View Full Version : Alumara: P.B.C.

2019-12-22, 03:14 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ec3ded39-a268-41f7-98e3-d85add60826f/d2saxma-38dd47aa-d62f-44c1-b82c-7083de4439c7.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_487,q_75,strp/kind_of_eastern_village_by_mcfrog_d2saxma-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NDg3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWMzZGVkMz ktYTI2OC00MWY3LTk4ZTMtZDg1YWRkNjA4MjZmXC9kMnNheG1h LTM4ZGQ0N2FhLWQ2MmYtNDRjMS1iODJjLTcwODNkZTQ0MzljNy 5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpz ZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.ZEH0VQBTA9Arey JeZQxLf0qvjNlcm7Xj4mzNAbFkRUA

The Beastlands. A plane where nature thrives above all in scattered floating worlds. Bound between the Material Plane and Elysium, it is home to many different gods of nature and is infinite in size. However our story begins in a small world in the Beastlands. Alumara. Named so after Asenrir, mother of anthromorphs, rose to divinity. 800 years ago a city of humans invaded the world and has continued to consume and expand. Known to use high level magic and severely advanced technology, these humans devasted the lands around them and made sure every race knew that they weren't leaving until they could. This city of humans is named Kho and is thought to have come from the material plane somehow.

Today, there thankfully seems to be a lot less slaughter than in recent history. Many people report not seeing a single human in over a month; quite strange indeed. Even stranger is that none of you remember how you made your way into this Inn. You each wake up, slowly gathering your bearings and get a splitting headache as you try to remember the previous night. But in a flash your vision is filled with images and you begin to faintly hear the sound of a gong. You see a long garden with a dirt pathway down the middle and lined with marble columns every 15 feet. The vision moves you down the path that leads to an open field of wheat. The field looks very natural except for 12 white obelisks standing in a circle. You walk into the middle to examine them more closely and you see that each one has a different animal carved into the marble. An ox, rooster, dog, dragon, snake, horse, monkey, pig, rat, rabbit, sheep, and tiger. The dragon image begins to emit a dark red light and the top of the obelisk cracks and falls to the ground. The light shoots up into the skies through the broken top then disepates as soon as it appeared. The skies grow dark and storms are drown out the gongs.

Your vision then grows dark as well until all that is visible is blackness. Then a golden light expands in the distance and separates into five individual orbs of golden light. The lights morph and shift in their shape until they look like ghostly images of a rabbit, a snake, an ox, a tiger, and a monkey. They each walk through the darkness until they are stopped by the shape of a wolf. This wolf is a lesser shade of black and stands out in the darkness as almost a grey. The wolf opens its mouth and bears its pure white fangs and you hear a motherly voice speak out.

"My name is Asenrir. You do not not know of me or my people....But I implore you for help in my time of need. Something malicious lurks between our planes. It has already latched itself on my world and my children. I fear your's may very well be in danger also." The wolf stops to lick its chops then opens its mouth once more. "When you wake up you may be very confused but do not be afraid, there are many friends around Alumara who can help, yet there are even more enemies among them. Trust one another and you will all go far. I have faith in your souls, they are strong willed and full of life. Hopefully your new bodies will serve you well. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing as I can do very little than this: first you must find Du'phar. He lives in the temple of the Wandering God. He is one I know you can trust. Now, you must wake up...."

The ghostly animals merge together once more in an orb of golden light and enter the wolf. The wolf's fur turns a bright golden blonde color and light expands across your vision until it flooded in light and you eventually come to your senses. You are lying in a bed, in a bedroom you have never seen before but one that seems quite comforting in a strange way. The walls look like a log cabin with its thick stacked logs. The bed is merely some other logs notched out and pieced together into a wooden frame and many furs lying atop it. To your left is a crudely made nightstand out of a larger log about 2 foot in diameter. On top of the stand is an oil lamp and a glass pitcher of clean water with a couple of oranges in the bottom it seems. A window on the same wall of the nightstand looks out into a sky that seems on the cusp of evening and not a cloud is in sight. A nice looking, wooden wardrobe lies in front of the furthest wall from the bed and is ajar; enough so that you can easily make out some of your gear inside. And finally, near the foot of the bed is an average wooden door that is also open and you can slightly see the hall from a sideways angle. Oohlaum however is wakes up leaning against the side of the stable, his gear sitting atop a large pile of hay. You all then realize that your left hand is starting to hurt. You've been holding a strange stone object with many edges in a death grip. Your grip quickly releases and you sigh in relief.

Of course the Image is a little too large for the forum XD the only dowfall to posting maps here. Go ahead and right click to a new tab and you will fully see it just as long as the google share folder still works XD Eh it seems to have fixed itself on my screen.The post didn't cut it off or anything now. Still, if its hard to see just open in a new tab :)https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_7aCo69WjCTRalz8osHeDMT3xf3ZDM_KqynsZKI_MW_NMZENam BX_FGKocbqnyQGdz8jc_ANm5iMiin1AO9qrsMfvFRTbN6BEuc3 dwVcVqiKB0qyZ6WO33eak_g58Lwd6oxGevJdi_o_SUiB2j4TKx-xH9gWVKditwVKIM5DIvVmiu1D-3v2DiwAIE_y2gPGghRSuZlfrBIdNadN9Ze6pAsDZGhDYyeeuXW OJtruKHPVnEwUd_PJdaldbJQBR1aMaV2hwpExFRaH9S840fefF 3Jj0R1SYrnb_WhpKsYcWivVTz9Sh_7FJqspfb-bk5Sdz6Zm_7O8XTMxYFODSVluZKNJ_eEP17GCfeHkDN3dM-8oguYDUq5E41k3PAgp6So_vYlbJQ1gXx-e3WjaF65UNzJm7WkylJnWy6WUy3GeM2LOB9wtBRbAGP9oQdGLX iX1zKdSGG-bA74BCb7rm_mKlHaKUfgHFpWJndIuasY4ku5c_JVUA45zTl4T8 WmllBhkYPmIO5k_fR6pMjxSYlEG50I2pYDSl6ADLDYb9aDIOAg NQXwMGdpAQ_5DYNUuYY3l3sWRxAYqbsofMGoncz2ZSXod2v85X txHV333S163SKf8eF8dLrMbn36mfLIV8Ix3j7aRIjZr871jFBw BRO4DXOxrM_dR-G2e66627x2GmzrlzhuIlujo1kR8muxEPU0i7VMYe3HuPAV4cjj PwqXoXcWRBNhf4drSfrhl7uzT3z28RwA=w1233-h663-noThose who picked colors I went with that as your map token. All npc's, not just enemies will appear bright red with a black border. Oohlaum Thoom is the light blue token, Clover is the green token, Toko is the brick red token, Thradis is the indigo token, and Gushrog is the black token (with a grey border just to see it a little better.)

Feel free to explore and go where you wish :)

2019-12-22, 06:54 PM
Thradis notices the orange slices near his bed and grabs them to snack on. He then begins to stretch as he checks his gear. As he does, he looks at his hand to see what he had gripped so strongly.

2019-12-22, 08:27 PM
Clover wakes up feeling strange, very strange. She'd gone to sleep in her bedroom in her father's villa. She'd just had a wonderful time dancing with a few young men and even a fawn at the Ethele'Mele. She hoped to see one of them in particular once more. But the room she opened her eyes to was not what she'd expected. Dismissing the vague memories of a dream she looked around, and then she looked at herself.

A terrified shriek echoes throughout the inn, followed by a crashing sound. Anyone who investigates finds a quavering mass of vines, branches and leaves lying on the floor next to the bed. A panicked voice keeps saying, "wrong, wrong, wrong, this is not me, this is not my body, who did this to me?!"

Just to clarify, I do intend for Clover to remember what she should, but the rush of confusion in her case led to some severe dysphoria and panic. She died in her sleep as an elf, and awoke as some sort of plant creature...

2019-12-23, 11:30 PM
Gushrog's eyes opened quickly, his gaze darted around the room taking in his surroundings. He started to rise from the bed, he had been lying belly down his tail swished over the edge of the bed. As he rose his hand slipped on the sheets and he rolled off of the bed onto the floor. Gushrog jumped up to this feet letting out a displeased rumble from his throat. When he spotted the orange he lowered so his head was level with the table and stared at the orange fruit. Gingerly with his claws, he picked it up and sniffed it, the fruit had a pleasant enough smell.

He'd seen some of these once in the market place. But he'd never eaten them, he stowed the fruit for later and instead dressed and drank a few glasses of water as his mind caught up with what had happened. It was an odd dream...or was it a dream. Memory and dream sometimes overlapped. He decided he needed to ask Svelkorotokorum Shuranita Kerretinachticahn. Wait.

Gushrog looked around the room, she wasn't here. When was the last time he'd seen her? That was when a shriek split the air and Gushrog dropped the water in his hand in his rush to investigate. It had come from next door, so he wasted no time in barging through the door and saying in as calm a voice as he can.

"Svabol ui|ulph xuut ui tikilvi ouith." <What's wrong is anyone hurt.>

Though any not familiar with the tongue of the Lizard Folk would only hear the hissing and rumbling of the rough language.

2019-12-24, 09:59 AM
Thradis pockets the stone in his hand and continues getting up, stretching and dressing. He barely finishes as he hears the nearby shriek. He places his hand on the hilt of his blade, running to see what the ruckus is about.

As he enters the room where the shriek came from, he notices a large Lizardfolk as well as the plant mass on the ground. "What is going on here? If there is to be violence, my blade would like to be the first to taste it, savoring its added glory."

2019-12-24, 10:17 AM
A leafy face emerges, and it becomes clearer that the plant isn't just a tangled mass, but rather a humanoid figure, roughly resembling a young girl. Noticing she isn't wearing anything, she wraps her arms around herself as if to protect her modesty, although there isn't anything to cover. In a quavering voice she asks in a rush, "Who are you? Where am I? Why am I... like this?"

If anyone moves to touch her, she'll call out, "Get back, I am a mage."

2019-12-24, 03:18 PM
Gushrog stared blankly at the rabbit man with a sword and the quivering plant girl. He couldn't understand them, and he was fairly sure they couldn't understand him. Lizardfolk was a rare language outside of his homeland. He had come to rely on Svelkorotokorum Shuranita Kerretinachticahn to translate. So instead he studied the Rabbit man's posture and that of the Plant girl to try and suss out their intent.

Perception check


2019-12-24, 07:03 PM
Gushrog, using his finely tuned, scaly wisdom, pieces together that the rabbitfolk looks very very eager for a fight. The plant woman on the other hand seems very frightened, seemingly by the way she looks because she keeps looking at herself then crying out.

As Thradis was investigating the stone he sees that one side is completely smooth to the touch and the flip side engraved with a simple image representing a small generic rabbit. The engraving was then colored purple with what looks like paint.

Everyone else looking at the stone in their hand notices the image on the face of it.

Burden King
2019-12-24, 10:40 PM
Immediate discomfort was all that came to Svelkorotokorum as consciousness elbowed it’s way to the fore, shoving poor blissful sleep aside like her younger cousin Hresentiania would do whenever the servants brought out the baked sweets her mother always kept on hand. And just like that gluttonous little sinkhole, the realization she had been sleeping on mere furs was an unpleasant experience. Though, she had begun to grow used to such things, and it was improvement to utter disgust like she had at first experienced when she set out into the world. All the same, Toko let out a sigh and gently swung her legs over the side of the thing poorly pretending to be even half a proper bed, and stretched her body to try and remove all the soreness forced upon her frame by such an offensive piece of furniture.

Without opening her eyes, she took the pitcher of water, and gently placed an orange slice in her cup, before pouring the water into it. The smell of citrus that hit her nostrils melted away the atmosphere of poverty that surrounded her, reminding her of waking up in her grandmother Korotokorum’s villa. She drank slow and deep from her glass, enjoying the small luxury as best as she could, even ignoring the scream from outside as she lost herself in the experience. With that done, she placed the cup down, tightened the strap of her sleeping gown (her Coutier’s outfit, just styled as night wear) and stood up to investigate.

Swirling a potion in her hand to properly agitate the ingredients within,Toko came upon a large but skinny Lizardman, an excited bunny man, and a freaking out plant girl on the floor. The Lizardman, her traveling companion for sometime now, seemed to be eyeing the rabbit man. Toko chuckled as she drank from the potion.

Svelkorotokorum drinks a potion of polypurpose Panacea using the Intoxication effect.


Feeling a warmth spread threw her body pleasantly, she put the bottle away and let out a small sigh as she spoke in Lizardfolk to the crocodile looking man. “Considering roast rabbit today Gushy, or has he done something to offend?” Toko spoke smoothly and almost giddily, her mood made far better by the magically induced pseudo intoxication. She looked at the plant girl with a raised eye brow, then held up her hands, now speaking in common “Woah woah, we will not harm you. We’re here cause we heard a scream, are you okay?” she asked, slowly going to a knee and offering her hand to the plant girl gently, her face flushed a little from the potion.

2019-12-24, 10:56 PM
The gesture seems to calm her a bit, "I... don't know. I'm not supposed to be like this. There was a voice, he said... something. Did I die?"

2019-12-24, 11:36 PM
Hesitantly, Thradis takes his hand off of his sheathed blade. He sees that the lizardman meant no harm to the plant person. Regarding the Nagaji's threat, he looks him up and down and gives a light chuckle. "Perhaps when you get some more meat on your bones we could duel. The lizardman, however, might be a fun distraction in the future though. I was simply responding to the fact that I heard screaming and when I entered the room, I saw this large creature standing over the plant woman. If you came across this scenario with two strangers, what would you think was happening?"

2019-12-24, 11:44 PM
Gushrog raised his hands towards the Rabbit man, the Crocodileman had managed to figure out at least intent from his body posture. Before he could try to calm the Plant girl, however, Svelkorotokorum Shuranita Kerretinachticahn had finally reappeared. The Croc let out a sigh, which came out as a deep rumble making his throat shake.

"There wux re toko, si tir ti vucot svabol wer rabbit said shar si siofme jaci wants vi slathalin." <"There you are Toko, I do not know what the Rabbit said but I think he wants a fight.">

The tall, but lanky Lizardman pointed at Usagi and took a step back, and focused on the Plant girl. She seemed to calm a bit, he trusted Toko to translate for him.

"This ir jahus persvek vi kawflev, during hesi ossaluri si rigluin ekess yor wer common ooble." <"This one was in a panic, during our travels I need to learn the common tongue.">

2019-12-25, 08:12 PM
Looking at the Lizardfolk and Nagaji, Thradis relaxes his posture, but stares at the one pointing at him with an annoyed glare. He contemplates the meaning behind such rudeness, considering slicing that finger off if it persists.

2019-12-25, 09:05 PM
After waking from the dream Oohlum gather his geer and heads into the common room of the inn. Looking for the in keeper I find a place to sit and say "I am in need of food and drink". Then study the stone I have in my hand, I also listen to the commotion but take no notice unless it personally effects me.

2019-12-26, 11:29 AM
As Oohlaum steps through the front double doors, seeing there no point in trying to squeeze through the little one, sees that the Inn has a vaulted ceiling 15 feet high. The log cabin Inn looks very deserted except for an Elephant man standing about 12 feet tall behind the bar. Many bottles line the wall behind and he is cleaning many small glasses in front of him. One cloth covered finger cleaning with a quick swipe. The four tables around feel quite sturdy for as old as they look and they each have 4 chairs. However in each corner of the common room is a much larger and newer chair. So with a slight hunch Oohlaum easily manages to walk around and find a chair meant for people his size. The barkeep's thudding steps over to his table actually pale in comparison to when the Mammoth had stepped inside the business.

A very cheerful yet deep, booming voice fills the building, "Well hello my fine proboscis friend! I can imagine you must need sustenance, you and your buddies looked worse for wear last night. I hope you got some decent rest." The elephant man then turns to look toward an opening in the eastern wall and hollers, "Chef! Get this man a hairy barbarian and the biggest salad you've seen in your life!"

A small squirrel looking man hops onto the bottom of the inside-window and hollers back at the elephant, "Dammit Bruel! You're lifting them this time!" And with a defeated sigh says, "Coming up." He hops back down and out of sight behind the wall. The smell of warm mead begins to fill building.

As Oohlaum waits for his meal and inspects the stone in his hand he clearly recognizes the engraved monkey as being a symbol of Sun Wukong, the monkey king and prince of pranks. It doesn't quite look like a holy symbol however and he doesn't discern much else.

2019-12-26, 11:57 AM
Eager to leave the passive aggressive snake and lizard men, Thradis not only heard but physically feels the force of someone or something very large moving about. He leaves the room and walks out into the main room of the inn. As he glances over at the literal mammoth of a man, he let's out another chuckle. "My . . . You're a big'un aren't you. Mind if I sit at the table with you?" With so many seemingly strong people, he perks up, hoping he can find somebody to test his skill against.

2019-12-27, 10:41 PM
Gushrog snorted at the departing rabbit, it was then something sparked in his mind. That odd stone talisman he woke up with. He reached into the pocket he'd stowed it in and showed it to Toko.

"Toko, si woke svern mrith nomeno bvecko talisman. svabol tir wux xurwk di coi? wer ox reminds ve di boi weiku." <"Toko, I woke up with this strange talisman. What do you make of it? The Ox reminds me of Boi Weiku.">

2019-12-29, 01:03 PM
Looking up from the stone I say "What is your name Inn Keeper? Could I also get a tea and some of that Mead?" Removing my ax and leaning it against the wall I turn to the Rabbit man wondering if he is the same one from my vision I say "Suit your self but your getting your own food." Putting the stone into the middle of the table I say "I am Oohlaum Thoom. According to the Inn Keeper we all came here together. Yet I don't know your name small one." Then indicating the stone "By chance you wouldn't have anything similar to this?"

2019-12-29, 02:27 PM
"I am Thradis, of the Usagi clan, seeking challenges to test myself and find glory. You seem strong, I feel as if you may bring strong opponents in your travels. Perhaps I can journey with you, if only to aid in dealing with such obstacles."

2019-12-29, 08:08 PM
Slowly recognizing that at the very least she was not in immediate danger, Clover begins to remember waking up to this body before, but without the panic and confusion. This WAS her body, it wasn't always so, but it was hers. As the others filed out of the room, she clumsily climbs to her feet and gets dressed in a silken robe.

Soon enough, she has joined the others in the Inn common room, although she is staying quiet for the moment, still processing the strangeness of the situation.

2019-12-31, 12:56 PM
Thradis glances over at the anthropomorphic plant with detached fascination. It looks perfectly delectable to him, but fortunately, he has some more orange to eat.

Burden King
2020-01-02, 01:40 PM
Gushrog snorted at the departing rabbit, it was then something sparked in his mind. That odd stone talisman he woke up with. He reached into the pocket he'd stowed it in and showed it to Toko.

"Toko, si woke svern mrith nomeno bvecko talisman. svabol tir wux xurwk di coi? wer ox reminds ve di boi weiku." <"Toko, I woke up with this strange talisman. What do you make of it? The Ox reminds me of Boi Weiku.">

Toko leaned over, placing a hand on the Lizardman go support her as she peered at the talisman, admiring the simple nature of the object as she pulled out her own and held it next to his “**What ever they are, seems they come in different designs. Though my waking up with a snake feels a little insulting. What if I wanted a cat or a tiger?**” Toko said in Lizardfolk with a smile, gently having her finger trace the animal engraving. She then shrugged, and gestures for the main room of the inn “**Whatever they are, I’m sure the others are as lost as us. Maybe being lost together will help, or they’ll be willing to buy us a drink while they figure it out.**” Toko suggested with mirth, walking towards the common room as she pocketed her empty vial, still swimming in the magical intoxication.

2020-01-02, 09:52 PM
Gushrog leaned around Toko's shoulder and peered at the snake talisman in her hands. He rumbled in his throat and followed her out into the Inn proper with all the others. He eyed the Rabbit and let out a displeased saurian hiss at the sight, he shook his head and spoke to Toko again.

"Perhaps yth jalla ehtah creolna versed persvek mishun youwei ekess check astahi ihk arcaniss? si guulac nomenoi youwei re wer loex ternesj astahii annish ekess qe." <"Perhaps we should find someone versed in such things to check them for magic? I doubt these things are the dead stone they appear to be." >

Waiting for a reply he looked at the Inn keeper and felt his stomach rumble. All he had on him were a few trail rations and that orange from the room. But he doubted the Inn Keeper spoke his rough tounge still he tried in that deep rumbling voice of his.

"I guulac wux kampiun wer schakri ooble di wer lizardfolk di shukamor. shar sjek wux tir...i ornla|dah hefoc ekess itrewic creolnali ekess sone." <"I doubt you understand the noble tongue of the Lizardfolk of Shukamor. But If you do...I would|had like to get something to eat.">

2020-01-03, 03:30 PM
Bruel the elephant notices the others striding into the common room and greets them, "Ah, you are all awake. Fantastic!" He then goes over by the bar and lifts a large barrel that's already been tapped. "I haven't had many customers this week, so my lower quality mead is on the house if you'd like."

A little bell rings from the small room to the east and a very large bowl and a smaller bowl of salad is hefted onto the window ledge. Bruel picks it up with ease and brings it to Oohlaum along with a pitcher of mead that smells much stronger than the mead on the bar. Bruel then sets the smaller bowl of salad in front of Thradis and waves his hand as if to say, "Don't think anything of it, friend."

It is only then when he recognizes that Gushrog is even speaking to him. He coughs and clears his throat into his fist before speaking in nearly perfect Lizardfolk, "Sia apologies bensvelk ushakal! coi tepohaic coanwor quite creol tairais li si renthisja dout ooble. Si assume wux ornla hefoc creol rhyaex, sia scaly thurirl? Yth tepoha creol steaks vur sausages, si geou put wer chef ekess tawura tenamalo." <"My apologies good sir! It has been quite some time since I spoke your tongue. I assume you would like some meat, my scaly friend? We have some steaks and sausages, I'll put the chef to work again."> Before giving a hearty chuckle and heading back toward, what is now obviously the kitchen.

Bruel's eye is then dragged toward the stone Oohlaum had set on the table to show Thradis. His face contorts in confusion and fear. His hearty, cheerful voice, now somber. "W-Where did you get such a thing as that?!"

2020-01-03, 10:29 PM
Revealing the stone with the engraving of a rabbit, Thradis replies, "I cannot speak for my large friend here, but I just woke up with this in my hand today. There was a weird dream prior, with different symbols of animals. Though not sure how it relates."

2020-01-03, 10:32 PM
Clover slowly pulls out her stone and shows it as well, displaying a pair of white tigers. "I... I think we were all gifted with one, for whatever reason."

2020-01-05, 03:58 PM
Gushrog was surprised but pleased to hear another speak his language. His eyes lit up and when he spoke there was a jovial tone in his rough voice, "Ah axun, rhyaex persvek wer nakit ui bensvelkilti, vur vi kear si tir ti tepoha ekess maulk coi ui tangis desta." <"Ah yes, meat in the morning is best, and a day I do not have to hunt it is even better."> Gushrog's tail thumped against the floor his stomach growling at the prospect of seared meats. Trail rations are filling, but as far as taste goes they left much to be desired.

The Lizard cocked his head at the Innkeeper's reaction to the stone talisman, the words he couldn't understand but the tone and look of fear were unmistakable. When he saw the others reveling their stones he showed his as well. "We shio tepoha nomenoi? si jika svabol astahii jatil, si assumed sini depicted boi weiku wer schakri ox." <"We all have these? I wonder what they mean, I assumed mine depicted Boi Weiku the noble Ox.">

2020-01-05, 04:44 PM
Replying to Thradis "Well it look like we are already traveling with each other or so Bruel the inn keeps says, so who am I to stop you. Treat me well and I will do the same with you, if not..." Shrugging shoulders " things may get difficult. "

Then looking at the others as they slowly file into the room and reveal there stones and see Bruel's reaction I say "I may have a few answers about the stones, but please set the stones on the table so I may study them a little closer. This may take a few minutes." Then indicating the chairs " Please sit. "

Cast detect magic on the stones.

2020-01-06, 09:32 AM
Thradis sets his stone on the table, silently watching as the mammoth-man examines it.

2020-01-10, 02:13 PM
Oohlaum's vision shifts and gains a light haze. Now able to see magical auras, he notices that a glow is indeed emanating from each of the stones. The monkey & rabbit talisman sitting on the table all grow a faint gold color, as well as the talismans in everyone's hands. As you concentrate on the talismans, you notice the golden glow gets brighter and you realize that neither is any weaker than the other. As you concentrate even longer on the stones, the golden glow increase so much that the whole room now has a golden tone to it. You realize that these stones have an overwhelming aura of magical power coming from them. So much so that you find yourself not being able to concentrate enough to figure out what school of magic any of these could be. Your entire vision is then filled with the golden light emanating from the stones and it feels as if staring into the sun. You shake your head and the light disapates, effectively ending the spell. And the only word that echoes through your brain as your senses come back to you, in a voice sounding like a long dead uncle, is Voidstone.

Everyone else around the table sees the mammoth-man activate his spell and his head move from side to side, looking directly at the stones. After only about 10 seconds later you notice his eyes begin to glow a faint golden color where is Iris is. 10 more seconds go by and his eyes become a complete golden color as if someone had melted gold coins over his eyes. The Mammoth shakes his head like he has a headache and his eyes blink rapidly. When he opens his eyes, his vision is back to normal and his eye color returned.

Bruel takes a step back and puffs out a large sigh of relief and says, "They look like voidstone....condensed negative energy like coal turning into a diamond...Supposedly too difficult for a mere person to look at, let alone touch."

Just then the cook walks over the table, the squirrel's height being just shorter than the rabbit. "Hello?! I've been ringing the bell. Foods all done, not that anybody cares what I say." And he sets a plate of sausages & steak on the table in front of Gushrog. "Anybody else wanting food while I slave away in that kitchen?" He finishes saying with a light squeaky chuckle, obviously not meaning any of the snarky words coming out of his mouth.

2020-01-11, 02:07 AM
After my spell has finished I explain to everyone what I saw and learned. "Blah (see gm explaination) Blah." and "Yes they are voidstones."

Studying the figures carved into the voidstones I look to my ancestors for any comparisons.

[roll0] Knowledge Religion

2020-01-11, 09:11 PM
Clover looks around, "Okay then, so what does that mean? Really? Are we supposed to be doing something with these stones?"

The leafy young woman shakes her head at the rabbits' question about food.

2020-01-13, 03:04 PM
Gushrog watched the others chat with wide eyes, their words were like chittering to him. So he shook his head and turned his attention to the meat sat in front of him. He lifted the utensils, they were not made for his hands, clearly. But he figured out a way to make use of the cutting and slicing his meat. Usually, he'd just tear the flesh with his bare hands and teeth but there were a time and place for such things and that was not now. He kept his eye on Toko, waiting for a translation as he savored the savory seared meats with gusto.

2020-01-16, 01:28 AM
After the mammoth-man finished his assessment, Thradis quickly reclaimed his stone.

Thradis then glances over at the scrumptious looking mobile plant, but is able to turn away when the cook approaches. "If you have any vegetable platters, or stir fry, I would be most interested. Thank you for offering."

Burden King
2020-01-24, 08:36 PM
Gushrog watched the others chat with wide eyes, their words were like chittering to him. So he shook his head and turned his attention to the meat sat in front of him. He lifted the utensils, they were not made for his hands, clearly. But he figured out a way to make use of the cutting and slicing his meat. Usually, he'd just tear the flesh with his bare hands and teeth but there were a time and place for such things and that was not now. He kept his eye on Toko, waiting for a translation as he savored the savory seared meats with gusto.

Toko listened to the barkeep, but only just enough so she could quickly translate the information to her friend while storing it in her own head. The idea that something like this could be made and she could just wake up with it in her hands struck her as odd, and ideas to perform alchemical tests on the artifact already began to float around her mind.

When asked about food Toko raised her hand “If you wouldn’t mind, some soup would be just fine for me.” She said, smiling at the cook as she realized his snark was light hearted. Which was good, since she was prepared to defend herself or her partner in crime. She then looked at the others “These voidstones must have been given to us for a reason, if not only were they crafted with symbols but made in a way for us somehow to handle them if handling them at all is an impressive event.”

Sorry for the late post. Combination of this site being a butthead whenever I try to post and procrastination. If I’ve been removed from the campaign, I’ll understand, but I would like to continue if possible.