View Full Version : Sorceror unique spells

2019-12-23, 03:41 AM
Hi all

Continuing my recent train of thought I'd like to ask yall

Q: If more sorceror only spells were to be printed (since to my knowledge there is only 1 in exsistance) what would you want the design of them to be like?

Some extra thoughts:
-What kind of spells would be thematic for sorcerors?
- Do they even need any? (Metamagic technically makes sorceror versions of normal spells)
-Would you possibly tie them to subclass to be more themey?

Alot of the spells that exist already exist. While I'd like a few new spells unique to sorcerors I'm scratching my head on what's left.

Only thing I can think of right now is an ally version of false life.

2019-12-23, 05:42 AM
Basically any spell that has random effects would fit a Sorcerer far more strongly than say, Wizard, going with the theme of uncontrolled power.

Spells that augment your abilities to make them stronger or give them new effects would also be fitting. The reasoning here being that magic isn't just something you do or channel, it's a part of you.

Unfortunately in practice, WOTC hasn't really enforced such a theme, so in practice Sorcerers mostly just get a shriveled Wizard list with a couple additions from other classes, with very few exclusive spells (to my knowledge their only exclusive spell is Chaos Bolt).

If I were to design the lists from the ground up, I would probably give Sorcerers all of the color-type spells (so Color Spray, Chromatic Orb, and especially Prismatic Spray and Prismatic Wall), and probably add some more of those spells in the 2nd-6th level range. I'm currently in the process of homebrewing some of those spells myself.

2019-12-23, 07:28 AM
Higher level elemental spells, where damage starts to get inefficient.

Maybe some multi-elemental spells: A storm that does thunder and lightning damage for example.

On the elemental theme some more unique elemental summons - maybe a minor elemental form as a familiar, something like a mephit?

Some necromancy spells - mainly because there is a dearth of good, fun ones so they may as well go to the sorcerer (although I would also accept sorcerer/cleric)

Maybe a spell to summon shadows, an area of effect dispel magic.

Higher level spells that mimic lower level spells but with an added damage component - 4th level counterspell that burns the target for example. A cinder cloud like stinking cloud but that burns as well. Maybe an acid version?

An acidic blob that slows someone down, hurts them and takes a strength check to remove.

2019-12-23, 08:26 AM
Hi all

Continuing my recent train of thought I'd like to ask yall

Q: If more sorceror only spells were to be printed (since to my knowledge there is only 1 in exsistance) what would you want the design of them to be like?

Some extra thoughts:
-What kind of spells would be thematic for sorcerors?
- Do they even need any? (Metamagic technically makes sorceror versions of normal spells)
-Would you possibly tie them to subclass to be more themey?

Alot of the spells that exist already exist. While I'd like a few new spells unique to sorcerors I'm scratching my head on what's left.

Only thing I can think of right now is an ally version of false life.
Honestly, apart from higher level "damage-chosen" spells and maybe mid/high level non-concentration self-buffs, no idea...

2019-12-23, 08:31 AM
From a mechanical point of view, I wouldn’t mind seeing some more spells that play especially nicely with metamagic, and maybe even a few that play very nicely indeed with some of the less popular metamagic options.

In terms of spell roles, sorcerers come up short on options for multi target control spells that target something other than wis, lots of room for options across multiple themes there, though I’ll grant that the simple inclusion of grease in the latest UA actually helps quite a bit... yeah that little first level spell is a pretty big deal. Even with grease though, there’s still a big space for something like evard’s tentacles. Now personally I’d just give them that spell, I think it’d make a great sorcerer spell... and with the save-then-check mechanic it plays very well with anything that gives dissadvantage on that critical first save... but really there’s room for tentacles AND a sorcerer specific spell. I can imagine a really cool illusion based spell with identical mechanics at one level higher, but with an int save... throw it on the Psionic spell list while you’re at it.

Sorcerers have no way short of a wish to create the effects of non-detection, and a sorcerer who’s big “thing” is invisibility should be able to achieve that effect. That’s a pretty legitimate sorcerer concept in my mind and you can’t do it easily now. A mid to high level sorcerer specific, 5th level concealment spell could incorporate both invisibility and non-detection... better for the sorcerer because it requires one less spell known.

Sorcerers don’t have good options for warding things. A sorcerer specific way of doing this would be useful. Because sorcerers have so few spells known, it would likely have less raw power but be more Versatile than the equivalent glyph/ward/whatever

Sorcerers don’t have the best options for conjuring things (notwithstanding celestials from divine soul) A mid level spell that scales well would allow a single spell pick to have decent versatility. I can imagine ways to make this play very nicely with the generally awful (or at best VERY build specific extend spell)

2019-12-23, 09:59 AM
I think it's a huge pity that sorcerers have no exclusive spells (except for Chaos Bolt), as their extreme Spells Known limitation prevents being op with powerful spells: You're limited to 1-2 spells per spell level, so you can't pick all the powerfuls anyway. So adding powerful exclusives wouldn't increase the sorcerer's power-level, but allow more variety in what kind of sorcerer a player can play his character.

Therefore, in addition to those already mentioned (especially the elemental familiar!), I would recommend 3 types of spells:

1) Reckless spells that are more powerful than usual for their level, but damage the sorcerer (exhaustion, hp loss, …) in return. Either as stand-alone spells or as buffs that empower other spells, e.g. "Bloody Echo": As a bonus action, repeat any spell you cast as an action this turn with exact same parameters (target, damage, …), but suffer d4 [force/psychic/…] damage per spell level. "Power Surge" (conc): You can concentrate on many spells at once for 2 minutes, and when the spell ends you roll CON saving throws for every round this spell lasted and get 1 level of exhaustion per failed saving throw.

2) Protective & Supportive spells that make up for the sorcerer's low hp & lack of armor at higher levels (the Draconic Sorcerer's feat was meant to do that, but those sorcerers are usually blasters), especially for the Storm Sorcerer. Maybe a lasting "Chromatic Shield" with AC bonus & energy/elemental resistance, like a power-up version of Shield + Absorb Elements + Fire Shield (wizard exclusive spell). "Soul Splice": Like Mirror Image, yet the illusions are real (same AC, …) and take damage separately; when the spell ends you take ¼ of their damage as force damage and take 1 level of exhaustion per illusion that was killed.

3) Metamagic spells that reduce sorcery point costs for metamagics, allow using several metamagics for the same spell, empower your chosen metamagic feats, and/or enable you to tap into the metamagic feats you didn't choose, for a brief amount of time; e.g.:
"Empower" could turn into "Maximize", "Distant" could allow casting on targets you perceive up to 300ft away without line of sight (…), "Twinned" could "triple" or reduce twinning costs, "Heightened" could work on all targets (not just one), "Careful" would work on any amount of targets for every round of the spell and includes ability checks, "Quickened" could reduce the cast time of any spell to 1 action, "Subtle" would be free of sorcery point cost and remove the need to touch material components (as long as you carry them on you), "Extended" could work on all spells and triples duration (max 3 days).


Sorcerers have no way short of a wish to create the effects of non-detection, and a sorcerer who’s big “thing” is invisibility should be able to achieve that effect. That’s a pretty legitimate sorcerer concept in my mind and you can’t do it easily now. A mid to high level sorcerer specific, 5th level concealment spell could incorporate both invisibility and non-detection... better for the sorcerer because it requires one less spell known.

True, I thought the same about some combination of Alter Self + Nystul's Magic Aura without concentration.

2019-12-23, 10:40 AM
Make a line of spells that draw out the raw power of your sorcerous origin. E.g.

Manifest Soul, 3rd level transmutation
Duration: Up to 1 minute
When you cast this spell, the innate power of your sorcerous origin boils over, manifesting in physical ways depending on where your magic comes from.
Dragon: Colorful partially-transparent scales appear on your arms, legs, and face, matching the color of your draconic ancestor. If you would take damage from the element associated with that ancestor, you are instead healed for an equal amount. You can fly at your base movement speed, but if you do not land on solid ground or floor at the end of your movement, you fall.
Chaos: Your form becomes fluid and malleable, and your spells become more unpredictable. If a monster scores a critical hit, roll a d6. If the result is even, the critical hit is reduced to a normal hit, as your shifting and changing anatomy briefly made you less vulnerable. When you cast spells that deal a single type of damage listed in the following table, you must roll a d8. The damage dealt by that spell becomes the listed damage type, even if it is the same.
1: Fire
2: Cold
3: Acid
4: Electricity
5: Thunder
6: Psychic
7: Necrotic
8: Radiant

Alternatively, make single spells for each type. Normally 5e doesn't do that sort of thing, but having a subclass-dependent spell would mean updating it with every new subclass and that's not a good idea. So you could split the above effects into draconic power and surge of chaos instead (or whatever one might want to name them).

2019-12-23, 11:08 AM
From a mechanical point of view, I wouldn’t mind seeing some more spells that play especially nicely with metamagic, and maybe even a few that play very nicely indeed with some of the less popular metamagic options.

In terms of spell roles, sorcerers come up short on options for multi target control spells that target something other than wis, lots of room for options across multiple themes there, though I’ll grant that the simple inclusion of grease in the latest UA actually helps quite a bit... yeah that little first level spell is a pretty big deal. Even with grease though, there’s still a big space for something like evard’s tentacles. Now personally I’d just give them that spell, I think it’d make a great sorcerer spell... and with the save-then-check mechanic it plays very well with anything that gives dissadvantage on that critical first save... but really there’s room for tentacles AND a sorcerer specific spell. I can imagine a really cool illusion based spell with identical mechanics at one level higher, but with an int save... throw it on the Psionic spell list while you’re at it.

I beg to differ, slightly.
Sorcerers don't indeed get some of the best mass-control spells targeting other than WIS, but they do get a handful of spells that target additional creatures when upcast: Blindness, Banishment, Stinking Cloud, aaaand...
OMG, that's about it for non damage spells! Never realized...

Ok, forget me, you're completely right, it's a no-man land out there... XD
Good thing Sorcerer gets less total spell known than others, at least that way we don't get paralysed by choice...

I think it's a huge pity that sorcerers have no exclusive spells (except for Chaos Bolt), as their extreme Spells Known limitation prevents being op with powerful spells: You're limited to 1-2 spells per spell level, so you can't pick all the powerfuls anyway. So adding powerful exclusives wouldn't increase the sorcerer's power-level, but allow more variety in what kind of sorcerer a player can play his character.

Therefore, in addition to those already mentioned (especially the elemental familiar!), I would recommend 3 types of spells:

1) Reckless spells that are more powerful than usual for their level, but damage the sorcerer (exhaustion, hp loss, …) in return. Either as stand-alone spells or as buffs that empower other spells, e.g. "Bloody Echo": As a bonus action, repeat any spell you cast as an action this turn with exact same parameters (target, damage, …), but suffer d4 [force/psychic/…] damage per spell level. "Power Surge" (conc): You can concentrate on many spells at once for 2 minutes, and when the spell ends you roll CON saving throws for every round this spell lasted and get 1 level of exhaustion per failed saving throw.

2) Protective & Supportive spells that make up for the sorcerer's low hp & lack of armor at higher levels (the Draconic Sorcerer's feat was meant to do that, but those sorcerers are usually blasters), especially for the Storm Sorcerer. Maybe a lasting "Chromatic Shield" with AC bonus & energy/elemental resistance, like a power-up version of Shield + Absorb Elements + Fire Shield (wizard exclusive spell). "Soul Splice": Like Mirror Image, yet the illusions are real (same AC, …) and take damage separately; when the spell ends you take ¼ of their damage as force damage and take 1 level of exhaustion per illusion that was killed.

3) Metamagic spells that reduce sorcery point costs for metamagics, allow using several metamagics for the same spell, empower your chosen metamagic feats, and/or enable you to tap into the metamagic feats you didn't choose, for a brief amount of time; e.g.:
"Empower" could turn into "Maximize", "Distant" could allow casting on targets you perceive up to 300ft away without line of sight (…), "Twinned" could "triple" or reduce twinning costs, "Heightened" could work on all targets (not just one), "Careful" would work on any amount of targets for every round of the spell and includes ability checks, "Quickened" could reduce the cast time of any spell to 1 action, "Subtle" would be free of sorcery point cost and remove the need to touch material components (as long as you carry them on you), "Extended" could work on all spells and triples duration (max 3 days).


True, I thought the same about some combination of Alter Self + Nystul's Magic Aura without concentration.
Great ideas overall. Specially fans of spells that create a way to "spend" spell slots to enhance Metamagics.
My only recommendation would be that those spells are "apart" (like, they don't count against the number of spell known OR you put that on par with other casters).

2019-12-23, 11:23 AM
Sorcerers could use some expanded damage spells with the draconic reliance on specific elements. It'd be nice if players could fully flesh out elemental themes, and they certainly could use more single target damage spells.

I'd also like some social spells with some fluff geared towards creating chaos. More fun with subtle would be..fun.

A chaotic defense spell, like mage armor with potential random effects. Like on a d6 it may reflect the damage on a 6 or do nothing on a 1.

2019-12-23, 12:55 PM
Really like others have said just spells that work well with metamagics. Especially underused metamagics. Especially at higher levels. Of course there are spells on other spell list that already fit this criteria.