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View Full Version : Wandering Men Weekly Round-up! (10/21/07)

2007-10-21, 10:26 AM
This week @ The Wandering Men website - a free excerpt of Fiend Fighter, part five of Axiomatic Anarchy, an evil approach to phase spiders and more! Check it all out:

Axiomatic Anarcy, Part 5 (http://www.wanderingmen.com/crown/axiomatic/axiomatic_anarchy_-_part_5.html)
Fiend Fighter excerpt (http://www.wanderingmen.com/crown/books/fiend_fighter_excerpt.html)
Fort Exploring continues with Into the Bayou (http://www.wanderingmen.com/wanderingmen/wanderings/into_the_bayou.html)
Bishop's Mitre, Part2 (http://www.wanderingmen.com/corey/fiction/bishops_mitre_-_part_2.html)
Phase spiders like you've never seen 'em: Uncommon Evil - The Approach (http://www.wanderingmen.com/nathan/fiction/uncommon_evil_-_the_approach.html)

2007-10-21, 10:52 AM
One question, why?

2007-10-21, 10:54 AM
Just thought you might be interested. :) The phase spider article, for instance - rocks and is any DM's dream! :)

2007-10-21, 11:03 AM
I suppose that certain of the articles do have their merits, although perhaps a brief summary and/or review of the articles would go down better and make people more willing to browse the contents of those hyperlinks.

2007-10-21, 11:37 AM
I suppose that certain of the articles do have their merits, although perhaps a brief summary and/or review of the articles would go down better and make people more willing to browse the contents of those hyperlinks.


Axiomatic Anarchy is a on-going piece of serialized fiction set in the world of Crown that details the struggles of a lost oltreggan (a new race from the Crown Campaign Setting) as he battles his way out of a subterranean prison/arena and tries to find his way home.

Fiend Fighter is a novella published by Dark Quest Games (again, set in the Crown campaign setting) and we're making excerpts available - the story centers around a bone-weary dwarven gladiator who is an expert in fighting fiends, but he soon finds that he's being manipulated by one and sets out to gain his vengeance!

Into the Bayou is part of the Wandering Men's Fort Exploring series. The Wandering Men is a group of adventuring authors - we seek to do the things we write about, which we feel lends an air of realism and truth to our writing. Into the Bayou is a story about us heading out into the swamps of Louisiana in search of a ruined Civil War Battery! :)

Bishop's Mitre is a serialized fiction short story about a Scottish solider in WWII struggling to survive and still maintain his faith and his humanity in the midst of the horror and chaos of war.

Uncommon Evil is a pet project of one of the Wandering Men - he likes to take what are often "under used or utilized" monsters from the Monster Manuals and give them what it takes to truly be a formidable and evil opponent - this week - phase spiders! :)

How's that? :)

2007-10-21, 11:40 AM

2007-10-21, 11:41 AM

Enjoy and please let me know what you think! We're really striving hard to provide free, quality content to the RPG industry! :)

2007-10-21, 01:09 PM

You sir just committed a cardinal offence.

I take back my glowing approval of you and replace it with a reminder that the use of these boards for advertising is against forum policy.

Waaa??? :smallfrown: :smalleek:

Now *I'm* confused.....

2007-10-21, 01:16 PM
Me too. Something to do with the advertising rules, perhaps?

2007-10-21, 01:29 PM
I don't know - nothing I posted is for sale. Granted, the full novel and the novellas are (none of which I'm getting any part of, but anywho), but not the stuff to which I referred in my post....


2007-10-21, 01:50 PM
Sir, I owe you a grave and sincere apology.

I am truly sorry that I mistook your post for advertising and marketing, it was a crass mistake on my part. I am sorry that I insulted you (a little) and fully retract my previous, incorrect statement.

I hope that there are no hard feelings?

P.S. The articles are still good, no matter what I say.

2007-10-21, 02:23 PM
No hard feelings at all... :)

I wish I knew what I did, though....

Thanks. :smallredface:

2007-10-21, 02:28 PM
I thought that you were making a shame-faced attempt at advertising on these forums, but then I realised that the stuff for sale on your website is in tiny proportion to what is free. Additionally you were only advertising the free stuff. So I was mistaken in thinking that you were breaching forum rules.

2007-10-21, 02:37 PM
Ah - gotcha. Yea, I got smacked early on about blatant advertising and but the breaks on that. Now, I really just want to tell folks about the cool stuff going on over at The Wandering Men's website. :)

2007-10-22, 09:55 AM
Well, any other comments??
