View Full Version : Help me please (to make an original title for my little problem)

2019-12-26, 06:50 PM
I read oots and goblins since 2003, and I play rpgs since then also, and games with the DnD classes and monsters and worlds. Lately I've been... kinda bored? bored is not the right word, but wanting more, more stories, more monsters, extra planar adventures...

I stopped roleplaying 2 years ago, I gotta work, I got a girlfriend and I rather do something well or not do it at all, but there's games and books and stuff so

I'm "bored" with dnd, can anyone tell me of a game that's good that's not DragonAge, Neverwinter Nights 1,2, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Earthbound and so forth.A game, a series, perhaps nwn3 someday...

Offtopic: Bonus points for weirdness, like aberrations and planes and not so run off the mill stuff, like when we read the books and wanna play THAT ONE, but our friends don't wanna . I know drows and dwarves and elves and orcs. I want more, I want deeper.

Oh, and hi again... I haven't posted in a while :smallbiggrin:

2019-12-27, 07:15 PM
Are you looking for an RPG or a computer game? Or either/both?

2019-12-28, 04:42 PM
Are you looking for an RPG or a computer game? Or either/both?

Both, actually, but more of computer games/series/comics even. I just built 2 characters in Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 each, and played nwn2 for like 60 hours in 2 weeks

2019-12-31, 12:29 AM
You didn't list them so I'll ask: have you played Baldur's Gate or any of the Elder Scrolls titles?

Brother Oni
2020-01-02, 07:40 AM
I've heard good things about the Divinity: Original Sin series and the setting is different enough from regular computer game D&D series to stand out.

The Divinity: Dragon Commander game is a combination RTS/Dating Sim/Attack Helicopter game, so there should be something in there that takes your fancy.

2020-01-08, 10:24 PM
Hmmm, I've got a few suggestions. The genres are a bit varied, but I have greatly enjoyed all of these games. Note: I do most of my gaming on Steam on PC.

The Last Remant has limited Role Play potential in game, but the battle system is rather unique, and I enjoyed the story and character (although I will admit to a few face palms). However you might have some problems getting a license for PC. They pulled original game sales for PC in 2018 due to "Remastering" the title and have only released this new version for PS4 and the Nintendo Switch, I believe (there may be plans for a PC release, but I will admit that they have not been the best at communicating with fans on this). However, I heard that some sites do still have the original game for sale, due to still having extra codes when Square Enix stopped providing new ones. If you do decide to go for this game, I strongly urge you to find an online guide before you really start, as some of the mechanics are not explained well (or at all, really). This game may not be for everyone (its fans love it, others...not so much).

Another title/series you might consider is Borderlands. Interesting story, loot, many ways to spec each character, lots of loot, characters with interesting background and behaviors, mountains of loot, good replay potential, and did I mention the loot? :smallbiggrin: Borderlands 2 also has a DLC that is a fond parody of D&D, which the geek in me loves to death. You can build your character as you please, and the side quests give you some freedom to chose how to progress (the main plot is on tracks, however). Note: The latest insallment in this series (Borderlands 3), is only available on PC through Epic (and is the sole reason I have Epic installed). There will be a Steam release latter (as I understand it), but it is something to keep in mind.

I can also recommend the Overlord series of games. Do you want an army of minions? How about cool weapons and armor? Want to force an entire population of peasants to kowtow to you? Ever feel the need to take over the world and put those manby-pamby heroes in their place? If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, then this series is for you. You play an Evil Overlord trying to take over everything. You can be as evil as you want, and it is very satisfying watching your minions zerg-rush your enemies, and then wear their heads as hats. There hasn't been a good new installment for a while, and getting it to work on new machines can be a little...trying (last I checked), but it is worth it.

Looking for some semi-mindless destruction/problem solving? Rock of Ages (1 and 2) can fill that niche for you. The premise is simple, you battle by rolling rocks down hill to break into your opponent's castle and squish them before they squish you. Seem too simple? Each side summons various defenses to slow (or destroy) the other's rock (and that you can, in turn destroy). Further more, as you play, you progress through history, starting in the Greek Classical era, and working forward to more modern(ish) times, with art inspired by the respective era (and jokes make at their expense). In story mode you battle figures from history/mythology. It is quite fun, and good for a change of pace.

I hope one of these catch your eye. If not, I have other good suggestions.

2020-01-12, 01:26 PM
Keeping mostly with RPGish Games:

Classic RPG: Try Torment: Tides of Numenara. Very different System from D&D and unless you compare it with Planescape Torment, VERY different Setting.

SemiRPG: Seconding Divinity Dragon Commander. Unique mix indeed.

Actionish: Seconding the Overlord Games, Brütal Legend is also very different and fun (not to mention having the best Rock/Metal Soundtrack ever). ^^

For Pen and Papaer: Have you considered trying Exalted? 2nd Edition is a huge amount of material for a very "different combination of Settings, although mechanically quite baroque.
3rd doesnt ahve enough material yet, but looks to be mechnanically better.

Or for some Urban Fantasy there is always Shadowrun. :)

2020-01-15, 09:10 AM

I've played Brütal Legend. I'm actually a musician, singer/guitar player with a background mostly in metal, rock and pop... so modesty aside I could perform some or even most of the songs in this mighty homage to the old gods of metal^^

You didn't list them so I'll ask: have you played Baldur's Gate or any of the Elder Scrolls titles?

I did, actually, for quite a short time. Dunno, didn't exactly stick with me. I've played the Crono series to death as well, and earhtbound by emulator. I think I'll try Divinity, heard good things about it.

... and I'm waiting for a cheaper witcher 3 goty ^^

Many good suggestions as well. Thanks, persons ^^

Samba Mentality
2020-01-21, 11:18 PM
I don’t have too much rpg experience, but recently I too have gotten slightly bored with D&D, at which point my DM/rpgenius suggested to me Deadlands. We got into a little campaign, and it is a total blast! It’s western themed, but in an alternate universe where the Civil War is still going on about ten years after when it actually ended. There are a lot of supernatural tidbits, like zombies, magic, impossible science, etc. and there’s just so many options and opportunities for creativity and great rp... I just love it!

2020-01-23, 07:20 AM
I have big experience playing RPG since 2003. DM me please :smallsmile:

2020-02-29, 10:56 AM
For Games:

I've not personally played it, but all of my friends are gaga for the Witcher.

There's the very obvious suggestions of Skyrim , Oblivion and if you can go back that far, Morrowind, but these games are very wide, but not very deep.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a game that just about everyone I know that played it, loved it. I greatly enjoyed the demo, which felt kind of like if World of Warcraft was built for single player.

I personally had a ton of fun with South Park: the Stick of Truth but YMMV.

Getting a little away from the Medieval Fantasy, I cannot recommend enough the last expansion (they call these Downloadable Content these days) to Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. It's basically a D&D campaign with guns. The rest of the series is pretty fun as well, if what you are looking for is a shooter RPG.

Otherwise in this category, some of the best RPGs IMO are the Mass Effect series, the Fallout series, and Knights of the Old Republic. Additionally, I've heard really good things about Outer Worlds.