, 11:23 PM
"Excellent!" Retter reaches beneath the table and withdraws a leather briefcase, which he turns around and opens for the party. Inside are a few sheets of paper. "If you are interested, your first case."

Client: Grey Tower Apartments inhabitants.
Overview: Representative of Grey Tower Apartments, located in Broken Arch, Middle Dura, inhabitants presented unusual case. Residents reported unusual nightmares beginning 8th Lharvion. Upon discussion, it was discovered that such nightmares were highly similar, if not the same, between all residents affected. See attached description. Residents pooled funds to pay fees, and contacted the agency on 10th Lharvion.
The dreamer is in a hallway of the building. Something is following them, a monster or a sense of dread. They flee, but the creature follows. Descriptions of it are conflicting. Some say it was like a huge lobster, others describe it as being covered in eyes and mouths. A few say they didn't see anything, but they knew something was there. All claim to have been chased to the edge of a deep shaft, to have been trapped for a moment between the two, and then to have fallen into the pit before awakening.

2019-12-25, 02:40 AM
"Shared dreams?" Erbal wrinkles his nose. "How unusual. And, interesting." A keen note enters his voice as a claw prods lightly at the paperwork. "A odd natural magic event or something deliberate I wonder.." He glances at the others, then back to Osmund. "Do you have any details on the residents affected, and the layout of the tower?"

2019-12-25, 03:50 AM
Xakato wrinkles her brow. This isn't what she expected. Usually the jobs she does involve finding someone who has disappeared into the lower wards out of reach of the Watch. On the other hand, this is Sharn, and all sorts of strange things happen here. She knows where the apartment complex is but doesn't know anything unusual about it.

Can we talk to the residents? Do you have their names and addresses so we can talk to them?

2019-12-25, 04:15 PM
Mudd is returning his bag of tools to his pack when his eyes fall upon the mention of the stalking monster, and for a moment he hesitates. Memories of his time in the Mournland flitter through his mind - the roaring, the screaming, the crunch of bone and splatter of blood, all muffled by the cloying, ever-present fog - and his body tenses, his fist tightening around the bag. But the moment passes and Mudd relaxes his grip, the tools disappearing into his pack with a soft fwoomp. When his turn comes to examine the folio, Mudd reads the circumstances of the investigation in detail, cross-referencing every description with potential tidbits of knowledge he had squirreled away. The others had already begun to question Retter, so he would probably be better served to look over the documents while waiting for some answers.

2019-12-26, 11:34 PM
Retter provides answers to some of the questions. "The address should be included in the documents. As far as I know, it affects all residents, but that would be something to ask them. If you need a floor plan, you'll have to talk to the landlord. I don't have a copy."

2019-12-27, 03:11 AM
"It might not hurt to try and look at historical records, either for the Sharn Inquisitive or the Sharn Watch, if they'll give us access." Erbal muses. "Maybe something like this has happened before."

He looks at the group. "Do we also want to move together, or scatter to get information and then regroup?"

2019-12-27, 06:14 AM
While Xakato knows she should read the file, she’s happy to let the others go first. She prefers talking to people or fighting over reading a thick file. Her fellow investigators seem to be more capable researchers anyway, so maybe they can summarize the file for her.

Staying together has its benefits, especially since we don’t know what we are dealing with. If we want to split up, Erbal, our friend Sark works for the Watch. If you go talk to him, I have a friend at Daggerwatch and could go talk to her. Any calls from Middle Dura could have been answered by either station. Maybe we should all go interview the residents first, though, so we have more information before we talk to the Watch.

Lyn and Mudd, any preference for our first move? Any other ideas?

2019-12-27, 02:41 PM
Lynnora answers breezily. "I don't have enough data to lean toward any one of a dozen theories I could toss out, so no need speculating just yet. I doesn't sound like this is an emergency sort of situation where we have to get speedy results or people will die. Though I do suppose we'd like to have some answers before these folk are ready to nod off again.

"Then again the power of dreams..." she drifts off for an uncomfortable heartbeat. "I suggest the building's history and the people involved first. Anything as seemingly circumstantial as the position of the building under a particular planetary order might be responsible. After all, those whole city would fall apart - literally - if it's weren't on a manifest zone. And the people inflicted may provide other clues." She's on her feet in an instant, draining the last of her wine.

"I didn't answer your question, did I? Sorry. There's a lot of footwork we can do early on, if you're worried about interference of some sort, before anybody knows we're looking into this. The whole bunch of us stomping about together is sure to get chins wagging faster than us each wandering on an afternoon of boring research. Let's part for a few hours to eliminate some possibilities, and reconvene to work up a real brainstorm, yeah?"

2019-12-28, 07:57 AM
Xakato is clearly anxious to get started, so after reading the file, she looks around at her companions.

So maybe Erbal could talk to Sark in Warden Towers, I'll talk to my friend at Daggerwatch, and maybe Lyn and Mudd could go to Morgrave University to see if they have any record of similar strange occurrences. There should be records of the Sharn Inquisitive there too that you could look through to see if anything else strange has ever happened in the Grey Tower Apartments. Then we could meet back here this afternoon before heading over to interview some of the residents.

If everyone is ok with it, I would prefer bc56 summarized the file and any information we find alone so we can resume roleplaying once we are all together. I prefer to role-play together rather than running off doing our own things. But if you all want to play each of these out in posts, I can make that work too.

2019-12-29, 11:43 AM
A little frustration sparks in Mudd as he hands off the dossier. Aside from a suspicion that some wizards might be distantly involved, he had very little other information about Grey Tower Apartments, even despite his research since arriving in Sharn; luckily, the others proved to be more knowledgeable on the subject, and Mudd files away the information after Xakato shares after her knowledge with the group. "Other proximal data points common among the residents would also be worth investigating," he adds, "like potential changes to their water supply. In the meantime, I would be happy to tap Morgrave University for some information." Mudd stands, towering over the table, and slings his pack over his shoulder. Lugnut rises from his haunches with a huff, ready to depart with his master.

Preemptively rolling an Investigation check, in case it is required: [roll0]

2020-01-11, 01:26 AM
After bidding farewell to Mr. Retter, you all go your seperate ways to look into Grey Tower.

Information by source
Sark can't give more ch specifics about the building, but remembers a rumor he heard from a veteran guardsman a while back. Apparently, there's something odd about the building's architecture, but he can't recall what off the top of his head, but says the landlord would probably know.
Academics have little use for information about housing developments in poorer areas of Sharn unless they specifically study such things. In their search, Lynn and Mudd are able to learn which they could speak to to learn more, but they don't get any time to follow this information up. [/SPOILER]
Nothing of military significance is associated with Grey Tower, or nothing which is publicly known. This is Breland after all. Searching the military folk for answers turns up little, save the knowledge that the building was previously associated with Aundairan wizards, before the Last War.

After going your respective ways, you meet once again outside Grey Tower Apartments. It's just after midday, and the building you seek stands out from the others along this cluttered and decrepit street. It's lights are on, the everbright lamps outside it and in its grimy windows glowing brilliantly amidst the darker edifices to either side. The front door hangs slightly ajar.

2020-01-11, 06:39 AM
Xakato (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2069025)

While she did not find anything useful at Daggerwatch, it was nice to catch up with her friend Tomph, who she hadn't seen for several weeks.

After exchanging pleasantries with the others and sharing her lack of useful information from Daggerwatch, without waiting for the others, Xakato enters the building looking for the landlord's apartment. She looks back at the others as if to say "are you coming?" but does not wait for a reply.

She hopes to walk around the building, asking anyone she sees to direct her to the landlord. If there is no one in the halls, she will start knocking on doors unless the others have other ideas.

2020-01-11, 02:55 PM
"We found a paper trail, but didn't have time to dig through it," Lynnora says mournfully. "What have you got? Oh, and there she goes. I suppose we can walk and talk." Once inside, she stands centrally in the hall, her eyes gently sweeping from door to door, at the entrance, and at any stairs or lifts. She keeps spells ready in her mind and analyzes the physical environment, occasionally prodding things with her staff while Xakato speaks with the residents.

2020-01-12, 12:18 PM
"Wait a.." But Xakato is already inside. Letting out a low rumble of a growl, Erbal pads after her, giving the brightly lit lights a suspicious look. One room's lights being on didn't mean much, but all of them? He inhales scents, ears twitching as he listens.

It might just be paranoia, but the fur on the back of his head was bristling. "Sark thought the architecture was strange, but he wasn't sure why." He quietly answers Lynnora. "There's the option of finding the blueprints, but going through records would take a lot of time."

2020-01-12, 03:47 PM
Lynnora sniffs and listens at doors she passes, continues to tap on random items with the tip of her staff, making light conversation. "True. I don't know what's available, but the fact that they're so hard to find or buried so deep says a lot about this city. Is it really so hard to organize public records? How does anything get done in Sharn? Pay someone off, I suppose."

2020-01-13, 11:59 PM
The first room of the building appears to have once been a grand and ornamented lobby for the former wizard tower, but it's clearly in disrepair. Only the lights are working properly, shedding their bright glow throughout the room. A passage beyond leads to a hall lined by numbered apartment doors, a staircase at each end, and a door leads off to the left, labeled "Offices."

2020-01-14, 07:08 AM
Xakato (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2069025)

Xakato looks around the room, motioning to the offices with a questioning look, waiting to see what the others want to do.

I suggest we check out the offices first, but if someone wants to go to individual apartments first, that's fine by me too.

Perception [roll0]
Investigation [roll1]

2020-01-14, 01:25 PM
Mudd looks around the shabby lobby, absentmindedly tapping his chin as he takes in his surroundings. Having spent enough time working in maintenance at his own apartment, Mudd knows that oftentimes, for one to know the true state of an abode, one must examine what makes it run. As he walks with the rest of the group, Mudd keeps his eyes peeled for anything that would suggest access to the inner workings of the building.

2020-01-18, 12:47 AM
The lobby's off-color decorations and grimy surfaces yield nothing in terms of useful clues, and quite a lot in terms of dirt and dust. There don't seem to be many exposed mechanisms here either. This was meant to be a more presentable space. The door to the offices is unlocked, and opens to reveal a similarly dirty yet brightly lit corridor with three doors leading off of it. Two are closed and locked, but the third, at the end of the hall hangs slightly ajar. The plaques on the locked doors read "Coriolanus" and "Omarel," and look rather old and dusty. The third door has a different, newer looking plaque that reads "Tarkis."

2020-01-18, 10:32 AM
Lynnora follows the elf into the side hallway and is instantly curious about the offices. Without preamble she opens one after the other, a polite apology ready on her lips if it's occupied and they are obviously in a personal meeting of some sort.

"Good afternoon. Sorry for the interruption, but we've been engaged in an investigation on behalf of the tenants and I hope you have a moment to assist us. And Sovereigns this place is dreary - why would you work here? Been here long? Where can we find most of the tenants? Have you noticed anything out of the usual lately?"

2020-01-18, 11:24 AM
Xakato (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2069025)

Xakato follows Lyn into the offices, ready to offer support and assist with any persuasion that might be needed. She continues to keep an eye out for anything unusual.

"I wonder where everyone is?" she asks since they haven't seen anyone since they arrived. "It's strange that all of the lights were on but we don't see any tenants."

2020-01-21, 02:32 AM
The door to the office on the end of the hall is the only one unlocked. Pushing it open reveals an elderly gnomish man sitting at a desk a little too high for him and absorbed in reading yesterday's edition of the Sharn Inquisitive. He doesn't seem to immediately notice his door opening. He adjusts his reading glasses after a moment and puts the paper down. "Yes? What do you want?"
Lynn's questions are then heard.
"You're the investigators? Hmph. You aren't like I was expecting. I like it here. It's quiet. I've owned this building going on... four years? And nothing unusual has happened, not since the group from House Cannith came by to repair the lights. Bloody things won't turn off anymore, but at least they work."

2020-01-23, 02:35 PM
Lynn chokes on her next words, instead saying, "You … own this building." Her meaning isn't entirely clear, but she looks like she'd just thought of something particularly unpleasant.

2020-01-24, 01:12 PM
"What of it? I bought it, converted it into living space, and now I'm a successful businessman. As long as these accursed nightmares stop driving my tenants away," the gnome grumbles. He doesn't seem happy with the situation.

2020-01-24, 01:20 PM
Xakato sees Lynn struggling with the conversation so joins in. In a business like manner that the gnome appears to want, she addresses the owner.

“Yes sir. That is why we were hired. To help you stop the nightmares so your tenants will stay. Do you know anything that could help us? Or is there anyone here who might have information we could need? We appreciate any help you can give us.”

2020-01-26, 01:41 PM
The gnome brightens up a little at Xakato's words. "Let's see. I could think about anything unusual that's happened, but I'd have to get back to you on it. In the meantime, I suppose I could show you down to where I keep my records. And feel free to go around and talk to any tenants you find. There aren't many here right now, for obvious reasons."