View Full Version : Epithet Erased [IC]

2019-12-21, 12:23 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?605055-Epithet-Erased-OOC)

You find yourselves in the mall today-specifically in the food court right now.

You've got your eye on some cuties munching down on some cinnamon rolls not far from where you are, but haven't found a good chance to say hi yet.

You're currently munching down on some chow-you came alone today, possibly just doing some needed shopping, but when one of your little buddies brought you a five-dollar bill, you figured you'd pick up a bite to eat. (And share it, of course-he was lookinga t you expectantly.)

You came today for a bit of shopping, perhaps looking for a job too. You find yourself in the food court because you hunger.

You heard there was a giveaway that may just include a brand-new car. So, of course, you HAD to come.

As you all go about your business, you notice something-various people, all dressed in yellow with facial visors, are pushing other people out of the food court. After a quick look, you recognize them as Banzai Blasters, a large group of mostly incompetent street toughs and ne'er-do-wells.

(Ignore the third bullet point)

Banzai Blasters have a reputation for meanness, but rarely rise to anything THAT bad. While the higher-ups sometimes commit serious crimes, the most common crime committed by lower-ranking Blasters is loitering and jaywalking.

In the center of the Blasters, you can see two women-appearing to be grandma and granddaughter. The young lady is a good looker, but the grandma, despite being probably 60 or older, is one hot mama. You can feel the temperature rise when she walks in. Her granddaughter is typing away on her phone, and sighs. Ugh-can you guys HURRY UP. I want to eat, and I don't want to be bothered!

2019-12-21, 02:15 PM
"Oh come ON, stop with the puppy eyes Nick!" Jack said, breaking in half the chow "Have I ever been a bad friend? Don't answer-!" he turned noticing the commotion.
He frowned in disbelief, the tail taking the form of a question mark.
"So... Any idea why the least competent bunch of vandals in all of the city- the world, probably- is doing bodyguard job? To the hottest woman I've seen the last mont- make it the last year? And another girl, I guess" he stood up and sitted on the table turned toward the Blasters, legs crossed. Grabbing a small bottle of soda, he removed the lid and put it behind him, wrapping the tail around it.
"Please, do tell me they're gonna try and make me go away" he grinned.

I have NO idea what a chow is. It doesn't exist in my country and internet gives me some strange-looking, vegetable-based restaurant dish.

Should describe him physically. He's got longish wavy black hair with brown eyes and a thin mouth. He wears a red bandanna that goes under his hair and a still red scarf, worn messily around the neck.
He's got a short sleeved white shirt and black cargo pants filled with pockets and chains, and black leather boots with a little heel.

Yes, he's got an arguable fashion sense.

2019-12-21, 02:17 PM
Is just slang for food. Like, if I went to get a sandwich, I could say "I'm getting some chow."

You know, like chow down?

Nick, a small hamster (probably escaped from the pet store) looks up at you, then at your food, then at you.

2019-12-21, 02:29 PM
Irene rolls her eyes at the presence of the Banzai Blasters as she walks over to the Shake Shack and orders a large strawberry rhubarb shake and cheese fries.

Apparently that's a real restaurant chain? Didn't know that. Oh well!

2019-12-21, 02:30 PM
The person behind the counter calls back, "Cheese fry!" and then starts making you your shake.

2019-12-21, 02:34 PM
Sirs. Sirs there is no need to push other people out of the food court, there is more then enough room for all of us. Elizabeth rushes over.

I'm going to have to ask you to stop!

2019-12-21, 02:37 PM
"You and what army?" the nearest Banzai Blaster asks. "Because we're the-"

Shut up, the granddaughter says.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am," he replies. "So, um..."

And get them OUT OF HERE! she adds.

Her grandma sighs. Honey bun, they're doing their best. You get what you pay for.

2019-12-21, 02:44 PM
Hey I'm not leaving! Elizabeth protests.

2019-12-21, 02:45 PM
"Boss's orders," the Blaster says.

At this point, most everyone else has been shooed out.

Irene has three Blasters approaching her, Jack two, and Jacob three.

2019-12-21, 02:54 PM
Hey, hey. She addresses the young girl. Why would you want to eat alone? Stuff's more fun in a crowd. She says with a hair flip.

2019-12-21, 02:56 PM
"Wh- Nick! You're supposed to eat nonchalantly while I wait and look cool!" Jack said, glaring at it.
"Or at least puff up that chest! Here-" he moved the piece of sandwich towards it "Now, eat and let ME do the talking! Sheesh, why do I have to do everything around here..." he says, waiting to be addressed.

2019-12-21, 03:01 PM
Hey, hey. She addresses the young girl. Why would you want to eat alone? Stuff's more fun in a crowd. She says with a hair flip.

I am here for a nice day ALONE with my grandma. Now, leave before I slap you upside the face.

"Wh- Nick! You're supposed to eat nonchalantly while I wait and look cool!" Jack said, glaring at it.
"Or at least puff up that chest! Here-" he moved the piece of sandwich towards it "Now, eat and let ME do the talking! Sheesh, why do I have to do everything around here..." he says, waiting to be addressed.

One of the Banzai Blasters seems enamored of Nick. "Guys, look how cute it is!"

The other one smacks him in the helmet. "Dude, we've got a mission! Now, you," she says, turning to Jack, "Out. Get. As in, you know. Get out."

2019-12-21, 03:20 PM
Jack smiles warmly.
"Oh but come ooooon! Me and Nick here are having so much fun! Just look at him!" he says, scooting Nick in his hands with a bit of food and showing it to the blasters "How adorable is it right!? How can you say to get out! How heartless of you! Right, Mick?" he addresses the Blaster who reacted to Nick "This girl is a bully!" Jack tells him while gesturing towards the other Blaster, holding Nick in the other hand.

2019-12-21, 03:40 PM
"I mean, yeah..." the guy says, his head turning a little to look at his partner. "But she's right. Mind walking out? Oh, um, I'll, uh, escort you and your pet!"

She sighs, and you think she might be rolling her eyes under her visor, but doesn't say anything.

2019-12-21, 05:13 PM
Irene looks at the three Banzai Blasters that approach her and says, "Let me ask you a question. Do you have any outstanding debts or fail to pay your taxes?"

2019-12-21, 10:25 PM
Jacob has been ignoring all this commotion, an uneaten cheeseburger resting in his hand as he stares down at his tickets in a morose manner.

"I can't believe it-I spent $500 on raffle tickets! Oh god, I have a problem! I'm wasting my life on these damn contests-" Suddenly one of the Banzai blasters bumped into him and his manner snapped to one of cold fury.

"Speaking of wasting lives," He slowly turned his head to the Banzai Blaster who tried to move him. "tell me why you wish yours to end so abruptly?" His eyes almost glinted with his rage as the tall man stood up, potentially towering the Banzai Blaster.

2019-12-22, 01:15 AM
Irene looks at the three Banzai Blasters that approach her and says, "Let me ask you a question. Do you have any outstanding debts or fail to pay your taxes?"

"Um... No, I paid my membership dues to the Blasters," one of them says. The others nod. "Why do you ask?"

Jacob has been ignoring all this commotion, an uneaten cheeseburger resting in his hand as he stares down at his tickets in a morose manner.

"I can't believe it-I spent $500 on raffle tickets! Oh god, I have a problem! I'm wasting my life on these damn contests-" Suddenly one of the Banzai blasters bumped into him and his manner snapped to one of cold fury.

"Speaking of wasting lives," He slowly turned his head to the Banzai Blaster who tried to move him. "tell me why you wish yours to end so abruptly?" His eyes almost glinted with his rage as the tall man stood up, potentially towering the Banzai Blaster.


"Meep!" the Blasters let out, and back off a bit.

Is it common knowledge that Banzai Blasters use ranged weapons? (Yes, I've been watching the series. It grates a bit that they narrate the actions, but for the rest it's a fantastic show)

Yes, common knowledge.

2019-12-22, 01:49 AM
So just... how about you leave, and rethink your life? Elizabeth offers.

2019-12-22, 05:11 PM
Irene raises an eyebrow and replies a little dumbfoundedly, "Really? That's very disappointing. Are you sure you're cut out for the grim and dirty, serious, hard crime life?" Each word said to overemphasize the "cool badness" factor of crime-life.

2019-12-22, 06:07 PM
"Um..." the one who spoke earlier said.

The other one, though, seems to hear your words... If not your intent. He says "Yeah! Hard-bitten criminal, right here!" He then pulls out his peashooter and aims it at you, saying "So move it or else!"

2019-12-22, 08:02 PM
As the Banzai Blaster pulls out his weapon, Irene tries to quickly snatch it from his hands so he winds up pointing his fingers at her rather than a gun.


2019-12-22, 08:46 PM
"Welp, I guess it can't be helped, can it now?" Jack said, petting Nick "Would you mind holding him? He says he finds you funny" he pushed the hamster towards the naive Bansai.

As soon as Mick takes the hamster Jack will spin and throw the bottle at the other one. If he can he'll also try to sweep her leg and throw her down.

If Mick doesn't take it then Jack will do the same but making sure to keep Nick safe, sweeping both of the blasters legs and letting the hamster off on the floor hoping to send him away.

Of course RNG will decide, the priority is not hurting the hamster: [roll0]

EDIT: Of course you couldn't touch the 10, too much sacrifice

2019-12-23, 12:09 AM
Elizabeth for her part, will attempt to tackle the remain banzai blaster, ideally through a window, or off a staircase.


2019-12-23, 01:00 AM
Roll initiative.


Enemies are Hot Mama, Granddaughter, and three sets of Banzai Blasters.

2019-12-23, 02:38 AM
Jacob was satisfied that he was going to be able to eat his burger in peace. Then someone tried to steal a gun and another push them out a window.

"Oh this is not my day." Moving to kick a table up to give himself cover. He is still holding his cheeseburger.


I feel bad picking a fight with the Banzai Blasters. They're just mooks guys!

2019-12-23, 11:48 AM
The Banzai Blasters by Irene are quicker on the draw than she is, one firing off a few stinging pellets from his peashooter, landing one that leaves a nasty welt. (2 Damage)


The others, though, seem to not quite have realized initiative has been rolled.

2019-12-27, 12:23 AM
Irene deftly snatches the peashooter from the Blaster, getting his firearm away from him.

Elizabeth charges one of them, though her reckless assault fails to prove fruitful as the Banzai Blaster steps back.

Jacob attempts to upend the table, but finds it securely attached to the ground. Failing to make easier cover, he ducks under the table, securing cover anyway.

Six of the Banzai Blasters, seeing Elizabeth charge their comrade, seem to have their attention taken by her. They open fire, accomplishing a measly 4 points of damage.


Jack, meanwhile, sweeps the leg and throws the bottle. The bottle goes wide, but the Banzai blaster ends up on the floor, knocked down.

Another six Blasters open fire on Elizabeth, for 6 points of damage. One of them, though, has their peashooter backfire, and combust in their hand. They drop to the ground, taken out of the fight, bemoaning their fate. "But... It does less damage shooting!"


Hot Mama sighs. Sweetie, you didn't HAVE to do all this for little ol' me! she tells her granddaughter. We didn't have to hire all these mooks.

Not NOW grandma! These hos are just... Ugh! They drive me crazy! she replies. She then jumps onto the table, and tells her minions Ignore her! I'll take care of her-focus on the others! She drops her gold-engraved cane, and readies a ring-covered hand to smack Elizabeth.

Be careful where you move, Elizabeth-she's ready to strike!

2019-12-28, 12:17 AM
Seeing that these peashooters do more damage on a backfire, Irene tries to intentionally rig hers to explode and hucks it at the group of three Banzai Blasters she was just engaged with.


2019-12-28, 12:35 AM
"Ack!" they let out as the boom knocks them to the ground. "Urgh..." is pretty much all they say after.

Normally you need an ability to do multiple targets, but with a crit and a good idea, hardly seems fair to NOT take them out.

Note: You do NOT get your proficiency bonus for that 20, since it's unrelated to your epithet.

2019-12-28, 10:37 PM
°That girl's getting battered with hits... I should help her° Jack thought, turning towards the granddaughter.
"Ehy you! The stupid one on the table!" Jack screamed, looking at the girl who jumped on the table "Aren't you worried you'll break a nail? Besides, if you keep scowling like that you'll add to the wrinkles you already have!" he added, snickering.

I'm going to spend three points to attract attention~


2019-12-29, 11:03 AM
The granddaughter turns to face Jack. Oh, you are ASKING for it! she says.

Elizabeth is no longer the focus of Granddaughter.

2020-01-11, 01:10 AM
Elizabeth will use her distraction to suplex the granddaughter.
