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2007-10-20, 10:01 PM
Medium Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar]
HD 15d8+45 (113hp)
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares); Fly: 30 ft. (6 squares)(Good manueverability)
Init: +8
AC 29; touch 16; flat-footed 23
10+4 Dex+3 Nat. Armor+6 Armor+4 Sheild
BAB +15/+10/+5; Grp +17
Attack +1 Flaming Longsword +18 (1d8+4+1d6, 19-20/X2)
Full-Attack +1 Flaming Longsword +18/+13/+8 (1d8+4+1d6 19-20/X2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Heart Drain, Gaze Attack
Special Qualities 120 ft Darkvision, DR 10/Good, Fire Resistance 10
Saves Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +14
Abilities Str 16, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills Move Silently +26, Hide +26, Concentration +21, Intimidate +19
Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Wingover, Extended Reach, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Stealthy
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, pair, Hunt (4-8)
Challenge Rating 10
Treasure Standard, +1 Flaming Longsword, +2 Chain Shirt, +2 Heavy Steel Shield
Alignment Always Neutral Evil
Advancement 10-12 HD (Medium) 13-18 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment +-

The being standing before you looks somewhat like a twisted human. It's eyes are pure black, and it's face is scarred. Black, feathery wings jam out of it's shoulders awkwardly. It's hair is a charred black and falls in front of it's eyes. It's limbs, while functional, are throbbing with scars, burn marks, and dried blood.

Deathwings are fallen or captured angels taked down to the Nine Hells for torture. They are tortured beyond the natural limits of any sentient being. They have lost all sense of their previous lives, and work only to serve the Demons and Devils. They are often bounty hunters, hunting down wicked souls, and bringing them down to the Hells. They are usually about 7 feet tall and 180 pounds. They speaks Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Common, although they rarely bother to converse with their prey.

Deathwings often prefer Longswords to any other weapons, although they have been known to pick up bows on occasion. They also use their gaze attacks to shaken their foes, and then Heart Drain them to death. If they are in a lot of danger, they might Plane Shift away, or try to drive their foes insane. A Deathwing's natural weapons and any weapons it weilds are treated as Evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Heart Drain: On a successful Grapple Check, a Deathwing can attempt to suck the life out of a person. The creature must succeed on a DC 21 Fort. save or lose 1d6 STR, DEX, CON, and 5d8 HP. Success on the check causes the victim to restist the ability drain, but they still take 5d8 HP damage.
Gaze Attack: 1/round a Deathwing can look into the eyes of an enemy. They must succeed on a DC 19 Will Save or be Shaken for 1d6 rounds. Success means immunity to the attack for 5 rounds.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day Protection from Good, 3/day Touch of Idiocy, 1/day Insanity, 1/day Plane Shift.

1st monster I've ever made. What do you think?

2007-10-20, 10:32 PM
It needs

Sanity Loss: 1d4/1d20

Edit: Shouldn't they be outsiders? I mean, they're twisted and tormented angels driven mad by fiends.

2007-10-21, 05:24 AM
Edit: Shouldn't they be outsiders? I mean, they're twisted and tormented angels driven mad by fiends.

i think he is right about this part.

2007-10-21, 05:47 AM
The CR looks a little low. Also, what are the save DCs based on, or did you just arbitrarily assign DCs?

2007-10-21, 06:17 AM
OK, for a first try, very good.

Overall I agree with the upper comments; change type to Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar], raise CR slightly, enchant sword, it seems rather bare in comparison to the rest of it. Any spell-like abilities? Maybe you should give it some variant angelic abilites to stay in touch with it's fluff.

2007-10-21, 02:33 PM
The CR looks a little low. Also, what are the save DCs based on, or did you just arbitrarily assign DCs?

Fort. Save is 10+HD (10+15=25) The Will save for the gaze attack was assigned because it's not impossible, but still high. So yeah, arbitarily.

Kaeloroth: What did you have in mind for abilities?

2007-10-23, 06:34 PM
No other ideas?

2007-10-23, 08:31 PM
Some spell-like abilities would probably suit it nicely, maybe ones based on insanity and torture and of course, evil.

2007-10-24, 11:11 AM
The 1d6 ability drain--is that roll once for each, or just roll 1D6 and subtract whatever you roll on that one roll from all three?

2007-10-24, 12:08 PM
Fort. Save is 10+HD (10+15=25) The Will save for the gaze attack was assigned because it's not impossible, but still high. So yeah, arbitarily.

Kaeloroth: What did you have in mind for abilities?

Typically, and by that I mean almost always, DCs for monsters are determined by the formula of: 10 + one-half HD + Relavent Attribute modifier. With mystical arcane powers, like a gaze attack and such, the relavent modifier is usually Charisma. Which brings me to the attribute scores for your critter. They're waaaaaay too low in my judgement. This is a supernatural creature from beyond he veil, and he's got stats that a 5th level adventurer would scoff at. Boost this bad boy up some.

2007-10-24, 04:02 PM
The 1d6 ability drain--is that roll once for each, or just roll 1D6 and subtract whatever you roll on that one roll from all three?

1 roll for all.

2007-10-24, 04:18 PM
Raised attributes, added spell-like abilities, raised CR a bit. Better?

Psionic Dog
2007-10-24, 08:07 PM
The DR 10/- seems a bit much... it should probably be DR 10/good. You could probably also safely bump its con up another 2 points.

2007-10-26, 02:56 PM
Changed DR, bumped up CON, added a bit to Combat section.

2007-10-26, 03:39 PM
What about some corrupted versions of angelic abilities, for exampel maybe instead of being able ot speak to all creatured with tongues, they could cast silence on them or force them to only speak one language (infernal would be your best bet).