View Full Version : 1001 Artificers

2019-12-30, 06:31 PM
Let’s post some creative Artificer character ideas to celebrate the newest full class to be introduced to D&D

A BattleSmith Soldier, who grew up poor & the son of a village carpenter. He couldn’t afford to go to a wizarding academy & wasn’t lucky enough to apprentice. When the nation went to war he was conscripted as a craftsmen but ended up showing his magical talents & became a frontline fighter with his magical gear turning the tide. His Steel Defender is built to resemble is old farm dog that passed away l when he was a child

2019-12-30, 07:18 PM
For a Ravnica Campaign: A Dimir Goblin Artillerist Artificer, who's in deep cover in the Izzet League.

Changeling Alchemist ... Kinda a Dr. Jekyll, out to create potions to enhance their shapeshifting abilities.

2019-12-30, 07:56 PM
Yuan-ti Pureblood Alchemist - You're immune to poison, and unlike a lot of other Alchemists you didn't have to learn it the "hard" way so you're already ahead of the game. Whatever else comes out of your satchel can only be good for you... right?

Feral Tiefling Cannonsmith - You don't know who your infernal ancestor is, but none the less you can feel the fire in your blood and the urge to indulge it's call grows strong. It took some time and a little experimentation, but eventually you found a way to channel the inner flame and let it out with spectacular results.

2019-12-31, 06:48 AM
Warforged Battle Smith.

Use animate objects in suits of armour and make your steel defender a duplicate of you. Become an army of yourself.

2019-12-31, 11:45 AM
Human Artillerist, focused around being an all-star cook. He can brew beer, wine, cook a mean stew and just about anything else ingestible. The arcane turrets are collapsible crab pots. His parents weren't the brightest and so he's was also trained with Cobbler's Tools.

2019-12-31, 01:27 PM
Warforged Battle Smith.

Use animate objects in suits of armour and make your steel defender a duplicate of you. Become an army of yourself.

Oh I love this.

Lord Raziere
2019-12-31, 01:32 PM
Hobgoblin Artificer
grew up in Darguun, goes to human nations to learn artifice so she can return and help her people improve their lives and tech level so that they don't have to rely on slaves and raiding anymore. Mix of scholarly smarts and tribal culture.

2020-01-01, 04:24 PM
Tribal/Barbarian culture artificer who builds all their items as totems and fetishes.

Getafix type Druid for alchemist
Wow shaman for artillerist totems as turrets.
Bone/twigs/stones and vines for steel defender battle mind.

2020-01-01, 04:52 PM
Kobold MacGuyver: makes deadly traps out of two bees, some glue, and a toothpick. His tribe survived years on his ability to take local materials and turn them into traps, weapons and tools.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-01, 09:17 PM
The Plush Maker:
An artificer who builds all their magic items as cute plush animals like bears, foxes and so on. Turns more hunter-like when she starts killing an actual animals and stuffing them to animate them as her golems to kill people with.

2020-01-01, 09:38 PM
The Jellymancer -

Through your use of cook's utensils you produce a slurry of viscous oozes that do anything and everything you might need. Need to cast a spell? Whip up a sonic sludge that explodes into a Thunderwave, or add some ghost peppers for a proper Scorching Ray. Need a homunculus? Whip up a blob friend in your mixing bowl. An Eldritch Cannon? set some legs on your mixing cauldron to carry around your pustulating mass as it spews your choice of fire, force, or temp hp jelly. Your human needs Goggles of Night? Why buy a pair when you can make something just as good and with 20% more slime factor to make sure they stick? As grandma used to say "there's an ooze for every occasion!"

2020-01-02, 12:54 AM
Artillerist with a cowboy hat and a chip on his shoulder. His "cannon" is a tiny sized gun that he uses as the classic "man in black/white" from the wild west

2020-01-02, 06:57 AM
A halfling Alchemist (possibly with with the Mark of Hospitality) whose magic comes from being a master chef. Her experimental potions are Willy Wonka-style snacks and sweets to make her allies feel so fortified they can shrug off a sword blow, or a cake that's so airy, they feel they could start flying. The attack spells come from failed culinary experiments and eventually, her cooking is so good that people will come back from the dead to get a taste! Her homunculus, of course, is a gingerbread man. :)

2020-01-02, 09:19 AM
Currently playing a warforged artificer who is being controlled by a group of intelligent rats like megazoid. Each rat has a personalities from rescue rangers but currently the rest of the party just thinks I'm schizophrenic.

2020-01-02, 08:55 PM
An elven Battlesmith, training to craft the exquisite weapons and armor for which the elves are known. Uses a longbow when pressed into combat. The steel defender is a construct of bone and silver, crafted from the remains of an animal companion - this is done to honor the creature, not desecrate it.

2020-01-02, 09:42 PM
Kobold artificer whose main schtick is that every single one of their inventions is a gun. It doesn't matter what the actual function is, the delivery mechanism is a gun (e.g. mold earth is actually a gun that sucks up and fires mounds of dirt, invisibilty airbrushes magic onto a creature, etc.).

I've had this idea kicking around for a few years now, even before the artificer was introduced as a standalone class.

2020-01-03, 09:45 AM
Warforged Battle Smith.

Use animate objects in suits of armour and make your steel defender a duplicate of you. Become an army of yourself.

I feel the need to point out this is both ultron and doctor doom as a character depending on how you edit other parts of them

This said you could talk to your DM about allowing the symbiotic magic items from Eberron to be make-able with infusions and then choosing alchemist to become a mad scientist obsessed with improving the human body to the extreme.

2020-01-03, 11:56 AM
Battle smith: rock gnome

Mech suit! With saddle of the cavalier all attacks are made with disadvantage (FPS shield/armor that resets every turn) with repeating shot as a energy weapon


ZOIDS! The frame being animal-like (same magic item) except the cockpit is inside the construct and you have guns out the shoulder for range combat and a folding/unfolding melee weapon along the body

2020-01-04, 07:29 AM
Lizardfolk battle smith/forge cleric with the phlan insurgent feature from curse of strahd character options from AL.

Feature: Guerilla
You’ve come to know the surrounding forests, streams, caves, and other natural features in which you can take refuge--or set up ambushes. You can quickly survey your environment for advantageous features. Additionally, you can scavenge around your natural surroundings to cobble together simple supplies (such as improvised torches, rope, patches of fabric, etc.) that are consumed after use.
[Note: This feature is a variant of the Outlander feature.]

Make magic items from basically anything..

Mark of Detection Half elf
artificer 2/gunslinger fighter 11/x, repeating shot magical guns. Also works as a gruff noire detective type.

2020-01-04, 11:17 AM
I play a warforged battlesmith. He identifies himself as a magic item. He only just reached level 3. He thought his function was merely to make and fix things. He will come to realize his function is for combat, using intellect and adaptability instead of brawn. When he gains levels he is upgrading. He is an android in all but name. He’s not wanting to be human. He already accepts he is alive and has emotions. He is curious if he has a soul since he was manufactured not birthed.

2020-01-05, 03:45 AM
Rock gnome Artillerist who combines his cannons with the clockwork toy creations.

Guardian of the forest style Battle smith with a plant based “steel” defender, could be a smaller version of some ent. Bonus points for reflavoring spells into rare and exotic plants he’s found or crossbred.

2020-01-06, 06:12 AM
I plan on remaking my old Artificer from a couple years back using the Eberron rules instead of the UA. This should be fine as the first version of it was mechanically kinda weak even though I loved the flavor. Ill be shifting him to a Warforged to try and make it more fun

Dr.Kein Richtinger Arntz

A Warforged Artificer/Alchemist meant to be part of a new line of emergency medical warforged that were never fully implemented and is perhaps a unique prototype. He posses a beaked birdlike mask with a wide brimmed hat and insists he is a perfectly normal human even if the mask/hat seem to be part of his face. He is a trained medical doctor that knows how to repair all the moving parts in his fellow humans no matter how damaged or rusted they become. Has a tendency to skulk in the shadows and ask uncomfortable questions about an individuals medical history hoping to cut off problems before they arise. He will be the first to assure you the Doctor is definitely not creepy definitely knows what he is doing and that this wont hurt a bit. Has performed unlicensed dentistry [successfully]

2020-01-07, 01:44 PM
I just started a campaign as a Warforged Artificer (planning on going Artillerist). He works for a library and talks like HK47 from KOTOR, but he isn't evil. He DOES refer to living creatures as meatbags however.

2020-01-07, 01:57 PM
My current one is a Warforged Alchemist named Iron Maiden. She's made of porcelain, was made as a sort of 'Galatea' by her creator, and all her spells are her seams splitting open to let out the bio-horrors she keeps within herself.