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View Full Version : World Help Which direction to take?

2019-12-23, 12:47 PM
Self-scrubbing for reasons.

2019-12-23, 09:55 PM
Why not both?

2019-12-24, 12:17 AM
It's a one at a time thing for various reasons. Mostly because the gods are limited in the direct actions they can take without causing major changes/damage to the fabric of reality.

2019-12-24, 02:30 AM
In terms of world-building, the question isn't just "why would he choose one over the other" (as these seem to both be explainable options and nobody would say one doesn't make sense), but "what sort of world does this generate".

The first one seems to be "civilization against savagery", with both the "civilized" humans and elves opposing dragons, and with the orcs pushed into a marginalized role where they are forced to become more violent.

In contrast, the second one becomes a world about two civilizations clashing, one ostensibly more "good", and the other more "evil" (since it keeps slaves).

2019-12-24, 12:09 PM
It's a one at a time thing for various reasons. Mostly because the gods are limited in the direct actions they can take without causing major changes/damage to the fabric of reality.

Seem even better to have two then...
Both accuse the other of being a false companion of the god and hate them even more and cthulu like monsters from the far realm or interplanar rifts have a meta-explanation being as loud or quiet as needed.

But really the above what story types do you want to tell is the key.

brian 333
2019-12-24, 12:37 PM
Yddrasil, or Igraas, Daughter of Blood

Many say she was born to an elf woman raped by an orc, while others claim the opposite. The truth is that she was born of a true love between an orcish father and an elvish mother.

Far more beautiful than any orc of her generation, and stronger than any elf, she was marginalized and shunned by both races. Among humans she lived until she came of age.

This is when Vulkan first saw and began to woo her.

Her ascension to divinity reignited the old hatreds, but also offered an opportunity for peace between orcs and elves as adherants of her faith spoke of forgiveness of past transgressions and recognition of equality between the races.

A small group of apostate elves and orcs broke away from their cultures to lead the way and to raise the demi-mortal son of the goddess, but the child was slain by an assassin. Both elven and orcish factions have taken credit for the murder.

In her first recorded miracle, Yddrasil raised her son from death. He is now a very powerful cleric in service to Yddraril, proving that neither orcs nor elves need resort to demons dragged from abandoned realms for clerical powers.

2019-12-26, 11:27 AM
Yeah, I'm going to have all three options on tap so I can choose which one to use based on player feedback.

Thanks, everyone.

2019-12-26, 01:48 PM
Honestly, this sounds as the plot for an awesome campaign. Make a couple of factions all competing to be the next partner of Vulkan and let your players decide which side gets to win.