View Full Version : 3rd Ed [3.5] Marrulurk Height/Weight/Age

2019-12-18, 07:34 PM
Q 391

Real longshot here...are there height/weight/age stats for a Marrulurk (Sandstorm p.170) listed anywhere? A lot of monsters have an average height and weight in their fluff text, but none I can see for the Marrulurk?

For my purposes, I don't even mind if it's from a different edition.

I mean, I can always guesstimate it to be about the same as a Kobold, but anything official would be great.

They're not mentioned anywhere outside Sandstorm.

So, any ideas?

I found a sheet on Mythweavers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html?id=335753) for a Marrulurk that is 3'4" and 44 lbs. I'm assuming this is homebrew.

If I was going to try and scale off something official, are there any small Monstrous Humanoids that have listed height/weight/age figures? Here's some I found.

Chitine (Underdark):
Adulthood: 15 + 1d4/1d6/2d6 years, Midle Age: 40, Old: 60, Venerable: 80, Maximum Age: +2d20
Female - Base Height: 2'8", Height Modifier: +2d8, Base Weight: 47lb., Weight Modifier: x 1/4 lb.
Male - Base Height: 3'1", Height Modifier: +2d8, Base Weight: 67lb., Weight Modifier: x 1/4 lb.

Dromite (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm):
Adulthood: 13 + 1d4/1d6/2d6 years, Midle Age: 30, Old: 55, Venerable: 75, Maximum Age: +2d20
Base Height: 2'8", Height Modifier: +2d4, Base Weight: 30lb., Weight Modifier: x 1 lb.

Tibbit (Dragon Compendium):
Adulthood: 14 + 1d6 years, Midle Age: 125, Old: 200, Venerable: 300, Maximum Age: +3d%
Female - Base Height: 2'6", Height Modifier: +2d4, Base Weight: 30lb., Weight Modifier: x 1 lb.
Male - Base Height: 2'6", Height Modifier: +2d4, Base Weight: 30lb., Weight Modifier: x 1 lb.

Grippli (Dragon 324):
Adulthood: 30 + 2d6/4d6/6d6 years, Midle Age: 70, Old: 105, Venerable: 140, Maximum Age: +4d20
Female - Base Height: 1'7", Height Modifier: +2d6, Base Weight: 15lb., Weight Modifier: x 1 lb.
Male - Base Height: 1'10", Height Modifier: +2d4, Base Weight: 20lb., Weight Modifier: x 1 lb.

Some other playable Small Monstrous Humanoids: Anthropomorphic Bat, Anthropomorphic Lizard, Anthropomorphic Monkey, Anthropomorphic Rat, Anthropomorphic Raven, Anthropomorphic Toad, Anthropomorphic Weasel...

Also, so from various books/online:

Armand (3'6'' - 4', 150 lbs)
Boggle (3', no weight listed)
Brood Monkey (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20041126a) (not listed)
Chitine (4', 85 lbs; also see above)
Derro (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/derro.htm) (not listed - also, not listed in Underdark where they are detailed as a playable race :smallfurious:)
Gibberling (3-4', no weight listed)
Greenspawn Sneak (3'6", 50-60 lbs)
Kappa (2', 20 lbs)
Tengu, Human-Headed (not listed - also, I suspect they were supposed to be medium)
Whitespawn Hordeling (3'6", 40 lbs)
Nycter (2' - 2'6", 20-25 lb)

All ideas, suggestions and feedback welcome.

Cheers - T

2020-01-07, 04:06 PM
OK, so using the above figures as a guideline, I am house-ruling as follows:

Adulthood: 18 + 1d4/1d6/2d6 years, Middle Age: 70, Old: 105, Venerable: 150, Maximum Age: +1d%

Average Height Male: 3’ (36.45454545”) (haven't come up with rolls)
Average Height Female: 3’ (35.90909091”) (haven't come up with rolls)

I need to figure average weights, and also dice rolls/numbers to roll height and weight.

2020-01-07, 04:32 PM
For height and weight, I'd suggest just using Halflings as the base. From the description and character art, they seem like they'd be built pretty much the same as a Halfling Were-jackal's hybrid form. That would work out to the same thing as the regular Halfling height and weight.

2020-01-13, 04:59 PM
For height and weight, I'd suggest just using Halflings as the base. From the description and character art, they seem like they'd be built pretty much the same as a Halfling Were-jackal's hybrid form. That would work out to the same thing as the regular Halfling height and weight.

Probably not a bad way to rule it...