View Full Version : Eberron villain Help/Advice

2019-12-28, 09:13 PM
i going to be running a eberron game soon, and i want my main villain to have cause the mourning but i can't decided if i want it to be a fiend or a fallen celestial,and they have a horsemen of the apocalypse type of group trying to spend they influence and i wanted to get people opinion.

2019-12-28, 10:39 PM
Could go with the Lord of Blades.

If it has to be planar, fiends are really interesting in Eberron, go with them, a Lord of Dusk

Fable Wright
2019-12-28, 10:47 PM
Perhaps an artificial angel? Created by Cannith, to channel divine energy that no other country could harness, and act as a living Cyran God?

2019-12-28, 10:54 PM
Celestials, fallen or not, have little interest in Eberron, as do planar fiends. Lords of Dusk are fiends, though they are natural to Eberron (well, Khyber), they do not originate from the planes. They don't work openly unless necessary, as that would make them vulnerable to their rivals and their arch-enemies from Argonessen. The Mourning could've served the interests of Lords of Dusk, or even be merely a side effect of a plan going well, perhaps an Overlord being freed, or maybe it's simply a step in the Prophecy that will lead to one of them getting free. Or, to put some twist to things, even a result of a plan being foiled... the dragons wouldn't be too concerned about millions of mortals dying, if the alternative is to have an Overlord walk free... in such case, you could see fiends working to *undo* the Mourning, and the dragons (or their agents) trying to stop them.

2019-12-29, 06:45 AM
I was thinking that they cause the mourning, in order to see what people
survived and how the event affected them , and if the were strong enough
they would add them to there army.

2019-12-29, 07:26 AM
i going to be running a eberron game soon, and i want my main villain to have cause the mourning but i can't decided if i want it to be a fiend or a fallen celestial,and they have a horsemen of the apocalypse type of group trying to spend they influence and i wanted to get people opinion.

Why not both?

Have the fiend be the "face" while the fallen celestial is running the show from the shadows.

You could even do a triple whammy and have the fallen celestial be one of the horsemen... Depending on how you play this, it could work well.

2020-01-01, 10:41 PM
Dalkyer Lord is appropriate too

Here is a 10 year, level 1-20 campaign that evolved from mundane (in Eberron/Sharn) dealing with Daask drug dens all the way to world-apocolypse adventures. Be warned, this is one of the more popular stories of eberron and will take a while to read.


2020-01-02, 05:39 PM
Well, for fallen celestials, Eberron does have some unique options. Specifically, Radiant Idols. See the back of the RFTLW book for a description.

If it was me, I'd have a Radiant Idol be posing as a figurehead and have the Lords of Dust (btw, folks, it's Dust - not Dusk... seeing a couples Dusks in this thread, dunno where that came from) pulling the strings behind the scenes.

For a twist, you could say it was actually a defensive move by one overlord against Rak Tulkesh (the Rage of War overlord). Rak Tulkesh naturally benefitted from the Last War, which the Mourning stopped, so the Mourning was actually a huge blow against him despite the massive number of deaths it caused. The Lords of Dust/Overlords are not a unified force, they fight against each other just as much as they do mortals or dragons. Maybe it was a gambit by Sul Khatesh, to alter the state of the world from one of open war (benefitting Rak Tulkesh) to one of espionage (benefitting herself, as Keeper of Secrets).

So maybe Sul Khatesh convinces a celestial to become a Radiant Idol, it starts a "Cult of Peace," that cult's ethos is about peace on the outside but the details involve lots of morally compromising things like, say, the annihilation of an entire nation of people in order to achieve that end. And Sul Khatesh finds a way to give the Idol the power to pull off the Mourning.

You can deliver this to the players a few different ways, my first thought is via an adventuring group that caught on but failed to stop it and now has decided to keep that secret because they know the war will start again if the secret gets out. One or more of them may even have joined the Lords of Dust under Sul Khatesh by now.