View Full Version : Help getting my character killed

george moshingt
2019-12-18, 12:25 PM
My problem is pretty simple, I'm not a fan of how my character has turned out and have grown bored playing it. As such I need my character to die in order to play a new one.

So the actual issue is that if I speak to my DM and ask him to kill me off he will have me random roll my new character instead of choosing(he said as much when we began) so I need to die without the DM knowingly trying to kill me.

I'm playing a sword bard so the simplistic solution would be to run up to enemies in combat and hope they kill me. The problem with that approach is the rest of my party are pretty strong and I'm worried they would be able to kill any encounters before they could finish me off.

So any ideas? I was thinking of maybe casting fly on myself and "loosing" concentration during a fight to get some early damage on myself, but is that too obvious.

2019-12-18, 12:29 PM
My problem is pretty simple, I'm not a fan of how my character has turned out and have grown bored playing it. As such I need my character to die in order to play a new one.

So the actual issue is that if I speak to my DM and ask him to kill me off he will have me random roll my new character instead of choosing(he said as much when we began) so I need to die without the DM knowingly trying to kill me.

I'm playing a sword bard so the simplistic solution would be to run up to enemies in combat and hope they kill me. The problem with that approach is the rest of my party are pretty strong and I'm worried they would be able to kill any encounters before they could finish me off.

So any ideas? I was thinking of maybe casting fly on myself and "loosing" concentration during a fight to get some early damage on myself, but is that too obvious.

Conjure up half-baked plan about sneaking into enemy base as a solo mission. Cast Disguise Self. Do something that causes you to get caught and then immediately take the highest level of hostile action when the DM tries to have his monsters capture you. Invisibility could do the same thing.

2019-12-18, 12:31 PM
Seduce the Mayor/King/Prince/Whoever is in charge's daughter and get caught. Instead of giving up, try and fight your way out against overwhelming odds.

It's the bardiest way to go really.

2019-12-18, 12:33 PM
Further negotiation with the GM is the right play here, not trying to outgame him. If the GM isn't open to further negotiation, then this might not be the group for you (though I'm aware that you don't always have the opportunity to shop around).

Do you know why your GM requires you to randomly roll a new character when you start over? That might be a good place to start planning how you're going to talk to him.

You can always fall back on the tried and true argument: "(1) I really value this game and appreciate your work, but (2) I'm not having fun right now and I think a new character would help, and (3) I get joy out of designing and optimizing characters, so randomly rolling is really unappealing. (4) I understand if you want randomly rolled characters as a cornerstone of your game, but if so I'm just going to quietly bow out and hope you guys keep having fun."

2019-12-18, 12:34 PM
Yeah, go scouting somewhere far away from the party, then make a horrible mistake and be killed by a horde of angry enemies.
Are my players killing their characters on purpose?

2019-12-18, 12:37 PM
Further negotiation with the GM is the right play here, not trying to outgame him. If the GM isn't open to further negotiation, then this might not be the group for you (though I'm aware that you don't always have the opportunity to shop around).

Do you know why your GM requires you to randomly roll a new character when you start over? That might be a good place to start planning how you're going to talk to him.

You can always fall back on the tried and true argument: "(1) I really value this game and appreciate your work, but (2) I'm not having fun right now and I think a new character would help, and (3) I get joy out of designing and optimizing characters, so randomly rolling is really unappealing. (4) I understand if you want randomly rolled characters as a cornerstone of your game, but if so I'm just going to quietly bow out and hope you guys keep having fun."

This is also my opinion. A good DM makes sure his players are having fun. If you aren't having fun, what's the point of having you play?

He probably did it to cut down on how often he'd have to modify the story to accomodate, but his solution would end up biting him in the ass (after all, they'd be randomly rolled characters).

2019-12-18, 12:38 PM
My problem is pretty simple, I'm not a fan of how my character has turned out and have grown bored playing it. As such I need my character to die in order to play a new one.

So the actual issue is that if I speak to my DM and ask him to kill me off he will have me random roll my new character instead of choosing(he said as much when we began) so I need to die without the DM knowingly trying to kill me.

I'm playing a sword bard so the simplistic solution would be to run up to enemies in combat and hope they kill me. The problem with that approach is the rest of my party are pretty strong and I'm worried they would be able to kill any encounters before they could finish me off.

So any ideas? I was thinking of maybe casting fly on myself and "loosing" concentration during a fight to get some early damage on myself, but is that too obvious.

Be the guy that leads the party in marching order, opens doors first, etc. If he continues to live, he develops an invincibility complex and begins to act recklessly. Flaunt it. Be the first to charge into battle. Challenge the big baddie to a 1 on 1.

Other ideas... Don't heal your character between encounters, choosing instead to heal others. If the DM doesn't see every time you roll a d20, intentionally fail some saving throws.

2019-12-18, 12:39 PM
Can I just say that it's really sad that players are put into a position where they have to find a way to die just to try a different character, because the DM says so. In a perfect world you could just ask for the character to retire from adventuring and make a new one. I don't see why the DM has to control what you play if you're the one playing him...

That said, um.

A way to get yourself killed.
-Take the riskiest possible strategy in every battle and give any healing adn support out to others. If peopel are healing you, make them not want to heal you anymore (By how much you're using their resources). Be a big loud distraction
-Offend someone in power and be forced into a postion that escape is pointless
-Go gamble and get into so much dead that you have a bounty. Or some other kind of crime that would get you headhunted.

2019-12-18, 12:40 PM
Get yourself killed. Should be easy. Be over the top about it if you have to, but be heroic. Then if the DM wants you randomly role a character, do it. If you don't like that character, then get yourself killed again. Keep doing this until you randomly role character you like. Really turn it into an art form if you need to. Jump off cliffs, insult dragons, run at demons, negotiate with intellect devourers. Anything to have fun with it.

JK Everyone else here is right. My advice is just for humor.

2019-12-18, 12:50 PM
Can I just say that it's really sad that players are put into a position where they have to find a way to die just to try a different character, because the DM says so. In a perfect world you could just ask for the character to retire from adventuring and make a new one. I don't see why the DM has to control what you play if you're the one playing him...

That said, um.

A way to get yourself killed.
-Take the riskiest possible strategy in every battle and give any healing adn support out to others. If peopel are healing you, make them not want to heal you anymore (By how much you're using their resources). Be a big loud distraction
-Offend someone in power and be forced into a postion that escape is pointless
-Go gamble and get into so much dead that you have a bounty. Or some other kind of crime that would get you headhunted.

I wholeheartedly agree that the idea that a character has to be killed before the player can move on from them is a terrible one.

However, if you have to die through violence, then the obvious answer is to turn on the other PCs. Being outnumbered in PvP is a sure way to a quick end unless the rest of the group is mercilessly merciful and keeps you alive on purpose.

2019-12-18, 12:53 PM
I'm curious of why a DM would make such a rule. My guess would be a player that keep making new character every few weeks because he can't pick a path and follow it.

2019-12-18, 01:14 PM
Seems like working it out with the DM is the best choice. And why are you unhappy--not effective or just not what you feel like roleplaying? Just asking because maybe you can find another option between you and the DM.
EDIT- that is, can you change up options.

Otherwise, go full-on swashbuckler! Charge! Jump those ravines! Try those unknown potions that might be poison. Hurl those insults! If there's a rope, swing on it! Wrestle the black pudding (you might win...?). Keep telling the cleric "i dont need healing! Its just a flesh wound!" Save the damsels regardless of whether they want it! When you see a dragon (or whatever), be sure to point out "You're even less impressive than I'd heard, and I only half believed that!" Just crank out the one liners and keep laughing. Who knows, you might have so much fun trying to get your pc killed that you decide to keep the character.

Fable Wright
2019-12-18, 02:06 PM
Engage in underwater combat.

2019-12-18, 02:11 PM
I'm curious of why a DM would make such a rule. My guess would be a player that keep making new character every few weeks because he can't pick a path and follow it.

That would be my guess as well. The players at the table are constantly changing PCs, which is interrupting the story and the role playing aspect of the game.

2019-12-18, 02:58 PM
Develop a greedy streak as a character. Seek loot whilst your parties backs are turned. Be the first to open every chest. Pilfer that sword with the skull motif and the glowing red runes...

Not only is this likely to drastically lower your hit points but it should also help to ensure that the rest of your party has little interest in healing or raising your character. Furthermore, you might need to lie about what you have been up to and seeking healing for trap inflicted wounds might not be welcomed.

2019-12-18, 03:05 PM
If you want your bard to die during battle, have fun with it.
Make sure the battle is near a very high cliff (more than 500' up) and then ... try this out. (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/a/101585/22566)

The point is to have lost one's mind a bit and end up going over the edge, literally. :smallcool:

2019-12-18, 06:57 PM
Kind of surprised no one has asked: what about your current Swords Bard is not fun? What are you wanting out of your next PC?

2019-12-18, 07:27 PM
So the actual issue is that if I speak to my DM and ask him to kill me off he will have me random roll my new character instead of choosing(he said as much when we began) so I need to die without the DM knowingly trying to kill me.

Are you 100% sure that isn't just a general rule for rolling new characters up?

I was once in a game with a DM who it turned out had a similar stance. Another player got his character killed off in a very disruptive way to the rest of the party. His gf then killed her character off so she could also remake her character as her old character was linked to his old character in game. Then he decided he didn't like his new character after a few sessions and we went through the whole mess again.

So first comment is talk to the DM. Then, if they aren't willing to see reason, either don't play or take the random reroll. Trying to 'secretly' kill off your characters is just going to annoy the other players.

2019-12-19, 12:46 AM
Talk to your GM.
Fun is the point of the game. If you aren't having fun then talk it over with the rest of the players (yes the GM is just another payer) and try and reach a compromise.

If you can't find a balance that works then find a new game.

2019-12-19, 01:16 AM
My best suggestion is be reckless, and refuse healing when offered. Whenever I get K.O.'d, I always tell my fellow players to not heal me until I've had two death save fails, just in case I roll a nat 20 and end up back on my feet. They tend to listen in order to save their spell slots. Your friends might do the same.

2019-12-19, 02:58 AM
Seduce the Mayor/King/Prince/Whoever is in charge's daughter and get caught. Instead of giving up, try and fight your way out against overwhelming odds.

It's the bardiest way to go really.

A *true* bard would seduce the Mayor/King/Prince/Whoever.
then try to seduce the Judge during the trial.
And then try to seduce the prison guards.

2019-12-19, 03:02 AM
A *true* bard would seduce the Mayor/King/Prince/Whoever.
then try to seduce the Judge during the trial.
And then try to seduce the prison guards.

And then the executioner... and then the gallows...and then Death himself.

2019-12-19, 03:41 AM
Slide your DM a post-it-note and challenge the next person that slights you to a duel to the death in the name of your honor.
Bonus points if drunk for disadvantage to all your rolls.

2019-12-19, 07:19 AM
Bring your DM to this forum.

I need him to see this:

"I speak to my DM and ask him to kill me off he will have me random roll my new character instead of choosing(he said as much when we began)"

If your DM will not allow you to pick your character, to allow you to play what you're excited to play, that is an absolute trash mindset. I am incredibly sincere about this: Knock that mentality the **** off, it has zero place at the table. I give zero ****s about how you would even attempt to justify this mentality, just stop it.

You're actively trying to take away someones fun. If that is your mindset, stop DMing.

2019-12-19, 07:55 AM
A *true* bard would seduce the Mayor/King/Prince/Whoever.
then try to seduce the Judge during the trial.
And then try to seduce the prison guards.

And then the executioner... and then the gallows...and then Death himself.

The problem is when you succeed in seducing Death himself and then Death refuses to take you into the afterlife. You character just turned immortal.

2019-12-19, 08:13 AM
The problem is when you succeed in seducing Death himself and then Death refuses to take you into the afterlife. You character just turned immortal.

I never said it was furthering the goal of dying, just that a "true Bard" never stops seducing lol

da newt
2019-12-19, 08:15 AM
So if you ask to change characters, you have to roll random, but if your PC dies in combat you get to craft a new PC anyway you want? Seems like a petty rule. I'd simply ask the DM "why?" and see if you can resolve it like adults.

or Stupid Strategies to get your PC dead:

- Be the hero who takes one for the team - sacrifice yourself to save everyone else, grapple the BBEG and misty step into the pool of lava, detonate your suicide vest, whatever
- Get separated from the party, really separated, lost even
- Find every opportunity to proclaim your PC is immortal, OP, invincible, better than everyone
- Betray the party, go turn coat
- Be drunk all the time
- Challenge the BBEG to a duel and taunt him viciously
- Piss off the DM
- Start playing very selfishly and piss off the rest of the party, make sure you AoE spells damage your party, cast darkness that blinds them, ruin the surprise round, don't follow the plan, hog the spotlight and boast constantly...
- Stop resting/sleeping/healing
- Take an oath of non-violence, become a conscientious objector
- Get married, have a kid and retire from adventuring

2019-12-19, 09:00 AM
One other thought, in addition to my previous post (can you ask to change up your character a bit--less drastic than death and new PC):

Why not have the bard just walk away? If your PC is tired of the adventure, he can just say, "Forget this, I'm not risking my life for ____ any more. I'm outa here." Lawfuls might find another commitment more important; chaotics don't need an excuse.

But also as a few of us have been saying, think about why you're not having fun so this doesn't repeat.

2019-12-19, 09:22 AM
Try to subvert and take over the kingdom and get yourself executed. Have as much fun as you can being a total manipulative prick.

2019-12-19, 10:03 AM
Bring your DM to this forum.

I need him to see this:

"I speak to my DM and ask him to kill me off he will have me random roll my new character instead of choosing(he said as much when we began)"

If your DM will not allow you to pick your character, to allow you to play what you're excited to play, that is an absolute trash mindset. I am incredibly sincere about this: Knock that mentality the **** off, it has zero place at the table. I give zero ****s about how you would even attempt to justify this mentality, just stop it.

You're actively trying to take away someones fun. If that is your mindset, stop DMing.

I agree with you in general. However, in this case, the I don't think the OP has given enough information for an informed opinion.

I think it matters WHY the DM would have such a rule.

Does the OP or other folks at the table want to change their character every 2-3 sessions because they get bored with it?

The OP didn't mention what level their character was ... have they been playing it for one session or for many? Boredom with a tier 1 (to about level 6) character is very different from boredom with a tier 2/3 (level 7+) character

The OP says that they don't like how their character turned out and "are bored with it". What don't they like? What will make a different character any less boring for them? Swords bard includes lots of spell casting and martial options so it is pretty diverse already. Is the issue the character or the player?

Is the issue boredom or did the OP see other folks at the table create more optimized characters and they are envious and want to play one of those instead? This kind of situation can also feel like boredom since the player isn't happy with their character in comparison to others.

Is the issue the campaign? I've often found that getting bored of a character isn't so much the character themselves but the challenges that they have to face.

When a DM says "random roll" what do they mean? Do they mean roll new stats? Do they mean select race and class randomly? Do they mean select race/class/traits/background etc randomly? I don't think I have met any reasonable DM who doesn't let the player create the character, the player needs to WANT to play the character. The character should ideally also fit into the party. A completely randomly generated character won't likely achieve any of these goals.

Anyway, to the OP, I would not expect the DM to act any differently whether you intentionally try to get your character killed off and succeed or whether they use a plot device to kill your character and replace them. Most DMs will notice the change in behavior during the game and the clearly suicidal intent. How often do characters die in your campaign? If the answer is infrequently or never then I don't think your plan stands any reasonable chance of success. If characters die all the time then slotting yourself in to be next shouldn't be much of a problem. However, it doesn't sound like you campaign runs that way or you wouldn't be asking here.

My suggestion would be to really think about what character you would like to play that you would not be bored with. Develop a background, pick out a race and class. Figure out why this would be better for you in the long run and then have a chat with the DM about what you don't like with your current character and how playing this other character will be better for you and the party. However, if you get bored of this new one in 2-3 sessions, don't expect the DM to react in a positive way ... and if you have already switched up characters before then this may not go over that well either.

2019-12-19, 10:46 PM
Sounds like the DM is trying to punish players who don't think their characters through well enough. But I'm sure he doesn't see it that way.

Try to negotiate with him. Find out why the DM has this rule. If you know what his pain points are, offer to work around them with your new character.

Alternatively, what is it you don't like about your current character. Can you maybe do a drastic rework? If it's the class, probably not, but if you keep the class, and change personality (like, effectively to a new character), maybe that won't break his rules? Bonus points if you can justify the RP reasons for the change.

da newt
2019-12-19, 11:06 PM
Perhaps if you can't talk this through with your DM, you could work around the DM's restriction by MCing into something that you will enjoy and adjust your play style / PC's personality.

I assume MC-ing Warlock or Sorcerer would be easy, Rogue too, Dex Fighter, Paladin (assuming 13 ST), etc...

What lvl are you? Race? Stats? What do you want to be instead?

george moshingt
2019-12-20, 08:57 PM
I am currently level 7 in the campaign, I've been playing the bard for around 8 months. my problem isn't that my character is bad, in fact he is very good(we rolled for stats and i rolled very well). however i have learned through playing my style is very up front and personal and my bard cant take hits like say a fighter could. One of the biggest reasons is my DM keeps getting very upset every time i use a spell to shut down one of his creatures, and its gotten to the point where he is picking monster that are specifically strong against my character (cant be charmed, have high wisdom saves, etc). Honestly i'm just not having fun with my character and id rather just play a physical fighter type instead.

2019-12-20, 09:25 PM
One of the biggest reasons is my DM keeps getting very upset every time i use a spell to shut down one of his creatures. Honestly i'm just not having fun with my character and id rather just play a physical fighter type instead.

Mabye ask him if you could swap to being a paladin and keep everything else the same? You should mention that the control spells don't seem fun for anyone involved so you would like to make a change to make everyone have more fun at the table.

da newt
2019-12-20, 09:44 PM
If your Bard has a 13 or better DEX, you can MC into Fighter.

Or you can MC into HEX Blades Curse Warlock (to use CHA as your attack stat) and BLADE pact and go melee.

Or if your ST is 13 or more you can MC into Paladin and use all your Bard spell slots to SMITE. If needed, you could even use your Bard lvl 8 ASI to +2 to ST, and then start MC-ing PAL if you need to bump up ST. A HEX-bard-adin could be built to be a very strong Melee fighter with crazy social skills too.

Or if you really want a change of pace, once your ST is 13 or better, MC into BARBARIAN and go get some rage.

2019-12-21, 08:53 AM
In my current group, the character I was playing before this one wasn't nearly as fun as I'd expected. So I talked with the DM, and the next session, I brought a new character (generated the same way all the other characters at our table are), and my old character got eaten by a subterranean shark, with no rolls. If the players aren't having fun, why should the DM make a big deal about changes?

And I really wonder about a rule like "If you get killed by accident, you can remake whatever character you like, but if you do it deliberately, you have to roll randomly". A rule like that serves no purpose whatsoever other than to punish players, and if you have a DM who thinks that's at all part of his job, you need a new DM more than you need a new character.

Fable Wright
2019-12-21, 01:06 PM
And I really wonder about a rule like "If you get killed by accident, you can remake whatever character you like, but if you do it deliberately, you have to roll randomly". A rule like that serves no purpose whatsoever other than to punish players, and if you have a DM who thinks that's at all part of his job, you need a new DM more than you need a new character.

I have seen players get bored of characters extraordinarily easily, and gone through a different one every other session. No joke. Trying to make a plot line of any kind around a cast of characters that fickle is an exercise in futility.

This rule is pretty clearly targeted to curb that sort of behavior specifically.

2019-12-21, 02:40 PM
I have seen players get bored of characters extraordinarily easily, and gone through a different one every other session. No joke. Trying to make a plot line of any kind around a cast of characters that fickle is an exercise in futility.

This rule is pretty clearly targeted to curb that sort of behavior specifically.

The problem being that someone who is happy to yolo a new character every week isn't probably going to be too phased by the random nature of the character (after all, they can always just reroll again next week if they get something they don't like) whereas those who are having actual issues get unfairly punished. You've made a rule that punishes those you're targetting the least.

DM should talk to their players if there's a problem instead of trying to control the behaviour in game. Players should talk to their GMs if they aren't finding their character engaging instead of trying to sabotage themselves and kill their character off. What a wonderful world it would be if we could all just talk to each other and work out our problems :smallbiggrin:

2019-12-21, 02:48 PM
I have seen players get bored of characters extraordinarily easily, and gone through a different one every other session. No joke. Trying to make a plot line of any kind around a cast of characters that fickle is an exercise in futility.

This rule is pretty clearly targeted to curb that sort of behavior specifically.

If so, it does a poor job. Nothing stops the PC from suicidal behavior, and that throws off verisimilitude without fixing the character churn.

One of the biggest reasons is my DM keeps getting very upset every time i use a spell to shut down one of his creatures, and its gotten to the point where he is picking monster that are specifically strong against my character (cant be charmed, have high wisdom saves, etc).

This DM comes across as unpracticed or perhaps just plain unhealthy. If they're still a net positive for you to game with, try to convince them it's in their own interest to just let you switch to a fighter.

george moshingt
2019-12-22, 06:44 PM
After speaking to my DM we have decided to end the campaign and started a new one in the ebberon setting allowing everyone to pick new characters or import over their previous character.

2019-12-22, 06:51 PM
After speaking to my DM we have decided to end the campaign and started a new one in the ebberon setting allowing everyone to pick new characters or import over their previous character.

Excellent! Sounds like a great resolution to your problem.

2019-12-22, 11:21 PM
That's good, I guess, but I'd still worry about things like this.

my DM keeps getting very upset every time i use a spell to shut down one of his creatures, and its gotten to the point where he is picking monster that are specifically strong against my character.