View Full Version : Items for extra spells per day.

2019-12-27, 04:10 AM
Other than items that boost my casting stat and items such as Pearls of power. What sort of items out there can boost my spells per day. Specifically for prepared divine spells of 3rd to 5th level.

Wasn't there a divine ring of wizardry in some 3rd party book? That still only goes up to 4th level though(and costs a ton) unless I am mistaken.

2019-12-27, 04:48 AM
Other than items that boost my casting stat and items such as Pearls of power. What sort of items out there can boost my spells per day. Specifically for prepared divine spells of 3rd to 5th level.

Wasn't there a divine ring of wizardry in some 3rd party book? That still only goes up to 4th level though(and costs a ton) unless I am mistaken.

Technically, there's the Candle of Invocation, although it's consumed on use. Otherwise, I think you're out of luck. This is something that Wizards quite deliberately made hard to boost.

2019-12-27, 11:15 AM
Amulet of Retributive Healing is almost extra spells. 3/day whenyou use a healing spell on someone else you can have it effect you as well. Other than that, load up on Pearls, wands, scrolls, etc.

2019-12-27, 12:13 PM
A thought bottle (CArc) allows you to store one day's worth of spells (expending them as though you'd cast them) in order to refill all of your slots on another day (as though you'd rested and prepared the same spells you stored). 20k gp.

2019-12-27, 12:19 PM
A thought bottle (CArc) allows you to store one day's worth of spells (expending them as though you'd cast them) in order to refill all of your slots on another day (as though you'd rested and prepared the same spells you stored). 20k gp.

The wording doesn't at all imply it refills your slots. It just says that you can prepare spells out of it, like how a spell book is used.

2019-12-27, 12:38 PM
The wording doesn't at all imply it refills your slots. It just says that you can prepare spells out of it, like how a spell book is used.Yes. Except at any time. As a full-round action.

Storing or retrieving anything from a thought bottle requires a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity

That means you can prep spells from nothing in 1 round.

Much better than 8 hours of rest + a full hour of spell prep, or waiting for a specific time of day + an hour of prep, wouldn't you say?

And it works for any caster-type that prepares spells. Wizard? Yes. Cleric? Yes. Druid? Yes. Sorcerer? Not so much.

2019-12-27, 03:22 PM
Yes. Except at any time. As a full-round action.

That means you can prep spells from nothing in 1 round.

Except, of course, that it says you can prepare the spells "as normal". It might arguably cut the hour off of the end for prep, but it by no means causes your expended spell slots to be unexpended.

EDIT: the specific text is

Any spell she puts into the thought bottle is expended as if she had cast it, but the spells in the bottle can then be retrieved at any later date to be prepared as normal. Wizards often use this function of the bottle to create a kind of backup spellbook

Which implies you don't even cut the hour of prep time, much less the requirement to be rested to prepare new spells.

2019-12-27, 03:45 PM
The rest isn't an inherent part of preparing spells, it's just what you have to do to prepare them with your class abilities. The Thought Bottle allows you to skip that process while still getting the spells back normally. It refreshes expended spells in the same way that preparing spells tomorrow would.

2019-12-27, 05:35 PM
The rest isn't an inherent part of preparing spells, it's just what you have to do to prepare them with your class abilities. The Thought Bottle allows you to skip that process while still getting the spells back normally. It refreshes expended spells in the same way that preparing spells tomorrow would.

But preparing spells doesn't refresh your slots. It is the rest that does that. That's why you can leave slots unfilled and prepare them later. The slots are what recharge on rest (or appropriate meditation), and a thought bottle in no way indicates that it obviates the need for unexpended spell slots to prepare into.

2019-12-27, 06:04 PM
Technically only arcane casters need 8 hours of rest, divine casters can only prepare spells once per day at the same time every day according to their faith/practices.

Chad Cleric can party all night and still get spells in the morning, nerd wizard has to get his beauty sleep.

2019-12-27, 07:52 PM
One I stumbled upon recently while building an NPC: Circlet of Mages (MIC p.86, 5000gp). Despite the name, also works for divine casters. Retain lower level spells after casting, up to a single 3rd level spell/day. Better value than a 3rd level Pearl of Power (which is 9000gp), although it isn't a slotless item. Nothing says you can't have multiples and change them after use, though.

2019-12-27, 08:15 PM
But preparing spells doesn't refresh your slots. It is the rest that does that. That's why you can leave slots unfilled and prepare them later. The slots are what recharge on rest (or appropriate meditation), and a thought bottle in no way indicates that it obviates the need for unexpended spell slots to prepare into.

The rest unlocks the ability to prepare spells, preparing gives you new spells. A Thought Bottle allows you to circumvent the "rest" requirement to prepare spells.

Technically only arcane casters need 8 hours of rest, divine casters can only prepare spells once per day at the same time every day according to their faith/practices.

Chad Cleric can party all night and still get spells in the morning, nerd wizard has to get his beauty sleep.

But arcane casters can prepare spells again if they get eight more hours of rest in the same 24 hour period.

2019-12-27, 08:57 PM
The rest unlocks the ability to prepare spells, preparing gives you new spells. A Thought Bottle allows you to circumvent the "rest" requirement to prepare spells.

That's the thing, though. You can prepare spells whenever, so long as you spend the time preparing them and have slots to prepare them into. A thought bottle lets you retrieve spells into your memory, which you can then prepare, normally, into unexpended spell slots. It circumvents the requirements of having a spell book on hand for a wizard (and, notably, you can then use those prepared spells to write out a new spellbook, the use intended by the example given in the item), and possibly the wait tine for a sha'ir (although they don't technically prepare spells per se anyways), but a wizard with time to kill and unexpended, unfilled spell slots can prepare new spells at any point in an adventuring day. It only takes rest (or prayers) to refresh spell slots, a thing with which a thought bottle interacts not at all.

2019-12-27, 08:59 PM
So just went and re-read the thought bottle section on spells.

The sum of it says that the caster can expend spells they have prepared to prepare them at a later time from the thought bottle. It then goes on to explain that this use is often used as a "back-up spell book" that let's Wizards retain spells they know even if they have lost their spell book. Not that it let's them cast expended spells, but it let's them safekeep any number of spells known as long as they memorized them and cast them into the bottle.

Combine this with the cost of Pearls of Power which not only say they let a caster re-cast a spell as if it had be "prepareed" again and the fact that a level 4 pearl of power costs more than a Thought Bottle I am not seeing much RAI or RAW that they let any caster refreshed their ENTIRE SPELL LIST if they cast it into the bottle on a previous day.

2019-12-28, 04:16 PM
Back on topic, a ring of spell storing would fill the role someone posted the though bottle for. Cast leftover spells at the end of the day into the ring, cast them tomorrow after refreshing spells.

Unfortunately it is a high level item and can only store 5 levels worth of spells at a time.

2019-12-28, 04:33 PM
A staff of https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesLucubration.htm and https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mnemonicEnhancer.htm, along with wands of the latter?

Yay for UMD?

Jay R
2019-12-28, 04:38 PM
Potions and scrolls. Really.

They're one-time use, but they are also cheap. This should be the go-to plan for spells you will always need ready, but won't use every day, like Remove Curse, Remove Disease, etc.

Wands are the standard answer for the spells you know you will use often.

2019-12-29, 01:21 AM
Command-word activated at-will magic items (staves or rods are best for this, as you don't have to double their prices to not take a body slot) that can only be used by characters of your class cost (1,800 gp)*(CL)*(spell level)*(0.7) market price. Double that if you want slotless wondrous items doing it. Downside if you don't use a staff: it uses the lowest possible casting stat to cast the spell as the basis for the DC. Support for staves having spells they can cast without costing a charge exists on the higher-end ones like the Staff of the Magi.

A really fancy gem that you just carry in your pocket that lets you cast multiple different spells at will with a command word, but only if you're of a particular class, would be (1,800 gp)*(CL)*(spell level)*(0.7)*2 for the most expensive spell, +(1,800 gp)*(CL)*(spell level)*(0.7)*2*(0.75) for the second-most expensive spell, +(1,800 gp)*(CL)*(spell level)*(0.7) for all the rest of the spells. For slotless items.

For slotted items, it starts at x1 rather than x2 on the first spell, gets an x1.5 for the second-most-expensive, and x2 for each one beyond that, which is why if you're stacking spells onto one item, slotless will ultimately be cheaper. (The "most expensive" measurement is made before the multiplier for multiple effects, so even if the x1.5 or x2 makes something more expensive, that's fine. No need to try recalculating based on shifting "most expensives.")

Arguably, too, the highest minimum casting stat needed for any of the spells in a multi-spell item could be considered the basis for the save DCs of all spells in the item. So a rock that let you cast fireball and burning hands would use a 13 as the casting stat for the save DCs of both of them. Arguably.

2019-12-29, 04:52 AM
A staff of https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesLucubration.htm and https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mnemonicEnhancer.htm, along with wands of the latter?

Yay for UMD?

Hmm... I wonder if I can find a way to get those in potion form.

2019-12-29, 05:18 AM
Back on topic, a ring of spell storing would fill the role someone posted the though bottle for. Cast leftover spells at the end of the day into the ring, cast them tomorrow after refreshing spells.

Unfortunately it is a high level item and can only store 5 levels worth of spells at a time.
Rings of Spell Storing also have the glaring issue that they only cast spells at minimum CL, making them completely useless for the vast majority of spells you may actually want to have backups of.

2019-12-29, 07:26 AM
Hmm... I wonder if I can find a way to get those in potion form.They're both Personal spells, so they are unavailable as potions. The closest you could find, methinks, is a soul crystal from a psionic manifester who knows those spells (as powers) or something similar (such as Shalantha's delicate disk). You'd have to look around.

2019-12-29, 12:38 PM
Hmm... I wonder if I can find a way to get those in potion form.

Probably wouldn't want them as a potion even if you could. The staff would only cost about 210 GP per charge to make vs the 525 GP per potion.

The real cost effectiveness of Mnemonic Enhancer as a staff would be the ability to prepare extra level 2-3 spells on the cheap. Well cheap if you want to cast them at higher CL. Scrolls are still cheaper for level 0-1 spells, or level 2-3 at minimum CL but level 2-3 spells are cost effective at CL 10+.