View Full Version : Optimization Help me make a cool eldritch knight

2019-12-30, 11:48 AM
Hey y'all I've never built an EK before so I was hoping I could crowd source a fun build. Here is what you need to know:
Level 10
Official Sources only
27 point buy
High Magic (things are pretty easy to come by just need the coin to do it)

Starting Equipment:
Plate Armor
Flametongue shortsword but it does lightning damage
boots of elven kind
belt of dwarvenkind
gloves of thievery
insignia of claws

I think I have the coin to purchase an uncommon and a rare item. What do ya got for me?

Multiclassing is fine - but don't tell me not to play an EK ^__^

2019-12-30, 11:54 AM
Hey y'all I've never built an EK before so I was hoping I could crowd source a fun build. Here is what you need to know:
Level 10
Official Sources only
27 point buy
High Magic (things are pretty easy to come by just need the coin to do it)

Starting Equipment:
Plate Armor
Flametongue shortsword but it does lightning damage
boots of elven kind
belt of dwarvenkind
gloves of thievery
insignia of claws

I think I have the coin to purchase an uncommon and a rare item. What do ya got for me?

Multiclassing is fine - but don't tell me not to play an EK ^__^

Your main issue item wise is going to be attunement slots if you're using the standard amount. You could benefit a lot from a Headband if Intellect and a Ring of Spell Storing but your slots are already pretty tied up. You could consider a Mithril upgrade for your plate to remove the stealth penalty and maybe a magic shield?

2019-12-30, 11:56 AM
Starting stats are standard array?

I think a dex based S&B would be great.

Instead of plate armor, go half plate... it's 1 off. AC 19 with a shield

Why not deep gnome.

2019-12-30, 11:59 AM
Just make a good EL build from the guide & keep him below 60°

2019-12-30, 11:59 AM
Your main issue item wise is going to be attunement slots if you're using the standard amount. You could benefit a lot from a Headband if Intellect and a Ring of Spell Storing but your slots are already pretty tied up. You could consider a Mithril upgrade for your plate to remove the stealth penalty and maybe a magic shield?

Everything is pretty liquid. standard attunement. I'm not married to anything

2019-12-30, 12:29 PM
Here's what I'd do:
Mountain Dwarf
Str+1 & Con+1, Warcaster, Str+2 or Resilient (Wisdom).

Get a headband of intellect. It's a family heirloom containing the mind/personality of an ancestor who was an accomplished mage.
Change the shortsword flametongue to a warhammer "flametongue" if possible.
Keep the belt if you want. Cloak/Ring of Protection or Mantle of Spell Resistance might be more useful.

For your other magic items, consider +1 armor/shield, mithral/adamantine plate armor, dwarven plate, keep the boots of elven kind.

2019-12-30, 02:51 PM
Here's what I'd do:
Mountain Dwarf
Str+1 & Con+1, Warcaster, Str+2 or Resilient (Wisdom).

Get a headband of intellect. It's a family heirloom containing the mind/personality of an ancestor who was an accomplished mage.
Change the shortsword flametongue to a warhammer "flametongue" if possible.
Keep the belt if you want. Cloak/Ring of Protection or Mantle of Spell Resistance might be more useful.

For your other magic items, consider +1 armor/shield, mithral/adamantine plate armor, dwarven plate, keep the boots of elven kind.
I agree with this except you should dump Int and Cha to 8 (if you are planning on a Headband of Intellect) and raise Dex to 12 and Wis to 13 and take Resilient: Wisdom later. Cloak/Ring of Protection are very strong choices for your other attunement slots and synergize nicely with Indomitable and Shield.

2019-12-30, 07:13 PM
I second the ring of spell storing. I had a blade warlock for a long campaign and my ring of spell storing was my favorite item by far.

Also this is a great guide you should read.


2019-12-31, 02:11 AM
Hey y'all I've never built an EK before so I was hoping I could crowd source a fun build. Here is what you need to know:
Level 10
Official Sources only
27 point buy
High Magic (things are pretty easy to come by just need the coin to do it)

it would also be nice to know if this is a one shot or if its intended to continue. but i'll assume continuous.
also keep in mind that im assuming that you're not looking for just mechanically optimal. this build is primarily focused on making the class fun to play, rather than making it feel clunky. so.

starting ability score distribution: str: 15 dex: 10 con: 14 int: 13 wis: 10 cha: 10.
-int could be 1 lower, since i plan to boost it using racial mods. however, that makes it weird with the point buy system. also this way you can start with all evens.
-This stat distribution assumes a variance human start. but thats not super important for the overall build. there are plenty of other options that would be very serviceable, you'd just need to make minor alterations to your point buy. this example is also assuming a str based character. however, that only superficially affects the remainder of the build. the core concept can work just as well using dex instead.
race: variant human (int, str, warcaster) pretty predictable.
1st level: fighter. i specified this because there is going to be a multiclass, but i think having the con save proficiency is gonna be more important for you than int/wis save.

overall build (for lvl 10): fighter (EK) 9 Wizard 1
(if this is a oneshot consider taking 2 levels in wizard instead.)
core concept:
-you have a small dip in wizard. 1 level gives you 6 free spells to add to your book. consider mostly rituals but a couple of non-ritual spells can be great (for example: expeditious retreat, magic missile) but for sure take *find familiar* this way you can have all the benefits of a familiar, without it taking up one of your spells known. overall the first level in wizard is there to give you
-a familiar, i'd recomend an owl since they're easily the least likely to get rekt in combat
-ritual casting (now you never need to actually prepare find familiar when it does get rekt)
-an extra lvl 1 spell slot per day (so long as you take at least 1 short rest that day.
-2-3 extra spell preparation slots, however these ones are a bit more malleable. they can only be used for lvl 1 spells, however, eventually you might wanna start using them for shield/absorb elements, so that your more limited spells known can be used for higher level spells thus increasing your versatility.
-generally just give you the ability to use your magic outside of combat. helps to feel like you're an actual hedge-mage, as opposed to just a fighter that has some spells they can use in combat.

now, you might even consider taking a second level in wizard to start off with. i'd recomend either war magic or divination. war is probably more thematic, but divination can be more fun, at the cost of being more limited. however, the opportunity cost of taking that 2nd level is delaying hitting lvl 11 fighter.

from there its a pretty typical EK build. i'd definitely recommend nabbing green-flame blade or booming blade (or both). even just the single target damage is gonna be stronger than taking the attack action until you hit lvl 11 in fighter (and even after lvl 11 in fighter it maintains parity due to you being able to get advantage from your owl for the whole cantrip attack, as opposed to just one of the attacks during a multiattack). its also going to feel much more thematically like an EK. (remember, its a cantrip, so it procs your warmagic feature.) i'd recomend dropping at least one ASI in boosting your chosen to-hit ability. shield master could be nice as a feat.

now for magic items: alot of other people have made some really good suggestions for those, and for the most part they work for this build. so instead i'd like to highlight specifically the ring of spell storing.

now, while its true that the ring increases your effective spell slots. that isn't (imo) the most fun part about it. what's cool about it is that you can now borrow spells from other casters.

have the cleric (or really...anyone) cast a hold person into it, now you can cast hold person using the clerics spell save DC .
have the wizard cast greater invisibility into it
other fun/'solid options for
cleric spells:bless, freedom of movement, spiritual weapon, healing word/cure wounds, daylight, revivify (although be careful with spells that have costly components, technically it looks like the components need to get used twice. i doubt that that is whats intended tho), spirit guardians, bansishment.
for arcane spells: invisibility/greater invis, mage armor, feather fall, enlarge, fireball, haste, wall spells, fly.

just keep in mind, at this point you have both proficiency AND advantage on concentration checks and have a general reason to pump your con. and thats without getting into things like the war wizard or divination. you probably have the best odds of maintaining your concentration. so a concentration spell is probably good. however 'oh ****' spells (like dimension door) are also good choices, since generally martials are the ones with the hardest time retreating.

2019-12-31, 04:49 AM
I think a hexblade dip can be both good and fun.

Firstly it lets you focus on Charisma. Now your fighter can invest in this stat with no loss of combat effectiveness and get all of the benefits of being awesome in the social pillar of the game.

Secondly, you get access to more spells and these are fantastic. Wrathful smite on a fighter is great. Once you get a couple of levels more you can inflict disadvantage on the save with your attacks and get three chances to land it. More short rest spell slots are just great for shield and hex as well.

If you take a second level in Warlock you can grab invocations. This can add some versatility to the character, either shoring up out of combat activities (something the fighter can be weak at), giving you an effective ranged attack (which str builds are bad at) or adding some tactical depth through spells like devils sight.

I would suggest starting EK 9, Hexblade 1 and going to EK 11 as quickly as you can. Then takes hexblade to 3 - at this point i would opt for pact of the tome to give you further awesome out of combat utility. You would be using sword and board for your weapons. Depending on your race you may want to put your ASIs into stats (although not needing feats like pole arm mastery or crossbow expert frees these up). My preferred option would be 2ASIs and the mobile feat. There are a lot of good racial half feats that are worth considering as well.

2019-12-31, 06:18 AM
I think a hexblade dip can be both good and fun.

Firstly it lets you focus on Charisma. Now your fighter can invest in this stat with no loss of combat effectiveness and get all of the benefits of being awesome in the social pillar of the game.

i wouldn't say 'no loss of combat effectiveness' as points that you put into charisma are points you're not putting into con/intelligence. however, i agree that it can still be viable. and potentially fun although i think you'd probably need to invest too heavily in charisma to get any kind of noticeable benefit from it on the social side. it would mean heavy sacrifices in str/dex int or con. which, sure doesn't impact to-hit, but it does hurt AC/HP.

Secondly, you get access to more spells and these are fantastic. Wrathful smite on a fighter is great. Once you get a couple of levels more you can inflict disadvantage on the save with your attacks and get three chances to land it. More short rest spell slots are just great for shield and hex as well.

hmmm, i mean, wrathful smite is...ok. but a low chance of inflicting 'frightened' seems like a poor choice for a spell slot. Hex gives you an extra 1d6 damage every time you hit, and it can last for the entire combat. so everyone you're attacking takes it, much more efficient IMO.

If you take a second level in Warlock you can grab invocations. This can add some versatility to the character, either shoring up out of combat activities (something the fighter can be weak at), giving you an effective ranged attack (which str build are bad at) or adding some tactical depth through spells like devils sight.

nothing really to add here. definitely some positive points.

I would suggest starting EK 9, Hexblade 1 and going to EK 11 as quickly as you can. Then takes hexblade to 3 - at this point i would opt for pact of the tome to give you further awesome out of combat utility. You would be using sword and board for your weapons. Depending on your race you may want to put your ASIs into stats (although not needing feats like pole arm mastery or crossbow expert frees these up). My preferred option would be 2ASIs and the mobile feat. There are a lot of good racial half feats that are worth considering as well.

i'd argree, as pseudo MAD as this build is, stacking ASI's is porbably going to be more efficient. especially since you can pick up some pseudo feats in the form of warlock invocations. although pact of the tome really only gives cantrips. which..i mean, yes they're out of combat utility, but unless you also take the...book of shadows? its fairly minor. chainpact would probably give more out of combat utility. lots of things you can do with an intelligent, 'permanently' invisible helper. or i guess with a pseudo dragon too. on the other hand, tomepact does give you more opportunities to cast in general, which may help feeling like you're a...caster. so *shrug* 6 of one, half dozen of the other

2019-12-31, 06:59 AM
I've done warlock dips for EK builds in the past and they can work out well, but with the Artificer's release I've been pondering over a 3 level dip into Battle Smith, turning Int into your melee stat so you don't have to chose between a strong melee attack and decent spell DC's and attack rolls. From there you can afford to leave Str at 15 if you want to go plate, or 14 Dex (16 if taking Medium Armor Master) with all other focus on high Int and Con. Utility wise there's also a lot of tools and goodies for outside of combat, the Steel Defender could be interesting, and a few spells outside of the usual Wizard repertoire can offer some versatility (Faerie Fire and Cure Wounds draw my attention).

2019-12-31, 07:12 AM
Ok, so first off...Race. My first thought was to play a Lizardfolk, because they're cold-blooded, but they don't get resistance to cold, so I'm going to suggest playing Triton instead. Resistance to Cold damage and the deleterious effects of deep sea pressure/cold? Nice. Add on a little Charisma bonus for extra cool. Extra Strength and Constitution certainly doesn't hurt an Eldritch Knight either.

Second; Class. I'm going to have to agree with the Hexblade dip. Not only does it make you largely SAD on Charisma (your EK spells might be Int-based, but you can focus them on buffs and no-save control spells), allowing you to pump it for maximum Cool, but it also gives you access to Armour of Agathys; the coolest defence buff. Having short-rest replenishable 1st level slots is no bad thing for spamming out those Shield and Absorb Elements spells too.

Third; Background. You have two choices here. You can be all edgy and cool by taking Wanderer; the lone stranger, rolling into town, carrying the mysteries of the deeps and the weight of the world on his shoulders OR you can take Entertainer and be a rock star; cool drinking, cool lovin', cool 'venturing dude.

Fourth; Gear. If it ain't silver, chrome or black leather, you ain't wearing it. Oh and get some shades (specifically Goggles of Night...because Tritons apparently don't have Darkvision).

Coolest Eldritch Knight I can think of :smallcool:

2019-12-31, 01:15 PM
I've done warlock dips for EK builds in the past and they can work out well, but with the Artificer's release I've been pondering over a 3 level dip into Battle Smith, turning Int into your melee stat so you don't have to chose between a strong melee attack and decent spell DC's and attack rolls. From there you can afford to leave Str at 15 if you want to go plate, or 14 Dex (16 if taking Medium Armor Master) with all other focus on high Int and Con. Utility wise there's also a lot of tools and goodies for outside of combat, the Steel Defender could be interesting, and a few spells outside of the usual Wizard repertoire can offer some versatility (Faerie Fire and Cure Wounds draw my attention).

If you already have a 15 str, there's no way to justify losing 3 levels in the class you want to be just to get Int for melee attacks.

2019-12-31, 10:22 PM
If you already have a 15 str, there's no way to justify losing 3 levels in the class you want to be just to get Int for melee attacks.

If you are starting at a higher levels then yeah you can skip around a bit with the stats, but if starting from level 1 you'd want at least one of your Str or Dex scores to be of a decent value before you have the multiclass levels in effect, and you'd make that choice based on what type of armor you'd aim for on the final build.

Personally I would go the Dex route instead because it would retain more value after the multiclass than Str would, but OP listed they had plate armor in their starting equipment so 15 Str is needed to use that effectively, which is still going to be a factor even if they go for a Hexblade dip instead (Official sources only, so using Cha for heavy armor is off the table).

2020-01-01, 01:46 AM
Starting stats are standard array?

I think a dex based S&B would be great.

Instead of plate armor, go half plate... it's 1 off. AC 19 with a shield

Why not deep gnome.

I also think dex based sword and board is the way to go since your flametongue weapon is a finesse weapon, and your boots of elvenkind would be more effective. However I'd recommend Warforged as your race over gnome. +2 Con, +1 to anything, dex in this case, 30 ft movement and built in +1 AC are great, along with some other good abilities, although admittedly the bonuses against poison would conflict with the belt of dwarvenkind.
I'd dump str and see if you turn in your plate for light armor; maybe you can get a significant refund to ensure you can afford another magic item. My starting array would probably be: 8/15/14/14/12/8. After racials you'd be 8/16/16/14/12/8. Your next ASI's at 4 and 6 would take you to 20 dex, and with just studded leather and a shield you'd have a 20 AC, 21 if you took the defensive fighting style and 22 if you bought a +1 shield. You'd also have shield prepared, giving you still a strong ac if you took a different style more focused on damage.
Your final feat at 8 I'd probably take war caster so you can have good concentration saves and SCAG cantrips on opportunity attacks.

2020-01-01, 04:11 AM
I also think dex based sword and board is the way to go since your flametongue weapon is a finesse weapon, and your boots of elvenkind would be more effective. However I'd recommend Warforged as your race over gnome. +2 Con, +1 to anything, dex in this case, 30 ft movement and built in +1 AC are great, along with some other good abilities, although admittedly the bonuses against poison would conflict with the belt of dwarvenkind.
I'd dump str and see if you turn in your plate for light armor; maybe you can get a significant refund to ensure you can afford another magic item. My starting array would probably be: 8/15/14/14/12/8. After racials you'd be 8/16/16/14/12/8. Your next ASI's at 4 and 6 would take you to 20 dex, and with just studded leather and a shield you'd have a 20 AC, 21 if you took the defensive fighting style and 22 if you bought a +1 shield. You'd also have shield prepared, giving you still a strong ac if you took a different style more focused on damage.
Your final feat at 8 I'd probably take war caster so you can have good concentration saves and SCAG cantrips on opportunity attacks.

If he has plate armor, give it to a friend and replace it with half-plate.

I like deep gnome and their racial feat is fun. Every spell is very good.

2020-01-01, 05:03 AM
If he has plate armor, give it to a friend and replace it with half-plate.

I like deep gnome and their racial feat is fun. Every spell is very good.

All three feats are cool (SCAG and Xanathar) and good flavor, but taking any would delay his main attack stat getting to 20 and/or the warcaster feat, the latter of which I think is especially important going S&B. His movement could still be 25 feet as well, which does hurt with a melee character. Just depends on what interests him the most I guess.

2020-01-02, 01:43 PM
all of these suggestions are great. thanks to everyone. remember i'm not married to any items they can be sold, more things can be bought. etc etc it is a continuing campaign, not just a one shot.

2020-01-02, 03:25 PM
I’ve recently thought it might be cool to make a Revenant Blade wielding EK mage slayer. Make him a high elf Dex fighter for the right stat bonuses and added cantrip. It’s a little heavy of feats unfortunately, needing both Revenant blade and mageslayer, but especially when you get to third level spells a fighter who can cast counterspell and absorb elements, and has indomitable for those failed saves is pretty solid.

Alternatively drop the mage slayer feat because it’s not really that good, and just keep the weapon that rolls 2d4+dex rerolling 1s and 2s with a bonus action attack.

2020-01-02, 10:07 PM
all of these suggestions are great. thanks to everyone. remember i'm not married to any items they can be sold, more things can be bought. etc etc it is a continuing campaign, not just a one shot.

Well I think everyone wants to see this fleshed out.... makes me want to roll an EK now.

Good luck... remember resilient wisdom, and always have protection from evil/good in your pocket (at higher levels you'll be fighting this stuff)

2020-01-03, 12:25 AM
Well I think everyone wants to see this fleshed out.... makes me want to roll an EK now.

Good luck... remember resilient wisdom, and always have protection from evil/good in your pocket (at higher levels you'll be fighting this stuff)

i feel like you're overvaluing wis save prof. i mean, its good, im just not sure its worth it with EK's being fairly MAD.

2020-01-03, 03:05 PM
i feel like you're overvaluing wis save prof. i mean, its good, im just not sure its worth it with EK's being fairly MAD.

I think at high levels it is worth it, when the gulf between proficient and non proficient saves open up. I think most of the time I would prefer resilient wisdom to a +2 to a casting stat on an EK, and without the casting stat they are really no more MAD than any other class.

2020-01-03, 03:22 PM
I think at high levels it is worth it, when the gulf between proficient and non proficient saves open up. I think most of the time I would prefer resilient wisdom to a +2 to a casting stat on an EK, and without the casting stat they are really no more MAD than any other class.

Yeah I agree with this. EK I think should be more focused on giving enemies disadvantage on their saves rather than trying to get their Int really high. Buff spells don't need as high of a casting stat either to still be effective. Getting shut down by an enemy spell caster on a failed save though can be brutal.

2020-01-03, 06:14 PM
i feel like you're overvaluing wis save prof. i mean, its good, im just not sure its worth it with EK's being fairly MAD.

I ran a 1 shot as bear totem barbarian actually with resilient wisdom. +8 to my save. We fought Grazzt and he commanded me to grovel. I needed a 15. So all that rage bonuses were gone.

I'm saying a failed wisdom save means you're out of the fight.

So keep protection from evil in your pocket. But get that wisdom save high. Resilient wisdom coupled with indomitable can be a big boon. Protection from evil doesn't work on dragons.

Gnomes have advantage on mental saves also. Even better.

Good luck too you.

2020-01-03, 06:37 PM
sounds pretty convincing to me.

2020-01-03, 08:43 PM
I ran a 1 shot as bear totem barbarian actually with resilient wisdom. +8 to my save. We fought Grazzt and he commanded me to grovel. I needed a 15. So all that rage bonuses were gone.

I'm saying a failed wisdom save means you're out of the fight.

So keep protection from evil in your pocket. But get that wisdom save high. Resilient wisdom coupled with indomitable can be a big boon. Protection from evil doesn't work on dragons.

Gnomes have advantage on mental saves also. Even better.

Good luck too you.

having never fought grazzt im assuming you're referring to the command spell? which only lasts for 1 turn...also if you had a +8 to your save..what level were you? if you were higher than 15 (which..seems likely, but i could be wrong) then your rage wouldn't end due to command (well, not that particular command). and on top of that, even without your rage you're not 'out of the combat' you're just somewhat reduced your ability to hit things doesn't rely on your rage, your rage just makes that a bit stronger.

and in your example you had resiliant wisdom..and it still didn't help. you still failed. thats the point of bounded accuracy, there's always a failure chance.

point being that a niche save isn't something thats do or die. its definitely good if you can afford to get it. and i'd never fault someone for taking it. But its not 'ZOMG you NEED to take this feat or you're completely useless ZOMG!!!'

I think at high levels it is worth it, when the gulf between proficient and non proficient saves open up. I think most of the time I would prefer resilient wisdom to a +2 to a casting stat on an EK, and without the casting stat they are really no more MAD than any other class.

no more mad than any other *martial* class. but being a martial class tehy're inherently fairly mad, which is what i was referring to. sorry, should have made that more clear. on the other hand, one thing i didn't consider is that EK's (being fighters) get more ASI's than others. so, especially if you go variant human, you can probably afford to drop a feat in resiliant (wis). on the other hand, going a partial elf race (probably optimal would be wood elf?) and nabbing a ring of free action gives you a lot of the benefits that resiliant (wis) gives. slightly more specialized in effect, but the actual defenses they provide are stronger, and the things they defend against are most of the worst problem with failing a wis save.

2020-01-04, 11:20 AM
having never fought grazzt im assuming you're referring to the command spell? which only lasts for 1 turn...also if you had a +8 to your save..what level were you? if you were higher than 15 (which..seems likely, but i could be wrong) then your rage wouldn't end due to command (well, not that particular command). and on top of that, even without your rage you're not 'out of the combat' you're just somewhat reduced your ability to hit things doesn't rely on your rage, your rage just makes that a bit stronger.

and in your example you had resiliant wisdom..and it still didn't help. you still failed. thats the point of bounded accuracy, there's always a failure chance.

point being that a niche save isn't something thats do or die. its definitely good if you can afford to get it. and i'd never fault someone for taking it. But its not 'ZOMG you NEED to take this feat or you're completely useless ZOMG!!!'

no more mad than any other *martial* class. but being a martial class tehy're inherently fairly mad, which is what i was referring to. sorry, should have made that more clear. on the other hand, one thing i didn't consider is that EK's (being fighters) get more ASI's than others. so, especially if you go variant human, you can probably afford to drop a feat in resiliant (wis). on the other hand, going a partial elf race (probably optimal would be wood elf?) and nabbing a ring of free action gives you a lot of the benefits that resiliant (wis) gives. slightly more specialized in effect, but the actual defenses they provide are stronger, and the things they defend against are most of the worst problem with failing a wis save.

I can agree with you that wisdom can often be a "niche" save, as a cleric or bard should be able to "fix" you.

And yes you can fail even with proficiency in a save. I was a 20th level barbarian. What I realized was the enemy took me out of the fight.

But at higher levels what I see players get hit with are wisdom and con saves that take you out of the battle, dexterity stuff is damage.

Now with an eldritch knight at high levels, you are 3-4 attack blender of death with an AC out the wazoo and possibly blur ruining even critical hits... I'm attacking your mental saves as a DM.. even if it takes you out for a round.

Buts the joy of this game, you're prepared and then everything goes side ways. I was also gonna suggest the lucky feat

2020-01-04, 12:07 PM
I can agree with you that wisdom can often be a "niche" save, as a cleric or bard should be able to "fix" you.

And yes you can fail even with proficiency in a save. I was a 20th level barbarian. What I realized was the enemy took me out of the fight.

But at higher levels what I see players get hit with are wisdom and con saves that take you out of the battle, dexterity stuff is damage.

Now with an eldritch knight at high levels, you are 3-4 attack blender of death with an AC out the wazoo and possibly blur ruining even critical hits... I'm attacking your mental saves as a DM.. even if it takes you out for a round.

Buts the joy of this game, you're prepared and then everything goes side ways. I was also gonna suggest the lucky feat

It's worth noting that at the levels you're talking about a Fighter would have Indomitable to help against any kind of save and in general (as you were going to suggest) you'd be better off with Lucky. Though if mental saves in a high level game are going to be a concern you'd be better off being a Gnome, Halfling etc. Anyway.

2020-01-04, 01:10 PM
It's worth noting that at the levels you're talking about a Fighter would have Indomitable to help against any kind of save and in general (as you were going to suggest) you'd be better off with Lucky. Though if mental saves in a high level game are going to be a concern you'd be better off being a Gnome, Halfling etc. Anyway.

When it comes to important saves... the dice are against me.

Any and all help will do. Indomitable, lucky, gnome cunning... paladin allies

I just find in the campaigns I've played in as a fighter/ranger/rogue/barbarian type I have failed plenty of wisdom saves

So any additional bonuses is great. I actually like magic initiate cleric, and I grab guidance, resistance, and bless or maybe protection from evil/good.

But in my campaigns as a DM, I hardly ever have them roll wisdom saves... they just don't come up.

And that is the rub... you all prepared for a fight in the dungeon in shining plate armor.... and it starts filling with water.