View Full Version : 3.P - TO - I have 2 yrs to steal Golarion

2019-12-28, 07:00 PM
3.P isekai game. From Golarion to the GM's homebrew universe. Anything on my person or in my personal demiplane will come with me. Overlord anime style.

I have 2 years of downtime before the game starts. Afterwards I'll only have access to 3.x first party material.
So I figure, why not bring it all with me?

I, rather ambitiously, want to bring all of Golarion.. ( Nay! ) All of the Golarion star system with me to my next world.
Maybe I had a vision, maybe I specialize in divining the future, whatever.

18th level halfway to 19th.
So far the character is a gestalt Spellhoarding Loredrake Steel Dragon Wizard. Not sure about that other side of the gestalt yet.
As always I'll be specializing in robots, tech, and Constructs. I promised them clockwork spacewhales and I plan to deliver!

These planets are populated, how best to steal the planets and peoples and stuff with only 2 years. WBL breaking and action economy breaking shenanigans are required.

2019-12-28, 07:22 PM
So you’re why Starfinder can’t remember what happened for an indeterminate amount of time!

2019-12-28, 08:12 PM
Hm. Theoretically one could build a planar gateway large enough to scoop a planet out of orbit into a time locked demiplane.

But that will probably take longer than 2 years. And ultimately I want the whole solar syatem because go big or go home. And this is an isekai game so going home isnt an option. :)

Would it be easier to cheese CL and create some sort of spell based planar phenomenon to steal planets?

EDIT: On second thought, epic spells are likely the shortest distance to my end goal
Im just rubbish at making them.

Planetary Confinement
pokeballs a planet
DC: a whole lot
mitigation: yeah, you'd better

So you’re why Starfinder can’t remember what happened for an indeterminate amount of time!


2019-12-28, 09:14 PM
Current plan is to build an item of at will Time Stop.
Then use that to build items of at will Wish for pure gp/magic item materials and another for at will Genesis.

We Genesis up a plane big enough to hold a planet or star. All the Time Stop ed castings should kick in at once and grow the plane big enough in one sitting. The plane will be either filled with 3.x Qujntessence or just natively time stasis-ed.

Then we at will Time Stop construct a planar Gate big enough to scoop the planet or star out of its orbit into our demiplane.

We build new gates for each planet because it's easier than moving the existing gates.

Now when we get isekai-ed there will just be these mega gates floating where the planets and sun used to be. Silently orbiting.

As a bonus I think I'll make a custom Well of Many Worlds that leads to each time locked planetary body.

The current plan for not being stopped by the gods is to be the prognosticator who correctly predicts that the solar system will be gone in 2 years time. Never suspecting that the savior himself would be responsible for removing the very worlds he predicted would be gone.

2019-12-29, 01:10 AM
This also reminds me of "The Time of the Doctor," a made-for-TV Doctor Who feature-length special featuring the War Doctor, 10, and 11.

In it, we find out that "Gallifrey Falls" (alternately titled "No More") is not a painting, as previously assumed, made with some supertech means of acheiving a 3D-effect painting, but is actually Gallifrey time-locked into a canvas, preserved out of space and time until the Doctor figures out a way to release it safely without also releasing the Time War.

2019-12-29, 05:25 AM
Cheesing CL. Hmmm. Like this (https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2r6pu&page=2?Challenge-Highest-caster-level#76)? Finding or training thousands of witches, shamans or sorcerers is left as an exercise for the loredrake.

2019-12-29, 07:10 AM
This also reminds me of "The Time of the Doctor," a made-for-TV Doctor Who feature-length special featuring the War Doctor, 10, and 11.

In it, we find out that "Gallifrey Falls" (alternately titled "No More") is not a painting, as previously assumed, made with some supertech means of acheiving a 3D-effect painting, but is actually Gallifrey time-locked into a canvas, preserved out of space and time until the Doctor figures out a way to release it safely without also releasing the Time War.

I remember that episode/story ark. Was a fun one. Much of that Doctor was a blast though.

2019-12-29, 07:11 AM
Just get enough Strength to have tye planet as part of your carrying capacity. Getting more than one planet would be difficult, though.

If you're allowed to use 3.5 content before shifting over, this is easy. Otherwise, it's basically impossible. Co sumptive Field gives you a self-stacking uncapped Str bonus for every kill it gets during its duration, and is a viable target for the Permanent Emanation feat. Walk through a battlefield sucking up the life force of dying warriors and you'll reach enough Str to pick up planets in no time.

2019-12-29, 07:49 AM
The easiest way would be to research and craft a personal portal-slash-word of recall spell that allows you to set up plane shift/teleport points where you can go home any time you like from the point where you currently stand, and shift back whenever you return to the spot you teleported to. Probably through the Plane of Shadow or the Plane of Dreams, given they allow transit between various multiverses. The dream walk spell from the Manual of the Planes, for instance, would allow this.

Either way, you've got access to 9ths. Use them.

2019-12-29, 08:01 AM
Just get enough Strength to have tye planet as part of your carrying capacity. Getting more than one planet would be difficult, though.

If you're allowed to use 3.5 content before shifting over, this is easy. Otherwise, it's basically impossible. Co sumptive Field gives you a self-stacking uncapped Str bonus for every kill it gets during its duration, and is a viable target for the Permanent Emanation feat. Walk through a battlefield sucking up the life force of dying warriors and you'll reach enough Str to pick up planets in no time.

Assuming gollarion is roughly the same wight as earth, a strength of 400 should allow a medium creature to carry it as a heavy load, which is way less strength than I had expected it to take.

2019-12-29, 09:31 AM
Assuming gollarion is roughly the same wight as earth, a strength of 400 should allow a medium creature to carry it as a heavy load, which is way less strength than I had expected it to take.

Yup, exponential carrying capacity makes things weird at super-high Str scores. Medium humanoid can lift the Earth as a light load with Str 404 (probably enough for everything on earth too?), can lift the Sun as a light load with Str 495, and can lift the observable universe as a light load with Str 852. You're probably gonna have trouble finding a place to get a good grip though. :smalltongue:

2019-12-29, 09:51 AM
How about casting "Shrink Item" on the planet?

The Earth has a radius of about 4000 miles, so it has a volume of 4/3 (pi) r^3, which is about 268 billion cubic feet. Shrink Item only works on a item with volume of 2 cubic feet per level, so you would only need to have a caster level of about 134 billion.

I suppose you may need to use some caster level increase cheese to get up to that caster level...


2019-12-29, 10:04 AM
How about casting "Shrink Item" on the planet?

The Earth has a radius of about 4000 miles, so it has a volume of 4/3 (pi) r^3, which is about 268 billion cubic feet. Shrink Item only works on a item with volume of 2 cubic feet per level, so you would only need to have a caster level of about 134 billion.

I suppose you may need to use some caster level increase cheese to get up to that caster level...


The trouble there is that leaves the creatures and other items on the planet floating in the void.

2019-12-29, 11:10 AM
The trouble there is that leaves the creatures and other items on the planet floating in the void.

That's one way to get a lot of XP quickly.

2019-12-30, 10:42 AM

That's one way to get a lot of XP quickly.

Wow. Talk about power leveling. And could you imagine the loot?

2019-12-30, 10:54 AM
Hmm. If you have the money, how about a pair of planar ring gates, from the Planar Handbook?

If you want to make them resizeable, take a pair of +1 poison rings (Dragon Compendium) and give them the sizing property. Since they are now sizing weapons, you can make them any size you want. And since they're circular, you should be able to enhance them as planar ring gates, which are like regular ring gates (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#ringGates), except they connect anywhere on two different planes.

So you leave one in your home universe (preferably with extensive protections), and keep the other on you, shrunken to whatever size is most convenient. When you need to pass something through, whether it's your own body, a wagon, or a dominated tarrasque, you can simply resize to whatever is needed.

2019-12-30, 02:33 PM
Hmm. If you have the money, how about a pair of planar ring gates, from the Planar Handbook?

If you want to make them resizeable, take a pair of +1 poison rings (Dragon Compendium) and give them the sizing property. Since they are now sizing weapons, you can make them any size you want. And since they're circular, you should be able to enhance them as planar ring gates, which are like regular ring gates (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#ringGates), except they connect anywhere on two different planes.

So you leave one in your home universe (preferably with extensive protections), and keep the other on you, shrunken to whatever size is most convenient. When you need to pass something through, whether it's your own body, a wagon, or a dominated tarrasque, you can simply resize to whatever is needed.

That's a pretty good idea too.

2019-12-30, 02:59 PM
That's a pretty good idea too.It'd be best if you crafted them from aurorum, so if they're broken, you can unbreak my heartTM them. And find a way to call them back to you if stolen, such as by taking a couple of levels in soulbound (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a) psychic warrior and using call weaponry to summon 'em from anywhere.

Other enhancements may be called for, as well. I wonder if the flying enhancement would allow you to proxy-plane shift enemies by having the floating ring resize as appropriate, then scoop the enemy up into the linked plane so they can't come back (perhaps because the other ring is glued high up on a wall, or it then shrinks to too small to fit through, or something).

2019-12-30, 03:22 PM
Not to be a party-pooper, but there is a fairly big problem with trying to steal Golarion. Namely the one deity that physically inhabits the planet, and no, I am not talking about Rovagug. Gozreh. He/she might have a problem with your plans.

2019-12-31, 12:16 AM
There's a DC to steal someone's pants without them noticing. Get the 405 Str score ans a mile high sleight of hand check. Pickpocket the world without anyone noticing.

Not sure where you'd put it though.

2019-12-31, 12:30 AM
There's a DC to steal someone's pants without them noticing. Get the 405 Str score ans a mile high sleight of hand check. Pickpocket the world without anyone noticing.

Not sure where you'd put it though.I have just one question.



...is Carmen Sandiego...

...when you need her?

2019-12-31, 02:16 AM

That's one way to get a lot of XP quickly.Exactly. And if you really want the inhabitants to come along, why not make use of your time shenanigans and make paintings of them to become trompe l'oeille copies instead? That way, they also become your loyal minions!

Not to be a party-pooper, but there is a fairly big problem with trying to steal Golarion. Namely the one deity that physically inhabits the planet, and no, I am not talking about Rovagug. Gozreh. He/she might have a problem with your plans.I don't see why s/he would have problem with it as long as s/he gets to come along. I mean, s/he doesn't seem to get to enjoy planar hopping very often otherwise, does s/he?

Speaking of Rovagug, I can't stop imagining what would happen if you accidentally were to drop and break Golarion open before you could carefully put it in its new place in 3.5... I think it would start with a nicely understated and quite hilarious


followed by

"Oh damn, there he goes munching up the universe... Sorry 'bout that, 3.5 peoples, but you know how the sayings go: 'can't make a new universe without breaking a few planets', 'no point crying over spilled Rovagugs', and all that!


Well, guess I'll just show myself back out then... Ciao!"

I have just one question.LOL!

I guess she's not in "The World" then, 'cause unseenmage's chronocheeser hulk pick-pocketed it right from under the noses of everyone. Or something...? :smallconfused: