View Full Version : juggalo/Jugglette classes and backstory

2020-01-02, 11:47 AM
Okay. So yes. I am aware this is already cringe from the start. But I still think it would be fun to indulge in the weird idea of slapping this into the game. I do truly believe any character idea can work great in both silly and serious games. Just takes the right touch. But yeah. Try and not take this post TOO serious and just try and add to the fun. If you can think of roles that other classes might play in the Dark Carnival toss them out. Explain why they would follow or view the teaching of one of the seven joker cards as their favorite.
Just a friendly remind that would be (The Carnival of Carnage; Which makes up the foundation and is their home. The Ring Master, The riddle Box, the Jeckel brothers, the Great Milenko, the Wraith of Hell's Pit and the Wraith of Shangri-la(The wraith is just death. The wraith of Hell's pit and of Shangri-la are the same guy)

So with out a doubt your back story will have to go with the Dark Carnival. Weather you are a lost soul brought into the fold or you were born with the clown face. The Carnival is your family. You'll always be able to seek them out for help and you'll always be able to find another member if one is in fact in the town you're in.

Classes. Well I'm glad you asked. The Dark Carnival is always looking for freaks and strong folk to be down with the clown but I'll focus on the three main events.

Bards: Glamour and Whisper: You're skills at freaking out those who don't understand you are only rivaled by your skills in awaking the inner Jugglo to join the Carnival. You most often praise the Jeckel Brothers, the Ring Master, and The Great Milenko for your skills. You are the mouth piece for the Carnival

Warlocks: There are three types of Warlocks who spawn from the Carnival of Carnage. Those who are filled with the hate and anger of Jack Jeckel. You sign your soul to the wraith of hell's pit taking the fiendish contract to pull those sinners to the pits where they belong, and those who are filled with hope and love from Jake Jeckel sign with the Wraith of Shangri-La offering your soul to the celestial Practicing patients and respect. Trying to save lost souls from the damned pits
The third and final warlock is Warlock selected by the Ring Master him self to guide or force souls into the Carnival of Carnage. These Hex Blades are able to find a balance in the Jeckel Brother's teachings. You often Praise the Ring Master, the Jeckel Brothers, and the Wraith for your talents.

But there is one last force that serves the Dark Carnival.

Clerics: It is said that the most powerful Clerics can call the avatars of the Dark Carnival for Advice. J and Shaggy. These high speakers for the Carnival's will rarely offer out their powers to any not a proven juggalo or juggalette but when they do they often take the domain forms of Knowledge, Grave, & Trickery

Knowledge is simple. Don't let those artificers tell you how magnets work. You already know, the Caravel has told you all the facts of the world to help you lead your flock of Juggalo to Shangri-La

Grave is more complex. You will speak with the dead and make sure all souls which pass through the final life are in their proper places.

Trickery. How else are you supposed to get the bad man to get on something called the murder go round. Your guile is matched only by the sharpness of your ax, You serve as a mental guard to those eviler doers who think they are too smart to be caught

All clerics worship the Dark Caravel as a pantheon Pulling in ideals and lessons from each of the seven joker guards which make up one part of your holy symbol. The Cards circled around the hatchet man.