View Full Version : Undead Leadership and 7th level followers

2019-12-18, 09:52 AM
The section in Libris Mortis on undead followers discusses how some undead make for good “lower level” followers, but aren’t good for cohorts. It then provides a table outlining several undead and the level of follower they count as.

Three - wights, ghosts, and allips (as well as 11-12 HD skeletons and zombies) - count as level 7. Leadership only goes up to level 6 followers. Cohorts have their own table on the same page.

Am I missing something that makes level seven followers a thing? Or is this a mistake on the writers’ parts? I know epic leadership covers level 7-10 followers, but it seems weird to devote multiple entries to a table for epic stuff without so much as mentioning that some of it requires an epic feat.